xbox360使用_Xbox 360作为媒体中心

xbox360使用_Xbox 360作为媒体中心_第1张图片


Got a call yesterday that the second shipment of Xbox 360's had come in and the one I'd pre-ordered in June was now waiting for me. I swung by GameCrazy on the way to the store and picked up my shiny new Xbox 360. It also included a limited edition Media Center Remote that will likely go unused. I also picked up:

昨天接到电话,说第二批Xbox 360进货了,我6月份预定的Xbox 360现在正在等我。 我在去商店的途中被GameCrazy甩了一下,拿起了闪亮的新Xbox360。它还包括一个限量版的Media Center Remote,它可能会不使用。 我也接了:

  • Second wireless controller


  • Perfect Dark Zero


  • Call of Duty 2


  • Kameo


  • Project Gotham Racing 3


  • I also got an aftermarket HDTV cable because the guy told me the Xbox 360 didn't include optical support. This is false and true. The 360 DOES come with an optical hole, but no optical cable. It comes with a big cable that includes composite (SDTV) and component video (HDTV) and a hole for the optical. So, this $20 accessory was a waste unless someone wants an optical cable + Xbox 360 component cable for $19 from me. :)

    我还买了一条售后HDTV电缆,因为那家伙告诉我Xbox 360不包括光学支持。 这是错误的,是真实的。 360 DOES带有光Kong,但没有光缆。 它带有一根大电缆,其中包括复合(SDTV)和分量视频(HDTV),以及用于光学的Kong。 因此,除非有人需要我以19美元的价格购买光缆+ Xbox 360组件电缆,否则这20美元的配件实在是浪费。 :)

Of course, I didn't get a chance to use it until Z and Mo were asleep so that probably wasn't very smart. I was up until 2 with the Xbox and until 5:30 with Z.

当然,直到Z和Mo睡着了,我才有机会使用它,所以可能不是很聪明。 我使用Xbox直到2,而使用Z直到5:30。

First Impressions


It's the shiznit. It's freaking awesome. If you can, buy it. Now. Seriously, stop reading.

真是愚蠢真是棒极了。 如果可以,请购买。 现在。 认真地,停止阅读。

Gotchas and Things To Be Aware Of IOMHO


  • Getting just the Core System without hard drive just makes no sense. You get $150 in accessories for the extra $100 the standard bundle costs you.

    仅获得没有硬盘的核心系统毫无意义。 您将获得$ 150的配件费用,而标准套装所需要的额外费用为$ 100。
  • The 360 is totally THE killer app for HDTV, so very much more than DVDs in their 480p glory. Running the dashboard in 1080i is glorious. Call of Duty 2 is fantastic. Better than my PC with its 1680x1050 resolution? No, probably about the same. Except the Xbox 360 cost less than my video card. Drink that in.

    360完全是HDTV的杀手级应用,比480p的DVD拥有更多的功能。 在1080i中运行仪表板非常出色。 《使命召唤2》很棒。 比我的1680x1050分辨率的PC好吗? 不,大概差不多。 除了Xbox 360的价格低于我的视频卡。 喝进去。
  • Folks have been complaining that there's only 13gigs free on the 20gig hard drive. The forums are alight with the standard logorrhoea that "the system takes up much of that." Well, if one does some digging, they'd see that the hard drive comes preloaded with a Titanic Video (literally from the movie Titanic) that is a 1gig, a Warren Miller video and two others weighing in at about 750megs each as well as a bunch of music. It's mostly the schmutz that makes you lose space. However, I'm not really sweating the space as it's all scratch space as far as I'm concerned.

    人们一直抱怨20gig硬盘驱动器上只有13gig可用。 这些论坛都带有标准的徽标,“系统占用了大部分内容”。 好吧,如果有人进行挖掘,他们会看到硬盘上预装了一个1gig的Titanic视频(字面意思是电影Titanic),一个Warren Miller视频以及另外两个重约750meg的视频,一堆音乐。 主要是因为schmutz使您失去空间。 但是,就我而言,这并不是所有工作区,我并不是很忙。

  • I started by using my existing Xbox "classic's" wireless ethernet bridge and it worked great. However, I switched over to my 100base-T wired connection for snapper Media Center PC response.

    我从使用现有的Xbox“经典”无线以太网桥开始,并且效果很好。 但是,我切换到我的100base-T有线连接以响应快照器Media Center PC。
  • Since all emulated games run in HDTV, if you liked stretching your 4:3 games to 16:9, you can't do that anymore.

  • Funky (read: optimized) games like Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory still have some work to do, as it seems that you can run the single player game in 16:9, but the multiplayer (which is basically (smells like) a totally different codebase) is 4:3.


Xbox Live Arcade

Xbox Live街机

They finally got the casual gamer thing right. My wife will actually be able to play Bejewelled without finishing her PhD. It's very clean and elegant. It also uses a form of micropayments to accomplish two things. One, the conversion between "Microsoft Points, the currency, and dollars, isn't in-your-head easy, so one could find themselves spending money without "feeling it." Two, it allows someone to sell a game for $3.47. I bought Joust and Bejewelled off the bat, and I'll likely get Geometry Wars also.

他们终于弄清了休闲游戏玩家的想法。 我的妻子实际上可以在没有完成博士学位的情况下玩宝石迷阵。 非常干净优雅。 它还使用一种形式的小额支付来完成两件事。 其一,“ Microsoft点数,货币和美元之间的转换在您的脑海中并不容易,因此人们会发现自己花钱却没有”感觉到的。”其二,它允许某人以3.47美元的价格出售游戏。我买了Joust和Bejeweled蝙蝠,我也很可能会收到Geometry Wars。

Original Xbox Emulation


The first thing I did, before I even played a single 360 game was try out the backward compatibility emulation. I'm so relieved they chose to stick with it, as they'd really have been shooting themselves in the foot if they were going to launch the 360 all alone in the world without the rich existing Xbox library of games.

在我什至没有玩过360游戏之前,我做的第一件事就是尝试向后兼容性仿真。 我对他们选择坚持下去感到很放心,因为如果他们打算在没有丰富的现有Xbox游戏库的情况下在世界范围内单独推出360,他们真的会一直在射击自己。

A few games I like haven't been updated yet, including Lego Star Wars, but the important ones like Halo 2 and Splinter Cell worked. Also, Yourself: Fitness worked so that's awesome. All in all, my conclusion is: Classic Xbox for sale - $75, used for only 2 months, I won it in a raffle.

我喜欢的一些游戏尚未更新,包括《乐高星球大战》,但重要的游戏如《光晕2》和《分裂细胞》却发挥了作用。 另外,您自己:健身非常有效。 总而言之,我的结论是:出售经典Xbox-75美元,仅用了2个月,我就在抽奖中赢了。

Downloading Demos


I was pleasantly surprised that you can download and play demos. I downloaded and played FIFA World Cup Soccer (it was a 600meg download!) and while it's getting crappy reviews, we really liked it. It's not something I'd have rented, so I'd never have played it. Because I could download it as a demo I'll be more likely to buy this game I might have overlooked.

您可以下载并播放演示使我感到惊讶。 我下载并玩过FIFA世界杯足球赛(下载600兆欧!),尽管评论不佳,但我们真的很喜欢它。 这不是我要租的东西,所以我从来没有玩过。 因为我可以下载它作为演示,所以我更有可能购买我可能忽略了的游戏。

iPod (MP3 player) USB Support


There's three ways you get audio/music playing on your Xbox 360. The first and easiest is just plugging your MP3 player into one of the 3 USB ports on the Xbox 360. I plugged in my iPod Nano and it was immediately (no wait) recognized and showed up as "Scott's Nano" and I was playing music directly off it immediately. I also tried a generic USB MP3 player and it works great as well. There's also an optional downloadable support for unprotected AAC files, so I grabbed that also and it works nicely.

您可以通过三种方式在Xbox 360上播放音频/音乐。第一种也是最简单的方法是,将MP3播放器插入Xbox 360的3个USB端口之一。我插入了iPod Nano,就这样(无需等待)识别并出现为“ Scott's Nano”,我立即就直接播放音乐。 我还尝试了通用USB MP3播放器,它也很好用。 对于不受保护的AAC文件,还有一个可选的可下载支持,因此我也抓住了它,并且效果很好。

Windows Media Connect 2.0 Support

Windows Media Connect 2.0支持

I installed the new Windows Media Connect 2.0 which is a fancy way of saying "a uPnP server built into Windows" and pointed my Images, Music and Video folders from my main PC and was able to play music off it for hours. It's actually still playing this moment, and it'll let you view photos as the music continues which is a nice little attention-to-detail thing.

我安装了新的Windows Media Connect 2.0,这是说“内置于Windows的uPnP服务器”的一种好方法,并从主PC指向我的“图像”,“音乐”和“视频”文件夹,并能够播放数小时的音乐。 实际上,此刻它仍在播放,并且随着音乐的继续播放,您可以查看照片,这是一个不错的注意细节。

Windows Media Center

Windows Media Center

Here's the big one. The Media Center Extender stuff. It's awesome. I tired and suffered with the original (largely unusable) Classic Xbox Media Extender. Because of this and other factors, my Media Center PC has remained in the guest room, largely usused except for a MAME machine.

这是最大的。 Media Center Extender的东西。 这很棒。 原始(大部分无法使用)的经典Xbox Media Extender使我感到疲倦和痛苦。 由于这一因素和其他因素,我的Media Center PC留在了客房内,除了MAME机以外,大部分都在使用。

Enter the 360. The UI is exactly (by my eye) the same UI that you'd get if you were actually sitting at the actual Media Center. It's snappy, in HDTV, and gorgeous. Not only that, but all the HTML-style Media Center applications like NPR and MTV Overdrive work great. We spent a few hours last night purusing the vast MTV database of videos and watched at least a dozen on-demand music videos with family visiting from out of town.

输入360。UI(在我看来)与您实际坐在实际Media Center中时所获得的UI完全相同。 它在HDTV中非常生动,美观。 不仅如此, NPR和MTV Overdrive等所有HTML样式的Media Center应用程序都可以很好地工作。 昨晚我们花了几个小时来浏览庞大的MTV视频数据库,并观看了至少十二个点播音乐视频,并有来自国外的家人来了。

Here's a video of the Media Center (the quality is iffy) in action.


File Attachment: MediaCenter360.wmv (1585 KB)

文件附件:MediaCenter360.wmv(1585 KB)

Additionally, you can press the Media Center button on the 360's remote (you may need to buy one if you didn't have one included) and it will turn on the 360 and connect to the Media Center PC in one fluid step. This helps the Wife Acceptance Factor greatly.

此外,您可以按一下360遥控器上的Media Center按钮(如果没有随附,则可能需要购买一个),它将打开360并以流畅的一步连接到Media Center PC。 这极大地帮助了妻子接受因素。

Harmony 880 Universal Remote Control


I love this remote and I'm convinced that for the dollar it is THE remote to get if you have a complex system. I was thrilled to see today that I could just tell the Harmony online system that I'd bought an Xbox 360 and it became immediately integrated into my larger system. The folks at Harmony (Logitech) are really passionate about their remotes and it shows. I've spent time on the phone in the past with their tech support and it was a pleasure. I had the whole thing working in about 15 minutes.

我喜欢这个遥控器,而且我坚信,如果您拥有复杂的系统,对于美元来说,这是一个不错的遥控器。 今天,我很高兴看到我只能告诉Harmony在线系统,我已经购买了Xbox 360,并且立即将其集成到我的大型系统中。 Harmony(Logitech)的人们真的对他们的遥控器充满热情,它表明了这一点。 过去,我一直在电话上花费他们的技术支持,这是一种荣幸。 我大约15分钟就完成了整个工作。

This was put to the test this evening when some of Mo's co-workers came over and they were able to show pictures of the baby (via Media Connect) without any of them having used the Xbox or the remote before.

今天晚上,当Mo的一些同事过来时,他们接受了测试,他们能够(通过Media Connect)显示婴儿的照片,而他们中的任何人以前都没有使用Xbox或遥控器。



  • Perfect Dark Zero


  • Well, it ain't Halo. Not even close. It's actually pretty lame, and I'm disappointed. We'll see, maybe it'll grow on me.

    好吧,这不是晕。 差远了。 实际上很la脚,我很失望。 我们将会看到,也许它会在我身上成长。

  • Kameo


  • I got this just because we have an 8-year-old visiting and staying with us and I've got him checking out the Game Rating (ESRP) systems. I didn't want to buy only "M" games, so I picked this one up. Wow, what a cute and interesting game. It's a very thoughtful and interesting puzzle/physics game with a silly storyline. It looks a smidge like World of Warcraft in it's ethos, although certainly less serious. I suspect I'll play this game the second most often. It also has a nice co-op 2-player mode which was an unexpected plus.

    我之所以这样,是因为我们有一个8岁的孩子来访并与我们在一起,我让他检查了Game Rating(ESRP)系统。 我不想只购买“ M”游戏,所以我选择了这款游戏。 哇,多么可爱又有趣的游戏。 这是一个非常有趣的益智/物理游戏,故事情节很愚蠢。 从精神上看,它看起来像《魔兽世界》一样卑鄙,尽管肯定不那么严重。 我怀疑我会第二多玩这个游戏。 它还具有不错的合作社2人游戏模式,这是意外的加分。

  • Project Gotham Racing 3


  • Had to get this if only to show off the system. It's OK, but until I get a wheel I'm doomed to suck. It's pretty slick, but I should have waited for a Rallysport-type game. I tried Forza on the Classic Xbox but it was too realisitic. I continue to go back to Rallysport2, it's REALLY amazing. See, there I go, talking about an older game when I'm supposed to talk about PGR3. Kind of says something.

    如果只是为了炫耀系统就不得不得到这个。 没关系,但是直到我有了方向盘,我注定要吮吸。 这很漂亮,但是我应该等一个拉力赛类型的游戏。 我在经典Xbox上尝试过Forza,但实在太现实了。 我继续回到Rallysport2,这真的很棒。 看,我去了,当我应该谈论PGR3时,是在谈论一个较旧的游戏。 有点说些什么。

  • Call of Duty 2


  • Wow. Wow. Seriously. This game is brilliant. Truly and fantastically immersive. Get it, as anything I can say about it would just be silly and over the top.

    哇。 哇。 说真的这场比赛是辉煌的。 真正而梦幻般的身临其境。 得到它,正如我所能说的那样,这只是愚蠢的事情。

    As an aside, I'm looking forward to the new Splinter Cell: Double Agent and if it looks half as good as Call of Duty, it'll be great.

    顺便说一句,我期待新的“分裂细胞:双重特工” ,如果它看起来像“使命召唤”一样好,那将是很棒的。

    Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF)


    It works with the current remote and she can show pictures of Z without my help. 'Nuff said, she's happy. If I get it paid off before she sees the credit card receipt we'll still be in business.

    它可以与当前的遥控器配合使用,她可以在没有我帮助的情况下显示Z的图片。 纳夫说,她很高兴。 如果我在她看到信用卡收据之前将其还清,我们仍将继续营业。


