python tools/deployment/ \
${MODEL} \
--trt-file ${TRT_FILE} \
--input-img ${INPUT_IMAGE_PATH} \
--shape ${INPUT_IMAGE_SHAPE} \
--min-shape ${MIN_IMAGE_SHAPE} \
--max-shape ${MAX_IMAGE_SHAPE} \
--workspace-size {WORKSPACE_SIZE} \
--show \
--verify \
config : The path of a model config file.
model : The path of an ONNX model file.
–trt-file: The Path of output TensorRT engine file. If not specified, it will be set to tmp.trt.
–input-img : The path of an input image for tracing and conversion. By default, it will be set to demo/demo.jpg.
–shape: The height and width of model input. If not specified, it will be set to 400 600.
–min-shape: The minimum height and width of model input. If not specified, it will be set to the same as --shape.
–max-shape: The maximum height and width of model input. If not specified, it will be set to the same as --shape.
–workspace-size : The required GPU workspace size in GiB to build TensorRT engine. If not specified, it will be set to 1 GiB.
–show: Determines whether to show the outputs of the model. If not specified, it will be set to False.
–verify: Determines whether to verify the correctness of models between ONNXRuntime and TensorRT. If not specified, it will be set to False.
–verbose: Determines whether to print logging messages. It’s useful for debugging. If not specified, it will be set to False.
python tools/deployment/ \
configs/retinanet/ \
checkpoints/retinanet_r50_fpn_1x_coco.onnx \
--trt-file checkpoints/retinanet_r50_fpn_1x_coco.trt \
--input-img demo/demo.jpg \
--shape 400 600 \
--show \
--verify \
我们准备了一个工具tools/ deploy /test.py来评估TensorRT模型。
Model Config Dynamic Shape Batch Inference Note
SSD configs/ssd/ Y Y
FSAF configs/fsaf/ Y Y
FCOS configs/fcos/ Y Y
YOLOv3 configs/yolo/ Y Y
RetinaNet configs/retinanet/ Y Y
Faster R-CNN configs/faster_rcnn/ Y Y
Cascade R-CNN configs/cascade_rcnn/ Y Y
Mask R-CNN configs/mask_rcnn/ Y Y
Cascade Mask R-CNN configs/cascade_rcnn/ Y Y
PointRend configs/point_rend/ Y Y