







# 定义像素点周围的8邻域
#                P9 P2 P3
#                P8 P1 P4
#                P7 P6 P5

def neighbours(x,y,image):
    img = image
    x_1, y_1, x1, y1 = x-1, y-1, x+1, y+1
    return [ img[x_1][y],img[x_1][y1],img[x][y1],img[x1][y1],         # P2,P3,P4,P5
            img[x1][y], img[x1][y_1], img[x][y_1], img[x_1][y_1] ]    # P6,P7,P8,P9


for x in range(1, rows - 1):
    for y in range(1, columns - 1):
        P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9 = n = neighbours(x, y, Image_Thinned)

S(P1)表示从P2 ~ P9中出现0~1的累计次数,其中0表示背景,1表示前景。

# 计算邻域像素从0变化到1的次数

def transitions(neighbours):
    n = neighbours + neighbours[0:1]      # P2,P3,...,P8,P9,P2
    return sum( (n1, n2) == (0, 1) for n1, n2 in zip(n, n[1:]) )  # (P2,P3),(P3,P4),...,(P8,P9),(P9,P2)


Step One:循环所有前景像素点,对符合如下条件的像素点标记为删除:

1.      2 <= N(p1) <=6,中心像素p1周围的目标像素(二值中的1)的个数在2~6之间;

2.      S(P1) = 1,8邻域像素中,按顺时针方向,相邻两个像素出现0→1的次数;

3.      P2 * P4 * P6 = 0

4.      P4 * P6 * P8 = 0

# Step 1
changing1 = []
rows, columns = Image_Thinned.shape
for x in range(1, rows - 1):
    for y in range(1, columns - 1):
        P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9 = n = neighbours(x, y, Image_Thinned)
        if (Image_Thinned[x][y] == 1     and    # Condition 0: Point P1 in the object regions 
            2 <= sum(n) <= 6   and    # Condition 1: 2<= N(P1) <= 6
            transitions(n) == 1 and   # Condition 2: S(P1)=1  
            P2 * P4 * P6 == 0  and    # Condition 3   
            P4 * P6 * P8 == 0):       # Condition 4

Step Two:跟Step One很类似,条件1、2完全一致,只是条件3、4稍微不同,满足如下条件的像素P1则标记为删除,条件如下:

1.      2 <= N(p1) <=6

2.      S(P1) = 1

3.      P2 * P4 * P8 = 0

4.      P2 * P6 * P8 = 0


# Step 2
changing2 = []
for x in range(1, rows - 1):
    for y in range(1, columns - 1):
        P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9 = n = neighbours(x, y, Image_Thinned)
        if (Image_Thinned[x][y] == 1   and        # Condition 0
            2 <= sum(n) <= 6  and       # Condition 1
            transitions(n) == 1 and      # Condition 2
            P2 * P4 * P8 == 0 and       # Condition 3
            P2 * P6 * P8 == 0):            # Condition 4
for x, y in changing2: 
    Image_Thinned[x][y] = 0






# 导入库
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import skimage.io as io

# 将图像转为灰度图像
from PIL import Image
img = Image.open("E://straight//3.png").convert('L')
img.save('E://straight//3 greyscale.png')

# 读取灰度图像
Img_Original = io.imread('E://straight//3 greyscale.png')

# 对图像进行预处理,二值化
from skimage import filters
from skimage.morphology import disk
# 中值滤波
Img_Original = filters.median(Img_Original,disk(5))
# 二值化
BW_Original = Img_Original < 235
# 定义像素点周围的8邻域
#                P9 P2 P3
#                P8 P1 P4
#                P7 P6 P5

def neighbours(x,y,image):
    img = image
    x_1, y_1, x1, y1 = x-1, y-1, x+1, y+1
    return [ img[x_1][y],img[x_1][y1],img[x][y1],img[x1][y1],         # P2,P3,P4,P5
            img[x1][y], img[x1][y_1], img[x][y_1], img[x_1][y_1] ]    # P6,P7,P8,P9

# 计算邻域像素从0变化到1的次数
def transitions(neighbours):
    n = neighbours + neighbours[0:1]      # P2,P3,...,P8,P9,P2
    return sum( (n1, n2) == (0, 1) for n1, n2 in zip(n, n[1:]) )  # (P2,P3),(P3,P4),...,(P8,P9),(P9,P2)

# Zhang-Suen 细化算法
def zhangSuen(image):
    Image_Thinned = image.copy()  # Making copy to protect original image
    changing1 = changing2 = 1
    while changing1 or changing2:   # Iterates until no further changes occur in the image
        # Step 1
        changing1 = []
        rows, columns = Image_Thinned.shape
        for x in range(1, rows - 1):
            for y in range(1, columns - 1):
                P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9 = n = neighbours(x, y, Image_Thinned)
                if (Image_Thinned[x][y] == 1     and    # Condition 0: Point P1 in the object regions 
                    2 <= sum(n) <= 6   and    # Condition 1: 2<= N(P1) <= 6
                    transitions(n) == 1 and    # Condition 2: S(P1)=1  
                    P2 * P4 * P6 == 0  and    # Condition 3   
                    P4 * P6 * P8 == 0):         # Condition 4
        for x, y in changing1: 
            Image_Thinned[x][y] = 0
        # Step 2
        changing2 = []
        for x in range(1, rows - 1):
            for y in range(1, columns - 1):
                P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9 = n = neighbours(x, y, Image_Thinned)
                if (Image_Thinned[x][y] == 1   and        # Condition 0
                    2 <= sum(n) <= 6  and       # Condition 1
                    transitions(n) == 1 and      # Condition 2
                    P2 * P4 * P8 == 0 and       # Condition 3
                    P2 * P6 * P8 == 0):            # Condition 4
        for x, y in changing2: 
            Image_Thinned[x][y] = 0
    return Image_Thinned
# 对染色体图像应用Zhang-Suen细化算法
BW_Skeleton = zhangSuen(BW_Original)
import numpy as np
BW_Skeleton = np.invert(BW_Skeleton)
# 显示细化结果
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
ax1, ax2 = ax.ravel()
ax1.imshow(img, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
ax1.set_title('Original binary image')
ax2.imshow(BW_Skeleton, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
ax2.set_title('Skeleton of the image')
plt.savefig('E://straight//3 thinned.png')


# 生成骨架图像并保存
Skeleton = np.ones((BW_Skeleton.shape[0],BW_Skeleton.shape[1]),np.uint8) *255 #生成一个空灰度图像
BW_Skeleton = BW_Skeleton + 0
for i in range(BW_Skeleton.shape[0]):
    for j in range(BW_Skeleton.shape[1]):
        if BW_Skeleton[i][j] == 0:
            Skeleton[i][j] = 0
plt.imshow(Skeleton, cmap=plt.cm.gray)

import imageio
imageio.imwrite('E://straight//3 Skeleton.png', Skeleton)


# 利用opencv在染色体图像上画出中轴线
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv

img = cv.imread('E://straight//3 Skeleton.png')
binaryImg = cv.Canny(img,100,200)
h = cv.findContours(binaryImg, cv.RETR_TREE, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
contours = h[1]

Org_img =  cv.imread('E://straight//3.png')
cv.drawContours(Org_img, contours, -1,(0,0,255),3)

plt.imshow(Org_img, cmap=plt.cm.gray)

cv.imwrite('E://straight//3 contours.png',Org_img)

