不管是plt还是cv2.imshow,在python中只认numpy.array,展示图像时均使用matplotlib的plt.show()展示。但是由于cv2.imread 的图片是BGR,cv2.imshow 时相应的换通道显示。
import cv2
img=cv2.imread(image_path) # 读入图像,转化成numpy的矩阵表示
全称 Python Imaging Library,是 Python 平台一个功能非常强大而且简单易用的图像处理库。
from PIL import Image
img=np.array(img)# 获得numpy对象, np.ndarray, RGB
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import io
双边滤波(bilateral filtering)的基本思路是同时考虑将要被滤波的像素点的空域信息(domain)和值域信息(range)。因此是一种 combined 滤波方式,因此叫做 bilateral ,即同时考虑两方面的信息。首先,对于图像滤波来说,一个通常的intuition是:(自然)图像在空间中变化缓慢,因此相邻的像素点会更相近。但是这个假设在图像的边缘处变得不成立。如果在边缘处也用这种思路来进行滤波的话,即认为相邻相近,则得到的结果必然会模糊掉边缘。先根据像素值对要用来进行滤波的邻域做一个分割或分类,再给该点所属的类别相对较高的权重,然后进行邻域加权求和,得到最终结果。
read_pic 图片读取
def read_pic(file_path='pic/tiger.jpg', is_show=False, is_axis=False):
return_pic = mpimg.imread(file_path)
if is_show:
if not is_axis:
return return_pic
def blur(pic, blur='Gaussian'):
import cv2
"""Image filtering"""
if blur == 'mean':
# 均值滤波
ret_pic = cv2.blur(pic, (3, 3))
elif blur == 'Gaussian':
# 高斯滤波
ret_pic = cv2.GaussianBlur(pic, (3, 3), 0.5)
elif blur == 'median':
# 中值滤波
ret_pic = cv2.medianBlur(pic, 3)
elif blur == 'bilateral':
# 双边滤波
ret_pic = cv2.bilateralFilter(pic, 9, 75, 75)
"Error: there hava not " + blur + ", and you will get a default setting, i.e., Gaussian blur in the BagGenerator.row().")
return ret_pic
def resize_pic(pic, new_size=8):
from skimage.transform import resize
my_image = resize(pic, output_shape=(new_size, new_size))
return my_image
[[0.61315505 0.61209802 0.48175298 0.23649614 0.21824554 0.12310909
0. 0.06760424 0.09095528]
[0.85152065 0.78285938 0.62916331 0.4767312 0.40912696 0.38577593
0.19627889 0.21652467 0.21158965]
[0.89360736 0.80470031 0.65593926 0.28045231 0.26020654 0.26514156
0.13197296 0.1120513 0.07474256]
[1. 0.93101462 0.8195623 0.34475824 0.36467991 0.40198864
0.30644398 0.34108197 0.33719849]
[0.93192162 0.82829825 0.72072941 0.17028722 0.13564923 0.13953271
0.37795523 0.33087972 0.32498486]
[0.79233199 0.73578413 0.63411015 0.09877597 0.14585148 0.15174634
0.29980926 0.26103389 0.23035215]
[0.73088833 0.71311584 0.6421236 0.17692194 0.21569731 0.24637905
0.35422942 0.31926336 0.28347971]
[0.61502451 0.63221808 0.59700949 0.12250178 0.15746784 0.19325149
0.00186946 0.0877243 0.20621178]]
@(#)The bag generators
Author: inki
Email: [email protected]
Created on May 01, 2020
Last Modified on May 03, 2020
import SimpleTool
import numpy as np
import warnings
__all__ = ['Row']
def introduction(__all__=__all__):
def Row(file_path='D:/program/Java/eclipse-workspace/Python/data/image/1.jpg', blur='Gaussian', resize=8):
:param resize:
:param file_path:
:param blur: 'mean', 'Gaussian', 'median', 'bilateral', the default setting is 'Gaussian'
resize: The size of the image after the representation, the default setting is 8.
:return: The mapping instances of a image (bag).
temp_pic = SimpleTool.read_pic(file_path)
temp_pic = SimpleTool.blur(temp_pic, blur)
temp_pic = SimpleTool.resize_pic(temp_pic, resize)
# SimpleTool.show_pic(temp_pic)
"""Calculate the mean color of each row"""
temp_num_row = temp_pic.shape[0]
temp_num_column = temp_pic.shape[1]
temp_row_mean_RGB = np.zeros((temp_num_row, 3)) # The size is row times column.
for i in range(temp_num_row):
temp_row_mean_RGB[i][0] = sum(temp_pic[i, :, 0]) / temp_num_column
temp_row_mean_RGB[i][1] = sum(temp_pic[i, :, 1]) / temp_num_column
temp_row_mean_RGB[i][2] = sum(temp_pic[i, :, 2]) / temp_num_column
"""Generate the bag"""
"""First step: the first row."""
ret_bag = np.zeros((temp_num_row, 9)) # The size is row times 9.
ret_bag[:, : 3] = temp_row_mean_RGB # Current row.
ret_bag[0, 3: 6] = temp_row_mean_RGB[0] - temp_row_mean_RGB[-1] # Row above.
ret_bag[0, 6:] = temp_row_mean_RGB[0] - temp_row_mean_RGB[1] # Row below.
"""Second step: remove the first and last rows."""
for i in range(1, temp_num_row - 1):
ret_bag[i, 3: 6] = temp_row_mean_RGB[i] - temp_row_mean_RGB[i - 1]
ret_bag[i, 6:] = temp_row_mean_RGB[i] - temp_row_mean_RGB[i + 1]
"""Three step: the last row."""
ret_bag[-1, 3: 6] = temp_row_mean_RGB[-1] - temp_row_mean_RGB[-2] # Row above.
ret_bag[-1, 6:] = temp_row_mean_RGB[-1] - temp_row_mean_RGB[1]
return SimpleTool.normalize(ret_bag)
if __name__ == '__main__':
row_bag = Row(file_path="pic/tiger.jpg")
[[0.03656284 0.03709819 0. 1. 0.25529679 0.21283334
0.13478447 1. 0.03298249 0.04257345 0.00200616 1.
0.25555216 0.21203257 0.14005355 1. ]
[0.06184494 0.06341983 0.02186012 1. 0.2868399 0.26247226
0.20346899 1. 0.10163531 0.09987392 0.06585744 1.
0.32984782 0.31842249 0.27261381 1. ]
[0.04344594 0.04580409 0.02550849 1. 0.2220258 0.21402967
0.18578877 1. 0.05366401 0.05314746 0.03498448 1.
0.16280716 0.15769196 0.13544296 1. ]
[0.10177427 0.10714423 0.08897553 1. 0.20278404 0.21145714
0.19922227 1. 0.11630371 0.13919052 0.13392454 1.
0.1381647 0.16313502 0.16314397 1. ]
[0.17321925 0.15675356 0.08597858 1. 0.11654689 0.12249497
0.05609155 1. 0.35658811 0.30138476 0.22294204 1.
0.39464215 0.33044539 0.24701108 1. ]
[0.35912717 0.31310169 0.23922337 1. 0.31859206 0.23598439
0.15243135 1. 0.31423079 0.30161319 0.26028221 1.
0.41696089 0.35144976 0.28247185 1. ]
[0.2543122 0.22358433 0.19059536 1. 0.5019526 0.32901083
0.25793103 1. 0.19681496 0.18002387 0.1521344 1.
0.32995082 0.22919303 0.19018347 1. ]
[0.18106647 0.1861769 0.16610177 1. 0.23102491 0.22921572
0.20963159 1. 0.13363212 0.15356436 0.14478595 1.
0.17259701 0.19474437 0.18201985 1. ]
[0.11461375 0.12481699 0.04163 1. 0.09311211 0.09615186
0.03307826 1. 0.38858982 0.28913155 0.18040838 1.
0.37580257 0.30681168 0.20265536 1. ]
[0.44570331 0.31483268 0.1986 1. 0.49431378 0.39707822
0.26508443 1. 0.59741464 0.51428864 0.43241338 1.
0.61280315 0.54935577 0.44179207 1. ]
[0.47722006 0.35448486 0.27855055 1. 0.53364934 0.47246784
0.37280225 1. 0.3386246 0.26151143 0.21001365 1.
0.36751975 0.3231343 0.23379973 1. ]
[0.29579246 0.27328779 0.24253986 1. 0.26912716 0.22277068
0.15190145 1. 0.17934178 0.18775114 0.17290225 1.
0.14486762 0.12579196 0.08669438 1. ]
[0.10140652 0.11916343 0.02152555 1. 0.09073577 0.10740095
0.01411514 1. 0.16768109 0.15214943 0.04190944 1.
0.08770842 0.11448455 0.01690825 1. ]
[0.20464481 0.17307011 0.07691727 1. 0.07882583 0.08783391
0.01740798 1. 0.27455881 0.22702872 0.14770638 1.
0.08362094 0.0570406 0.01187206 1. ]
[0.29211627 0.24247478 0.14503239 1. 0.09845299 0.07266276
0.01181019 1. 0.21435035 0.20815931 0.0878082 1.
0.12812342 0.12324543 0.03190036 1. ]
[0.13635686 0.11949219 0.03339438 1. 0.09603848 0.08404059
0.02074274 1. 0.05820104 0.04746111 0.00317956 1.
0.04684092 0.05607154 0.0218221 1. ]]
@(#)The bag generators
Author: inki
Email: [email protected]
Created on May 01, 2020
Last Modified on May 03, 2020
import SimpleTool
import numpy as np
import warnings
from numpy import reshape
__all__ = ['SB']
def SB(file_path='image/1.jpg', blur='Gaussian', resize=8):
:param blur: 'mean', 'Gaussian', 'median', 'bilateral', the default setting is 'Gaussian'
resize: The size of the image after the representation, the default setting is 8.
:return: The mapping instances of a image (bag).
temp_pic = SimpleTool.read_pic(file_path)
temp_pic = SimpleTool.blur(temp_pic, blur)
temp_pic = SimpleTool.resize_pic(temp_pic, resize)
"""Avoid this case that the row numbers or column numbers is not even."""
temp_num_row = temp_pic.shape[0]
temp_num_column = temp_pic.shape[1]
if temp_num_row % 2 == 1:
temp_num_row -= 1
if temp_num_column % 2 == 1:
temp_num_column -= 1
"""In order to reduce the complexity of sampling; why 12? RGB = 3, and four blob."""
temp_bag = np.zeros((int(temp_num_row / 2), int(temp_num_column / 2), 16))
for i in range(0, temp_num_column - 1, 2):
for j in range(0, temp_num_row - 1, 2):
temp_bag[int((i + 1) / 2), int((j + 1) / 2), : 4] = temp_pic[i, j] # 1-st blob
temp_bag[int((i + 1) / 2), int((j + 1) / 2), 4: 8] = temp_pic[i, j + 1] # 2-st blob
temp_bag[int((i + 1) / 2), int((j + 1) / 2), 8: 12] = temp_pic[i + 1, j] # 3-st blob
temp_bag[int((i + 1) / 2), int((j + 1) / 2), 12:] = temp_pic[i + 1, j + 1] # 4-st blob
for i in range(16):
temp_bag[:, :, i] = temp_bag[:, :, i].T
temp_bag = temp_bag.reshape(int(temp_num_row * temp_num_column / 4), 16)
return SimpleTool.normalize(temp_bag)
if __name__ == '__main__':
bag = SB(file_path="pic/tiger.jpg")
[[0.76585671 0.72063168 0.64803822 0.03321937 0.0799919 0.11174843
0.41040185 0.32703229 0.28541454 0.14265671 0.17170241 0.17475178
0.22233932 0.23737089 0.27754911]
[0.72602657 0.64485558 0.56275566 0.29413146 0.35135861 0.37548141
0.49799705 0.48362356 0.43602526 0.1268001 0.21381574 0.2306671
0.50550301 0.41673997 0.42899628]
[0.85092716 0.72233257 0.60812136 0.24026096 0.32363052 0.36524826
0.08846528 0.1860343 0.20576492 0. 0.13862038 0.17109135
0.35630003 0.36429397 0.40389149]
[0.72174116 0.70934299 0.66873082 0.11643328 0.12710069 0.13428798
0.60359025 0.5343081 0.49446894 0.36695205 0.32510695 0.28864063
0.20995761 0.20585671 0.21906445]
[0.82268462 0.75831283 0.69053455 0.23973337 0.29287852 0.31564481
0.51776766 0.51979551 0.4818808 0.30340082 0.30469233 0.29048734
0.23983457 0.2052009 0.23464806]
[1. 0.91831969 0.83786836 0.04707256 0.1163547 0.15619387
0.00809053 0.04306738 0.0455759 0.12013836 0.10409014 0.07770917
0.07104212 0.07695037 0.10679955]
[0.66286464 0.63267117 0.60025593 0.11813243 0.15064303 0.16311565
0.54436255 0.45395536 0.41175692 0.42832348 0.41329191 0.37311369
0.25335953 0.28857454 0.30126379]
[0.90619818 0.73626414 0.66642053 0.05027297 0.21234994 0.2544438
0.35647689 0.46629347 0.43820483 0.14515979 0.23392284 0.22166653
0.05911556 0.22727188 0.27787196]
[0.88189579 0.76129514 0.68668145 0.10630025 0.19670744 0.23890589
0.14344685 0.21526935 0.19413533 0.29436277 0.28636884 0.24677131
0.1470591 0.24554648 0.28994699]]
@(#)The bag generators
Author: inki
Email: [email protected]
Created on May 01, 2020
Last Modified on May 04, 2020
import SimpleTool
import numpy as np
import warnings
__all__ = ['SBN']
def SBN(file_path='image/1.jpg', blur='Gaussian', resize=8):
:param blur: 'mean', 'Gaussian', 'median', 'bilateral', the default setting is 'Gaussian'
resize: The size of the image after the representation, the default setting is 8.
:return: The mapping instances of a image (bag).
temp_pic = SimpleTool.read_pic(file_path)
temp_pic = SimpleTool.blur(temp_pic, blur)
temp_pic = SimpleTool.resize_pic(temp_pic, resize)
"""Get the RGB mean of each blob."""
temp_num_row = temp_pic.shape[0]
temp_num_column = temp_pic.shape[1]
if resize != 4:
temp_mean_RGB = np.zeros((temp_num_row - 1, temp_num_column - 1, 3))
for i in range(temp_num_row - 1):
for j in range(temp_num_column - 1):
temp_mean_RGB[i, j, 0] = np.sum(temp_pic[i : i + 1, j : j + 1, 0]) / 4
temp_mean_RGB[i, j, 1] = np.sum(temp_pic[i : i + 1, j : j + 1, 1]) / 4
temp_mean_RGB[i, j, 2] = np.sum(temp_pic[i : i + 1, j : j + 1, 2]) / 4
if resize == 4: # Center, up - Center, down - Center, left - Center, right - Center.
ret_bag = np.zeros((4, 15))
for i in range(2):
for j in range(2):
temp_index = 2 * i + j
ret_bag[temp_index, : 3] = temp_pic[i + 1, j + 1] # Center.
ret_bag[temp_index, 3 : 6] = temp_pic[i + 1, j] - temp_pic[i + 1, j + 1] # Up - center
ret_bag[temp_index, 6 : 9] = temp_pic[i + 1, j + 2] - temp_pic[i + 1, j + 1] # Down - center
ret_bag[temp_index, 9 : 12] = temp_pic[i, j + 1] - temp_pic[i + 1, j + 1] # Lift - center
ret_bag[temp_index, 12 :] = temp_pic[i + 2, j + 1] - temp_pic[i + 1, j + 1] # Right - center
ret_bag = np.zeros(((temp_num_row - 5) * (temp_num_column - 5), 15)) # The 5 unable generate bag.
for i in range(temp_num_row - 5):
for j in range(temp_num_column - 5):
temp_index = (temp_num_row - 5) * i + j
ret_bag[temp_index, : 3] = temp_mean_RGB[i + 2, j + 2]
ret_bag[temp_index, 3 : 6] = temp_mean_RGB[i + 2, j] - temp_mean_RGB[i + 2, j + 2]
ret_bag[temp_index, 6 : 9] = temp_mean_RGB[i + 2, j + 4] - temp_mean_RGB[i + 2, j + 2]
ret_bag[temp_index, 9 : 12] = temp_mean_RGB[i, j + 2] - temp_mean_RGB[i + 2, j + 2]
ret_bag[temp_index, 12 :] = temp_mean_RGB[i + 4, j + 2] - temp_mean_RGB[i + 2, j + 2]
return SimpleTool.normalize(ret_bag)
if __name__ == '__main__':
bag = SBN(file_path="pic/tiger.jpg")
YCBCR或是Y’CBCR,是色彩空间的一种,通常会用于影片中的影像连续处理,或是数字摄影系统中。Y’为颜色的亮度(luma)成分、而CB和CR则为蓝色和红色的浓度偏移量成份。Y’和Y是不同的,而Y就是所谓的亮度(luminance),表示光的浓度且为非线性,使用伽马修正(gamma correction)编码处理。
[[5.32358092e-01 8.03967204e-01 7.17280661e-01 4.56908604e-03
3.69042748e-03 1.31372125e-04]
[2.20084303e-01 7.78685386e-01 7.30454631e-01 2.15942366e-03
2.15167736e-03 0.00000000e+00]
[1.00000000e+00 8.47680335e-01 6.71217169e-01 6.62664380e-03
5.28454964e-03 2.05130020e-04]]
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import SimpleTool
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv2
import pywt
import warnings
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
def kmeansSeg(file_path='D:/program/Java/eclipse-workspace/Python/data/image/1.jpg', thresh_k=16, blobsize=[4, 4]):
:param blobsize:
:param file_path:
:param thresh_k: , the default setting is 'Gaussian'
blobsize: The size of the blob, the default setting is 4 times 4.
:return: The mapping instances of a image (bag).
temp_pic = cv2.imread(file_path)
temp_num_row = temp_pic.shape[0]
temp_num_column = temp_pic.shape[1]
# temp_pic = SimpleTool.resize_pic(temp_pic, 100)
# SimpleTool.show_pic(temp_pic)
plt.imsave("t_GBR.jpg", temp_pic)
"""Compute that: how many blobs can be generated on the row/column."""
temp_blob_row = int(np.floor(temp_num_row / blobsize[0]))
temp_blob_column = int(np.floor(temp_num_column / blobsize[1]))
"""Avoid the case that the picture row/column size less than blobsize[0]/[1]."""
temp_blob_row = 1 if temp_blob_row == 0 else temp_blob_row
temp_blob_column = 1 if temp_blob_column == 0 else temp_blob_column
"""Convert rgb to YCbCr"""
temp_pic = cv2.cvtColor(temp_pic, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YCR_CB)
"""The results are not equal between MATLAB and Python"""
temp_Y, temp_Cb, temp_Cr = temp_pic[:, :, 0], temp_pic[:, :, 1], temp_pic[:, :, 2]
"""Initialize bag"""
temp_bag = np.zeros((temp_blob_row * temp_blob_column, 6))
temp_blob_map = np.zeros(temp_Y.shape)
temp_blob_idx = 0
for i in range(temp_blob_row):
for j in range(temp_blob_column):
"""Record the pixel indexes"""
temp_idx1 = list(range(i * blobsize[0], min(temp_num_row, (i + 1) * blobsize[0])))
temp_idx2 = list(range(j * blobsize[1], min(temp_num_column, (j + 1) * blobsize[1])))
"""The first 3 dimensions: mean of (Y, Cb, Cr)"""
temp_data = np.mat(SimpleTool.index2_select_datas(temp_Y, temp_idx1, temp_idx2))
temp_bag[temp_blob_idx, 0] = np.mean(SimpleTool.mean(temp_data))
temp_data1 = np.mat(SimpleTool.index2_select_datas(temp_Cb, temp_idx1, temp_idx2))
temp_bag[temp_blob_idx, 1] = np.mean(SimpleTool.mean(temp_data1))
temp_data1 = np.mat(SimpleTool.index2_select_datas(temp_Cr, temp_idx1, temp_idx2))
temp_bag[temp_blob_idx, 2] = np.mean(SimpleTool.mean(temp_data1))
"""The next 3 dimension: HL, LH and HH"""
_unused, (temp_HL, temp_LH, temp_HH) = pywt.dwt2(temp_data, 'db4')
temp_bag[temp_blob_idx, 3] = np.sqrt(np.mean(SimpleTool.mean(SimpleTool.dot_pow(temp_HL))))
temp_bag[temp_blob_idx, 4] = np.sqrt(np.mean(SimpleTool.mean(SimpleTool.dot_pow(temp_LH))))
temp_bag[temp_blob_idx, 5] = np.sqrt(np.mean(SimpleTool.mean(SimpleTool.dot_pow(temp_HH))))
temp_blob_map[temp_idx1[0]: temp_idx1[-1] + 1, temp_idx2[0]: temp_idx2[-1] + 1] = temp_blob_idx
temp_blob_idx += 1
"""K-means segmentation to segment"""
temp_thresh_D = 1e5
temp_thresh_der = 1e-12
temp_all_D = np.zeros(thresh_k)
temp_all_D[0] = 1e20
temp_k = 0
global temp_labels
for k in range(2, thresh_k):
temp_k = k
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k).fit(temp_bag)
temp_labels = kmeans.labels_
temp_centers = kmeans.cluster_centers_
temp_dis = np.zeros((len(temp_labels), k))
for i in range(len(temp_labels)):
for j in range(len(temp_centers)):
temp_dis[i, j] = SimpleTool.eucliDist(temp_bag[i], temp_centers[j])
temp_all_D[k] = np.sum(SimpleTool.dot_pow(SimpleTool.Mymin(temp_dis, 1)))
if (temp_all_D[k] < temp_thresh_D) or (k >= 3 and (
(temp_all_D[k] - temp_all_D[k - 1]) / (temp_all_D[3] - temp_all_D[1]) / 2 < temp_thresh_der)):
if temp_blob_row == 1:
return SimpleTool.normalize(temp_bag)
ret_bag = np.zeros((temp_k, 6))
for k in range(temp_k):
temp_idx = SimpleTool.find(temp_labels, k)
ret_bag[k] = SimpleTool.mean(SimpleTool.index_select_datas(temp_bag, temp_idx))
return SimpleTool.normalize(ret_bag)
if __name__ == '__main__':
bag = kmeansSeg(file_path="pic/tiger.jpg")
请参考大师兄的博客(134条消息) 论文阅读 (三):An empirical study on image bag generators for multi-instance learning (2016)_因吉的博客-CSDN博客