


LK光流算法由Jean - Yves Bouguet提出,该算法是基于亮度恒定、时间连续、空间具有一致性的前提下,提出的一种基于特征点的追踪算法。该算法是将求两帧间特征点的最小误差值应用到图像上进而转换为求图像微分、差分的一种迭代算法。


  1. 光流算法用例
    Mat old_frame, old_gray;
    vector p0, p1;

    // Take first frame and find corners in it
    capture >> old_frame;
    cvtColor(old_frame, old_gray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
    goodFeaturesToTrack(old_gray, p0, 100, 0.3, 7, Mat(), 7, false, 0.04);

    // Create a mask image for drawing purposes
    Mat mask = Mat::zeros(old_frame.size(), old_frame.type());
        Mat frame, frame_gray;

        capture >> frame;
        if (frame.empty())
        cvtColor(frame, frame_gray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

        // calculate optical flow
        vector status;
        vector err;
        TermCriteria criteria = TermCriteria((TermCriteria::COUNT) + (TermCriteria::EPS), 10, 0.03);
        calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(old_gray, frame_gray, p0, p1, status, err, Size(15,15), 2, criteria);

        vector good_new;
        for(uint i = 0; i < p0.size(); i++)
            // Select good points
            if(status[i] == 1) {//如果特征点状态为1,则进行绘制
                // draw the tracks
                line(mask,p1[i], p0[i], colors[i], 2);
                circle(frame, p1[i], 5, colors[i], -1);
        Mat img;
        add(frame, mask, img);//将绘制出的mask叠加到frame上

        imshow("Frame", img);

        int keyboard = waitKey(30);
        if (keyboard == 'q' || keyboard == 27)

        // Now update the previous frame and previous points
        old_gray = frame_gray.clone();
        p0 = good_new;



        2. calcOpticalFlowPyrLK函数详解

void cv::calcOpticalFlowPyrLK( InputArray _prevImg, InputArray _nextImg,
                               InputArray _prevPts, InputOutputArray _nextPts,
                               OutputArray _status, OutputArray _err,
                               Size winSize, int maxLevel,
                               TermCriteria criteria,
                               int flags, double minEigThreshold )
    Ptr optflow = cv::SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow::create(winSize,maxLevel,criteria,flags,minEigThreshold);


其实内层的光流计算代码为:void SparsePyrLKOpticalFlowImpl::calc( InputArray _prevImg, InputArray _nextImg,
                           InputArray _prevPts, InputOutputArray _nextPts,
                           OutputArray _status, OutputArray _err)

  • 2.1 calc函数详解--第一部分--输入变量处理
void SparsePyrLKOpticalFlowImpl::calc( InputArray _prevImg, InputArray _nextImg,
                           InputArray _prevPts, InputOutputArray _nextPts,
                           OutputArray _status, OutputArray _err)

    CV_OCL_RUN(ocl::isOpenCLActivated() &&
               (_prevImg.isUMat() || _nextImg.isUMat()) &&
               ocl::Image2D::isFormatSupported(CV_32F, 1, false),
               ocl_calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(_prevImg, _nextImg, _prevPts, _nextPts, _status, _err))

    // Disabled due to bad accuracy
               openvx_pyrlk(_prevImg, _nextImg, _prevPts, _nextPts, _status, _err))

    Mat prevPtsMat = _prevPts.getMat();
    const int derivDepth = DataType::depth;

    CV_Assert( maxLevel >= 0 && winSize.width > 2 && winSize.height > 2 );

    int level=0, i, npoints;
    CV_Assert( (npoints = prevPtsMat.checkVector(2, CV_32F, true)) >= 0 );

    if( npoints == 0 )
    if( !(flags & OPTFLOW_USE_INITIAL_FLOW) )
        _nextPts.create(prevPtsMat.size(), prevPtsMat.type(), -1, true);

    Mat nextPtsMat = _nextPts.getMat();
    CV_Assert( nextPtsMat.checkVector(2, CV_32F, true) == npoints );

    const Point2f* prevPts = prevPtsMat.ptr();
    Point2f* nextPts = nextPtsMat.ptr();

    _status.create((int)npoints, 1, CV_8U, -1, true);
    Mat statusMat = _status.getMat(), errMat;
    CV_Assert( statusMat.isContinuous() );
    uchar* status = statusMat.ptr();
    float* err = 0;

    for( i = 0; i < npoints; i++ )
        status[i] = true;
    if( _err.needed() )
        _err.create((int)npoints, 1, CV_32F, -1, true);
        errMat = _err.getMat();
        CV_Assert( errMat.isContinuous() );
        err = errMat.ptr();


  • 2.2 calc函数详解--第二部分--获取两帧图像金字塔
std::vector prevPyr, nextPyr;
    int levels1 = -1;
    int lvlStep1 = 1;
    int levels2 = -1;
    int lvlStep2 = 1;

    if(_prevImg.kind() == _InputArray::STD_VECTOR_MAT)

        levels1 = int(prevPyr.size()) - 1;
        CV_Assert(levels1 >= 0);

        if (levels1 % 2 == 1 && prevPyr[0].channels() * 2 == prevPyr[1].channels() && prevPyr[1].depth() == derivDepth)
            lvlStep1 = 2;
            levels1 /= 2;
        // ensure that pyramid has required padding
        if(levels1 > 0)
            Size fullSize;
            Point ofs;
            prevPyr[lvlStep1].locateROI(fullSize, ofs);
            CV_Assert(ofs.x >= winSize.width && ofs.y >= winSize.height
                && ofs.x + prevPyr[lvlStep1].cols + winSize.width <= fullSize.width
                && ofs.y + prevPyr[lvlStep1].rows + winSize.height <= fullSize.height);

        if(levels1 < maxLevel)
            maxLevel = levels1;
    if(_nextImg.kind() == _InputArray::STD_VECTOR_MAT)

        levels2 = int(nextPyr.size()) - 1;
        CV_Assert(levels2 >= 0);

        if (levels2 % 2 == 1 && nextPyr[0].channels() * 2 == nextPyr[1].channels() && nextPyr[1].depth() == derivDepth)
            lvlStep2 = 2;
            levels2 /= 2;

        // ensure that pyramid has required padding
        if(levels2 > 0)
            Size fullSize;
            Point ofs;
            nextPyr[lvlStep2].locateROI(fullSize, ofs);
            CV_Assert(ofs.x >= winSize.width && ofs.y >= winSize.height
                && ofs.x + nextPyr[lvlStep2].cols + winSize.width <= fullSize.width
                && ofs.y + nextPyr[lvlStep2].rows + winSize.height <= fullSize.height);

        if(levels2 < maxLevel)
            maxLevel = levels2;

    if (levels1 < 0)
        maxLevel = buildOpticalFlowPyramid(_prevImg, prevPyr, winSize, maxLevel, false);

    if (levels2 < 0)
        maxLevel = buildOpticalFlowPyramid(_nextImg, nextPyr, winSize, maxLevel, false);


  • 2.3 calc函数详解--第三部分--迭代终止条件设置
//                       epsilon允许范围为【0.,10.】
    if( (criteria.type & TermCriteria::COUNT) == 0 )
        criteria.maxCount = 30;
        criteria.maxCount = std::min(std::max(criteria.maxCount, 0), 100);
    if( (criteria.type & TermCriteria::EPS) == 0 )
        criteria.epsilon = 0.01;
        criteria.epsilon = std::min(std::max(criteria.epsilon, 0.), 10.);
    criteria.epsilon *= criteria.epsilon;


  • 2.4 calc函数详解--第四部分--逐层进行光流算法
Mat derivIBuf;
    if(lvlStep1 == 1)
        derivIBuf.create(prevPyr[0].rows + winSize.height*2, prevPyr[0].cols + winSize.width*2, CV_MAKETYPE(derivDepth, prevPyr[0].channels() * 2));

    for( level = maxLevel; level >= 0; level-- )
        Mat derivI;
        if(lvlStep1 == 1)
            Size imgSize = prevPyr[level * lvlStep1].size();

            //定义一个_derivI(和derivBuf共享内存),高为:imgSize.height + winSize.height*2
            //宽为:imgSize.width + winSize.width*2
            Mat _derivI( imgSize.height + winSize.height*2,
                imgSize.width + winSize.width*2, derivIBuf.type(), derivIBuf.ptr() );

            //derivI与_derivI共享内存,derivI从_deriveI的起点(winSize.width, winSize.height)开始,
            derivI = _derivI(Rect(winSize.width, winSize.height, imgSize.width, imgSize.height));

            calcSharrDeriv(prevPyr[level * lvlStep1], derivI);

            copyMakeBorder(derivI, _derivI, winSize.height, winSize.height, winSize.width, winSize.width, BORDER_CONSTANT|BORDER_ISOLATED);
            derivI = prevPyr[level * lvlStep1 + 1];

        CV_Assert(prevPyr[level * lvlStep1].size() == nextPyr[level * lvlStep2].size());
        CV_Assert(prevPyr[level * lvlStep1].type() == nextPyr[level * lvlStep2].type());

        typedef tegra::LKTrackerInvoker LKTrackerInvoker;
        typedef cv::detail::LKTrackerInvoker LKTrackerInvoker;
        parallel_for_(Range(0, npoints), LKTrackerInvoker(prevPyr[level * lvlStep1], derivI,
                                                          nextPyr[level * lvlStep2], prevPts, nextPts,
                                                          status, err,
                                                          winSize, criteria, level, maxLevel,
                                                          flags, (float)minEigThreshold)); 



所以真正意义上完成了光流法的函数为:void cv::detail::LKTrackerInvoker::operator()(const Range& range) const,这个重载运算符()中我们可看到LK光流法在opencv中的具体代码实现过程。

    3. operator()函数详解

  • 3.1 operator()函数详解--第一部分--设置初值
    Point2f halfWin((winSize.width-1)*0.5f, (winSize.height-1)*0.5f);
    const Mat& I = *prevImg;
    const Mat& J = *nextImg;
    const Mat& derivI = *prevDeriv;

    int j, cn = I.channels(), cn2 = cn*2;
    cv::AutoBuffer _buf(winSize.area()*(cn + cn2));
    int derivDepth = DataType::depth;

    Mat IWinBuf(winSize, CV_MAKETYPE(derivDepth, cn),;

    Mat derivIWinBuf(winSize, CV_MAKETYPE(derivDepth, cn2), + winSize.area()*cn);


  • 3.2 operator()函数详解--第二部分--查找图像I中各个特征点的光流


for( int ptidx = range.start; ptidx < range.end; ptidx++ )
        Point2f prevPt = prevPts[ptidx]*(float)(1./(1 << level));
        Point2f nextPt;
        if( level == maxLevel )
            if( flags & OPTFLOW_USE_INITIAL_FLOW )
                nextPt = nextPts[ptidx]*(float)(1./(1 << level));
                nextPt = prevPt;
            nextPt = nextPts[ptidx]*2.f;
        nextPts[ptidx] = nextPt;


  • 3.2 operator()函数详解--第二部分--计算特征点在图像I上的矩阵G
Point2i iprevPt, inextPt;
        prevPt -= halfWin;
        iprevPt.x = cvFloor(prevPt.x);
        iprevPt.y = cvFloor(prevPt.y);
        if( iprevPt.x < -winSize.width || iprevPt.x >= derivI.cols ||
            iprevPt.y < -winSize.height || iprevPt.y >= derivI.rows )
            if( level == 0 )
                if( status )
                    status[ptidx] = false;
                if( err )
                    err[ptidx] = 0;
        float a = prevPt.x - iprevPt.x;
        float b = prevPt.y - iprevPt.y;
        const int W_BITS = 14, W_BITS1 = 14;
        const float FLT_SCALE = 1.f/(1 << 20);
        int iw00 = cvRound((1.f - a)*(1.f - b)*(1 << W_BITS));
        int iw01 = cvRound(a*(1.f - b)*(1 << W_BITS));
        int iw10 = cvRound((1.f - a)*b*(1 << W_BITS));
        int iw11 = (1 << W_BITS) - iw00 - iw01 - iw10;
        int dstep = (int)(derivI.step/derivI.elemSize1());
        int stepI = (int)(I.step/I.elemSize1());
        int stepJ = (int)(J.step/J.elemSize1());
        acctype iA11 = 0, iA12 = 0, iA22 = 0;
        float A11, A12, A22;

    // extract the patch from the first image, compute covariation matrix of derivatives
        int x, y;
        for( y = 0; y < winSize.height; y++ )
            const uchar* src = I.ptr() + (y + iprevPt.y)*stepI + iprevPt.x*cn;
            const deriv_type* dsrc = derivI.ptr() + (y + iprevPt.y)*dstep + iprevPt.x*cn2;

            deriv_type* Iptr = IWinBuf.ptr(y);
            deriv_type* dIptr = derivIWinBuf.ptr(y);

            x = 0;

            for( ; x < winSize.width*cn; x++, dsrc += 2, dIptr += 2 )
                int ival = CV_DESCALE(src[x]*iw00 + src[x+cn]*iw01 +
                                      src[x+stepI]*iw10 + src[x+stepI+cn]*iw11, W_BITS1-5);
                int ixval = CV_DESCALE(dsrc[0]*iw00 + dsrc[cn2]*iw01 +
                                       dsrc[dstep]*iw10 + dsrc[dstep+cn2]*iw11, W_BITS1);
                int iyval = CV_DESCALE(dsrc[1]*iw00 + dsrc[cn2+1]*iw01 + dsrc[dstep+1]*iw10 +
                                       dsrc[dstep+cn2+1]*iw11, W_BITS1);

                Iptr[x] = (short)ival;//线性插值后的像素灰度值
                dIptr[0] = (short)ixval;//Ix
                dIptr[1] = (short)iyval;//Iy

                iA11 += (itemtype)(ixval*ixval);
                iA12 += (itemtype)(ixval*iyval);
                iA22 += (itemtype)(iyval*iyval);


  • 3.2 operator()函数详解--第二部分--判断矩阵G是否可逆
A11 = iA11*FLT_SCALE;
        A12 = iA12*FLT_SCALE;
        A22 = iA22*FLT_SCALE;

        float D = A11*A22 - A12*A12;

        float minEig = (A22 + A11 - std::sqrt((A11-A22)*(A11-A22) +

        if( err && (flags & OPTFLOW_LK_GET_MIN_EIGENVALS) != 0 )
            err[ptidx] = (float)minEig;
        if( minEig < minEigThreshold || D < FLT_EPSILON )
            if( level == 0 && status )
                status[ptidx] = false;

        D = 1.f/D;


  • 3.2 operator()函数详解--第二部分--迭代查找特征点的偏移向量delta
nextPt -= halfWin;
        Point2f prevDelta;

        for( j = 0; j < criteria.maxCount; j++ )
            inextPt.x = cvFloor(nextPt.x);
            inextPt.y = cvFloor(nextPt.y);

            if( inextPt.x < -winSize.width || inextPt.x >= J.cols ||
               inextPt.y < -winSize.height || inextPt.y >= J.rows )
                if( level == 0 && status )
                    status[ptidx] = false;
            a = nextPt.x - inextPt.x;
            b = nextPt.y - inextPt.y;
            iw00 = cvRound((1.f - a)*(1.f - b)*(1 << W_BITS));
            iw01 = cvRound(a*(1.f - b)*(1 << W_BITS));
            iw10 = cvRound((1.f - a)*b*(1 << W_BITS));
            iw11 = (1 << W_BITS) - iw00 - iw01 - iw10;
            acctype ib1 = 0, ib2 = 0;
            float b1, b2;
            for( y = 0; y < winSize.height; y++ )
                const uchar* Jptr = J.ptr() + (y + inextPt.y)*stepJ + inextPt.x*cn;
                const deriv_type* Iptr = IWinBuf.ptr(y);
                const deriv_type* dIptr = derivIWinBuf.ptr(y);

                x = 0;
                for( ; x < winSize.width*cn; x++, dIptr += 2 )
                    int diff = CV_DESCALE(Jptr[x]*iw00 + Jptr[x+cn]*iw01 +
                                          Jptr[x+stepJ]*iw10 + Jptr[x+stepJ+cn]*iw11,
                                          W_BITS1-5) - Iptr[x];
                    ib1 += (itemtype)(diff*dIptr[0]);
                    ib2 += (itemtype)(diff*dIptr[1]);
            b1 = ib1*FLT_SCALE;
            b2 = ib2*FLT_SCALE;
            Point2f delta( (float)((A12*b2 - A22*b1) * D),
                          (float)((A12*b1 - A11*b2) * D));//计算v
            //delta = -delta;

            nextPt += delta;

            nextPts[ptidx] = nextPt + halfWin;

            if( delta.ddot(delta) <= criteria.epsilon )

            if( j > 0 && std::abs(delta.x + prevDelta.x) < 0.01 &&
               std::abs(delta.y + prevDelta.y) < 0.01 )
                nextPts[ptidx] -= delta*0.5f;
            prevDelta = delta;


  • 3.3 operator()函数详解--第三部分--计算误差
CV_Assert(status != NULL);
        if( status[ptidx] && err && level == 0 && (flags & OPTFLOW_LK_GET_MIN_EIGENVALS) == 0 )
            Point2f nextPoint = nextPts[ptidx] - halfWin;
            Point inextPoint;

            inextPoint.x = cvFloor(nextPoint.x);
            inextPoint.y = cvFloor(nextPoint.y);

            if( inextPoint.x < -winSize.width || inextPoint.x >= J.cols ||
                inextPoint.y < -winSize.height || inextPoint.y >= J.rows )
                if( status )
                    status[ptidx] = false;

            float aa = nextPoint.x - inextPoint.x;
            float bb = nextPoint.y - inextPoint.y;
            iw00 = cvRound((1.f - aa)*(1.f - bb)*(1 << W_BITS));
            iw01 = cvRound(aa*(1.f - bb)*(1 << W_BITS));
            iw10 = cvRound((1.f - aa)*bb*(1 << W_BITS));
            iw11 = (1 << W_BITS) - iw00 - iw01 - iw10;
            float errval = 0.f;

            for( y = 0; y < winSize.height; y++ )
                const uchar* Jptr = J.ptr() + (y + inextPoint.y)*stepJ + inextPoint.x*cn;
                const deriv_type* Iptr = IWinBuf.ptr(y);

                for( x = 0; x < winSize.width*cn; x++ )

                    int diff = CV_DESCALE(Jptr[x]*iw00 + Jptr[x+cn]*iw01 +
                                          Jptr[x+stepJ]*iw10 + Jptr[x+stepJ+cn]*iw11,
                                          W_BITS1-5) - Iptr[x];
                    errval += std::abs((float)diff);
            err[ptidx] = errval * 1.f/(32*winSize.width*cn*winSize.height);//计算最后一层的误差值


