NCover with mstest

1. Open NCover Explorer.

2. Click on the "Run NCover" button on the toolbar or hit Ctrl+N [NOTE: Not the "Run NCover Now" button]

3. Set the "Path to application to profile" box to MSTest.exe file (Usually, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe)

4. Set the "Working Folder" to the bin directory of your framework project: (Mine is: C:\svn\CodeBase\trunk\src\CodeBase\bin)

5. Set the "Application Arguments" to /noisolation /testcontainer:[test_project] where test_project is the path to the DLL of your test project (Mine looks like: /noisolation /testcontainer:C:\svn\CodeBase\trunk\src\CodeBase.Test\bin\Debug\CodeBase.Test.dll )

6. input VSTestHost.exe in below textbox.

