遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)最早是由美国的 John holland于20世纪70年代提出,该算法是根据大自然中生物体进化规律而设计提出的。是模拟达尔文生物进化论的自然选择和遗传学机理的生物进化过程的计算模型,是一种通过模拟自然进化过程搜索最优解的方法。该算法通过数学的方式,利用计算机仿真运算,将问题的求解过程转换成类似生物进化中的染色体基因的交叉、变异等过程。在求解较为复杂的组合优化问题时,相对一些常规的优化算法,通常能够较快地获得较好的优化结果
f ( x ) = x 2 ∗ s i n ( 5 π x ) + 2 f(x) = x^2 * sin(5 \pi x) + 2 f(x)=x2∗sin(5πx)+2
在区间[-2, 2]上的最大值。很多单点优化的方法(梯度下降等)就不适合,可能会陷入局部最优的情况,这种情况下就可以用遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm。
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def f(x):
return x**2 * np.sin(5*np.pi*x) + 2
x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 100)
plt.plot(x, f(x))
遗传算法可以同时优化一批解 (种群), 我们在[-2, 2]的区间内随机生成10个点作为我们的初始种群
def init_population(size):
return np.random.uniform(low=-2, high=2, size=size)
population = init_population(10)
plt.plot(x, f(x))
plt.plot(population, f(population), '*')
常见的编码方法有二进制编码、格雷码编码、 浮点数编码、各参数级联编码、多参数交叉编码等。
def encode(population, scale=1e4, _min=-2, bin_len=15):
_scaled_population = (population - _min) * scale
chroms = np.array([np.binary_repr(x, width=bin_len) for x in _scaled_population.astype(int)])
return chroms
def decode(chroms, _min=-2, scale=1e4):
res = np.array([(int(x, base=2)/scale) for x in chroms])
res += _min
return res
fitness = f(population)
chroms = encode(population)
[ 0.1953 0.8608 0.4111 0.1795 -0.3054 0.5836 -0.2497 1.5671 1.8547 -0.4662]
[ 0.1953 0.8608 0.4111 0.1795 -0.3054 0.5836 -0.2497 1.5671 1.8547 -0.4662]
[ 2.00281338 2.60488832 2.02931805 2.01019697 2.09293383 2.0867721
2.04387992 0.78660371 -0.60517298 1.81257758]
选择操作从旧群体中以一定概率选择优良个体组成新的种群,以繁殖得到下一代个体。个体被选中的概率跟适应度值有关,个体适应度值越高,被选中的概率越大,常用的选择算法为轮盘赌算法。若种群数位 M M M, 个体 i i i的适应度为 f i f_i fi,则个体 i i i被选中的概率为:
p i = f i ∑ k = 1 M f k p_i = \frac{f_i}{\sum_{k=1}^Mf_k} pi=∑k=1Mfkfi
def selection(chroms):
probs = fitness/np.sum(fitness)
probs_cum = np.cumsum(probs)
each_rand = np.random.uniform(size=len(fitness))
selected_chroms = np.array([chroms[np.where(probs_cum > rand)[0][0]] for rand in each_rand])
return selected_chroms
selected_chroms = selection(chroms, fitness)
[2.04387992 2.00281338 2.04387992 2.0806576 2.00281338 2.04860442
2.00281338 2.04387992 2.09053176 2.0806576 ]
def crossover(selected_chroms, prob=0.6):
# cross over
pairs = np.random.permutation(int(len(selected_chroms)*prob//2*2)).reshape(-1, 2)
center = len(selected_chroms[0])//2
for i, j in pairs:
# 在中间位置交叉
x, y = selected_chroms[i], selected_chroms[j]
selected_chroms[i] = x[:center] + y[center:]
selected_chroms[j] = y[:center] + x[center:]
return selected_chroms
cross_chroms = crossover(selected_chroms)
[2.03375504 2.00776988 2.04387992 2.09293383 2.00281338 2.02964522
2.00281338 2.04387992 2.09053176 2.0806576 ]
为了防止遗传算法在优化过程中陷入局部最优解,在搜索过程中,需要对个体进行变异,在实际应用中,主要采用单点变异,也叫位变异,即只需要对基因序列中某一个位进行变异,以二进制编码为例,即0变为1,而1变为0。群体 G t G_t Gt经过选择、交叉、变异运算后得到下一代群体 G t + 1 G_{t+1} Gt+1。
def mutate(chroms, prob=0.1):
clen = len(chroms[0])
m = {'0':'1', '1':'0'}
newchroms = []
each_prob = np.random.uniform(size=len(chroms))
for i, chrom in enumerate(chroms):
if each_prob[i] < prob:
pos = np.random.randint(clen)
chrom = chrom[:pos] + m[chrom[pos]] + chrom[pos+1:]
return np.array(newchroms)
muatate_chroms = mutate(cross_chroms)
[2.03375504 2.00776988 2.04555749 2.09293383 2.00281338 2.02964522
2.00281338 2.04387992 2.09053176 2.0806576 ]
def PltTwoChroms(chroms1, chroms2, fitfun):
Xs = np.linspace(-2, 2, 100)
fig, (axs1, axs2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 5))
dechroms = decode(chroms1)
fitness = fitfun(dechroms)
axs1.plot(Xs, fitfun(Xs))
axs1.plot(dechroms, fitness, 'o')
dechroms = decode(chroms2)
fitness = fitfun(dechroms)
axs2.plot(Xs, fitfun(Xs))
axs2.plot(dechroms, fitness, '*')
population = init_population(10)
chroms = encode(population)
init_chroms = chroms.copy()
best_population = None
best_finess = -np.inf
for i in range(1000):
fitness = f(decode(chroms))
# for fitness to be positive
fitness = fitness - fitness.min() + 0.000001
if np.max(fitness) > np.max(best_finess):
best_finess = fitness
best_population = decode(chroms)
selected_chroms = selection(chroms, fitness)
crossed_chroms = crossover(selected_chroms)
mutated_chroms = mutate(cross_chroms, 0.5)
chroms = mutated_chroms
PltTwoChroms(init_chroms, encode(best_population), f)
关于遗传算法的应用需要具体问题具体分析。算法的每个步骤(染色体编解码,选择,交叉,变异),以及每个步骤的超参数,都需要根据实际情况来调整, 通过反复的试验找到最优解。
import numpy as np
class GeneticTool:
def __init__(self, _min=-2, _max=2, _scale=1e4, _width=10, population_size=10):
self._min = _min
self._max = _max
self._scale = _scale
self._width = _width
self.population_size = population_size
self.init_population = np.random.uniform(low=_min, high=_max, size=population_size)
def fitness_function(x):
return x**2 * np.sin(5*np.pi*x) + 2
def encode(self, population):
_scaled_population = (population - self._min) * self._scale
chroms = np.array([np.binary_repr(x, width=self._width) for x in _scaled_population.astype(int)])
return chroms
def decode(self, chroms):
res = np.array([(int(x, base=2)/self._scale) for x in chroms])
res += self._min
return res
def selection(chroms, fitness):
fitness = fitness - np.min(fitness) + 1e-5
probs = fitness/np.sum(fitness)
probs_cum = np.cumsum(probs)
each_rand = np.random.uniform(size=len(fitness))
selected_chroms = np.array([chroms[np.where(probs_cum > rand)[0][0]] for rand in each_rand])
return selected_chroms
def crossover(chroms, prob):
pairs = np.random.permutation(int(len(chroms)*prob//2*2)).reshape(-1, 2)
center = len(chroms[0])//2
for i, j in pairs:
# cross over in center
x, y = chroms[i], chroms[j]
chroms[i] = x[:center] + y[center:]
chroms[j] = y[:center] + x[center:]
return chroms
def mutate(chroms, prob):
m = {'0':'1', '1':'0'}
mutate_chroms = []
each_prob = np.random.uniform(size=len(chroms))
for i, chrom in enumerate(chroms):
if each_prob[i] < prob:
# mutate in a random bit
clen = len(chrom)
ind = np.random.randint(clen)
chrom = chrom[:ind] + m[chrom[ind]] + chrom[ind+1:]
return np.array(mutate_chroms)
def run(self, num_epoch):
# select best population
best_population = None
best_finess = -np.inf
population = self.init_population
chroms = self.encode(population)
for i in range(num_epoch):
population = self.decode(chroms)
fitness = self.fitness_function(population)
fitness = fitness - fitness.min() + 1e-4
if np.max(fitness) > np.max(best_finess):
best_finess = fitness
best_population = population
chroms = self.encode(self.init_population)
selected_chroms = self.selection(chroms, fitness)
crossed_chroms = self.crossover(selected_chroms, 0.6)
mutated_chroms = self.mutate(crossed_chroms, 0.5)
chroms = mutated_chroms
# select best individual
return best_population[np.argmax(best_finess)]
if __name__ == '__main__':
gt = GeneticTool(_min=-2, _max=2, _scale=1e10, _width=10, population_size=10)
res = gt.run(1000)