多道程序系统主要是为了解决因 I/O 操作造成的 CPU 算力的浪费,虽然它在宏观上可以同时运行多个程序,但无法保证每个程序都能被及时处理。分时系统会将CPU分配给若干个需要计算的作业轮流使用,因此可为多个终端提供快速的交互式服务。
经验证据表明,存储器访问表现出引⽤局部原则,即如果读取某⼀个位置,则接下来访问附近位置的概率⾮常⾼,尤其是紧随其后的内存位置。 因此,通过缓存整个缓存⾏,接下来缓存命中的概率会增加。 此外,现代的硬件可以将32或64字节块整个传输到⾼速缓存⾏,因此一次读取64字节要远快于读取单个字节 64 次。
CPU 轮询的方式无法实现多道程序系统,因为在 I/O 期间 CPU 仍然出于忙碌状态。中断方式处理 I/O 使得实现多道程序系统成为可能,在设备控制器返回之后,接受中断之前,CPU 可以执行其他程序。
便于操作系统对 I/O 设备进行抽象。
该思想主要是针对不同的应用场景定制了不同型号的机器,在价格,内耗等方面进行了差异化。如今也有类似的例子,如酷睿 i7 的 10700KF,10700K,10700F,10700 四个型号分别在能耗,价格,有无核显,能否超频等方面进行了差异化定制。
单色文本的成本: 25 ∗ 80 ∗ 1 = 2000 B 25* 80*1 = 2000B 25∗80∗1=2000B。
位图成本: 1024 ∗ 768 ∗ 3 = 12359296 B 1024 * 768 * 3 = 12359296B 1024∗768∗3=12359296B。
由上图可以得知,磁盘的容量为: 盘片数 ∗ 2 ∗ 柱面数 ∗ 扇区数 ∗ 扇区容量 = 磁盘容量 盘片数*2*柱面数*扇区数*扇区容量 = 磁盘容量 盘片数∗2∗柱面数∗扇区数∗扇区容量=磁盘容量则在本题中: 盘片数 = 255 G B 2 ∗ 65536 ∗ 255 ∗ 512 B = 16 个 盘片数 = \frac{255GB}{2*65536*255*512B} = 16 个 盘片数=2∗65536∗255∗512B255GB=16个
磁头数 = 盘片数 ∗ 2 = 32 个 磁头数=盘片数*2 = 32个 磁头数=盘片数∗2=32个
第二问比较奇怪,每个扇面只有 512 字节,那啥叫从 一个扇区 读取 400KB 呢?
(a),(c),(d) 只能在内核态执行。
a v g = 1 n s ∗ 95 + 10 ∗ 99 + 10000000 100 ∗ 5 100 n s = 5001.445 n s avg = \frac{1ns*95 + \frac{10*99 + 10000000}{100}*5}{100} ns = 5001.445ns avg=1001ns∗95+10010∗99+10000000∗5ns=5001.445ns
TRAP 指令可以将 CPU 从用户态切换至内核态。用户程序可以借助该指令进行系统调用。
在分时系统中,允许多个进程轮流使用 CPU,因此需要进程表来保存各个进程的状态。Unix 或 Windows 也同时会有多个进程轮流使用 CPU,因此也需要进程表。
count = write(fd, buffer, nbytes);
调用中,是否会返回 nbytes
之外的值给 count
表示失败,比如 fd 不正确等。nbytes
。有如下系统调用:lseek(fd, 3, SEEK_SET); read(fd, &buffer, 4);
执行完成后,buffer 中的内容是什么?因此,buffer 中的内容为 1,5,9,2。
c o s t = ( 100 − 50 ) ∗ 1 m s + 5 m s + 10 M B 200 M B ∗ 1000 m s = 105 m s cost = (100-50)*1ms + 5ms + \frac{10MB}{200MB}*1000ms = 105ms cost=(100−50)∗1ms+5ms+200MB10MB∗1000ms=105ms
System calls do not really have names, other than in a documentation sense.
When the library procedure read traps to the kernel, it puts the number of the system call in a register or on the stack. This number is used to index into a table.There is really no name used anywhere.
On the other hand, the name ofthe library procedure is very important, since that is what appears in the program.
Every system architecture has its own set of instructions that it can execute. Thus a Pentium cannot execute SPARC programs and a SPARC cannot ex- ecute Pentium programs.
Also, different architectures differ in bus architecture used (such as VME, ISA, PCI, MCA, SBus, …) as well as the word size of the CPU (usually 32 or 64 bit). Because of these differences in hardware, it is not feasible to build an operating system that is completely portable.
A highly portable operating system will consist of two high-level layers—-a ma- chine-dependent layer and a machine-independent layer. The ma- chine-dependent layer addresses the specifics of the hardware and must be im- plemented separately for every architecture.
This layer provides a uniform in- terface on which the machine-independent layer is built. The machine-inde- pendent layer has to be implemented only once. To be highly portable, the size of the machine-dependent layer must be kept as small as possible.
The virtualization layer introduces increased memory usage and processor overhead as well as increased performance overhead.
86400 ∗ 365 1000000 s = 31.536 s \frac{86400*365}{1000000}s = 31.536s 100000086400∗365s=31.536s
微米被称为 micron。那么 megamicron 是多长?
1 0 − 6 ∗ 1 0 6 m e t e r = 1 m e t e r 10^{-6} * 10^{6}\ meter = 1\ meter 10−6∗106 meter=1 meter
1PB 存储器中有多少字节?
2 50 b y t e = 1 , 099 , 511 , 627 , 776 b y t e 2^{50}\ byte= 1,099,511,627,776\ byte 250 byte=1,099,511,627,776 byte
地球的质量是 6000 yottagram,换算成 kilogram 是多少?
6000 y o t t a g r a m = 6 ∗ 1 0 24 k i l o g r a m 6000\ yottagram = 6 * 10^{24}\ kilogram 6000 yottagram=6∗1024 kilogram