aruco制作的链接:Online ArUco markers generator (chev.me)
aruco手眼标定方法的链接:手眼标定——使用 easy_handeye 和 aruco_马天乐233的博客-CSDN博客_easyhandeye
Kinect v2 在ros上利用easy_handeye进行手眼标定 - 古月居 (guyuehome.com)
目前已知的是,相机坐标系下的aruco中心坐标为p_c_a,由标定结果可得机器人基坐标系到相机坐标系的旋转、平移矩阵为 Rjc,Tjc ,那么根据坐标系转换关系,可得aruco中心坐标在机器人基坐标系下的坐标为p_j_a = Rjc * p_c_a + Tjc
rostopic echo /aruco_tracking/pose
rosbag record -O aruco --duration=5 /aruco_tracking/pose
rostopic echo -b aruco.bag /aruco_tracking/pose > aruco.txt
#类型: 眼在手外
import pandas
import os
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
import numpy as np
import time
import datetime
import socket
import struct
def read_tablemethod(filename):
data2 = pandas.read_table(filename, header=None, delim_whitespace=True)
return data2
def readFile(filepath):
f1 = open(filepath, "r")
nowDir = os.path.split(filepath)[0]
fileName = os.path.split(filepath)[1]
newFileDir = os.path.join(nowDir, "python" + fileName)
# print("nowDir",nowDir)
# print("fileName",fileName)
fnew = open(newFileDir, "w")
content = f1.read()
# s = [i for i in content if (str.isdigit(i) or i == '.' or i == '\n')] 等价于
s = [] # s是个字符list
for i in content:
# 保留数字,小数点、空格与换行符
if (str.isdigit(i) or i == '.' or i == '\n' or i == ''):
# 将冒号换空格
elif i == ':':
s.append(' ')
s2 = ''.join(s)
def eachFile(filepath):
pathDir = os.listdir(filepath)
for s in pathDir:
newDir = os.path.join(filepath, s)
if os.path.isfile(newDir):
if os.path.splitext(newDir)[1] == ".txt":
def zhuanhuan_rt():
result = []
folder = '/opt/ros/calibration'#手眼标定结果的路径
for f in os.listdir(folder):
if f.endswith('00_rs_left.txt'):
with open(os.path.join(folder, f), 'r') as r:
data4 = r.read().split('\n')
# print("data4", data4)
for i in data4:
# result = map(float, result)
# print("result", result)
# print("list",list(result))
with open('00_rs_left_result.txt','w') as r1:
r1.write('\n'.join([i for i in result]))
lines = open('00_rs_left_result.txt', 'r').readlines()
fp = open('00_rs_left_result.txt', 'w')
for s in lines:
fp.write(s.replace(' ', ''))
return result
def zhuanhuan_xyz():
result = []
folder = '/opt/ros/calibration'#aruco存储结果的路径
for f in os.listdir(folder):
if f.endswith('aruco.txt'):
with open(os.path.join(folder, f), 'r') as r:
data4 = r.read().split('\n')
for i in data4:
# result = map(float, result)
# print("result", result)
# print("list", list(result))
with open('aruco_result.txt','w') as r1:
r1.write('\n'.join([i for i in result]))
lines = open('aruco_result.txt', 'r').readlines()
fp = open('aruco_result.txt', 'w')
for s in lines:
fp.write(s.replace(' ', ''))
return result
def jixiebi_xyz():
PORT = 30003 # The same port as used by the server
HOST = '192.168.x.xx'
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
dic = {'MessageSize': 'i', 'Time': 'd', 'q target': '6d', 'qd target': '6d', 'qdd target': '6d',
'I target': '6d',
'M target': '6d', 'q actual': '6d', 'qd actual': '6d', 'I actual': '6d', 'I control': '6d',
'Tool vector actual': '6d', 'TCP speed actual': '6d', 'TCP force': '6d', 'Tool vector target': '6d',
'TCP speed target': '6d', 'Digital input bits': 'd', 'Motor temperatures': '6d', 'Controller Timer': 'd',
'Test value': 'd', 'Robot Mode': 'd', 'Joint Modes': '6d', 'Safety Mode': 'd', 'empty1': '6d',
'Tool Accelerometer values': '3d',
'empty2': '6d', 'Speed scaling': 'd', 'Linear momentum norm': 'd', 'SoftwareOnly': 'd',
'softwareOnly2': 'd', 'V main': 'd',
'V robot': 'd', 'I robot': 'd', 'V actual': '6d', 'Digital outputs': 'd', 'Program state': 'd',
'Elbow position': '3d', 'Elbow velocity': '3d'}
data = s.recv(1108)
# print (data)
names = []
ii = range(len(dic))
for key, i in zip(dic, ii):
fmtsize = struct.calcsize(dic[key])
data1, data = data[0:fmtsize], data[fmtsize:]
fmt = "!" + dic[key]
names.append(struct.unpack(fmt, data1))
dic[key] = dic[key], struct.unpack(fmt, data1)
b = dic["Tool vector actual"]
# print(b)
# print("x: ", b[1][0])
# print("y: ", b[1][1])
# print("z: ", b[1][2])
return b[1][0]*1000, b[1][1]*1000, b[1][2]*1000
if __name__=="__main__":
result_xyz = zhuanhuan_xyz()
data = read_tablemethod('aruco_result.txt')
p_c_a = np.mat([[float(data[0][4])], [float(data[0][5])], [float(data[0][6])]])
result_rt = zhuanhuan_rt()
Rq_a = [result_rt[5], result_rt[6], result_rt[7], result_rt[8]]
print("Rq_a", Rq_a)
data_t = read_tablemethod('00_rs_left_result.txt')
T = np.mat([[data_t[0][0]], [data_t[0][1]], [data_t[0][2]]])
print("T", T)
Rm = R.from_quat(Rq_a)
# print("R", R)
rotation_matrix = Rm.as_matrix()
print('rotation:\n', rotation_matrix)
R = np.linalg.inv(rotation_matrix)
print('linalg_rotation:\n', R)
pa = rotation_matrix * p_c_a + T
print("********************position verify******************************")
print("pa x,y,z ", -pa[0]*1000, -pa[1]*1000, pa[2]*1000)
# print("pa", type(pa[0]))
a = str(-pa[0]*1000)
b = str(-pa[1]*1000)
c = str(pa[2]*1000)
d = a+b+c
tim1 = datetime.datetime.now()
a1 = float(-pa[0] * 1000)
b1 = float(-pa[1] * 1000)
c1 = float(pa[2] * 1000)
jx, jy, jz = jixiebi_xyz()
print(" jx, jy ,jz", jx, jy , jz)
jx1 = str(jx)
jy1 = str(jy)
jz1 = str(jz)
dj = jx1 + ',' + jy1 + ',' + jz1
pa1 = (a1 - jx, b1 - jy, c1 - jz)
print("diff value", pa1)
a3 = str(pa1[0])
b3 = str(pa1[1])
c3 = str(pa1[2])
d3 = a3 + ',' + b3 + ',' + c3
e3 = a3 + ' ' + b3 + ' ' + c3
with open ( '/opt/ros/00_verify_result.txt','a+') as f:
[f.write(str(tim1) + d + '[' + dj + ']' + '[' + d3 + ']' + '\n') for item in pa[0]]
with open ( '/opt/ros/00_rs_left_verify_result_single.txt','w') as f:
if ((a1 - jx) < 1000 and (b1 - jy)< 1000 and (c1 - jz)< 1000):
[f.write(e3 + ' ' + '1') for item in pa[0]]
print("calib 00 position is ok ")
print("calib position 00 again")
[f.write(e3 + ' ' + '0') for item in pa[0]]
4 、运行脚本如下:
#source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
echo "work start !"
gnome-terminal -t "rostopic" -x bash -c "cd /opt/ros && rostopic echo /aruco_tracking/pose;exec bash"
gnome-terminal -t "rosbag" -x bash -c "cd /opt/ros && rosbag record -O aruco --duration=5 /aruco_tracking/pose ;exec bash"
sleep 8
gnome-terminal -t "txt" -x bash -c "rostopic echo -b aruco.bag /aruco_tracking/pose > aruco.txt ;exec bash"
sleep 3
gnome-terminal -t "verify_hand2eye_auto" -x bash -c "export PATH=/home/ros/anaconda3/bin:$PATH && source activate && conda activate net && python auto_verify.py;exec bash"
import pandas
import os
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
import numpy as np
import time
import datetime
import socket
import struct
import cv2
def read_tablemethod(filename):
data2 = pandas.read_table(filename, header=None, delim_whitespace=True)
return data2
def readFile(filepath):
f1 = open(filepath, "r")
nowDir = os.path.split(filepath)[0]
fileName = os.path.split(filepath)[1]
newFileDir = os.path.join(nowDir, "python" + fileName)
# print("nowDir",nowDir)
# print("fileName",fileName)
fnew = open(newFileDir, "w")
content = f1.read()
# s = [i for i in content if (str.isdigit(i) or i == '.' or i == '\n')] 等价于
s = [] # s是个字符list
for i in content:
# 保留数字,小数点、空格与换行符
if (str.isdigit(i) or i == '.' or i == '\n' or i == ''):
# 将冒号换空格
elif i == ':':
s.append(' ')
s2 = ''.join(s)
def eachFile(filepath):
pathDir = os.listdir(filepath)
for s in pathDir:
newDir = os.path.join(filepath, s)
if os.path.isfile(newDir):
if os.path.splitext(newDir)[1] == ".txt":
def zhuanhuan_rt():
result = []
folder = '/opt/ros/calibration'
for f in os.listdir(folder):
if f.endswith('eyeinhand_right.txt'):
with open(os.path.join(folder, f), 'r') as r:
data4 = r.read().split('\n')
for i in data4:
with open('right_arm_result.txt','w') as r1:
r1.write('\n'.join([i for i in result]))
lines = open('right_arm_result.txt', 'r').readlines()
fp = open('right_arm_result.txt', 'w')
for s in lines:
fp.write(s.replace(' ', ''))
return result
def zhuanhuan_xyz():
result = []
folder = '/opt/ros/calibration'
for f in os.listdir(folder):
if f.endswith('aruco.txt'):
with open(os.path.join(folder, f), 'r') as r:
data4 = r.read().split('\n')
for i in data4:
# result = map(float, result)
# print("result", result)
# print("list", list(result))
with open('aruco_result.txt','w') as r1:
r1.write('\n'.join([i for i in result]))
lines = open('aruco_result.txt', 'r').readlines()
fp = open('aruco_result.txt', 'w')
for s in lines:
fp.write(s.replace(' ', ''))
return result
def jixiebi_rightarm_xyz():
PORT = 30003 # The same port as used by the server
HOST = '192.168.x.xx'
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
dic = {'MessageSize': 'i', 'Time': 'd', 'q target': '6d', 'qd target': '6d', 'qdd target': '6d',
'I target': '6d',
'M target': '6d', 'q actual': '6d', 'qd actual': '6d', 'I actual': '6d', 'I control': '6d',
'Tool vector actual': '6d', 'TCP speed actual': '6d', 'TCP force': '6d', 'Tool vector target': '6d',
'TCP speed target': '6d', 'Digital input bits': 'd', 'Motor temperatures': '6d', 'Controller Timer': 'd',
'Test value': 'd', 'Robot Mode': 'd', 'Joint Modes': '6d', 'Safety Mode': 'd', 'empty1': '6d',
'Tool Accelerometer values': '3d',
'empty2': '6d', 'Speed scaling': 'd', 'Linear momentum norm': 'd', 'SoftwareOnly': 'd',
'softwareOnly2': 'd', 'V main': 'd',
'V robot': 'd', 'I robot': 'd', 'V actual': '6d', 'Digital outputs': 'd', 'Program state': 'd',
'Elbow position': '3d', 'Elbow velocity': '3d'}
data = s.recv(1108)
# print (data)
names = []
ii = range(len(dic))
for key, i in zip(dic, ii):
fmtsize = struct.calcsize(dic[key])
data1, data = data[0:fmtsize], data[fmtsize:]
fmt = "!" + dic[key]
names.append(struct.unpack(fmt, data1))
dic[key] = dic[key], struct.unpack(fmt, data1)
b = dic["Tool vector actual"]
# print("x: ", b[1][0])
# print("y: ", b[1][1])
# print("z: ", b[1][2])
return b[1][0]*1000, b[1][1]*1000, b[1][2]*1000, b[1][3], b[1][4], b[1][5]
def jixiebi_leftarm_xyz():
PORT = 30003 # The same port as used by the server
HOST = '192.168.xx.xx'
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
dic = {'MessageSize': 'i', 'Time': 'd', 'q target': '6d', 'qd target': '6d', 'qdd target': '6d',
'I target': '6d',
'M target': '6d', 'q actual': '6d', 'qd actual': '6d', 'I actual': '6d', 'I control': '6d',
'Tool vector actual': '6d', 'TCP speed actual': '6d', 'TCP force': '6d', 'Tool vector target': '6d',
'TCP speed target': '6d', 'Digital input bits': 'd', 'Motor temperatures': '6d', 'Controller Timer': 'd',
'Test value': 'd', 'Robot Mode': 'd', 'Joint Modes': '6d', 'Safety Mode': 'd', 'empty1': '6d',
'Tool Accelerometer values': '3d',
'empty2': '6d', 'Speed scaling': 'd', 'Linear momentum norm': 'd', 'SoftwareOnly': 'd',
'softwareOnly2': 'd', 'V main': 'd',
'V robot': 'd', 'I robot': 'd', 'V actual': '6d', 'Digital outputs': 'd', 'Program state': 'd',
'Elbow position': '3d', 'Elbow velocity': '3d'}
data = s.recv(1108)
# print (data)
names = []
ii = range(len(dic))
for key, i in zip(dic, ii):
fmtsize = struct.calcsize(dic[key])
data1, data = data[0:fmtsize], data[fmtsize:]
fmt = "!" + dic[key]
names.append(struct.unpack(fmt, data1))
dic[key] = dic[key], struct.unpack(fmt, data1)
b = dic["Tool vector actual"]
# print("x: ", b[1][0])
# print("y: ", b[1][1])
# print("z: ", b[1][2])
return b[1][0]*1000, b[1][1]*1000, b[1][2]*1000, b[1][3], b[1][4], b[1][5]
if __name__=="__main__":
result_xyz = zhuanhuan_xyz()
data = read_tablemethod('aruco_result.txt')
p_c_a = np.mat([[float(data[0][4])], [float(data[0][5])], [float(data[0][6])]])
result_rt = zhuanhuan_rt()
Rq_a = [result_rt[5], result_rt[6], result_rt[7], result_rt[8]]
print("Rq_a", Rq_a)
data_t = read_tablemethod('right_arm_result.txt')
T = np.mat([[data_t[0][0]], [data_t[0][1]], [data_t[0][2]]])
print("T", T)
Rm = R.from_quat(Rq_a)
rotation_matrix = Rm.as_matrix()
print('rotation:\n', rotation_matrix)
R = np.linalg.inv(rotation_matrix)
print('linalg_rotation:\n', R)
pa = rotation_matrix * p_c_a + T
pa1 = (-pa[0]*1000, -pa[1]*1000, pa[2]*1000)
print("********************check arm camera ******************************")
print("pa x,y,z ", -pa[0]*1000, -pa[1]*1000, pa[2]*1000)
# print("pa", type(pa[0]))
a = str(-pa[0]*1000)
b = str(-pa[1]*1000)
c = str(pa[2]*1000)
d= a+b+c
tim1 = datetime.datetime.now()
a1 = float(-pa[0] * 1000)
b1 = float(-pa[1] * 1000)
c1 = float(pa[2] * 1000)
jrx, jry, jrz, RX, RY, RZ = jixiebi_rightarm_xyz()
print(" jrx, jry ,jrz", jrx, jry, jrz)
jx1 = str(jrx)
jy1 = str(jry)
jz1 = str(jrz)
dj = jx1 + ',' + jy1 + ',' + jz1
pa1 = (a1 - jrx, b1 - jry, c1 - jrz)
print("diff value", pa1)
a3 = str(pa1[0])
b3 = str(pa1[1])
c3 = str(pa1[2])
d3 = a3 + ',' + b3 + ',' + c3
e3 = a3 + ' ' + b3 + ' ' + c3
A = (RX, RY, RZ)
Rr, j = cv2.Rodrigues(A)
print("A", A)
print("Rr", Rr)
TtcpB = np.mat([[jrx/1000],[jry/1000],[jrz/1000]])
print("TtcpB", TtcpB)
parB = Rr * pa + TtcpB
Rrf = np.mat([[1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
Trf = np.mat([[-0.522], [0], [0]])
palB = Rrf * parB + Trf
print("pa2", palB)
palBx = str(palB[0]* 1000)
palBy = str(palB[1]* 1000)
palBz = str(palB[2]* 1000)
PalB = palBx + ',' + palBy + ',' + palBz
jlx, jly, jlz, RlX, RlY, RlZ = jixiebi_leftarm_xyz()
print(" jlx, jly ,jlz", jlx, jly, jlz)
jlx1 = str(jlx)
jly1 = str(jly)
jlz1 = str(jlz)
dlj = jlx1 + ',' + jly1 + ',' + jlz1
al = float(palB[0] * 1000)
bl = float(palB[1] * 1000)
cl = float(palB[2] * 1000)
value = (al - jlx, bl - jly, cl - jlz)
print("diff value", value)
vx = str(value[0])
vy = str(value[1])
vz = str(value[2])
V = vx + ' ' + vy + ' ' + vz
with open(
'a+') as f:
[f.write(str(tim1) + '['+ PalB + ']'+ '[' + dlj + ']' + '[' + V + ']' + '\n') for item in pa[0]]
with open(
'w') as f:
if ((al - jlx) < 1000 and (bl - jly) < 1000 and (cl - jlz) < 1000):
[f.write(V + ' ' + '1') for item in pa[0]]
print("calib arm tool is ok ")
print("calib arm tool again")
[f.write(e3 + ' ' + '0') for item in pa[0]]