2021-3DV论文阅读 DSP-SLAM-Object Oriented SLAM with Deep Shape Priors

object shapes decoded from latent code

Foreground objects background features and camera poses

monocular stereo sterero+lidar


  1. incorporates a sparse set of LiDAR measurements (as few as 50 per object) for object reconstruction and pose-only optimization.

  2. exactly, 50 3D points per object to obtain accurate shape estimates

for object shape and pose estimation: improve quantitative and qualitatively over auto-labelli

stereo+LiDAR sota

monocular: achieves promising qualitative reconstruction result


  1. FroDO:batch method
  2. Node-SLAM:feature与object没有一起优化
  3. DeepSLAM++: forward shape generation不稳定


Each object is represented as a compact and optimizable code vector z


employ DeepSDF [25] as the shape embedding,输入shape code z(64 dims)和3D query location,outputs the signed distance function (SDF) value s = G(x, z) at the given point

  • Detections:
  1. 每个关键帧处估计2D bouding box和分割的mask,initial estimate for the object pose estimation来自3D bounding box检测
  • Data association:
  1. 新的检测关联到 existing map objects,
  2. 或者instantiated as a new object via object-level data association
  3. 物体实例包括2D bounding box B, a 2D mask M, the dpeth observation of sparse 3D point cloud D, and the initial object pose Tco,0.
  • Prior-based object reconstruction:
  1. 对于新的实例,输入3D点,optimises the shape code and object pose to minimise surface consistency and depth rendering losses
  2. 对于已经存在的实例,只优化 their 6-dof pose

Object Reconstruction with Shape Priors

Surface Consistency Term


Differentiable SDF Renderer

  1. 计算Occupancy Probabilities
2021-3DV论文阅读 DSP-SLAM-Object Oriented SLAM with Deep Shape Priors_第1张图片
  1. 计算Event Probabilities
2021-3DV论文阅读 DSP-SLAM-Object Oriented SLAM with Deep Shape Priors_第2张图片
  1. Rendered Depth and Rendering Term
2021-3DV论文阅读 DSP-SLAM-Object Oriented SLAM with Deep Shape Priors_第3张图片 2021-3DV论文阅读 DSP-SLAM-Object Oriented SLAM with Deep Shape Priors_第4张图片

union of surface pixels and pixels not on object surface but inside the 2D bounding box B

Optimization detail

