

Continuing the News You May Have Missed tradition, we’re once again aggregating the latest web development related news that may have flown under your radar. We’ll be changing the title format slightly, though, to accommodate information that isn’t strictly news, but very few people know about nonetheless. We’ll also be publishing these types of posts exclusively on Sundays, as light reading that contains at least a bit of information for everyone.

继续您可能已经错过的新闻的传统,我们再次汇总了可能在您的关注范围内传播的与Web开发相关的最新新闻。 不过,我们将略微更改标题格式,以容纳严格来说不是新闻的信息,但是很少有人知道。 我们还将专门在周日发布这些类型的帖子,以使读者阅读至少包含一些信息。

Drupalfund (Drupalfund) is a Drupal development crowdfunding website that has, apparently, existed for over six months. While the exposure may not be great for now, it might explode with the release of Drupal 8, which we’ve covered to some degree already. To be honest, looking at the number and funding level of various projects so far, I believe the site would have fared better without restricting itself to Drupal specifically and instead opting to go for PHP in general, but maybe specificity is exactly what will, in due time, make it outshine others.

Drupalfund.us是一个Drupal开发众筹网站,显然已经存在了六个多月 。 尽管目前曝光率可能不高,但它可能会随着Drupal 8的发布而爆炸, 我们已经在某种程度上进行了介绍。 老实说,看看目前为止各种项目的数量和资金水平,我相信该站点的表现会更好,而不是只限于Drupal,而是选择总体上选择PHP,但也许正是这样,在适当的时候,使它胜过别人。

Currently, only two projects are looking for funding and both seem DOA, but rather recently a well known module called d8rules was funded with $16,000. Yes, that’s sixteen thousand dollars, not a typo.

目前,只有两个项目正在寻找资金,而且都看起来像是DOA,但是最近,一个著名的名为d8rules的模块获得了16,000美元的资金。 是的,那是一万六千美元,不是错字。

Hurray – we have reached $ 15973! Thank you so much all 142 contributors #d8rules @drupalfund

华友世纪–我们已经达到了15973美元! 非常感谢你的所有142个贡献者#d8rules @drupalfund

— d8rules (@d8rules) June 12, 2014

— d8rules(@ d8rules) 2014年6月12日

If you’ve got a Drupal project in mind, go ahead and give it a go. Make production open source, write about it actively and get in touch, and we might just help you promote it through in-depth tutorials about what you’re doing. Sound tempting enough?

如果您有一个Drupal项目,请继续进行。 使生产成为开源,积极地编写它并取得联系,我们可能会通过关于您正在做的事情的深入教程来帮助您推广它。 听起来很诱人?

Drupal 8 Disqus讨论 (Drupal 8 Disqus Discussion)


A lot of Ds! We’re having a rather Drupal-heavy month here at SitePoint, and Danny’s latest article series on Drupal 8 module development seems to have stirred up some engaging discussion in the comments. If you’d like to tune in with your own perceived pros and cons of the Drupal world, jump right in!

很多Ds! 我们在SitePoint上度过了Drupal繁重的一个月,而Danny关于Drupal 8模块开发的最新文章系列似乎引起了评论中一些引人入胜的讨论。 如果您想了解自己在Drupal世界中的利弊,请立即加入 !

PHP夏令营 (PHP Summer Camp)


We introduced PHP Summer Camp yesterday, and we’re taking this opportunity to re-mention the fact that they’ve got some epic experts hosting the workshops during all three days, and that there’s an early bird pricing if you buy a ticket until the end of June. Come soak in the Adriatic sea while you absorb practical new PHP skills. For all information, check their website.

昨天我们介绍了PHP夏令营 ,我们借此机会再次提及他们在三天的时间里都有一些史诗般的专家主持研讨会的事实,如果您购买机票直到门票价格提前,都需要提前定价。六月底。 在吸收实用PHP新技能的同时,浸入亚得里亚海。 有关所有信息,请访问其网站 。

NZ PHP会议 (NZ PHP Conference)

New Zealand is hosting their own PHP Conference, too.

新西兰也将举办自己的PHP会议 。

[…] conference promises to be one of the most important IT events in the region and will feature renown presenters, along with other expert speakers, presenting two concurrent tracks including over 22 talks exploring PHP trends and other topics to both inspire and challenge you.


Among others, Rasmus Lerdorf himself, the father of PHP, will be opening the conference with a talk titled “Coding and Dreaming – PHP in 2014” on the morning of August 28th. Alongside talks, the conference also hosts workshops which, while mostly PHP oriented, also for some reason include an AngularJS one.

除其他外,PHP的父亲Rasmus Lerdorf本人将于8月28日上午以“编码和梦想– PHP在2014年”的演讲为大会开幕。 除了演讲之外,会议还举办了一些研讨会 ,这些研讨会虽然大多是面向PHP的,但出于某种原因,其中也包括了AngularJS。

The conference is taking place on Pipitea Campus in the heart of Wellington’s legal, government and business district. See how to get there on their venue page. Like PHP Summer Camp in Croatia, the NZ conference also has an early bird special price on tickets purchased until June 30th, so hurry up and grab’em before it’s too late! Go get yourself some of that Middle Earth PHP!

会议在惠灵顿法律,政府和商业区中心的Pipitea校园举行。 在其场地页面上了解如何到达那里。 像克罗地亚PHP夏令营一样,NZ会议在6月30日之前购买的门票也有早鸟特惠价,因此请赶紧抢在他们面前为时已晚! 快去获取一些Middle Earth PHP!

PHPStorm的最新EAP (PHPStorm’s newest EAP)


PHPStorm’s newest EAP is out. We’ve already done a cover of PHPStorm’s upcoming features not so long ago, but as usual, JetBrains keeps churning them out so fast we can’t keep up. We’ll be updating the original New Features post with details about this latest update soon, but in the meanwhile, you can read their release blog if you’re impatient.

PHPStorm的最新EAP已经发布。 不久之前 ,我们已经完成了PHPStorm即将推出的功能的介绍,但是与往常一样,JetBrains一直在以无法跟上的速度不断推出这些功能。 我们将很快更新原始的“新功能”帖子,并提供有关此最新更新的详细信息,但是与此同时,如果您不耐烦,可以阅读其发布博客 。

Raspberry Pi上PHP (PHP on Raspberry Pi)


Did you know a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian could run PHP and Nginx? I was pleasantly surprised when I found this site which detailed the procedure (spoiler alert: it’s brutally simple and almost identical to the process of installing the set on a regular Linux OS). Care to get something more complex up and running on it? Let us know and we’ll carve it into a good tutorial. Resource management is key, so show us how far you can take the Pi without it breaking!

您是否知道运行Raspbian的Raspberry Pi可以运行PHP和Nginx? 当我发现该站点详细介绍了该过程时,我感到非常惊喜(扰流板警报:它非常残酷,几乎与在常规Linux OS上安装该套件的过程相同)。 想要让一些更复杂的东西开始运行吗? 让我们知道,我们将把它刻成一个很好的教程。 资源管理是关键,因此请告诉我们您可以在不中断的情况下使用Pi的程度!

带有PHP 5.5的OS X Yosemite (OS X Yosemite with PHP 5.5)

OS X Yosemite was released in beta form and will now support PHP 5.5 and Apache 2.4 out of the box. OS X has always had PHP and Apache pre-installed, but with a version as modern as 5.5, at least it’s no longer more than a decade behind the times. This new default PHP version will let you use the latest PHP features for one-off CLI apps or demo pages you need to quickly put together, without having to bother with virtual machines. I still recommend you do proper development exclusively in a dedicated Vagrant box – leave the default setup as it is, without polluting your host machine with additional runtimes and software.

OS X Yosemite以beta形式发布, 现在将立即支持PHP 5.5和Apache 2.4 。 OS X一直预装了PHP和Apache,但是其最新版本为5.5,至少已经比时代落后了十多年。 这个新的默认PHP版本将使您可以将最新PHP功能用于一次性CLI应用程序或演示页面,而这些应用程序需要您快速组合在一起,而不必费心虚拟机。 我仍然建议您在专用的Vagrant框中专门进行适当的开发-保留默认设置,而不用其他运行时和软件污染主机。

三个开发者和一个也许 (Three Devs and a Maybe)

If you’re not following 3daam yet, you definitely should. Great for giving them a listen during your morning jogs or meditation runs and always relevant and up to date. This time, they hosted Phil Sturgeon and talked about PHP The Right Way, Drupal, fire-based PHP projects (PyroCMS, CodeIgniter, FuelPHP), and much more. Check out previous podcasts, too, including one in which they talk about the PHPNG confusion.

如果您还没有关注3daam ,那么绝对应该。 非常适合在晨跑或冥想过程中为他们倾听,并且始终与时俱进且与时俱进。 这次,他们主持了Phil Sturgeon,并讨论了PHP正确的方式,Drupal,基于火灾PHP项目(PyroCMS,CodeIgniter,FuelPHP)等等。 还可以查看以前的播客,包括其中一个谈论PHPNG混乱的播客。

PHP不再吸 (PHP Doesn’t Suck Any More)


A while back, Ben Edmunds used a sarcastic Medium post to talk about the “horror” of PHP in an effort to promote his book. More recently, another new defensive post from Grant Lovell popped up, neatly summarizing where we’ve been, what we’re doing, and where we’re heading. PHP evolving into a high quality language worthy of its competition is no longer up for debate – the situation is looking brighter every day. Now all we have to do is convince the naysayers to give it another go as soon as 5.6 is released.

不久前,本·埃德蒙兹(Ben Edmunds)在一篇讽刺性的Medium帖子中谈论了PHP的“恐怖之处”,以期推广他的书。 最近,格randint·洛弗尔(Grant Lovell)弹出了另一条新的防御性职位 ,巧妙地总结了我们去过的地方,正在做的事情以及前往的方向。 PHP演变成一种值得竞争的高质量语言已不再是争论的话题–情况每天都在光明。 现在,我们要做的就是说服反对者在5.6版发布后再次尝试。

泡菜 (Pickle)


An interesting new suggestion for PHP extension management was posted by Pierre Joye. In a nutshell, it would be an extension manager similar to Composer, but which would aim to replace the faulty, outdated and no longer used PEAR/PECL installer. Among the most highly regarded features of this new extension manager would be cross-platform support (identical installation procedure on every platform) and composer compatibility.

Pierre Joye发布了有关PHP扩展管理的有趣的新建议。 简而言之,它将是类似于Composer的扩展管理器,但其目的是替换有故障,过时且不再使用的PEAR / PECL安装程序。 这款新的扩展管理器最受人尊敬的功能之一是跨平台支持(每个平台上均相同的安装过程)和作曲家兼容性。

The RFC is still in its infancy and might never happen, but it’s an interesting prospect and many would love to see it happen.


结论 (Conclusion)

Did we miss anything? Let me know in the comments below and include relevant links, I’ll be sure to take a look and include any new information throughout the rest of this week!

我们错过了什么吗? 在下面的评论中让我知道,并包括相关链接,我将确保在本周剩余的时间里看到并包含所有新信息!


