X = ( x , y , z , θ x , θ y , θ z , x ˙ , y ˙ , z ˙ , θ x ˙ , θ y ˙ , θ z ˙ , x ¨ , y ¨ , z ¨ ) T X = (x,y,z,\theta_x,\theta_y,\theta_z,\dot{x},\dot{y},\dot{z},\dot{\theta_x},\dot{\theta_y},\dot{\theta_z},\ddot{x},\ddot{y},\ddot{z})^T X=(x,y,z,θx,θy,θz,x˙,y˙,z˙,θx˙,θy˙,θz˙,x¨,y¨,z¨)T
状态向量中 ( x , y , z , θ x , θ y , θ z ) (x,y,z,\theta_x,\theta_y,\theta_z) (x,y,z,θx,θy,θz)为世界坐标系下的绝对姿态, ( x ˙ , y ˙ , z ˙ , θ x ˙ , θ y ˙ , θ z ˙ , x ¨ , y ¨ , z ¨ ) (\dot{x},\dot{y},\dot{z},\dot{\theta_x},\dot{\theta_y},\dot{\theta_z},\ddot{x},\ddot{y},\ddot{z}) (x˙,y˙,z˙,θx˙,θy˙,θz˙,x¨,y¨,z¨)为载体坐标系下的姿态变化;
ekf_localization_node 对应的文件为ekf_localization_node.cpp,其以Ekf为参数实例化了模板类 RosFilter:
namespace RobotLocalization
typedef RosFilter<Ekf> RosEkf;//以Ekf为参数实例化了模板类 RosFilter
typedef RosFilter<Ukf> RosUkf;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "ekf_navigation_node");
ros::NodeHandle nh;
ros::NodeHandle nh_priv("~");
RobotLocalization::RosEkf ekf(nh, nh_priv);//实例化RosEkf
template<typename T>
RosFilter<T>::RosFilter(ros::NodeHandle nh,
ros::NodeHandle nh_priv,
std::string node_name,
std::vector<double> args) :
minFrequency_(frequency_ - 2.0),
maxFrequency_(frequency_ + 2.0),
diagnosticUpdater_(nh, nh_priv, node_name),
template<typename T>
void RosFilter<T>::initialize()
if (printDiagnostics_)
diagnosticUpdater_.add("Filter diagnostic updater", this, &RosFilter<T>::aggregateDiagnostics);
// Set up the frequency diagnostic
minFrequency_ = frequency_ - 2;
maxFrequency_ = frequency_ + 2;
freqDiag_ = std::make_unique<diagnostic_updater::HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic>(
// Publisher
positionPub_ = nh_.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("odometry/filtered", 20);
// Optional acceleration publisher
if (publishAcceleration_)
accelPub_ = nh_.advertise<geometry_msgs::AccelWithCovarianceStamped>("accel/filtered", 20);
lastDiagTime_ = ros::Time::now();
periodicUpdateTimer_ = nh_.createTimer(ros::Duration(1./frequency_), &RosFilter<T>::periodicUpdate, this);
订阅odom0: example/odom、odom1: example/another_odom等话题,并生成相关更新向量,观测以及观测协方差矩阵;
订阅pose0: example/pose等话题,并生成相关更新向量,观测以及观测协方差矩阵;
订阅imu0: example/imu等话题,并生成相关更新向量,观测以及观测协方差矩阵;
template<typename T>
void RosFilter<T>::loadParams()
/* For diagnostic purposes, collect information about how many different
* sources are measuring each absolute pose variable and do not have
* differential integration enabled.
std::map<StateMembers, int> absPoseVarCounts;
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberX] = 0;
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberY] = 0;
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberZ] = 0;
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberRoll] = 0;
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberPitch] = 0;
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberYaw] = 0;
// Same for twist variables
std::map<StateMembers, int> twistVarCounts;
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVx] = 0;
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVy] = 0;
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVz] = 0;
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVroll] = 0;
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVpitch] = 0;
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVyaw] = 0;
// Determine if we'll be printing diagnostic information
nhLocal_.param("print_diagnostics", printDiagnostics_, true);
// Check for custom gravitational acceleration value
nhLocal_.param("gravitational_acceleration", gravitationalAcc_, 9.80665);
// Grab the debug param. If true, the node will produce a LOT of output.
bool debug;
nhLocal_.param("debug", debug, false);
if (debug)
std::string debugOutFile;
nhLocal_.param("debug_out_file", debugOutFile, std::string("robot_localization_debug.txt"));
// Make sure we succeeded
if (debugStream_.is_open())
filter_.setDebug(debug, &debugStream_);
ROS_WARN_STREAM("RosFilter::loadParams() - unable to create debug output file " << debugOutFile);
catch(const std::exception &e)
ROS_WARN_STREAM("RosFilter::loadParams() - unable to create debug output file" << debugOutFile
<< ". Error was " << e.what() << "\n");
// These params specify the name of the robot's body frame (typically
// base_link) and odometry frame (typically odom)
nhLocal_.param("map_frame", mapFrameId_, std::string("map"));
nhLocal_.param("odom_frame", odomFrameId_, std::string("odom"));
nhLocal_.param("base_link_frame", baseLinkFrameId_, std::string("base_link"));
nhLocal_.param("base_link_frame_output", baseLinkOutputFrameId_, baseLinkFrameId_);
* These parameters are designed to enforce compliance with REP-105:
* http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0105.html
* When fusing absolute position data from sensors such as GPS, the state
* estimate can undergo discrete jumps. According to REP-105, we want three
* coordinate frames: map, odom, and base_link. The map frame can have
* discontinuities, but is the frame with the most accurate position estimate
* for the robot and should not suffer from drift. The odom frame drifts over
* time, but is guaranteed to be continuous and is accurate enough for local
* planning and navigation. The base_link frame is affixed to the robot. The
* intention is that some odometry source broadcasts the odom->base_link
* transform. The localization software should broadcast map->base_link.
* However, tf does not allow multiple parents for a coordinate frame, so
* we must *compute* map->base_link, but then use the existing odom->base_link
* transform to compute *and broadcast* map->odom.
* The state estimation nodes in robot_localization therefore have two "modes."
* If your world_frame parameter value matches the odom_frame parameter value,
* then robot_localization will assume someone else is broadcasting a transform
* from odom_frame->base_link_frame, and it will compute the
* map_frame->odom_frame transform. Otherwise, it will simply compute the
* odom_frame->base_link_frame transform.
* The default is the latter behavior (broadcast of odom->base_link).
nhLocal_.param("world_frame", worldFrameId_, odomFrameId_);
ROS_FATAL_COND(mapFrameId_ == odomFrameId_ ||
odomFrameId_ == baseLinkFrameId_ ||
mapFrameId_ == baseLinkFrameId_ ||
odomFrameId_ == baseLinkOutputFrameId_ ||
mapFrameId_ == baseLinkOutputFrameId_,
"Invalid frame configuration! The values for map_frame, odom_frame, "
"and base_link_frame must be unique. If using a base_link_frame_output values, it "
"must not match the map_frame or odom_frame.");
// Try to resolve tf_prefix
std::string tfPrefix = "";
std::string tfPrefixPath = "";
if (nhLocal_.searchParam("tf_prefix", tfPrefixPath))
nhLocal_.getParam(tfPrefixPath, tfPrefix);
// Append the tf prefix in a tf2-friendly manner
FilterUtilities::appendPrefix(tfPrefix, mapFrameId_);
FilterUtilities::appendPrefix(tfPrefix, odomFrameId_);
FilterUtilities::appendPrefix(tfPrefix, baseLinkFrameId_);
FilterUtilities::appendPrefix(tfPrefix, baseLinkOutputFrameId_);
FilterUtilities::appendPrefix(tfPrefix, worldFrameId_);
// Whether we're publshing the world_frame->base_link_frame transform
nhLocal_.param("publish_tf", publishTransform_, true);
// Whether we're publishing the acceleration state transform
nhLocal_.param("publish_acceleration", publishAcceleration_, false);
// Transform future dating
double offsetTmp;
nhLocal_.param("transform_time_offset", offsetTmp, 0.0);
// Transform timeout
double timeoutTmp;
nhLocal_.param("transform_timeout", timeoutTmp, 0.0);
// Update frequency and sensor timeout
double sensorTimeout;
nhLocal_.param("frequency", frequency_, 30.0);
nhLocal_.param("sensor_timeout", sensorTimeout, 1.0 / frequency_);
// Determine if we're in 2D mode
nhLocal_.param("two_d_mode", twoDMode_, false);
// Whether or not to print warning for tf lookup failure
// Note: accesses the root of the parameter tree, not the local parameters
nh_.param("/silent_tf_failure", silentTfFailure_, false);
// Smoothing window size
nhLocal_.param("smooth_lagged_data", smoothLaggedData_, false);
nhLocal_.param("history_length", historyLength_, 0.0);
// Wether we reset filter on jump back in time
nhLocal_.param("reset_on_time_jump", resetOnTimeJump_, false);
if (!smoothLaggedData_ && ::fabs(historyLength_) > 1e-9)
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Filter history interval of " << historyLength_ <<
" specified, but smooth_lagged_data is set to false. Lagged data will not be smoothed.");
if (smoothLaggedData_ && historyLength_ < -1e9)
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Negative history interval of " << historyLength_ <<
" specified. Absolute value will be assumed.");
historyLength_ = ::fabs(historyLength_);
nhLocal_.param("predict_to_current_time", predictToCurrentTime_, false);
// Determine if we're using a control term
bool stampedControl = false;
double controlTimeout = sensorTimeout;
std::vector<int> controlUpdateVector(TWIST_SIZE, 0);
std::vector<double> accelerationLimits(TWIST_SIZE, 1.0);
std::vector<double> accelerationGains(TWIST_SIZE, 1.0);
std::vector<double> decelerationLimits(TWIST_SIZE, 1.0);
std::vector<double> decelerationGains(TWIST_SIZE, 1.0);
nhLocal_.param("use_control", useControl_, false);
nhLocal_.param("stamped_control", stampedControl, false);
nhLocal_.param("control_timeout", controlTimeout, sensorTimeout);
if (useControl_)
if (nhLocal_.getParam("control_config", controlUpdateVector))
if (controlUpdateVector.size() != TWIST_SIZE)
ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Control configuration must be of size " << TWIST_SIZE << ". Provided config was of "
"size " << controlUpdateVector.size() << ". No control term will be used.");
useControl_ = false;
ROS_ERROR_STREAM("use_control is set to true, but control_config is missing. No control term will be used.");
useControl_ = false;
if (nhLocal_.getParam("acceleration_limits", accelerationLimits))
if (accelerationLimits.size() != TWIST_SIZE)
ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Acceleration configuration must be of size " << TWIST_SIZE << ". Provided config was of "
"size " << accelerationLimits.size() << ". No control term will be used.");
useControl_ = false;
ROS_WARN_STREAM("use_control is set to true, but acceleration_limits is missing. Will use default values.");
if (nhLocal_.getParam("acceleration_gains", accelerationGains))
const int size = accelerationGains.size();
if (size != TWIST_SIZE)
ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Acceleration gain configuration must be of size " << TWIST_SIZE <<
". Provided config was of size " << size << ". All gains will be assumed to be 1.");
std::fill_n(accelerationGains.begin(), std::min(size, TWIST_SIZE), 1.0);
accelerationGains.resize(TWIST_SIZE, 1.0);
if (nhLocal_.getParam("deceleration_limits", decelerationLimits))
if (decelerationLimits.size() != TWIST_SIZE)
ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Deceleration configuration must be of size " << TWIST_SIZE <<
". Provided config was of size " << decelerationLimits.size() << ". No control term will be used.");
useControl_ = false;
ROS_INFO_STREAM("use_control is set to true, but no deceleration_limits specified. Will use acceleration "
decelerationLimits = accelerationLimits;
if (nhLocal_.getParam("deceleration_gains", decelerationGains))
const int size = decelerationGains.size();
if (size != TWIST_SIZE)
ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Deceleration gain configuration must be of size " << TWIST_SIZE <<
". Provided config was of size " << size << ". All gains will be assumed to be 1.");
std::fill_n(decelerationGains.begin(), std::min(size, TWIST_SIZE), 1.0);
decelerationGains.resize(TWIST_SIZE, 1.0);
ROS_INFO_STREAM("use_control is set to true, but no deceleration_gains specified. Will use acceleration "
decelerationGains = accelerationGains;
bool dynamicProcessNoiseCovariance = false;
nhLocal_.param("dynamic_process_noise_covariance", dynamicProcessNoiseCovariance, false);
std::vector<double> initialState(STATE_SIZE, 0.0);
if (nhLocal_.getParam("initial_state", initialState))
if (initialState.size() != STATE_SIZE)
ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Initial state must be of size " << STATE_SIZE << ". Provided config was of size " <<
initialState.size() << ". The initial state will be ignored.");
Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> eigenState(initialState.data(), initialState.size());
// Check if the filter should start or not
nhLocal_.param("disabled_at_startup", disabledAtStartup_, false);
enabled_ = !disabledAtStartup_;
// Debugging writes to file
RF_DEBUG("tf_prefix is " << tfPrefix <<
"\nmap_frame is " << mapFrameId_ <<
"\nodom_frame is " << odomFrameId_ <<
"\nbase_link_frame is " << baseLinkFrameId_ <<
"\base_link_frame_output is " << baseLinkOutputFrameId_ <<
"\nworld_frame is " << worldFrameId_ <<
"\ntransform_time_offset is " << tfTimeOffset_.toSec() <<
"\ntransform_timeout is " << tfTimeout_.toSec() <<
"\nfrequency is " << frequency_ <<
"\nsensor_timeout is " << filter_.getSensorTimeout() <<
"\ntwo_d_mode is " << (twoDMode_ ? "true" : "false") <<
"\nsilent_tf_failure is " << (silentTfFailure_ ? "true" : "false") <<
"\nsmooth_lagged_data is " << (smoothLaggedData_ ? "true" : "false") <<
"\nhistory_length is " << historyLength_ <<
"\nuse_control is " << (useControl_ ? "true" : "false") <<
"\nstamped_control is " << (stampedControl ? "true" : "false") <<
"\ncontrol_config is " << controlUpdateVector <<
"\ncontrol_timeout is " << controlTimeout <<
"\nacceleration_limits are " << accelerationLimits <<
"\nacceleration_gains are " << accelerationGains <<
"\ndeceleration_limits are " << decelerationLimits <<
"\ndeceleration_gains are " << decelerationGains <<
"\ninitial state is " << filter_.getState() <<
"\ndynamic_process_noise_covariance is " << (dynamicProcessNoiseCovariance ? "true" : "false") <<
"\nprint_diagnostics is " << (printDiagnostics_ ? "true" : "false") << "\n");
// Create a subscriber for manually setting/resetting pose
setPoseSub_ = nh_.subscribe("set_pose",
this, ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay(false));
// Create a service for manually setting/resetting pose
setPoseSrv_ = nh_.advertiseService("set_pose", &RosFilter<T>::setPoseSrvCallback, this);
// Create a service for manually enabling the filter
enableFilterSrv_ = nhLocal_.advertiseService("enable", &RosFilter<T>::enableFilterSrvCallback, this);
// Create a service for toggling processing new measurements while still publishing
toggleFilterProcessingSrv_ =
nhLocal_.advertiseService("toggle", &RosFilter<T>::toggleFilterProcessingCallback, this);
// Init the last measurement time so we don't get a huge initial delta
// Now pull in each topic to which we want to subscribe.
// Start with odom.
size_t topicInd = 0;
bool moreParams = false;
// Build the string in the form of "odomX", where X is the odom topic number,
// then check if we have any parameters with that value. Users need to make
// sure they don't have gaps in their configs (e.g., odom0 and then odom2)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "odom" << topicInd++;
std::string odomTopicName = ss.str();
moreParams = nhLocal_.hasParam(odomTopicName);
if (moreParams)
// Determine if we want to integrate this sensor differentially
bool differential;
nhLocal_.param(odomTopicName + std::string("_differential"), differential, false);
// Determine if we want to integrate this sensor relatively
bool relative;
nhLocal_.param(odomTopicName + std::string("_relative"), relative, false);
if (relative && differential)
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Both " << odomTopicName << "_differential" << " and " << odomTopicName <<
"_relative were set to true. Using differential mode.");
relative = false;
std::string odomTopic;
nhLocal_.getParam(odomTopicName, odomTopic);
// Check for pose rejection threshold
double poseMahalanobisThresh;
nhLocal_.param(odomTopicName + std::string("_pose_rejection_threshold"),
// Check for twist rejection threshold
double twistMahalanobisThresh;
nhLocal_.param(odomTopicName + std::string("_twist_rejection_threshold"),
// Now pull in its boolean update vector configuration. Create separate vectors for pose
// and twist data, and then zero out the opposite values in each vector (no pose data in
// the twist update vector and vice-versa).
std::vector<int> updateVec = loadUpdateConfig(odomTopicName);
std::vector<int> poseUpdateVec = updateVec;
std::fill(poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET, poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET + TWIST_SIZE, 0);
std::vector<int> twistUpdateVec = updateVec;
std::fill(twistUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET, twistUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET + POSE_SIZE, 0);
int poseUpdateSum = std::accumulate(poseUpdateVec.begin(), poseUpdateVec.end(), 0);
int twistUpdateSum = std::accumulate(twistUpdateVec.begin(), twistUpdateVec.end(), 0);
int odomQueueSize = 1;
nhLocal_.param(odomTopicName + "_queue_size", odomQueueSize, 1);
const CallbackData poseCallbackData(odomTopicName + "_pose", poseUpdateVec, poseUpdateSum, differential,
relative, poseMahalanobisThresh);
const CallbackData twistCallbackData(odomTopicName + "_twist", twistUpdateVec, twistUpdateSum, false, false,
bool nodelayOdom = false;
nhLocal_.param(odomTopicName + "_nodelay", nodelayOdom, false);
// Store the odometry topic subscribers so they don't go out of scope.
if (poseUpdateSum + twistUpdateSum > 0)
nh_.subscribe<nav_msgs::Odometry>(odomTopic, odomQueueSize,
boost::bind(&RosFilter::odometryCallback, this, _1, odomTopicName, poseCallbackData, twistCallbackData),
ros::VoidPtr(), ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay(nodelayOdom)));
std::stringstream stream;
stream << odomTopic << " is listed as an input topic, but all update variables are false";
odomTopic + "_configuration",
if (poseUpdateSum > 0)
if (differential)
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVx] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberX];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVy] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberY];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVz] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberZ];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVroll] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberRoll];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVpitch] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberPitch];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVyaw] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberYaw];
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberX] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberX];
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberY] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberY];
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberZ] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberZ];
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberRoll] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberRoll];
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberPitch] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberPitch];
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberYaw] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberYaw];
if (twistUpdateSum > 0)
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVx] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVx];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVy] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVx];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVz] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVz];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVroll] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVroll];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVpitch] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVpitch];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVyaw] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVyaw];
RF_DEBUG("Subscribed to " << odomTopic << " (" << odomTopicName << ")\n\t" <<
odomTopicName << "_differential is " << (differential ? "true" : "false") << "\n\t" <<
odomTopicName << "_pose_rejection_threshold is " << poseMahalanobisThresh << "\n\t" <<
odomTopicName << "_twist_rejection_threshold is " << twistMahalanobisThresh << "\n\t" <<
odomTopicName << "_queue_size is " << odomQueueSize << "\n\t" <<
odomTopicName << " pose update vector is " << poseUpdateVec << "\t"<<
odomTopicName << " twist update vector is " << twistUpdateVec);
while (moreParams);
// Repeat for pose
topicInd = 0;
moreParams = false;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "pose" << topicInd++;
std::string poseTopicName = ss.str();
moreParams = nhLocal_.hasParam(poseTopicName);
if (moreParams)
bool differential;
nhLocal_.param(poseTopicName + std::string("_differential"), differential, false);
// Determine if we want to integrate this sensor relatively
bool relative;
nhLocal_.param(poseTopicName + std::string("_relative"), relative, false);
if (relative && differential)
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Both " << poseTopicName << "_differential" << " and " << poseTopicName <<
"_relative were set to true. Using differential mode.");
relative = false;
std::string poseTopic;
nhLocal_.getParam(poseTopicName, poseTopic);
// Check for pose rejection threshold
double poseMahalanobisThresh;
nhLocal_.param(poseTopicName + std::string("_rejection_threshold"),
int poseQueueSize = 1;
nhLocal_.param(poseTopicName + "_queue_size", poseQueueSize, 1);
bool nodelayPose = false;
nhLocal_.param(poseTopicName + "_nodelay", nodelayPose, false);
// Pull in the sensor's config, zero out values that are invalid for the pose type
std::vector<int> poseUpdateVec = loadUpdateConfig(poseTopicName);
std::fill(poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET,
poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET + TWIST_SIZE,
std::fill(poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_A_OFFSET,
int poseUpdateSum = std::accumulate(poseUpdateVec.begin(), poseUpdateVec.end(), 0);
if (poseUpdateSum > 0)
const CallbackData callbackData(poseTopicName, poseUpdateVec, poseUpdateSum, differential, relative,
nh_.subscribe<geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped>(poseTopic, poseQueueSize,
boost::bind(&RosFilter::poseCallback, this, _1, callbackData, worldFrameId_, false),
ros::VoidPtr(), ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay(nodelayPose)));
if (differential)
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVx] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberX];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVy] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberY];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVz] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberZ];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVroll] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberRoll];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVpitch] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberPitch];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVyaw] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberYaw];
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberX] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberX];
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberY] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberY];
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberZ] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberZ];
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberRoll] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberRoll];
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberPitch] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberPitch];
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberYaw] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberYaw];
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Warning: " << poseTopic << " is listed as an input topic, "
"but all pose update variables are false");
RF_DEBUG("Subscribed to " << poseTopic << " (" << poseTopicName << ")\n\t" <<
poseTopicName << "_differential is " << (differential ? "true" : "false") << "\n\t" <<
poseTopicName << "_rejection_threshold is " << poseMahalanobisThresh << "\n\t" <<
poseTopicName << "_queue_size is " << poseQueueSize << "\n\t" <<
poseTopicName << " update vector is " << poseUpdateVec);
while (moreParams);
// Repeat for twist
topicInd = 0;
moreParams = false;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "twist" << topicInd++;
std::string twistTopicName = ss.str();
moreParams = nhLocal_.hasParam(twistTopicName);
if (moreParams)
std::string twistTopic;
nhLocal_.getParam(twistTopicName, twistTopic);
// Check for twist rejection threshold
double twistMahalanobisThresh;
nhLocal_.param(twistTopicName + std::string("_rejection_threshold"),
int twistQueueSize = 1;
nhLocal_.param(twistTopicName + "_queue_size", twistQueueSize, 1);
bool nodelayTwist = false;
nhLocal_.param(twistTopicName + "_nodelay", nodelayTwist, false);
// Pull in the sensor's config, zero out values that are invalid for the twist type
std::vector<int> twistUpdateVec = loadUpdateConfig(twistTopicName);
std::fill(twistUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET, twistUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET + POSE_SIZE, 0);
int twistUpdateSum = std::accumulate(twistUpdateVec.begin(), twistUpdateVec.end(), 0);
if (twistUpdateSum > 0)
const CallbackData callbackData(twistTopicName, twistUpdateVec, twistUpdateSum, false, false,
nh_.subscribe<geometry_msgs::TwistWithCovarianceStamped>(twistTopic, twistQueueSize,
boost::bind(&RosFilter<T>::twistCallback, this, _1, callbackData, baseLinkFrameId_),
ros::VoidPtr(), ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay(nodelayTwist)));
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVx] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVx];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVy] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVy];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVz] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVz];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVroll] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVroll];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVpitch] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVpitch];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVyaw] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVyaw];
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Warning: " << twistTopic << " is listed as an input topic, "
"but all twist update variables are false");
RF_DEBUG("Subscribed to " << twistTopic << " (" << twistTopicName << ")\n\t" <<
twistTopicName << "_rejection_threshold is " << twistMahalanobisThresh << "\n\t" <<
twistTopicName << "_queue_size is " << twistQueueSize << "\n\t" <<
twistTopicName << " update vector is " << twistUpdateVec);
while (moreParams);
// Repeat for IMU
topicInd = 0;
moreParams = false;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "imu" << topicInd++;
std::string imuTopicName = ss.str();
moreParams = nhLocal_.hasParam(imuTopicName);
if (moreParams)
bool differential;
nhLocal_.param(imuTopicName + std::string("_differential"), differential, false);
// Determine if we want to integrate this sensor relatively
bool relative;
nhLocal_.param(imuTopicName + std::string("_relative"), relative, false);
if (relative && differential)
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Both " << imuTopicName << "_differential" << " and " << imuTopicName <<
"_relative were set to true. Using differential mode.");
relative = false;
std::string imuTopic;
nhLocal_.getParam(imuTopicName, imuTopic);
// Check for pose rejection threshold
double poseMahalanobisThresh;
nhLocal_.param(imuTopicName + std::string("_pose_rejection_threshold"),
// Check for angular velocity rejection threshold
double twistMahalanobisThresh;
std::string imuTwistRejectionName =
imuTopicName + std::string("_twist_rejection_threshold");
nhLocal_.param(imuTwistRejectionName, twistMahalanobisThresh, std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
// Check for acceleration rejection threshold
double accelMahalanobisThresh;
nhLocal_.param(imuTopicName + std::string("_linear_acceleration_rejection_threshold"),
bool removeGravAcc = false;
nhLocal_.param(imuTopicName + "_remove_gravitational_acceleration", removeGravAcc, false);
removeGravitationalAcc_[imuTopicName + "_acceleration"] = removeGravAcc;
// Now pull in its boolean update vector configuration and differential
// update configuration (as this contains pose information)
std::vector<int> updateVec = loadUpdateConfig(imuTopicName);
// sanity checks for update config settings
std::vector<int> positionUpdateVec(updateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET,
int positionUpdateSum = std::accumulate(positionUpdateVec.begin(), positionUpdateVec.end(), 0);
if (positionUpdateSum > 0)
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Warning: Some position entries in parameter " << imuTopicName << "_config are listed true, "
"but sensor_msgs/Imu contains no information about position");
std::vector<int> linearVelocityUpdateVec(updateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET,
int linearVelocityUpdateSum = std::accumulate(linearVelocityUpdateVec.begin(),
if (linearVelocityUpdateSum > 0)
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Warning: Some linear velocity entries in parameter " << imuTopicName << "_config are listed "
"true, but an sensor_msgs/Imu contains no information about linear velocities");
std::vector<int> poseUpdateVec = updateVec;
// IMU message contains no information about position, filter everything except orientation
std::fill(poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET,
poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET + POSITION_SIZE,
std::fill(poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET,
poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET + TWIST_SIZE,
std::fill(poseUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_A_OFFSET,
std::vector<int> twistUpdateVec = updateVec;
// IMU message contains no information about linear speeds, filter everything except angular velocity
std::fill(twistUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET,
twistUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET + POSE_SIZE,
std::fill(twistUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET,
std::fill(twistUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_A_OFFSET,
std::vector<int> accelUpdateVec = updateVec;
std::fill(accelUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET,
accelUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_OFFSET + POSE_SIZE,
std::fill(accelUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET,
accelUpdateVec.begin() + POSITION_V_OFFSET + TWIST_SIZE,
int poseUpdateSum = std::accumulate(poseUpdateVec.begin(), poseUpdateVec.end(), 0);
int twistUpdateSum = std::accumulate(twistUpdateVec.begin(), twistUpdateVec.end(), 0);
int accelUpdateSum = std::accumulate(accelUpdateVec.begin(), accelUpdateVec.end(), 0);
// Check if we're using control input for any of the acceleration variables; turn off if so
if (static_cast<bool>(controlUpdateVector[ControlMemberVx]) && static_cast<bool>(accelUpdateVec[StateMemberAx]))
ROS_WARN_STREAM("X acceleration is being measured from IMU; X velocity control input is disabled");
controlUpdateVector[ControlMemberVx] = 0;
if (static_cast<bool>(controlUpdateVector[ControlMemberVy]) && static_cast<bool>(accelUpdateVec[StateMemberAy]))
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Y acceleration is being measured from IMU; Y velocity control input is disabled");
controlUpdateVector[ControlMemberVy] = 0;
if (static_cast<bool>(controlUpdateVector[ControlMemberVz]) && static_cast<bool>(accelUpdateVec[StateMemberAz]))
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Z acceleration is being measured from IMU; Z velocity control input is disabled");
controlUpdateVector[ControlMemberVz] = 0;
int imuQueueSize = 1;
nhLocal_.param(imuTopicName + "_queue_size", imuQueueSize, 1);
bool nodelayImu = false;
nhLocal_.param(imuTopicName + "_nodelay", nodelayImu, false);
if (poseUpdateSum + twistUpdateSum + accelUpdateSum > 0)
const CallbackData poseCallbackData(imuTopicName + "_pose", poseUpdateVec, poseUpdateSum, differential,
relative, poseMahalanobisThresh);
const CallbackData twistCallbackData(imuTopicName + "_twist", twistUpdateVec, twistUpdateSum, differential,
relative, twistMahalanobisThresh);
const CallbackData accelCallbackData(imuTopicName + "_acceleration", accelUpdateVec, accelUpdateSum,
differential, relative, accelMahalanobisThresh);
nh_.subscribe<sensor_msgs::Imu>(imuTopic, imuQueueSize,
boost::bind(&RosFilter<T>::imuCallback, this, _1, imuTopicName, poseCallbackData, twistCallbackData,
accelCallbackData), ros::VoidPtr(), ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay(nodelayImu)));
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Warning: " << imuTopic << " is listed as an input topic, "
"but all its update variables are false");
if (poseUpdateSum > 0)
if (differential)
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVroll] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberRoll];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVpitch] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberPitch];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVyaw] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberYaw];
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberRoll] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberRoll];
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberPitch] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberPitch];
absPoseVarCounts[StateMemberYaw] += poseUpdateVec[StateMemberYaw];
if (twistUpdateSum > 0)
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVroll] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVroll];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVpitch] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVpitch];
twistVarCounts[StateMemberVyaw] += twistUpdateVec[StateMemberVyaw];
RF_DEBUG("Subscribed to " << imuTopic << " (" << imuTopicName << ")\n\t" <<
imuTopicName << "_differential is " << (differential ? "true" : "false") << "\n\t" <<
imuTopicName << "_pose_rejection_threshold is " << poseMahalanobisThresh << "\n\t" <<
imuTopicName << "_twist_rejection_threshold is " << twistMahalanobisThresh << "\n\t" <<
imuTopicName << "_linear_acceleration_rejection_threshold is " << accelMahalanobisThresh << "\n\t" <<
imuTopicName << "_remove_gravitational_acceleration is " <<
(removeGravAcc ? "true" : "false") << "\n\t" <<
imuTopicName << "_queue_size is " << imuQueueSize << "\n\t" <<
imuTopicName << " pose update vector is " << poseUpdateVec << "\t"<<
imuTopicName << " twist update vector is " << twistUpdateVec << "\t" <<
imuTopicName << " acceleration update vector is " << accelUpdateVec);
while (moreParams);
// Now that we've checked if IMU linear acceleration is being used, we can determine our final control parameters
if (useControl_ && std::accumulate(controlUpdateVector.begin(), controlUpdateVector.end(), 0) == 0)
ROS_ERROR_STREAM("use_control is set to true, but control_config has only false values. No control term "
"will be used.");
useControl_ = false;
// If we're using control, set the parameters and create the necessary subscribers
if (useControl_)
filter_.setControlParams(controlUpdateVector, controlTimeout, accelerationLimits, accelerationGains,
decelerationLimits, decelerationGains);
if (stampedControl)
controlSub_ = nh_.subscribe<geometry_msgs::TwistStamped>("cmd_vel", 1, &RosFilter<T>::controlCallback, this);
controlSub_ = nh_.subscribe<geometry_msgs::Twist>("cmd_vel", 1, &RosFilter<T>::controlCallback, this);
/* Warn users about:
* 1. Multiple non-differential input sources
* 2. No absolute *or* velocity measurements for pose variables
if (printDiagnostics_)
for (int stateVar = StateMemberX; stateVar <= StateMemberYaw; ++stateVar)
if (absPoseVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar)] > 1)
std::stringstream stream;
stream << absPoseVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar - POSITION_OFFSET)] <<
" absolute pose inputs detected for " << stateVariableNames_[stateVar] <<
". This may result in oscillations. Please ensure that your variances for each "
"measured variable are set appropriately.";
stateVariableNames_[stateVar] + "_configuration",
else if (absPoseVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar)] == 0)
if ((static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar) == StateMemberX &&
twistVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(StateMemberVx)] == 0) ||
(static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar) == StateMemberY &&
twistVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(StateMemberVy)] == 0) ||
(static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar) == StateMemberZ &&
twistVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(StateMemberVz)] == 0 &&
twoDMode_ == false) ||
(static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar) == StateMemberRoll &&
twistVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(StateMemberVroll)] == 0 &&
twoDMode_ == false) ||
(static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar) == StateMemberPitch &&
twistVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(StateMemberVpitch)] == 0 &&
twoDMode_ == false) ||
(static_cast<StateMembers>(stateVar) == StateMemberYaw &&
twistVarCounts[static_cast<StateMembers>(StateMemberVyaw)] == 0))
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "Neither " << stateVariableNames_[stateVar] << " nor its "
"velocity is being measured. This will result in unbounded "
"error growth and erratic filter behavior.";
stateVariableNames_[stateVar] + "_configuration",
// Load up the process noise covariance (from the launch file/parameter server)
Eigen::MatrixXd processNoiseCovariance(STATE_SIZE, STATE_SIZE);
XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue processNoiseCovarConfig;
if (nhLocal_.hasParam("process_noise_covariance"))
nhLocal_.getParam("process_noise_covariance", processNoiseCovarConfig);
ROS_ASSERT(processNoiseCovarConfig.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray);
int matSize = processNoiseCovariance.rows();
for (int i = 0; i < matSize; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < matSize; j++)
// These matrices can cause problems if all the types
// aren't specified with decimal points. Handle that
// using string streams.
std::ostringstream ostr;
ostr << processNoiseCovarConfig[matSize * i + j];
std::istringstream istr(ostr.str());
istr >> processNoiseCovariance(i, j);
catch(XmlRpc::XmlRpcException &e)
throw e;
RF_DEBUG("Process noise covariance is:\n" << processNoiseCovariance << "\n");
catch (XmlRpc::XmlRpcException &e)
ROS_ERROR_STREAM("ERROR reading sensor config: " <<
e.getMessage() <<
" for process_noise_covariance (type: " <<
processNoiseCovarConfig.getType() << ")");
// Load up the process noise covariance (from the launch file/parameter server)
Eigen::MatrixXd initialEstimateErrorCovariance(STATE_SIZE, STATE_SIZE);
XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue estimateErrorCovarConfig;
if (nhLocal_.hasParam("initial_estimate_covariance"))
nhLocal_.getParam("initial_estimate_covariance", estimateErrorCovarConfig);
ROS_ASSERT(estimateErrorCovarConfig.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray);
int matSize = initialEstimateErrorCovariance.rows();
for (int i = 0; i < matSize; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < matSize; j++)
// These matrices can cause problems if all the types
// aren't specified with decimal points. Handle that
// using string streams.
std::ostringstream ostr;
ostr << estimateErrorCovarConfig[matSize * i + j];
std::istringstream istr(ostr.str());
istr >> initialEstimateErrorCovariance(i, j);
catch(XmlRpc::XmlRpcException &e)
throw e;
RF_DEBUG("Initial estimate error covariance is:\n" << initialEstimateErrorCovariance << "\n");
catch (XmlRpc::XmlRpcException &e)
ROS_ERROR_STREAM("ERROR reading initial_estimate_covariance (type: " <<
estimateErrorCovarConfig.getType() <<
"): " <<
"ERROR reading initial_estimate_covariance (type: " << estimateErrorCovarConfig.getType() << ")");
template<typename T>
void RosFilter<T>::periodicUpdate(const ros::TimerEvent& event)
// Warn the user if the update took too long (> 2 cycles)
const double loop_elapsed = (event.current_real - event.last_expected).toSec();
if (loop_elapsed > 2./frequency_)
ROS_WARN_STREAM("Failed to meet update rate! Took " << std::setprecision(20) << loop_elapsed);
// Wait for the filter to be enabled
if (!enabled_)
ROS_INFO_STREAM_ONCE("Filter is disabled. To enable it call the " << enableFilterSrv_.getService() <<
" service");
ros::Time curTime = ros::Time::now();
if (toggledOn_)
// Now we'll integrate any measurements we've received if requested
// clear out measurements since we're not currently processing new entries
// Reset last measurement time so we don't get a large time delta on toggle on
if (filter_.getInitializedStatus())
// Get latest state and publish it
nav_msgs::Odometry filteredPosition;
if (getFilteredOdometryMessage(filteredPosition))
worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.transform = tf2::toMsg(tf2::Transform::getIdentity());
worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.header.stamp = filteredPosition.header.stamp + tfTimeOffset_;
worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.header.frame_id = filteredPosition.header.frame_id;
worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.child_frame_id = filteredPosition.child_frame_id;
worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.transform.translation.x = filteredPosition.pose.pose.position.x;
worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.transform.translation.y = filteredPosition.pose.pose.position.y;
worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.transform.translation.z = filteredPosition.pose.pose.position.z;
worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.transform.rotation = filteredPosition.pose.pose.orientation;
// the filteredPosition is the message containing the state and covariances: nav_msgs Odometry
if (!validateFilterOutput(filteredPosition))
ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Critical Error, NaNs were detected in the output state of the filter." <<
" This was likely due to poorly coniditioned process, noise, or sensor covariances.");
// If the worldFrameId_ is the odomFrameId_ frame, then we can just send the transform. If the
// worldFrameId_ is the mapFrameId_ frame, we'll have some work to do.
if (publishTransform_)
if (filteredPosition.header.frame_id == odomFrameId_)
else if (filteredPosition.header.frame_id == mapFrameId_)
tf2::Transform worldBaseLinkTrans;
tf2::fromMsg(worldBaseLinkTransMsg_.transform, worldBaseLinkTrans);
tf2::Transform baseLinkOdomTrans;
tf2::fromMsg(tfBuffer_.lookupTransform(baseLinkFrameId_, odomFrameId_, ros::Time(0)).transform,
* First, see these two references:
* http://wiki.ros.org/tf/Overview/Using%20Published%20Transforms#lookupTransform
* http://wiki.ros.org/geometry/CoordinateFrameConventions#Transform_Direction
* We have a transform from mapFrameId_->baseLinkFrameId_, but it would actually transform
* a given pose from baseLinkFrameId_->mapFrameId_. We then used lookupTransform, whose
* first two arguments are target frame and source frame, to get a transform from
* baseLinkFrameId_->odomFrameId_. However, this transform would actually transform data
* from odomFrameId_->baseLinkFrameId_. Now imagine that we have a position in the
* mapFrameId_ frame. First, we multiply it by the inverse of the
* mapFrameId_->baseLinkFrameId, which will transform that data from mapFrameId_ to
* baseLinkFrameId_. Now we want to go from baseLinkFrameId_->odomFrameId_, but the
* transform we have takes data from odomFrameId_->baseLinkFrameId_, so we need its
* inverse as well. We have now transformed our data from mapFrameId_ to odomFrameId_.
* However, if we want other users to be able to do the same, we need to broadcast
* the inverse of that entire transform.
tf2::Transform mapOdomTrans;
mapOdomTrans.mult(worldBaseLinkTrans, baseLinkOdomTrans);
geometry_msgs::TransformStamped mapOdomTransMsg;
mapOdomTransMsg.transform = tf2::toMsg(mapOdomTrans);
mapOdomTransMsg.header.stamp = filteredPosition.header.stamp + tfTimeOffset_;
mapOdomTransMsg.header.frame_id = mapFrameId_;
mapOdomTransMsg.child_frame_id = odomFrameId_;
ROS_ERROR_STREAM_DELAYED_THROTTLE(5.0, "Could not obtain transform from "
<< odomFrameId_ << "->" << baseLinkFrameId_);
ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Odometry message frame_id was " << filteredPosition.header.frame_id <<
", expected " << mapFrameId_ << " or " << odomFrameId_);
// Fire off the position and the transform
if (printDiagnostics_)
// Publish the acceleration if desired and filter is initialized
geometry_msgs::AccelWithCovarianceStamped filteredAcceleration;
if (publishAcceleration_ && getFilteredAccelMessage(filteredAcceleration))
/* Diagnostics can behave strangely when playing back from bag
* files and using simulated time, so we have to check for
* time suddenly moving backwards as well as the standard
* timeout criterion before publishing. */
double diagDuration = (curTime - lastDiagTime_).toSec();
if (printDiagnostics_ && (diagDuration >= diagnosticUpdater_.getPeriod() || diagDuration < 0.0))
lastDiagTime_ = curTime;
// Clear out expired history data
if (smoothLaggedData_)
clearExpiredHistory(filter_.getLastMeasurementTime() - historyLength_);
R = R z R y R x = ( c o s θ y c o s θ z s i n θ x s i n θ y c o s θ z − c o s θ x s i n θ z c o s θ x s i n θ y c o s θ z + s i n θ x s i n θ z c o s θ y s i n θ z s i n θ x s i n θ y s i n θ z + c o s θ x c o s θ z c o s θ x s i n θ y s i n θ z − s i n θ x c o s θ z − s i n θ y s i n θ x c o s θ y c o s θ x c o s θ y ) ( 1 ) R = R_zR_yR_x \\= \left( \begin{array}{ccc} cos\theta_y cos\theta_z & sin\theta_x sin\theta_y cos\theta_z - cos\theta_x sin\theta_z& cos\theta_x sin\theta_y cos\theta_z + sin\theta_x sin\theta_z\\ cos\theta_y sin\theta_z & sin\theta_x sin\theta_y sin\theta_z + cos\theta_x cos\theta_z& cos\theta_x sin\theta_y sin\theta_z - sin\theta_x cos\theta_z\\ -sin\theta_y &sin\theta_x cos\theta_y &cos\theta_x cos\theta_y\\ \end{array} \right) (1) R=RzRyRx=⎝⎛cosθycosθzcosθysinθz−sinθysinθxsinθycosθz−cosθxsinθzsinθxsinθysinθz+cosθxcosθzsinθxcosθycosθxsinθycosθz+sinθxsinθzcosθxsinθysinθz−sinθxcosθzcosθxcosθy⎠⎞(1)
注意,状态向量中 ( x , y , z , r o l l , p i t c h , y a w l ) (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yawl) (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yawl)是在世界坐标系下,状态向量中 ( x ˙ , y ˙ , z ˙ , θ x ˙ , θ y ˙ , θ z ˙ , x ¨ , y ¨ , z ¨ ) (\dot{x},\dot{y},\dot{z},\dot{\theta_x},\dot{\theta_y},\dot{\theta_z},\ddot{x},\ddot{y},\ddot{z}) (x˙,y˙,z˙,θx˙,θy˙,θz˙,x¨,y¨,z¨)是在载体坐标系下的,因此在载体坐标系下进行运动估计后,还需要根据式(1)中的坐标转换矩阵将结果转换到世界坐标系下,于是就可以得到代码中的状态转移矩阵:
// Prepare the transfer function
transferFunction_(StateMemberX, StateMemberVx) = cy * cp * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberX, StateMemberVy) = (cy * sp * sr - sy * cr) * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberX, StateMemberVz) = (cy * sp * cr + sy * sr) * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberX, StateMemberAx) = 0.5 * transferFunction_(StateMemberX, StateMemberVx) * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberX, StateMemberAy) = 0.5 * transferFunction_(StateMemberX, StateMemberVy) * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberX, StateMemberAz) = 0.5 * transferFunction_(StateMemberX, StateMemberVz) * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberY, StateMemberVx) = sy * cp * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberY, StateMemberVy) = (sy * sp * sr + cy * cr) * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberY, StateMemberVz) = (sy * sp * cr - cy * sr) * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberY, StateMemberAx) = 0.5 * transferFunction_(StateMemberY, StateMemberVx) * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberY, StateMemberAy) = 0.5 * transferFunction_(StateMemberY, StateMemberVy) * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberY, StateMemberAz) = 0.5 * transferFunction_(StateMemberY, StateMemberVz) * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberZ, StateMemberVx) = -sp * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberZ, StateMemberVy) = cp * sr * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberZ, StateMemberVz) = cp * cr * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberZ, StateMemberAx) = 0.5 * transferFunction_(StateMemberZ, StateMemberVx) * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberZ, StateMemberAy) = 0.5 * transferFunction_(StateMemberZ, StateMemberVy) * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberZ, StateMemberAz) = 0.5 * transferFunction_(StateMemberZ, StateMemberVz) * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberRoll, StateMemberVroll) = delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberRoll, StateMemberVpitch) = sr * tp * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberRoll, StateMemberVyaw) = cr * tp * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberPitch, StateMemberVpitch) = cr * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberPitch, StateMemberVyaw) = -sr * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberYaw, StateMemberVpitch) = sr * cpi * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberYaw, StateMemberVyaw) = cr * cpi * delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberVx, StateMemberAx) = delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberVy, StateMemberAy) = delta;
transferFunction_(StateMemberVz, StateMemberAz) = delta;
由于状态转移矩阵中存在这三角函数,因此这个状态转移矩阵是非线性的,因此必须求解与状态转移矩阵对应的雅克比矩阵transferFunctionJacobian_,在此以 ∂ x ∂ θ x \frac {\partial x}{\partial \theta_x} ∂θx∂x为例记性推导:
x k = x k − 1 + c o s θ z c o s θ y Δ t v x + ( c o s θ z s i n θ y s i n θ x − s i n θ z c o s θ x ) Δ t v y + ( c o s θ z s i n θ y c o s θ x + s i n θ z s i n θ x ) Δ t v z + 1 2 c o s θ z c o s θ y Δ t Δ t a x + 1 2 ( c o s θ z s i n θ y s i n θ x − s i n θ z c o s θ x ) Δ t Δ t a y + 1 2 ( c o s θ z s i n θ y c o s θ x + s i n θ z s i n θ x ) Δ t Δ t a z x_k = x_{k-1} + cos\theta_zcos\theta_y\Delta tv_x + (cos\theta_zsin\theta_ysin\theta_x-sin\theta_zcos\theta_x)\Delta tv_y +\\ (cos\theta_zsin\theta_ycos\theta_x + sin\theta_zsin\theta_x)\Delta tv_z + \\ \frac{1}2cos\theta_zcos\theta_y\Delta t\Delta ta_x+\\ \frac{1}2(cos\theta_zsin\theta_ysin\theta_x-sin\theta_zcos\theta_x)\Delta t\Delta ta_y + \\ \frac{1}2 (cos\theta_zsin\theta_ycos\theta_x + sin\theta_zsin\theta_x)\Delta t\Delta ta_z xk=xk−1+cosθzcosθyΔtvx+(cosθzsinθysinθx−sinθzcosθx)Δtvy+(cosθzsinθycosθx+sinθzsinθx)Δtvz+21cosθzcosθyΔtΔtax+21(cosθzsinθysinθx−sinθzcosθx)ΔtΔtay+21(cosθzsinθycosθx+sinθzsinθx)ΔtΔtaz
由上式对 θ x \theta_x θx求偏导可以得到:
∂ x k ∂ θ x = ( c o s θ z s i n θ y c o s θ x + s i n θ z s i n θ x ) Δ t v y + ( − c o s θ z s i n θ y s i n θ x + s i n θ z s i n θ y ) Δ t v z + 1 2 ( c o s θ z s i n θ y c o s θ x + s i n θ z s i n θ x ) Δ t Δ t a y + 1 2 ( − c o s θ z s i n θ y s i n θ x + s i n θ z s i n θ y Δ t Δ t a z = [ ( c o s θ z s i n θ y c o s θ x + s i n θ z s i n θ x ) Δ t v y + ( − c o s θ z s i n θ y s i n θ x + s i n θ z s i n θ y ) Δ t v z ] Δ t + [ ( c o s θ z s i n θ y c o s θ x + s i n θ z s i n θ x ) a y + ( − c o s θ z s i n θ y s i n θ x + s i n θ z s i n θ y ) a z ] 1 2 Δ t Δ t \frac{\partial x_k}{\partial\theta_x} = (cos\theta_zsin\theta_ycos\theta_x + sin\theta_zsin\theta_x)\Delta tv_y +\\ (-cos\theta_zsin\theta_ysin\theta_x + sin\theta_zsin\theta_y)\Delta tv_z+\\ \frac{1}2(cos\theta_zsin\theta_ycos\theta_x + sin\theta_zsin\theta_x)\Delta t\Delta ta_y +\\ \frac{1}2(-cos\theta_zsin\theta_ysin\theta_x + sin\theta_zsin\theta_y\Delta t\Delta ta_z\\ \\ =[(cos\theta_zsin\theta_ycos\theta_x + sin\theta_zsin\theta_x)\Delta tv_y + (-cos\theta_zsin\theta_ysin\theta_x + sin\theta_zsin\theta_y)\Delta tv_z]\Delta t+\\ [(cos\theta_zsin\theta_ycos\theta_x + sin\theta_zsin\theta_x)a_y + (-cos\theta_zsin\theta_ysin\theta_x + sin\theta_zsin\theta_y)a_z]\frac{1}2\Delta t\Delta t ∂θx∂xk=(cosθzsinθycosθx+sinθzsinθx)Δtvy+(−cosθzsinθysinθx+sinθzsinθy)Δtvz+21(cosθzsinθycosθx+sinθzsinθx)ΔtΔtay+21(−cosθzsinθysinθx+sinθzsinθyΔtΔtaz=[(cosθzsinθycosθx+sinθzsinθx)Δtvy+(−cosθzsinθysinθx+sinθzsinθy)Δtvz]Δt+[(cosθzsinθycosθx+sinθzsinθx)ay+(−cosθzsinθysinθx+sinθzsinθy)az]21ΔtΔt
于是可以得到如下所示的雅克比矩阵 F F F:
// Prepare the transfer function Jacobian. This function is analytically derived from the
// transfer function.
double xCoeff = 0.0;
double yCoeff = 0.0;
double zCoeff = 0.0;
double oneHalfATSquared = 0.5 * delta * delta;
yCoeff = cy * sp * cr + sy * sr;
zCoeff = -cy * sp * sr + sy * cr;
double dFx_dR = (yCoeff * yVel + zCoeff * zVel) * delta +
(yCoeff * yAcc + zCoeff * zAcc) * oneHalfATSquared;
double dFR_dR = 1.0 + (cr * tp * pitchVel - sr * tp * yawVel) * delta;
xCoeff = -cy * sp;
yCoeff = cy * cp * sr;
zCoeff = cy * cp * cr;
double dFx_dP = (xCoeff * xVel + yCoeff * yVel + zCoeff * zVel) * delta +
(xCoeff * xAcc + yCoeff * yAcc + zCoeff * zAcc) * oneHalfATSquared;
double dFR_dP = (cpi * cpi * sr * pitchVel + cpi * cpi * cr * yawVel) * delta;
xCoeff = -sy * cp;
yCoeff = -sy * sp * sr - cy * cr;
zCoeff = -sy * sp * cr + cy * sr;
double dFx_dY = (xCoeff * xVel + yCoeff * yVel + zCoeff * zVel) * delta +
(xCoeff * xAcc + yCoeff * yAcc + zCoeff * zAcc) * oneHalfATSquared;
yCoeff = sy * sp * cr - cy * sr;
zCoeff = -sy * sp * sr - cy * cr;
double dFy_dR = (yCoeff * yVel + zCoeff * zVel) * delta +
(yCoeff * yAcc + zCoeff * zAcc) * oneHalfATSquared;
double dFP_dR = (-sr * pitchVel - cr * yawVel) * delta;
xCoeff = -sy * sp;
yCoeff = sy * cp * sr;
zCoeff = sy * cp * cr;
double dFy_dP = (xCoeff * xVel + yCoeff * yVel + zCoeff * zVel) * delta +
(xCoeff * xAcc + yCoeff * yAcc + zCoeff * zAcc) * oneHalfATSquared;
xCoeff = cy * cp;
yCoeff = cy * sp * sr - sy * cr;
zCoeff = cy * sp * cr + sy * sr;
double dFy_dY = (xCoeff * xVel + yCoeff * yVel + zCoeff * zVel) * delta +
(xCoeff * xAcc + yCoeff * yAcc + zCoeff * zAcc) * oneHalfATSquared;
yCoeff = cp * cr;
zCoeff = -cp * sr;
double dFz_dR = (yCoeff * yVel + zCoeff * zVel) * delta +
(yCoeff * yAcc + zCoeff * zAcc) * oneHalfATSquared;
double dFY_dR = (cr * cpi * pitchVel - sr * cpi * yawVel) * delta;
xCoeff = -cp;
yCoeff = -sp * sr;
zCoeff = -sp * cr;
double dFz_dP = (xCoeff * xVel + yCoeff * yVel + zCoeff * zVel) * delta +
(xCoeff * xAcc + yCoeff * yAcc + zCoeff * zAcc) * oneHalfATSquared;
double dFY_dP = (sr * tp * cpi * pitchVel + cr * tp * cpi * yawVel) * delta;
// Much of the transfer function Jacobian is identical to the transfer function
transferFunctionJacobian_ = transferFunction_;
transferFunctionJacobian_(StateMemberX, StateMemberRoll) = dFx_dR;
transferFunctionJacobian_(StateMemberX, StateMemberPitch) = dFx_dP;
transferFunctionJacobian_(StateMemberX, StateMemberYaw) = dFx_dY;
transferFunctionJacobian_(StateMemberY, StateMemberRoll) = dFy_dR;
transferFunctionJacobian_(StateMemberY, StateMemberPitch) = dFy_dP;
transferFunctionJacobian_(StateMemberY, StateMemberYaw) = dFy_dY;
transferFunctionJacobian_(StateMemberZ, StateMemberRoll) = dFz_dR;
transferFunctionJacobian_(StateMemberZ, StateMemberPitch) = dFz_dP;
transferFunctionJacobian_(StateMemberRoll, StateMemberRoll) = dFR_dR;
transferFunctionJacobian_(StateMemberRoll, StateMemberPitch) = dFR_dP;
transferFunctionJacobian_(StateMemberPitch, StateMemberRoll) = dFP_dR;
transferFunctionJacobian_(StateMemberYaw, StateMemberRoll) = dFY_dR;
transferFunctionJacobian_(StateMemberYaw, StateMemberPitch) = dFY_dP;
FB_DEBUG("Transfer function is:\n" << transferFunction_ <<
"\nTransfer function Jacobian is:\n" << transferFunctionJacobian_ <<
"\nProcess noise covariance is:\n" << processNoiseCovariance_ <<
"\nCurrent state is:\n" << state_ << "\n");
Eigen::VectorXd stateSubset(updateSize) -> 状态向量: X X X
Eigen::VectorXd measurementSubset(updateSize) -> 观测向量: Z Z Z
Eigen::MatrixXd measurementCovarianceSubset(updateSize, updateSize); ->测量噪声: R R R
Eigen::MatrixXd stateToMeasurementSubset(updateSize, state_.rows()); -> 测量矩阵: H H H
Eigen::MatrixXd kalmanGainSubset(state_.rows(), updateSize); -> 卡尔曼增益: K K K
Eigen::VectorXd innovationSubset(updateSize); -> 观测误差: Z − H X Z-HX Z−HX
transferFunctionJacobian_ -> 线性化后的状态转移矩阵: F F F
X ˉ k = f ( X ^ k − 1 , u k ) \bar{X}_k = f(\hat{X}_{k-1},u_k) Xˉk=f(X^k−1,uk)
X ˉ k = A X ^ k − 1 + u k \bar{X}_k = A\hat{X}_{k-1} + u_k Xˉk=AX^k−1+uk
// (1) Apply control terms, which are actually accelerations
state_(StateMemberVroll) += controlAcceleration_(ControlMemberVroll) * delta;
state_(StateMemberVpitch) += controlAcceleration_(ControlMemberVpitch) * delta;
state_(StateMemberVyaw) += controlAcceleration_(ControlMemberVyaw) * delta;
state_(StateMemberAx) = (controlUpdateVector_[ControlMemberVx] ?
controlAcceleration_(ControlMemberVx) : state_(StateMemberAx));
state_(StateMemberAy) = (controlUpdateVector_[ControlMemberVy] ?
controlAcceleration_(ControlMemberVy) : state_(StateMemberAy));
state_(StateMemberAz) = (controlUpdateVector_[ControlMemberVz] ?
controlAcceleration_(ControlMemberVz) : state_(StateMemberAz));
// (2) Project the state forward: x = Ax + Bu (really, x = f(x, u))
state_ = transferFunction_ * state_;
P ˉ k = F P ^ k F T + R k \bar P_k = F\hat P_kF^T + R_k Pˉk=FP^kFT+Rk
// (3) Project the error forward: P = J * P * J' + Q
estimateErrorCovariance_ = (transferFunctionJacobian_ *
estimateErrorCovariance_ *
estimateErrorCovariance_.noalias() += delta * (*processNoiseCovariance);
FB_DEBUG("Predicted estimate error covariance is:\n" << estimateErrorCovariance_ <<
"\n\n--------------------- /Ekf::predict ----------------------\n");
K k = P ˉ k H T H P ˉ k H T + Q k \\ K_k = \frac{\bar P_kH^T}{H\bar P_kH^T + Q_k} Kk=HPˉkHT+QkPˉkHT
// (1) Compute the Kalman gain: K = (PH') / (HPH' + R)
Eigen::MatrixXd pht = estimateErrorCovariance_ * stateToMeasurementSubset.transpose();
Eigen::MatrixXd hphrInv = (stateToMeasurementSubset * pht + measurementCovarianceSubset).inverse();
kalmanGainSubset.noalias() = pht * hphrInv;
X ^ k = X ˉ k + K k ( Z k − h ( X ˉ k ) ) \hat X_k = \bar X_k + K_k(Z_k - h(\bar X_k)) X^k=Xˉk+Kk(Zk−h(Xˉk))
innovationSubset = (measurementSubset - stateSubset);
// Wrap angles in the innovation
for (size_t i = 0; i < updateSize; ++i)
if (updateIndices[i] == StateMemberRoll ||
updateIndices[i] == StateMemberPitch ||
updateIndices[i] == StateMemberYaw)
while (innovationSubset(i) < -PI)
innovationSubset(i) += TAU;
while (innovationSubset(i) > PI)
innovationSubset(i) -= TAU;
// (2) Check Mahalanobis distance between mapped measurement and state.
if (checkMahalanobisThreshold(innovationSubset, hphrInv, measurement.mahalanobisThresh_))
// (3) Apply the gain to the difference between the state and measurement: x = x + K(z - Hx)
state_.noalias() += kalmanGainSubset * innovationSubset;
P ^ k = ( I − K k H ) P ˉ k ( I − K k H ) T + K k R K k T \hat P_k =(I - K_kH)\bar P_k(I - K_kH)^T+K_kRK_k^T P^k=(I−KkH)Pˉk(I−KkH)T+KkRKkT
// (4) Update the estimate error covariance using the Joseph form: (I - KH)P(I - KH)' + KRK'
Eigen::MatrixXd gainResidual = identity_;
gainResidual.noalias() -= kalmanGainSubset * stateToMeasurementSubset;
estimateErrorCovariance_ = gainResidual * estimateErrorCovariance_ * gainResidual.transpose();
estimateErrorCovariance_.noalias() += kalmanGainSubset *
measurementCovarianceSubset *