吴恩达机器学习课程学习笔记——Week 5
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✓ 课程网址 standford machine learning
- 课程笔记
- python版作业
we denote h Θ ( x ) k h_Θ(x)_k hΘ(x)k as being a hypothesis that results in the k-th output
输入x, h Θ ( x ) k h_Θ(x)_k hΘ(x)k是输出的第k个特征
1.Cost Function
the cost function for regularized logistic regression
and the cost function for neural network are as below
the cost function for regularized logistic regression was
for neural network, the cost function is
Here, we define δ j l \delta_j^l δjl as the error for a j l a_j^l ajl
2.Back-propagation Algorithm
Same as other ml algorithms, our goal is to minimize the cost function
Therefor, we need to compute
The algorithm to compute ∂ ∂ θ i , j ( l ) J ( θ ) \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_{i,j} ^{(l)}} J(\theta) ∂θi,j(l)∂J(θ) is as below
The whole algorithm is as below
step1 and step2, forward propagation
step3, compute δ ( L ) \delta^{(L)} δ(L)
step4, compute δ ( L − 1 ) \delta^{(L-1)} δ(L−1) and so on,
step5, compute the ∂ ∂ θ i , j ( l ) J ( θ ) \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_{i,j} ^{(l)}} J(\theta) ∂θi,j(l)∂J(θ)
1.Implementation Note: Unrolling Parameters
use gradient checking to assure everything goes well
4.Putting It Together
1.Autonomous Driving