
官方示例:vxe-table v3


后端查询SQL时,通过limit 和offset 查询分页:

sql += ` limit ${pageSize} offset ${pageSize * (currentPage - 1)} `


router.get('/', async (ctx, next) => {
  let { task_info, state, currentPage, pageSize, check_host_name_alias, need_update_tile, priority, check_progress, download_progress, downloadfialdcount, check_faild_count } = ctx.request.query
  let sql = `select * from (
   SUBSTRING (task_info, 1, 11) as task_info_substring,
	( SELECT NAME FROM downloaduser WHERE machine_code = T.check_host_name ) AS "check_host_name_alias",
	( SELECT NAME FROM downloaduser WHERE machine_code = T.download_host_name ) AS "download_host_name_alias",
	( CASE T.STATE WHEN 1 THEN now( ) - T.check_start_time ELSE T.check_end_time - T.check_start_time END ) AS "check_use_time",
	( CASE T.STATE WHEN 4 THEN now( ) - T.download_start_time ELSE T.download_end_time - T.check_start_time END ) AS "download_use_time",
	task T ) t2 where 1=1`
  if (task_info) {
    // console.log("task_info:", task_info)
    let task_info_arr = task_info.split("\n")

    sql += ` and t2.task_info_substring in (${format_arr_to_str(task_info_arr)})`
  if (state) {
    sql += ` and state = ${state}`
  if (need_update_tile) {
    sql += ` and need_update_tile  like '%${need_update_tile}%'`

  // sql += ' order by task_info asc'
  // 多字段排序
  // if (priority) {
  //   sql += ` ,priority ${priority}`
  // }

  if (priority) {
    sql += ` order by priority ${priority}`
  let data_count = await db.query(`select count(*) from (${sql}) t_temp`);//满足条件的记录总数
  let total = parseInt(data_count.rows[0].count)

  sql += ` limit ${pageSize} offset ${pageSize * (currentPage - 1)} `
  // console.log("sql:", sql)
  let data = await db.query(sql);
  ctx.body = {
    code: 0,
    message: "success",
    data: {, total }

注意:这里查询总数量时,是用的`select count(*) from (${sql}) t_temp` ,这样查询速度比较快。如果全表查询,再返回查出的rows.length,这样速度会很慢 

对于多页选择,需要指定row-id=“主键字段”:checkbox-config="{ reserve: true }"


获取当前页选中的行数据:调用 this.$refs.ref_table_task.getCheckboxRecords()

获取当前页以外选中的行数据:调用 this.$refs.ref_table_task.getCheckboxReserveRecords()

