小黑(IBM Thinkpad T410)突然莫名其妙地“生病”了—— Ati2dvag 蓝屏,每当重启或者待机后都会蓝屏。删除显卡驱动后,一切正常.怎么办?总不能让它在无驱下工作吧.蓝屏信息:
A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to pevent damage to your computer.
The problem seems to be caused by the following file:ati2dvag
If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen,restart your computer.If this screen appears again,follow these step:
The devices drivers got stuck in an infinite loop.This usually indicates problem with device itself or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly.
Please check with your hardware device vendor for any driver updates
Techical informations:
*** STOP 0x0000000A(0x8289BA10,0x825A9008,0xF88DFCB4,0x00000001)
经过无数次的测试,换装 n 个 ATI 驱动,重装了 n 次操作系统,拆卸内存条等等,均一无所获。一连几天陷入噩梦般的蓝屏、重启的死循环中……
不需要卸载你的显卡驱动,按 F8 进入安全模式,然后以下步骤操作。(Windows XP)
1. 启动 "设备管理器"。
2. 在系统设备中,选择 "Intel(R) ... Processor to AGP Controller..."。
3. 右键菜单,选择 "更新驱动程序"。
4. 不要从 Windows Update 更新,继续下一步。
5. 对话框中选择 "从列表或指定位置安装(高级)",下一步。
6. 选择 "不要搜索。我要自己选择要安装的驱动程序",下一步。
7. 选择 "PCI Standard PCI-to-PCI bridge",下一步,安装驱动程序。
8. 重启系统。OK。


注意: 如果你的机器需要使用远程管理的话建议暂时不要使用WINDOWS2008!!!
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