【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification (UMSDA)

【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification (UMSDA)_第1张图片


2,文章提出了一种修订域特定批归一化模块(RDSBN), 可以同时减少域特定信息和增加人物特征的可区别性。


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论文名称 简称 会议/期刊 出版年份 baseline backbone 数据集
Unsupervised Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification UMSDA CVPR 2021 【MMT】Ge, Y., Chen, D., Li, H.: Mutual mean-teaching: Pseudo label refinery for unsu- pervised domain adaptation on person re-identification. In: ICLR (2020) ResNet50 [11] Market1501[49], DukeMTMC- reID[31],CUHK03[18] and MSMT[38]



1, we introduce the multi-source concept into UDA person re-ID field, where multiple source datasets are used during train- ing.
2, we try to address this problem from two perspectives, i.e. domain-specific view and domain-fusion view.
3,Two con- structive modules are proposed, and they are compatible with each other. First, a rectification domain-specific batch normalization (RDSBN) module is explored to simultane- ously reduce domain-specific characteristics and increase the distinctiveness ofperson features. Second, a graph con- volutional network (GCN) based multi-domain information fusion (MDIF) module is developed, which minimizes do- main distances by fusing features ofdifferent domains.


The proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art UDA person re-ID methods by a large margin, and even achieves com- parable performance to the supervised approaches with- out any post-processing techniques.



【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification (UMSDA)_第2张图片

【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification (UMSDA)_第3张图片



【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification (UMSDA)_第4张图片

4,批归一化BN在backbone之后取代了全连接层,其计算如公式1所示。 在训练的过程中 mu 和 sigmod 通过公式2和公式3更新。

5,文章在图1(b)中提出了修正程序,RDSBN的计算如公式4所示。与公式1不同的地方在于增加了 a 参数,其表示通道权重,其计算如公式 5所示。
【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification (UMSDA)_第5张图片
【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification (UMSDA)_第6张图片

【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification (UMSDA)_第7张图片

7,在图结构中,边的链接矩阵的计算如公式8所示,接着链接矩阵按照同时9进行标准化。 GCN 层可以被重写为非线性的转化(公式10)



【CVPR 2021】Unsupervised Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification (UMSDA)_第8张图片


1,文章的创新出发点是想到用多个域来作为源域进行预训练。 因为样本量的增加,性能可想而知的提高了。 但是作者考虑多个源域之间的差异性问题,在backbone后设置BN层,提取域相关的信息,随后又加入了MDIF 对多域信息进行融合。
2, 文章公式比较多,设计考虑的细节比较细致,整篇读下来,信息量有点大了。
3, 虽然公式多,细节细,但每个地方仔细看起来也是些常规处理方式。
4,图画得不错,值得学习。 把简单的内容高端化,明确化。



author = {Zechen Bai and
Zhigang Wang and
Jian Wang and
Di Hu and
Errui Ding},
title = {Unsupervised Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification},
booktitle = {{CVPR}},
pages = {12914–12923},
publisher = {Computer Vision Foundation / {IEEE}},
year = {2021}


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