【论文】Holistically-Nested Edge Detection


  • Development of Edge Detection
  • Multi-scale learning structure
  • Loss Function
  • Network Architecture

:Holistically-Nested Edge Detection

Holistically-Nested Edge Detection (HED) 是ICCV 2015年的文章,解决1. image-to-image的边缘检测;2. 融合多尺度特征进行学习,在BSD500 F-score 0.782,NYU Depth F-score 0.746,预测一张图片大概0.4s

Development of Edge Detection


  1. 早期探索性方法:sobel detector,zero-crossing,Canny detector
  2. information theory: Statistical Edges, Pb, gPb
  3. learning-based: BEL, Multi-scale, Sketch Tokens, Structured Edges
  4. deep learning based: Deep-Contour, Deep Edge, CSCNN

Multi-scale learning structure

【论文】Holistically-Nested Edge Detection_第1张图片
其中,e为本文提出的Holistically-nested networks. 与a-d不同的是,之前的四种方法都存在冗余。

Loss Function

Loss function由两部分组成,一部分是side output,一部分是融合多层特征。

  1. Side
    其中,M是side-output的层数。因为边缘检测的标签不平衡很严重,很大一部分是non-edge,因此需要用class-balanced cross-entropy loss function:【论文】Holistically-Nested Edge Detection_第2张图片
    β \beta β很大,1- β \beta β很小,因此将大权重付给edge类。
  2. fuse
    【论文】Holistically-Nested Edge Detection_第3张图片

Network Architecture

【论文】Holistically-Nested Edge Detection_第4张图片

  1. predict的结果由interpolation得到,如果加入第五层则会be too fuzzy to utilize
  2. 全连接层消耗大量计算资源

文章还测试了"fusion-output without deep supervision" & "fusion-output with deep supervision"两种情况,其中without是loss function只使用 L_fuse的情况,with是使用L_side和L_fuse的情况。如果没有deep supervision,则会在侧边输出的时候消失很多critical edges,导致整个网络更倾向输出large structure的边缘。


  • mini-batch size 10
  • learning rate 1e-6
  • momentum 0.9
  • loss-weight for each side-output layer 0.1
  • initialization of fusion layer weights 1/5
  • weight decay 0.0002
  • number of training iterations 10,000, divide learning rate by 10 after 5,000
