Inverse transform sampling反变换采样法



Let X X be a random variable whose distribution can be described by the cumulative distribution function FX F X .
We want to generate values of X X which are distributed according to this distribution.


The inverse transform sampling method works as follows:

  • Generate a random number u u from the standard uniform distribution in the interval [0,1] [ 0 , 1 ] e.g. from UUnif[0,1]. U ∼ U n i f [ 0 , 1 ] .
  • Find the inverse of the desired CDF, e.g. F1X(x) F X − 1 ( x ) .
  • Compute X=F1X(u) X = F X − 1 ( u ) . This random variablel X X computed has distribution FX F X .

Expressed differently, given a continuous uniform variable U U in [0,1] [ 0 , 1 ] and an invertible cumulative distribution function FX F X , the random variable X=F1X(U) X = F X − 1 ( U ) has distribution FX F X (or, X X is distributed FX F X ).


Inverse transform sampling反变换采样法_第1张图片

