【TVM源码学习笔记】3.1 代码生成

在BuildRelay编译relay ir形式的模型时,会调用GraphExecutorCodegen::CodeGen生成代码,该方法定义:

LoweredOutput Codegen(IRModule mod, relay::Function func, String mod_name) {
    mod_name_ = mod_name;
    VLOG_CONTEXT << "GraphExecutorCodegen";
    VLOG(1) << "compiling:" << std::endl << PrettyPrint(func);

    // TODO(mbs): Why plan memory and update workspace sizes before lowering?
    // 为func分配内存
    memory_plan_ = GraphPlanMemory(func);

    backend::FunctionInfo func_info;
    // defined()判断memory_plan_的数据是否为空,这里表示内存分配是否成功
    if (memory_plan_.defined()) {
      // TODO(@electriclilies, @jroesch): remove UpdateMainWorkspaceSize
      // 使用新的内存分配更新mod工作空间大小
      func_info =
          relay::tec::UpdateMainWorkspaceSize(mod, config_, memory_plan_->expr_to_storage_info);
	  // 给mod加一个main_func_info属性,值为刚才更新后的函数信息
      mod = WithAttr(mod, "main_func_info", func_info);
    // 将模型的relay ir形式转换为tensor表达式形式
    IRModule lowered_mod = tec::LowerTE(mod_name_, config_, [this](BaseFunc func) {
      // We need to maintain the constant map for external
      // functions so we pass this processing function which
      // allows us to process each function as we lower it.
      // 这是一个lamabda函数的函数体
      // 如果传入的函数定义了attr::kCompiler属性
      if (func->GetAttr(attr::kCompiler).defined()) {
	  	// 这里是使用全局的常量,来更新params_中的对应的常量的值.
        UpdateConstants(func, ¶ms_);

      // TODO(@areusch, @jroesch): We should refactor this to
      // execute as a further pass, instead writing data to the
      // lowering process directly.
      // 更新函数的元数据
      tec::UpdateFunctionMetadata(func, this->function_metadata_);
    Optional main_func_info =
    function_metadata_.Set(runtime::symbol::tvm_module_main, main_func_info.value());
    // 从模型的张量表达中找到main函数
    Function lowered_main_func = Downcast(lowered_mod->Lookup("main"));

    // Now that we have lowered all operators to TIR code, we can proceed with compilation.
    // We need to unfortunately re-plan as the previous results have been invalidated by lowering
    // we will fix this in future refactors.
    // 再次为模型分配内存
    memory_plan_ = GraphPlanMemory(lowered_main_func);

    // The graph planner also can not handle planning calls to global variables to we must remap

    // First we convert all the parameters into input nodes.
    for (auto param : lowered_main_func->params) {
      auto node_ptr = GraphInputNode::make_node_ptr(param->name_hint(), GraphAttrs());
      var_map_[param.get()] = AddNode(node_ptr, param);
    // 遍历模型函数的每个节点,将其转换化为json格式
    heads_ = VisitExpr(lowered_main_func->body);
    std::ostringstream os;
    // 写json文件
    dmlc::JSONWriter writer(&os);
    LoweredOutput ret;
    ret.graph_json = os.str();

    // Collect any runtime modules generated by external codegen.
    // 收集外部代码生成器生成的运行时模块
    ret.external_mods =

    // Collect any constants extracted by external codegen.
    // 收集外部代码生成器提取的常量
    ret.params = std::unordered_map();
    Map const_name_to_constant =
    for (const auto& kv : const_name_to_constant) {
      VLOG(1) << "constant '" << kv.first << "' contributed by external codegen";
      ICHECK(ret.params.emplace(kv.first, kv.second).second);

    // Collect any constants extracted during lowering.
    // 收集低级化时提取的常量
    for (const auto& kv : params_) {
      VLOG(1) << "constant '" << kv.first << "' contributed by TECompiler";
      ICHECK(ret.params.emplace(kv.first, kv.second).second);

    ret.function_metadata = std::move(function_metadata_);

    // This is the point where we separate the functions in the module by target
    // 按target分离device和host模块
    ret.lowered_funcs = tec::GetPerTargetModules(lowered_mod);
    ret.metadata =
        ExecutorCodegenMetadata({} /* inputs */, {} /* input_tensor_types */, {} /* outputs */,
                                {} /* output_tensor_types */, {} /* pools */, {} /* devices */,
                                runtime::kTvmExecutorGraph /* executor */, mod_name_ /* mod_name */,
                                "packed" /* interface_api */, Bool(false) /* unpacked_api */);
    return ret;


1. 为代码生成分配内存,并处理分配的内存;

2. 将模型的relay ir低级化为张量表达形式;

3. 生成json形式并写文件;

4. 将模块分为device侧和host侧;

