转载 粟卫民 日期:2009-10-19
· Fully compliant to WMS 1.1.1, WFS (1.0 and 1.1, transactions and locking) and WCS (1.0 and 1.1) specifications, as tested by the CITE conformance tests. GeoServer additionally serves as Reference Implementation for WCS 1.1 and WFS 1.0 and 1.1(完全实现了WMS1.1.1,WFS(1.0 and 1.1, transactions and locking),WCS 1.1)
· Easy to use web-based configuration tool - no need to touch long, complicated config files. (易于使用的基于Web的配置工具)
· Mature support for PostGIS, Shapefile, ArcSDE, DB2 and Oracle. (对PostGIS, Shapefile, ArcSDE, DB2和Oracle支持比较成熟)
· VPF, MySQL, MapInfo, and Cascading WFS are also supported formats. (还支持VPF, MySQL, MapInfo, 和Cascading WFS)
· Native Java support for GeoTIFF, GTOPO30, ArcGrid, WorldImages, ImageMosiacs and Image Pyramids(本地JAVA语言实现了对GeoTIFF, GTOPO30, ArcGrid, WorldImages, ImageMosiacs和影像金字塔的支持)
· Support for MrSID, ECW, JPEG2000, DTED, Erdas Imagine, and NITF through GDAL ImageIO Extension. Any format that GDAL supports can be added with a bit of coding. (通过GDAL ImageIO Extension实现对MrSID, ECW, JPEG2000, DTED, Erdas Imagine, 和NITF的支持)
· On the fly reprojection, for WMS and WFS, with an embedded EPSG database supporting hundreds of projections by default. (支持WMS和WFS的动态投影,通过内嵌EPSG数据库实现数百种投影的默认支持)
· Web Map output as JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF, SVG, KML, GeoRSS. (网络地图支持的格式包括JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF, SVG, KML, GeoRSS)
· Excellent Google Earth Support, including advanced features like super overlays (vector and raster), 2.5D extrudes, Time, advanced template options for pop-ups and titles, and styling with SLD. (很好的支、持Google Earth,包括矢量栅格地图的叠加,2.5维、时态叠加、弹出窗口模板定制和基于SLD的矢量符号化)
· Ability to 'publish' data to Google's geo crawlers, so data from GeoServer can be exposed on Google Maps and Earth searches. (see blog post, docs coming soon) (可发布数据到Google的geo crawlers,从而可以使用Google Maps和Earth的查找功能)
· Integration with GeoWebCache, for accelerated tile mapping (like on Openlayers or Google Maps) (与GeoWebCache集成,实现切片地图的显示)
· Raw vector data available as GML (2.1.2 and 3.1.1), GeoJSON, and zipped Shapefiles through the WFS. (矢量数据可以通过WFS提供GML,GeoJSON和压缩的shp文件)
· Anti-aliased images by default, with option to turn off or to use a custom defined palette for increased performance. (缺省的图像反走样支持)
· Integrated OpenLayers as a default ajax viewer and preview engine. (集成OpenLayers作为ajax浏览器和预览引擎)
· Standards compliant 'by default' - no need to figure out complex configuration options just to serve basic data. (缺省的配置)
· Performance, on par with the fastest open source mapping servers, and we are quite confident that we do faster rendering than any major proprietary server. See the post on the geoserver blog for more info. (优异的地图渲染性能)
· Support for atomic database transactions through the standard WFS-T protocol, available on all data formats. (支持数据事务操作)
· Versioning WFS to support wiki-style history, attribution, and rollbacks on geospatial data. (带版本的WFS支持)
· Integrated Security through the powerful acegi java framework, to secure individual services and layers to groups of users. (集成acegi java安全框架)
· User Interface translated in to French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and more. (多语言界面支持)
· Support for Component WMS / Feature Portrayal Service
· Long Transactions through a full implementation of the Locking portion of the WFS specification. (长事务支持)
· Streaming data readers: no memory bound limit to the amount of data that can be returned. (流数据读取器)
· Full SLD support, the open standard to define map styles, including both user defined (POST and GET) and used natively in styling configuration. (完全的SLD支持)
· Full Filter support on all data formats in WFS (but optimized for backend format where possible). (WFS Filter完全支持)
· Innovative Validation Engine that checks inserted features against a configured set of topological and attributed based rules, to maintain backend integrity. (拓扑和属性验证)
· Java (J2EE) servlet-based, can run in any servlet container. This means we easily support 64-bit architectures and advanced multi-threading capabilities. (基于J2EE servlet)
· Designed for extension, source code that's a pleasure to read. (扩展支持,代码可读性高)
· Easy to write new data formats with GeoTools DataStore interfaces and helper classes, making GeoServer the standards based interface to legacy data. (数据格式易于扩展)
· No need to recompile to support more data formats, GeoTools DataStores instantly plug-in to GeoServer, even showing up as an option in the configuration gui. (扩展数据格式不需要重编译)
· Modularized Codebase for pluggable services. (可插拔的服务)
· Active Community modules, for developers to experiment with plug-ins before they are ready for core distribution, including modules for REST Configuration API, as well as using REST for User role management and SLD management. Plus CSV and Excel and HTML Image Map (活跃的社区模块开发,包括REST API)
· True open source development style, built by a strong community, that you can join and become a part of, tailoring GeoServer for your needs. (开源开发支持)
· Documentation that details everything in easy to understand language. (详细的文档)
· Featured in books like GIS for Web Developers.
· Active email lists for quick support.
· Commercial grade installation, support, customization and improvements available from an eco-system of companies, non-profits, and consulting individuals.
· more....
下面说说GeoServer的Roadmap Ideas:
Short Term Project Roadmap
GeoServer 1.7.x Short Term Project Roadmap
Better docs
Javascript preview replacement
KML 3D Support(KML 三维支持)
Hibernate based GeoServer configuration(基于Hiberanate的GeoServer配置)
GeoServer 2.0.x Short Term Project Roadmap
New Web Interface (Core)(新的Web网页界面)
Application Schema Support (Core)(GML应用模式支持)
Proxy Module
Hibernate based GeoServer configuration(基于Hiberanate的GeoServer配置)
Medium Term Project (2.1.x)
Style Layer Descriptor Styler (New Module)
3-D, 4-D, n-D Coverage Support (Core)(多维图层支持)
Resource vs Service split (Core)
Processing WPS or RESTful (New Module)
AtomPub / REST feature access implementation (New Module)
Ingestion Engine (New Module)
User Collaboration Features (New Module)
WMS 1.3 (Standards Implementation)
WFS 2.0 (Standards Implementation)
WPS 1.0
CS-W 2.0 integration (Standards Implementation)
Longer Term Project/Dreams
H2 datastore
Oracle Workspace Manager and ArcSDE versioning backend for WFS-V(Oracle工作空间管理器和基于ArcSDE版本的WFS-V支持)
Configure on arcgis/udig/gvsig and export to GeoServer(使用arcgis/udig/gvsig配置并导出到GeoServer)
SVG Output Improvements(升级SVG导出功能)
Open Source ArcSDE(开源ArcSDE)
Tile Processing on EC2/S3
Platform for a Public Commons of Geographic Data
Validation for WFS-T
ISO 19107 Geometry for 3D
GeoServer Modularization
SLD Editor