




国内也有,比如,百度,华为,智源的悟道等等。当然,我们都还在发展当中,有人不看好国内技术的发展,现在一提“自研”,免不了很多的酸酸的字眼。 现在研究上,这种级别的大模型,普通高校是做不了的,但是有人拿这个去解决自监督,无监督,多模态的问题,其实也是思路。


  1. 注册openai的账号。当然需要科学的过程才行。
  2. 去vscode弄一个ChatGPT的插件,有个中文的,现在很慢,你也可以用上面的账号,试一试理解代码和debug的功能,挺有意思的。
  3. 弄一个反向代理。网上搜一下就行。比如:chartgpt






  1. 写一个用于ncnn的nms的代码
  2. 一堆废话了



// Include the NCNN header
#include "ncnn/net.h"

// A struct representing a bounding box
struct BoundingBox {
    int x1, y1, x2, y2;
    float score;

// Compute the intersection-over-union (IOU) of two bounding boxes
float iou(const BoundingBox& b1, const BoundingBox& b2) {
    // Compute the coordinates of the intersection rectangle
    int x1 = std::max(b1.x1, b2.x1);
    int y1 = std::max(b1.y1, b2.y1);
    int x2 = std::min(b1.x2, b2.x2);
    int y2 = std::min(b1.y2, b2.y2);

    // Compute the area of the intersection
    int w = std::max(0, x2 - x1 + 1);
    int h = std::max(0, y2 - y1 + 1);
    int intersection_area = w * h;

    // Compute the area of the union
    int b1_area = (b1.x2 - b1.x1 + 1) * (b1.y2 - b1.y1 + 1);
    int b2_area = (b2.x2 - b2.x1 + 1) * (b2.y2 - b2.y1 + 1);
    int union_area = b1_area + b2_area - intersection_area;

    // Return the IOU
    return intersection_area / union_area;

// Perform soft-NMS on a list of bounding boxes
// with a given overlap threshold and a sigma value
void soft_nms(std::vector& boxes, float overlap_threshold, float sigma) {
    // Sort the bounding boxes by their score in descending order
    std::sort(boxes.begin(), boxes.end(), [](const BoundingBox& b1, const BoundingBox& b2) {
        return b1.score > b2.score;

    // Iterate through the bounding boxes in order of score
    for (int i = 0; i < boxes.size(); i++) {
        // Skip boxes that have already been removed
        if (boxes[i].x1 == -1) continue;

        // Iterate through the remaining bounding boxes
        for (int j = i + 1; j < boxes.size(); j++) {
            // Skip boxes that have already been removed
            if (boxes[j].x1 == -1) continue;

            // Compute the IOU of the two bounding boxes
            float iou_val = iou(boxes[i], boxes[j]);

            // If









ChatGPT怎么用_第7张图片 今天死活就不写代码了,估计英文会好使?






// Created by kanghaidong on 2022/12/10.
// Define a threshold for the minimum confidence score
// that a detection must have in order to be considered
const float threshold = 0.5;

// Loop over all the detections in the image
for (int i = 0; i < detections.size(); i++) {
// Get the confidence score for the current detection
float score = detections[i].score;

// If the score is less than the threshold, skip this detection
if (score < threshold) {

// Otherwise, keep this detection and suppress all other detections
// in its bounding box
for (int j = 0; j < detections.size(); j++) {
if (i == j) {

// Check if the bounding box of the current detection overlaps
// with the bounding box of the other detection
if (overlaps(detections[i].bbox, detections[j].bbox)) {
// If the other detection has a lower score, suppress it
if (detections[j].score < score) {
detections[j].score = 0;

// Define the overlap threshold for NMS
const float overlap_threshold = 0.5;

// Define the top-k parameter for NMS
const int top_k = 100;

// Perform NMS on the input data using the specified parameters
std::vector indices;
ncnn::Mat::nms(bboxes, scores, indices, overlap_threshold, top_k);

// Create a neural network object
ncnn::Net ssdlite;

// Load the network parameters and weights from a trained SSD-Lite model

// Define the input data for the network
ncnn::Mat in = ...;

// Run the network on the input data and get the output detections
ncnn::Mat out;
ssdlite.forward(in, out);

// Extract the bounding boxes and confidence scores from the output detections
std::vector bboxes;
std::vector scores;
extract_bboxes_and_scores(out, bboxes, scores);

// Perform NMS on the output detections using the specified parameters
std::vector indices;
ncnn::Mat::nms(bboxes, scores, indices, overlap_threshold, top_k);

ncnn::Mat::nms is a method of the ncnn::Mat class in the ncnn library, which is a high-performance neural network inference framework for mobile platforms. The ncnn::Mat class represents a multi-dimensional matrix of data, and the ncnn::Mat::nms method performs non-maximum suppression (NMS) on a set of bounding boxes and confidence scores using the specified overlap threshold and top-k parameter.

The ncnn::Mat::nms method takes three arguments: the bounding boxes, the confidence scores, and a vector of indices representing the detections that were kept after NMS. The method applies NMS to the input data using the specified overlap threshold and top-k parameter, and returns the indices of the detections that were kept.

Here is an example of how you might use the ncnn::Mat::nms method:

// Define the overlap threshold for NMS
const float overlap_threshold = 0.5;

// Define the top-k parameter for NMS
const int top_k = 100;

// Perform NMS on the input data using the specified parameters
std::vector indices;
ncnn::Mat::nms(bboxes, scores, indices, overlap_threshold, top_k);


