multiple file upload 多文件上传精典


multiple file upload 多文件上传精典


    <!-- Include the javascript -->
    <script src="multifile_compressed.js"></script>


<!-- This is the form -->
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="your_script_here.script" method = "post">
    <!-- The file element -- NOTE: it has an ID -->
    <input id="my_file_element" type="file" name="file_1" >
    <input type="submit">
<!-- This is where the output will appear -->
<div id="files_list"></div>
    <!-- Create an instance of the multiSelector class, pass it the output target and the max number of files -->
    var multi_selector = new MultiSelector( document.getElementById( 'files_list' ), 3 );
    <!-- Pass in the file element -->
    multi_selector.addElement( document.getElementById( 'my_file_element' ) );
* Convert a single file-input element into a 'multiple' input list
* Usage:
*   1. Create a file input element (no name)
*      eg. <input type="file" id="first_file_element">
*   2. Create a DIV for the output to be written to
*      eg. <div id="files_list"></div>
*   3. Instantiate a MultiSelector object, passing in the DIV and an (optional) maximum number of files
*      eg. var multi_selector = new MultiSelector( document.getElementById( 'files_list' ), 3 );
*   4. Add the first element
*      eg. multi_selector.addElement( document.getElementById( 'first_file_element' ) );
*   5. That's it.
*   You might (will) want to play around with the addListRow() method to make the output prettier.
*   You might also want to change the line
* = 'file_' + this.count;
* a naming convention that makes more sense to you.
* Licence:
*   Use this however/wherever you like, just don't blame me if it breaks anything.
* Credit:
*   If you're nice, you'll leave this bit:
*   Class by Stickman --
*      with thanks to:
*      [for Safari fixes]
*         Luis Torrefranca --
*         and
*         Shawn Parker & John Pennypacker --
*      [for duplicate name bug]
*         'neal'
function MultiSelector( list_target, max ){

    // Where to write the list
    this.list_target = list_target;
    // How many elements?
    this.count = 0;
    // How many elements? = 0;
    // Is there a maximum?
    if( max ){
        this.max = max;
    } else {
        this.max = -1;
    * Add a new file input element
    this.addElement = function( element ){

        // Make sure it's a file input element
        if( element.tagName == 'INPUT' && element.type == 'file' ){

            // Element name -- what number am I?
   = 'file_' +;

            // Add reference to this object
            element.multi_selector = this;

            // What to do when a file is selected
            element.onchange = function(){

                // New file input
                var new_element = document.createElement( 'input' );
                new_element.type = 'file';

                // Add new element
                this.parentNode.insertBefore( new_element, this );

                // Apply 'update' to element
                this.multi_selector.addElement( new_element );

                // Update list
                this.multi_selector.addListRow( this );

                // Hide this: we can't use display:none because Safari doesn't like it
       = 'absolute';
       = '-1000px';

            // If we've reached maximum number, disable input element
            if( this.max != -1 && this.count >= this.max ){
                element.disabled = true;

            // File element counter
            // Most recent element
            this.current_element = element;
        } else {
            // This can only be applied to file input elements!
            alert( 'Error: not a file input element' );


    * Add a new row to the list of files
    this.addListRow = function( element ){

        // Row div
        var new_row = document.createElement( 'div' );

        // Delete button
        var new_row_button = document.createElement( 'input' );
        new_row_button.type = 'button';
        new_row_button.value = 'Delete';

        // References
        new_row.element = element;

        // Delete function
        new_row_button.onclick= function(){

            // Remove element from form
            this.parentNode.element.parentNode.removeChild( this.parentNode.element );

            // Remove this row from the list
            this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild( this.parentNode );

            // Decrement counter

            // Re-enable input element (if it's disabled)
            this.parentNode.element.multi_selector.current_element.disabled = false;

            // Appease Safari
            //    without it Safari wants to reload the browser window
            //    which nixes your already queued uploads
            return false;

        // Set row value
        new_row.innerHTML = element.value;

        // Add button
        new_row.appendChild( new_row_button );

        // Add it to the list
        this.list_target.appendChild( new_row );

