In order for an assemblage to change, an individual must die or leave the system. It is then immediately replaced by an individual either by a birth from within the community or by an immigrant from a source community
根据上述的原理,如果我知道 t0 时刻:
当群落中1个个体(individual)死亡时,我们记此时的时间为 t1。此时会有以下几种可能:
那么,与 t0 时刻相比 t1 时刻物种 i 的数量可能:减少 1个、不变和增加一个,即 t1 时刻物种 i 的数量可能为: N i − 1 N_i-1 Ni−1、 N i N_i Ni和 N i + 1 N_i+1 Ni+1,其可能的概率如下:
物种 i 增加一个的概率 = 可能2 * (可能2.1 * 可能2.1.1 + 可能2.2 * 可能2.2.1)
物种 i 不变的概率 = 可能1 * (可能1.1 * 可能1.1.1 + 可能1.2 * 可能1.2.1)+ 可能2 * (可能2.1 * 可能2.1.2 + 可能2.2 * 可能2.2.2)
物种 i 减少一个的概率 = 可能1 * (可能1.1 * 可能1.1.2 + 可能1.2 * 可能1.2.2)
P r ( N i + 1 N i ) = ( N T − N i N T ) [ m p i + ( 1 + α i ) ( 1 − m ) ( N i N T − 1 ) Pr(\frac{N_i+1}{N_i})=(\frac{N_T-N_i}{N_T})[mp_i+(1+\alpha_i)(1-m)(\frac{N_i}{N_T-1}) Pr(NiNi+1)=(NTNT−Ni)[mpi+(1+αi)(1−m)(NT−1Ni)
P r ( N i N i ) = N i N T [ m p i + ( 1 + α i ) ( 1 − m ) ( N i − 1 N T − 1 ) ] + ( N T − N i N T ) [ m ( 1 − p i ) + ( 1 − α i ) ( 1 − m ) ( N T − N i − 1 N T − 1 ) ] Pr(\frac{N_i}{N_i})=\frac{N_i}{N_T}[mp_i+\textcolor{red}{(1+\alpha_i)}(1-m)(\frac{N_i-1}{N_T-1})]+(\frac{N_T-N_i}{N_T})[m(1-p_i)+\textcolor{red}{(1-\alpha_i)}(1-m)(\frac{N_T-N_i-1}{N_T-1})] Pr(NiNi)=NTNi[mpi+(1+αi)(1−m)(NT−1Ni−1)]+(NTNT−Ni)[m(1−pi)+(1−αi)(1−m)(NT−1NT−Ni−1)]
P r ( N i − 1 N i ) = N i N T [ m ( 1 − p i ) + ( 1 − α i ) ( 1 − m ) ( N T − N i N T − 1 ) ] Pr(\frac{N_i-1}{N_i})=\frac{N_i}{N_T}[m(1-p_i)+(1-\alpha_i)(1-m)(\frac{N_T-N_i}{N_T-1})] Pr(NiNi−1)=NTNi[m(1−pi)+(1−αi)(1−m)(NT−1NT−Ni)]
这个公式的意义就是当我们知道 t0 时刻的物种 i 的丰度时,我们就可以推断下一时刻 t1 时物种 i 的可能的数量。此时,令 x i = N i / N T x_i=N_i/N_T xi=Ni/NT,及 x i x_i xi表示物种 i 的相对丰度。根据forward Kolmogorov equation, x i x_i xi在 t 时刻的概率密度函数为: x i x_i xi的概率密度 ϕ i ( x i , t ) \phi_i(x_i,t) ϕi(xi,t)随时间 t 的变化为:
M δ x M_{\delta x} Mδx和 V δ x V_{\delta x} Vδx 中 M M M表示期望, V V V表示方差, δ x \delta x δx表示x的变化量。因此 M δ x M_{\delta x} Mδx 表示物种 i 相对丰度变化量的期望, V δ x V_{\delta x} Vδx表示物种 i 相对丰度变化量的方差。因此:
M δ x = 1 ∗ P r ( N i + 1 N i ) + ( − 1 ) ∗ P r ( N i − 1 N i ) M_{\delta x}=1 * Pr(\frac{N_i+1}{N_i})+(-1)*Pr(\frac{N_i-1}{N_i}) Mδx=1∗Pr(NiNi+1)+(−1)∗Pr(NiNi−1)
V δ x = 1 ∗ P r ( N i + 1 N i ) + 1 ∗ P r ( N i − 1 N i ) V_{\delta x}=1 * Pr(\frac{N_i+1}{N_i})+1*Pr(\frac{N_i-1}{N_i}) Vδx=1∗Pr(NiNi+1)+1∗Pr(NiNi−1)
这里 V δ x V_{\delta x} Vδx与 M δ x M_{\delta x} Mδx相比可以忽略不计,因为 N T N_T NT在OTU表中每个样点往往有成千上万条序列,即 N T > 1000 N_T>1000 NT>1000,而 0 < x i < 1 0
且 ∂ ϕ ∂ x = 0 \frac{ \partial \phi }{\partial x} = 0 ∂x∂ϕ=0,获得 ϕ i \phi_i ϕi的结果为
该分布是一个beta分布的概率密度函数。物种 i 占居的频率(occurrence frequency: row sums of binary OTU table/number of sites)为其概率密度函数的积分。
##Fits the neutral model from Sloan et al. 2006 to an OTU table and returns several fitting statistics. Alternatively, will return predicted occurrence frequencies for each OTU based on their abundance in the metacommunity
#Install the following packages if they haven't been availabled in your computer yet
#using Non-linear least squares (NLS) to calculate R2:
#spp: A community table with taxa as rows and samples as columns
spp<-read.csv('spp.txt',head=T,stringsAsFactors=F,row.names=1,sep = "\t")
#get the mean of abundance of each sample
N <- mean(apply(spp, 1, sum))
#get the mean of species relative abundance in metacommmunity
p.m <- apply(spp, 2, mean)
p.m <- p.m[p.m != 0]
#get the percentage of each species in metacommmunity
p <- p.m/N
#get the binary data of community abundance matrix <- 1*(spp>0)
#get the frequncy of species occurrence in metacommunity
freq <- apply(, 2, mean)
freq <- freq[freq != 0]
#get a table record species percentage and occurrence frequency in metacommunity
C <- merge(p, freq, by=0)
#sort the table according to occurence frquency of each species
C <- C[order(C[,2]),]
C <-
#delete rows containning zero
C.0 <- C[!(apply(C, 1, function(y) any(y == 0))),]
p <- C.0[,2]
freq <- C.0[,3]
names(p) <- C.0[,1]
names(freq) <- C.0[,1]
d = 1/N
##Fit model parameter m (or Nm) using Non-linear least squares (NLS) <- nlsLM(freq ~ pbeta(d, N*m*p, N*m*(1 -p), lower.tail=FALSE),start=list(m=0.1)) #get the m value <- confint(, 'm', level=0.95)
freq.pred <- pbeta(d, N*coef(*p, N*coef(*(1 -p), lower.tail=FALSE) <- binconf(freq.pred*nrow(spp), nrow(spp), alpha=0.05, method="wilson", return.df=TRUE)
# get the R2 value
Rsqr <- 1 - (sum((freq - freq.pred)^2))/(sum((freq - mean(freq))^2))
#data visulization
#Drawing the figure using grid package:
#p is the mean relative abundance
#freq is occurrence frequency
#freq.pred is predicted occurrence frequency
bacnlsALL <-data.frame(p,freq,freq.pred,[,2:3])
inter.col[bacnlsALL$freq <= bacnlsALL$Lower]<-'#A52A2A'#define the color of below points
inter.col[bacnlsALL$freq >= bacnlsALL$Upper]<-'#29A6A6'#define the color of up points
pushViewport(dataViewport(xData=range(log10(bacnlsALL$p)), yData=c(0,1.02),extension=c(0.02,0)))
grid.points(log10(bacnlsALL$p), bacnlsALL$freq,pch=20,gp=gpar(col=inter.col,cex=0.7))
grid.lines(log10(bacnlsALL$p),bacnlsALL$Lower ,gp=gpar(col='blue',lwd=2,lty=2),default='native')
grid.text(y=unit(0,'npc')-unit(2.5,'lines'),label='Mean Relative Abundance (log10)', gp=gpar(fontface=2))
grid.text(x=unit(0,'npc')-unit(3,'lines'),label='Frequency of Occurance',gp=gpar(fontface=2),rot=90)
#grid.text(x=unit(0,'npc')-unit(-1,'lines'), y=unit(0,'npc')-unit(-15,'lines'),label='Mean Relative Abundance (log)', gp=gpar(fontface=2))
#grid.text(round(coef(*N),x=unit(0,'npc')-unit(-5,'lines'), y=unit(0,'npc')-unit(-15,'lines'),gp=gpar(fontface=2))
#grid.text(label = "Nm=",x=unit(0,'npc')-unit(-3,'lines'), y=unit(0,'npc')-unit(-15,'lines'),gp=gpar(fontface=2))
#grid.text(round(Rsqr,2),x=unit(0,'npc')-unit(-5,'lines'), y=unit(0,'npc')-unit(-16,'lines'),gp=gpar(fontface=2))
#grid.text(label = "Rsqr=",x=unit(0,'npc')-unit(-3,'lines'), y=unit(0,'npc')-unit(-16,'lines'),gp=gpar(fontface=2))
draw.text <- function(just, i, j) {
grid.text(paste("Rsqr=",round(Rsqr,3),"\n","Nm=",round(coef(*N)), x=x[j], y=y[i], just=just)
#grid.text(deparse(substitute(just)), x=x[j], y=y[i] + unit(2, "lines"),
# gp=gpar(col="grey", fontsize=8))
x <- unit(1:4/5, "npc")
y <- unit(1:4/5, "npc")
draw.text(c("centre", "bottom"), 4, 1)
[2] Quantifying the roles of immigration and chance in
shaping prokaryote community structure