python没有内容怎么表示_Python outfile没有写入所有内容

我有代码可以让我执行相当复杂的任务(至少对我来说):import csv

import os.path

#open files + readlines

with open("C:/Users/Ivan Wong/Desktop/Placement/Lists of targets/Mouse/UCSC to Ensembl.csv", "r") as f:

reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter = ',')

#find files with the name in 1st row

for row in reader:

graph_filename = os.path.join("C:/Python27/Scripts/My scripts/Top targets",row[0]+"_nt_counts.txt.png")

if os.path.exists(graph_filename):

y = row[0]+'_nt_counts.txt'

r = open('C:/Users/Ivan Wong/Desktop/Placement/fp_mesc_nochx/'+y, 'r')

k = r.readlines()


del k[:1]

k = map(lambda s: s.strip(), k)

interger = map(int, k)

import itertools

#adding the numbers for every 3 rows

def grouper(n, iterable, fillvalue=None):

"grouper(3, 'ABCDEFG', 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx"

args = [iter(iterable)] * n

return itertools.izip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)

result = map(sum, grouper(3, interger, 0))

e = row[0]

print e

cDNA = open('C:/Users/Ivan Wong/Desktop/Placement/Downloaded seq/Mouse/MOUSE_mRNAs.txt', 'r')

seq = cDNA.readlines()

# get all lines that have a gene name

lineNum = 0;

lineGenes = []

for line in seq:

lineNum = lineNum +1

if '>' in line:


if '>'+e in line:

lineBegin = lineNum


# which gene is this

index1 = lineGenes.index(str(lineBegin))

lineEnd = lineGenes[index1+1]

# linebegin and lineEnd now give you, where to look for your sequence, all that

# you have to do is to read the lines between lineBegin and lineEnd in the file

# and make it into a single string.

lineEnd = lineGenes[index1+1]

Lastline = int(lineEnd) -1

# in your code you have already made a list with all the lines (q), first delete

# \n and other symbols, then combine all lines into a big string of nucleotides (like this)

qq = seq[lineBegin:Lastline]

qq = map(lambda s: s.strip(), qq)

string = ''

for i in range(len(qq)):

string = string + qq[i]

# now you want to get a list of triplets, again you can use the for loop:

# first get the length of the string

lenString = len(string);

# this is your list codons

listCodon = []

for i in range(0,lenString/3):


proper_result = '\n'.join('%s, %s' % (nr, codon) for nr, codon in zip(result, listCodon))

with open(e+'.csv','wb') as outfile:




python没有内容怎么表示_Python outfile没有写入所有内容_第1张图片



