





系统架构的优化,比如加入缓存,由http改进为rpc等,也可以在少量投入下带来较大的性能提升。最后是程序代码级别的性能优化,这又分为两方面,一是合格的数据结构与使用,二才是在此基础上的性能剖析。比如在Go语言中使用slice这种方便的数据结构时,尽可能提前申请足够的内存防止append超过容量时的内存申请和数据拷贝;使用并发保护时尽量由RWMutex 代替mutex,甚至在极高并发场景下使用更细粒度的原子操作代替锁等等。



初始版本代码 havlak1.go:

// Go from multi-language-benchmark/src/havlak/go_pro// Copyright 2011 Google Inc.//// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.// You may obtain a copy of the License at////     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0//// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and// limitations under the License.// Test Program for the Havlak loop finder.//// This program constructs a fairly large control flow// graph and performs loop recognition. This is the Go// version.//package mainimport (   "flag"   "fmt"   "log"   "os"   "runtime/pprof")type BasicBlock struct {   Name     int   InEdges  []*BasicBlock   OutEdges []*BasicBlock}func NewBasicBlock(name int) *BasicBlock {   return &BasicBlock{Name: name}}func (bb *BasicBlock) Dump() {   fmt.Printf("BB#%06d:", bb.Name)   if len(bb.InEdges) > 0 {      fmt.Printf(" in :")      for _, iter := range bb.InEdges {         fmt.Printf(" BB#%06d", iter.Name)      }   }   if len(bb.OutEdges) > 0 {      fmt.Print(" out:")      for _, iter := range bb.OutEdges {         fmt.Printf(" BB#%06d", iter.Name)      }   }   fmt.Printf("\n")}func (bb *BasicBlock) NumPred() int {   return len(bb.InEdges)}func (bb *BasicBlock) NumSucc() int {   return len(bb.OutEdges)}func (bb *BasicBlock) AddInEdge(from *BasicBlock) {   bb.InEdges = append(bb.InEdges, from)}func (bb *BasicBlock) AddOutEdge(to *BasicBlock) {   bb.OutEdges = append(bb.OutEdges, to)}//-----------------------------------------------------------type CFG struct {   Blocks []*BasicBlock   Start  *BasicBlock}func NewCFG() *CFG {   return &CFG{}}func (cfg *CFG) NumNodes() int {   return len(cfg.Blocks)}func (cfg *CFG) CreateNode(node int) *BasicBlock {   if node < len(cfg.Blocks) {      return cfg.Blocks[node]   }   if node != len(cfg.Blocks) {      println("oops", node, len(cfg.Blocks))      panic("wtf")   }   bblock := NewBasicBlock(node)   cfg.Blocks = append(cfg.Blocks, bblock)   if len(cfg.Blocks) == 1 {      cfg.Start = bblock   }   return bblock}func (cfg *CFG) Dump() {   for _, n := range cfg.Blocks {      n.Dump()   }}//-----------------------------------------------------------type BasicBlockEdge struct {   Dst *BasicBlock   Src *BasicBlock}func NewBasicBlockEdge(cfg *CFG, from int, to int) *BasicBlockEdge {   self := new(BasicBlockEdge)   self.Src = cfg.CreateNode(from)   self.Dst = cfg.CreateNode(to)   self.Src.AddOutEdge(self.Dst)   self.Dst.AddInEdge(self.Src)   return self}//-----------------------------------------------------------// Basic Blocks and Loops are being classified as regular, irreducible,// and so on. This enum contains a symbolic name for all these classifications//const (   _             = iota // Go has an interesting iota concept   bbTop                // uninitialized   bbNonHeader          // a regular BB   bbReducible          // reducible loop   bbSelf               // single BB loop   bbIrreducible        // irreducible loop   bbDead               // a dead BB   bbLast               // sentinel)// UnionFindNode is used in the Union/Find algorithm to collapse// complete loops into a single node. These nodes and the// corresponding functionality are implemented with this class//type UnionFindNode struct {   parent    *UnionFindNode   bb        *BasicBlock   loop      *SimpleLoop   dfsNumber int}// Init explicitly initializes UnionFind nodes.//func (u *UnionFindNode) Init(bb *BasicBlock, dfsNumber int) {   u.parent = u   u.bb = bb   u.dfsNumber = dfsNumber   u.loop = nil}// FindSet implements the Find part of the Union/Find Algorithm//// Implemented with Path Compression (inner loops are only// visited and collapsed once, however, deep nests would still// result in significant traversals).//func (u *UnionFindNode) FindSet() *UnionFindNode {   var nodeList []*UnionFindNode   node := u   for ; node != node.parent; node = node.parent {      if node.parent != node.parent.parent {         nodeList = append(nodeList, node)      }   }   // Path Compression, all nodes' parents point to the 1st level parent.   for _, ll := range nodeList {      ll.parent = node.parent   }   return node}// Union relies on path compression.//func (u *UnionFindNode) Union(B *UnionFindNode) {   u.parent = B}// Constants//// Marker for uninitialized nodes.const unvisited = -1// Safeguard against pathological algorithm behavior.const maxNonBackPreds = 32 * 1024// IsAncestor//// As described in the paper, determine whether a node 'w' is a// "true" ancestor for node 'v'.//// Dominance can be tested quickly using a pre-order trick// for depth-first spanning trees. This is why DFS is the first// thing we run below.//// Go comment: Parameters can be written as w,v int, inlike in C, where//   each parameter needs its own type.//func isAncestor(w, v int, last []int) bool {   return ((w <= v) && (v <= last[w]))}// listContainsNode//// Check whether a list contains a specific element. //func listContainsNode(l []*UnionFindNode, u *UnionFindNode) bool {   for _, ll := range l {      if ll == u {         return true      }   }   return false}// DFS - Depth-First-Search and node numbering.//func DFS(currentNode *BasicBlock, nodes []*UnionFindNode, number map[*BasicBlock]int, last []int, current int) int {   nodes[current].Init(currentNode, current)   number[currentNode] = current   lastid := current   for _, target := range currentNode.OutEdges {      if number[target] == unvisited {         lastid = DFS(target, nodes, number, last, lastid+1)      }   }   last[number[currentNode]] = lastid   return lastid}// FindLoops//// Find loops and build loop forest using Havlak's algorithm, which// is derived from Tarjan. Variable names and step numbering has// been chosen to be identical to the nomenclature in Havlak's// paper (which, in turn, is similar to the one used by Tarjan).//func FindLoops(cfgraph *CFG, lsgraph *LSG) {   if cfgraph.Start == nil {      return   }   size := cfgraph.NumNodes()   nonBackPreds := make([]map[int]bool, size)   backPreds := make([][]int, size)   number := make(map[*BasicBlock]int)   header := make([]int, size, size)   types := make([]int, size, size)   last := make([]int, size, size)   nodes := make([]*UnionFindNode, size, size)   for i := 0; i < size; i++ {      nodes[i] = new(UnionFindNode)   }   // Step a:   //   - initialize all nodes as unvisited.   //   - depth-first traversal and numbering.   //   - unreached BB's are marked as dead.   //   for i, bb := range cfgraph.Blocks {      number[bb] = unvisited      nonBackPreds[i] = make(map[int]bool)   }   DFS(cfgraph.Start, nodes, number, last, 0)   // Step b:   //   - iterate over all nodes.   //   //   A backedge comes from a descendant in the DFS tree, and non-backedges   //   from non-descendants (following Tarjan).   //   //   - check incoming edges 'v' and add them to either   //     - the list of backedges (backPreds) or   //     - the list of non-backedges (nonBackPreds)   //   for w := 0; w < size; w++ {      header[w] = 0      types[w] = bbNonHeader      nodeW := nodes[w].bb      if nodeW == nil {         types[w] = bbDead         continue // dead BB      }      if nodeW.NumPred() > 0 {         for _, nodeV := range nodeW.InEdges {            v := number[nodeV]            if v == unvisited {               continue // dead node            }            if isAncestor(w, v, last) {               backPreds[w] = append(backPreds[w], v)            } else {               nonBackPreds[w][v] = true            }         }      }   }   // Start node is root of all other loops.   header[0] = 0   // Step c:   //   // The outer loop, unchanged from Tarjan. It does nothing except   // for those nodes which are the destinations of backedges.   // For a header node w, we chase backward from the sources of the   // backedges adding nodes to the set P, representing the body of   // the loop headed by w.   //   // By running through the nodes in reverse of the DFST preorder,   // we ensure that inner loop headers will be processed before the   // headers for surrounding loops.   //   for w := size - 1; w >= 0; w-- {      // this is 'P' in Havlak's paper      var nodePool []*UnionFindNode      nodeW := nodes[w].bb      if nodeW == nil {         continue // dead BB      }      // Step d:      for _, v := range backPreds[w] {         if v != w {            nodePool = append(nodePool, nodes[v].FindSet())         } else {            types[w] = bbSelf         }      }      // Copy nodePool to workList.      //      workList := append([]*UnionFindNode(nil), nodePool...)      if len(nodePool) != 0 {         types[w] = bbReducible      }      // work the list...      //      for len(workList) > 0 {         x := workList[0]         workList = workList[1:]         // Step e:         //         // Step e represents the main difference from Tarjan's method.         // Chasing upwards from the sources of a node w's backedges. If         // there is a node y' that is not a descendant of w, w is marked         // the header of an irreducible loop, there is another entry         // into this loop that avoids w.         //         // The algorithm has degenerated. Break and         // return in this case.         //         nonBackSize := len(nonBackPreds[x.dfsNumber])         if nonBackSize > maxNonBackPreds {            return         }         for iter := range nonBackPreds[x.dfsNumber] {            y := nodes[iter]            ydash := y.FindSet()            if !isAncestor(w, ydash.dfsNumber, last) {               types[w] = bbIrreducible               nonBackPreds[w][ydash.dfsNumber] = true            } else {               if ydash.dfsNumber != w {                  if !listContainsNode(nodePool, ydash) {                     workList = append(workList, ydash)                     nodePool = append(nodePool, ydash)                  }               }            }         }      }      // Collapse/Unionize nodes in a SCC to a single node      // For every SCC found, create a loop descriptor and link it in.      //      if (len(nodePool) > 0) || (types[w] == bbSelf) {         loop := lsgraph.NewLoop()         loop.SetHeader(nodeW)         if types[w] != bbIrreducible {            loop.IsReducible = true         }         // At this point, one can set attributes to the loop, such as:         //         // the bottom node:         //    iter  = backPreds[w].begin();         //    loop bottom is: nodes[iter].node);         //         // the number of backedges:         //    backPreds[w].size()         //         // whether this loop is reducible:         //    type[w] != BasicBlockClass.bbIrreducible         //         nodes[w].loop = loop         for _, node := range nodePool {            // Add nodes to loop descriptor.            header[node.dfsNumber] = w            node.Union(nodes[w])            // Nested loops are not added, but linked together.            if node.loop != nil {               node.loop.Parent = loop            } else {               loop.AddNode(node.bb)            }         }         lsgraph.AddLoop(loop)      } // nodePool.size   } // Step c}// External entry point.func FindHavlakLoops(cfgraph *CFG, lsgraph *LSG) int {   FindLoops(cfgraph, lsgraph)   return lsgraph.NumLoops()}//======================================================// Scaffold Code//======================================================// Basic representation of loops, a loop has an entry point,// one or more exit edges, a set of basic blocks, and potentially// an outer loop - a "parent" loop.//// Furthermore, it can have any set of properties, e.g.,// it can be an irreducible loop, have control flow, be// a candidate for transformations, and what not.//type SimpleLoop struct {   // No set, use map to bool   basicBlocks map[*BasicBlock]bool   Children    map[*SimpleLoop]bool   Parent      *SimpleLoop   header      *BasicBlock   IsRoot       bool   IsReducible  bool   Counter      int   NestingLevel int   DepthLevel   int}func (loop *SimpleLoop) AddNode(bb *BasicBlock) {   loop.basicBlocks[bb] = true}func (loop *SimpleLoop) AddChildLoop(child *SimpleLoop) {   loop.Children[child] = true}func (loop *SimpleLoop) Dump(indent int) {   for i := 0; i < indent; i++ {      fmt.Printf("  ")   }   // No ? operator ?   fmt.Printf("loop-%d nest: %d depth %d ",      loop.Counter, loop.NestingLevel, loop.DepthLevel)   if !loop.IsReducible {      fmt.Printf("(Irreducible) ")   }   // must have > 0   if len(loop.Children) > 0 {      fmt.Printf("Children: ")      for ll := range loop.Children {         fmt.Printf("loop-%d", ll.Counter)      }   }   if len(loop.basicBlocks) > 0 {      fmt.Printf("(")      for bb := range loop.basicBlocks {         fmt.Printf("BB#%06d ", bb.Name)         if loop.header == bb {            fmt.Printf("*")         }      }      fmt.Printf("\b)")   }   fmt.Printf("\n")}func (loop *SimpleLoop) SetParent(parent *SimpleLoop) {   loop.Parent = parent   loop.Parent.AddChildLoop(loop)}func (loop *SimpleLoop) SetHeader(bb *BasicBlock) {   loop.AddNode(bb)   loop.header = bb}//------------------------------------// Helper (No templates or such)//func max(x, y int) int {   if x > y {      return x   }   return y}// LoopStructureGraph//// Maintain loop structure for a given CFG.//// Two values are maintained for this loop graph, depth, and nesting level.// For example://// loop        nesting level    depth//----------------------------------------// loop-0      2                0//   loop-1    1                1//   loop-3    1                1//     loop-2  0                2//var loopCounter = 0type LSG struct {   root  *SimpleLoop   loops []*SimpleLoop}func NewLSG() *LSG {   lsg := new(LSG)   lsg.root = lsg.NewLoop()   lsg.root.NestingLevel = 0   return lsg}func (lsg *LSG) NewLoop() *SimpleLoop {   loop := new(SimpleLoop)   loop.basicBlocks = make(map[*BasicBlock]bool)   loop.Children = make(map[*SimpleLoop]bool)   loop.Parent = nil   loop.header = nil   loop.Counter = loopCounter   loopCounter++   return loop}func (lsg *LSG) AddLoop(loop *SimpleLoop) {   lsg.loops = append(lsg.loops, loop)}func (lsg *LSG) Dump() {   lsg.dump(lsg.root, 0)}func (lsg *LSG) dump(loop *SimpleLoop, indent int) {   loop.Dump(indent)   for ll := range loop.Children {      lsg.dump(ll, indent+1)   }}func (lsg *LSG) CalculateNestingLevel() {   for _, sl := range lsg.loops {      if sl.IsRoot {         continue      }      if sl.Parent == nil {         sl.SetParent(lsg.root)      }   }   lsg.calculateNestingLevel(lsg.root, 0)}func (lsg *LSG) calculateNestingLevel(loop *SimpleLoop, depth int) {   loop.DepthLevel = depth   for ll := range loop.Children {      lsg.calculateNestingLevel(ll, depth+1)      ll.NestingLevel = max(loop.NestingLevel, ll.NestingLevel+1)   }}func (lsg *LSG) NumLoops() int {   return len(lsg.loops)}func (lsg *LSG) Root() *SimpleLoop {   return lsg.root}//======================================================// Testing Code//======================================================func buildDiamond(cfgraph *CFG, start int) int {   bb0 := start   NewBasicBlockEdge(cfgraph, bb0, bb0+1)   NewBasicBlockEdge(cfgraph, bb0, bb0+2)   NewBasicBlockEdge(cfgraph, bb0+1, bb0+3)   NewBasicBlockEdge(cfgraph, bb0+2, bb0+3)   return bb0 + 3}func buildConnect(cfgraph *CFG, start int, end int) {   NewBasicBlockEdge(cfgraph, start, end)}func buildStraight(cfgraph *CFG, start int, n int) int {   for i := 0; i < n; i++ {      buildConnect(cfgraph, start+i, start+i+1)   }   return start + n}func buildBaseLoop(cfgraph *CFG, from int) int {   header := buildStraight(cfgraph, from, 1)   diamond1 := buildDiamond(cfgraph, header)   d11 := buildStraight(cfgraph, diamond1, 1)   diamond2 := buildDiamond(cfgraph, d11)   footer := buildStraight(cfgraph, diamond2, 1)   buildConnect(cfgraph, diamond2, d11)   buildConnect(cfgraph, diamond1, header)   buildConnect(cfgraph, footer, from)   footer = buildStraight(cfgraph, footer, 1)   return footer}var cpuprofile = flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to this file")func main() {   flag.Parse()   if *cpuprofile != "" {      f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)      if err != nil {         log.Fatal(err)      }      pprof.StartCPUProfile(f)      defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()   }   lsgraph := NewLSG()   cfgraph := NewCFG()   cfgraph.CreateNode(0) // top   cfgraph.CreateNode(1) // bottom   NewBasicBlockEdge(cfgraph, 0, 2)   for dummyloop := 0; dummyloop < 15000; dummyloop++ {      FindHavlakLoops(cfgraph, NewLSG())   }   n := 2   for parlooptrees := 0; parlooptrees < 10; parlooptrees++ {      cfgraph.CreateNode(n + 1)      buildConnect(cfgraph, 2, n+1)      n = n + 1      for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {         top := n         n = buildStraight(cfgraph, n, 1)         for j := 0; j < 25; j++ {            n = buildBaseLoop(cfgraph, n)         }         bottom := buildStraight(cfgraph, n, 1)         buildConnect(cfgraph, n, top)         n = bottom      }      buildConnect(cfgraph, n, 1)   }   FindHavlakLoops(cfgraph, lsgraph)   for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {      FindHavlakLoops(cfgraph, NewLSG())   }   fmt.Printf("# of loops: %d (including 1 artificial root node)\n", lsgraph.NumLoops())   lsgraph.CalculateNestingLevel()}








web mapaccess1_fast64


可以看到,DFS函数里耗时较长又是map操作的,是242 246 和250三行。对于这里的优化方法,是用list结构代替map结构,因为能用list达到效果的情况下没必要用map。这个咋一看没问题,但好像又有点别扭对吧?其实是因为这个程序的本身特点,这里有明显的一点,就是BasicBlock结构的特殊性,本身的Name属性就是自身的索引下标。查找某个BasicBlock不需要使用map来记录,直接通过下标访问显然是最低的时间复杂度(关于map和list的时间复杂度就不多说了,map看起来是O1,但其实没有考虑hash计算本身的过程和解决hash冲突的成本,而list是必然的O1)。通过把这部分的map修改为list数据结构,版本H2,再编译查看耗时情况:


可以看到,top1变成了scanobject函数,不再是map读写了。看到这个函数,以及下边的mallocgc,我们要知道,这都是内存相关的,前者是内存对象扫描的处理函数,是垃圾回收三色标记的一个过程,后者则是直接管理内存分配和回收的(注意是同时负责内存分配和回收,malloc && gc)。这说明目前程序花了很多时间在进行内存管理,看比例是8%。那就要分析一下了,是什么东西产生了这么多内存变化,合不合理。分析内存,就是pprof的memprofile功能了。添加一下相关的内存统计代码,具体怎么添加大家肯定都会,就不贴了(网上多得是)。添加完之后,重新编译生成版本H3,执行H3,生成对应的内存监测文件:















3.使用list 命令查看DFS函数中每行代码的耗时,找到跟map操作相关的部分,确定优化方法:把map换成list;










1.优化程序的大前提是你一定要对程序有足够深入的理解! (或者说我们不能优化程序优化出bug来啊。。。)。最后生产H6版本,之所以又对性能提升了一倍,全是建立在作者对程序完全理解的基础之上的,所以他才可以调整循环逻辑,复用程序对象,调整调用逻辑等等。这一层再往上层思考,就到了程序逻辑,系统架构内置整体的业务架构层面了。这其实就又回到了一开始我们说的程序优化由大到小的总体思路上了。


