衣服:钢铁要塞 征战重铠(The Iron Fortress Crusader Plate)
奉献之路(Consecrated Path) +裂地之灵(辅)(Earthbreaker Support)+武器元素伤害(强辅)(Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support) +火焰穿透(强辅)(Awakened Fire Penetration Support)+提高暴击伤害(Increased Critical Damage Support) +元素集中(强辅)(Awakened Elemental Focus Support)
先祖卫士(Ancestral Protector)+终结(Culling Strike Support)+多重图腾(辅)(Multiple Totems Support)+几率点燃(Combustion Support)
若你近期内没有打出过暴击,则暴击率提高 #%(#% increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't Crit Recently)
# 力量(# to Strength)
力量提高 #%(#% increased Strength)
该装备的护甲与闪避提高 #% (区域)(#% increased Armour and Evasion (Local))
生命再生率提高 #%(#% increased Life Regeneration rate)
处于【迷踪】状态时,投射物穿透 1 个额外目标(Projectiles Pierce an additional Target while you have Phasing)
晕眩回复和格挡回复提高 #%(#% increased Stun and Block Recovery)
# 最大生命(# to maximum Life)
召唤寒冰魔像(Summon Ice Golem)+赤炼(辅)(Lifetap Support)+快速攻击(Faster Attacks Support)+跃击(Leap Slam)
Rarity: Rare
Morbid Mitts
被击中时有 #% 的几率触发【怨恨之诫】(#% chance to Trigger Commandment of Spite when Hit)
伤害按照每 100 点力量提高 #%(#% increased Damage per 100 Strength)
攻击速度提高 #% (区域)(#% increased Attack Speed (Local))
# 力量(# to Strength)
攻击附加 # 至 # 火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Damage to Attacks)
# 护甲(# to Armour)
护甲提高 #%(#% increased Armour)
#% 冰霜抗性(#% to Cold Resistance)
#% 闪电抗性(#% to Lightning Resistance)
头盔:邪眼之冠 灵主之环(Crown of Eyes Hubris Circlet)
元素净化(Purity of Elements)+死亡时施放(Cast on Death Support)+时空之门(1)(Portal)+暗影印记(Assassin’s Mark)
钢铁之肤(Steelskin)+瓦尔:先祖战士长(Vaal Ancestral Warchief)+狂野怒火(Blood Rage)
# 最大生命(# to maximum Life)
# 力量(# to Strength)
受到的暴击伤害降低 #%(You take #% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes)
护甲提高 #%(#% increased Armour)
35 Life gained when you Block
生命在你格挡时 #(# Life gained when you Block)
# 召唤图腾数量上限(# to maximum number of Summoned Totems)
增加 # 至 # 火焰伤害(Adds # to # Fire Damage)
增加 # 至 # 冰霜伤害(Adds # to # Cold Damage)
武器:布鲁特斯的刑具 祭仪短杖(Brutus’ Lead Sprinkler Ritual Sceptre)
精准(Precision) +血与沙(Blood and Sand)6+元素净化(Purity of Elements)
+22% to Lightning Resistance (implicit)
+132 to Strength
+64 to maximum Mana
+70% to Chaos Resistance
Gain 10 Mana per Enemy Killed
Rarity: Rare
Agony Grasp
Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks (implicit)
+112 to Strength
+59 to Dexterity
Adds 16 to 25 Physical Damage to Attacks
Adds 41 to 78 Fire Damage to Attacks
+46% to Chaos Resistance
Allocates Shaman's Dominion (enchant)
+19 to all Attributes (implicit)
+120 to all Attributes
-4 Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
Mindless rage will shake the world,
Cunning lies will bend it.
Reckless haste will break the world,
And into darkness send it.
Rarity: Rare
Cataclysm Leash
Synthesised Rustic Sash
Item Level: 76
Quality (Attribute Modifiers): +20%
Level: 66
Recover 2% of Life when you Kill an Enemy while you have Rage (enchant)
18% increased Strength (implicit)
+61 to Strength
+17 to maximum Energy Shield
+17% to Fire Resistance
+45% to Cold Resistance
Flasks applied to you have 5% increased Effect
32% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills (crafted)
Synthesised Item
畸变化石(Aberrant Fossil):更多混蛋属性无闪电属性
以太化石(Aetheric Fossil):更多混蛋属性无闪电属性
绑缚化石(Bound Fossil):更多召唤生物 光环或诅咒词缀
腐蚀化石(Corroded Fossil):更多物理异常状态或混沌异常状态词缀无元素词缀
致密化石(Dense Fossil):更多防御无生命词缀
棱面化石(Faceted Fossil):更多宝石词缀
冰冽化石(Frigid Fossil):更多冰霜属性无火焰属性
锯齿化石(Jagged Fossil):更多物理属性无混沌属性
透光化石(Lucent Fossil):更多魔力属性无速度属性
金属化石(Metallic Fossil):更多闪电属性无物理属性
五彩化石(Prismatic Fossil):更多元素词缀无物理异常状态或混沌异常状态词缀
原始化石(Pristine Fossil):更多生命词缀无防御词缀
炽炎化石(Scorched Fossil):更多火焰属性无冰霜属性
狼牙化石(Serrated Fossil):更多攻击属性更少施法属性
狼牙化石(Serrated Fossil):更多攻击属性更少施法属性
震颤化石(Shuddering Fossil):更多速度属性无魔力属性
镂空化石(Hollow Fossil):具有深渊插槽
圣洁化石(Sanctified Fossil):数字属性值特别幸运高等级属性边得更普通
雕刻化石(Glyphic Fossil):具有腐化的精华属性
根基化石(Fundamental Fossil):更多属性词缀没有暴击词缀
机巧化石(Deft Fossil):更多暴击词缀没有属性词缀
镶金化石(Gilded Fossil):物品会被商贩高价购买
完美化石(Perfect Fossil):提高品质
纠缠化石(Tangled Fossil):大幅增加一种随机词缀出现的机率,并阻止另一种随机词缀的出现.插满共振器就会解开他们的效果
<font color = red>1.我是文本 红色red</font>
<font color = blue>2.我是文本 蓝色</font>
<font color = pink>3.我是文本 粉红</font>
<font color = purple>4.我是文本 紫色</font>
<font color = black>5.我是文本 黑色</font>
<font color = Orange>6.我是文本 橙色</font>
<font color = gray>7.我是文本 灰色</font>
<font color = green>8.我是文本 绿色</font>
<font color = #FF0000>8.我是文本 红色#FF0000
召唤愤怒狂灵(Summon Raging Spirit)+召唤物伤害辅助(Unleash)+释放辅助(Minion Damage)+残暴辅助(Ruthless)
第二章(前哨原野):(攻击)冷血酋长 :有狂怒球可以增加
索伏的青睐 和索伏的忠诚
索伏的青睐(+20%伤害buff) 和索伏的忠诚(-20%敌人承受伤害buff)
喚醒灵体(Raise Spectre)
召唤腐化魔像(Summon Carrion Golem)+肉盾辅助(Meat Shield)+
持续时间延长(Increased Duration)
召唤愤怒狂灵(Summon Raging Spirit)+召唤物伤害辅助(Minion Damage)+掠食(Predator)+释放辅助(Unleash)+多重打擊輔助(Multistrike)+火焰穿透(Fire Penetration)
暴风之盾(Tempest Shield)
憤怒 (Anger)+和善辅助(Generosity)
烈焰冲刺(Flame Dash)
受伤时释放(Cast when Damage Taken*)+冰牆(Frost Wall*)
熔岩护盾(Molten Shell)
褻瀆(Desecrate) +活力(Lifetap)
血肉奉獻(Flesh Offering)
升华:【光芒圣战军】 【坚毅圣战军】 【希望壁垒】 【紧急时刻】
技能的魔力保留效能提高 #%(#% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills)
施法速度提高 #%(#% increased Cast Speed)
属性需求提高 #%(#% increased Attribute Requirements)
Attribute Requirements
法术伤害格挡几率(#% Chance to Block Spell Damage)
奉献效果提高 #%(#% increased effect of Offerings)
击中时施加畏火,适配 #% 的火焰抗性(Inflict Fire Exposure on Hit, applying #% to Fire Resistance)
有一个传奇怪物出现在你面前:召唤生物的伤害提高 #%(While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Minions deal #% increased Damage)
#% 的几率免疫中毒(#% chance to Avoid being Poisoned)
移动时留下烧灼地面,持续 # 秒(Drops Scorched Ground while moving, lasting # seconds)
#% 法术伤害提高(#% increased Spell Damage)
所有法术技能石等级 #(# to Level of all Spell Skill Gems)
所有召唤生物技能石等级 #(# to Level of all Minion Skill Gems)
投射物速度提高 #%(#% increased Projectile Speed)
敌人被晕眩时间延长 #%(#% increased Stun Duration on Enemies)
所有法术技能石等级 #(# to Level of all Spell Skill Gems)
所有召唤生物技能石等级 #(# to Level of all Minion Skill Gems)
生命上限提高 #%(#% increased maximum Life)
% 冰霜伤害提高(#% increased Cold Damage)
最大生命(# to maximum Life)
% 冰霜抗性(#% to Cold Resistance)
非吟唱技能的总魔力消耗 #(Non-Channelling Skills have # to Total Mana Cost)(工艺)
紫晶戒指(Amethyst Ring)
% 混沌抗性(#% to Chaos Resistance)
最大生命(# to maximum Life)
% 物品稀有度提高(#% increased Rarity of Items found)
#% 火焰抗性(#% to Fire Resistance)
闪电抗性(#% to Lightning Resistance)
非吟唱技能的总魔力消耗 #(Non-Channelling Skills have # to Total Mana Cost)(工艺)
Allocates arcane guarding 奥术护卫 (涂油)
to Strength and Dexterity 力量和敏捷
to Strength 力量
increased Evasion Rating 闪避值提高
最大生命(# to maximum Life)
闪电抗性(#% to Lightning Resistance)
非吟唱技能的总魔力消耗 #(Non-Channelling Skills have # to Total Mana Cost)(工艺)
最大生命(# to maximum Life)
% 火焰抗性(#% to Fire Resistance)
% 冰霜抗性(#% to Cold Resistance)
% 闪电抗性(#% to Lightning Resistance)
护甲(# to Armour)
最大能量护盾(# to maximum Energy Shield)
仆从穿透8%元素抗性仆从在仆从死亡时恢复5%的生命20%增加献祭效果+50 生命增加10%的生命+1最大释放封印减少10%法力消耗效果提高25%。