1. 如何打开IEEE30节点并进行潮流计算
2. 如何修改已有模型的参数
from pypower.api import case30, runpf, loadcase
import numpy as np
data = case30()
result = runpf(data)
C:\Users\Admin\anaconda3\envs\pppp\python.exe "C:/Program Files/JetBrains/PyCharm 2022.2.3/plugins/python/helpers/pydev/pydevd.py" --multiprocess --qt-support=auto --client --port 58498 --file "C:\First semester of Senior year\safe_and_stable_project\PSASP\psasp_pypower.py"
已连接到 pydev 调试器(内部版本号 222.4345.23)PYPOWER Version 5.1.4, 27-June-2018 -- AC Power Flow (Newton)
Newton's method power flow converged in 3 iterations.
Converged in 0.05 seconds
| System Summary |
How many? How much? P (MW) Q (MVAr)
--------------------- ------------------- ------------- -----------------
Buses 30 Total Gen Capacity 335.0 -95.0 to 405.9
Generators 6 On-line Capacity 335.0 -95.0 to 405.9
Committed Gens 6 Generation (actual) 191.6 100.4
Loads 20 Load 189.2 107.2
Fixed 20 Fixed 189.2 107.2
Dispatchable 0 Dispatchable 0.0 of 0.0 0.0
Shunts 2 Shunt (inj) -0.0 0.2
Branches 41 Losses (I^2 * Z) 2.44 8.99
Transformers 0 Branch Charging (inj) - 15.6
Inter-ties 7 Total Inter-tie Flow 33.2 27.1
Areas 3
Minimum Maximum
------------------------- --------------------------------
Voltage Magnitude 0.961 p.u. @ bus 8 1.000 p.u. @ bus 1
Voltage Angle -3.96 deg @ bus 19 1.48 deg @ bus 13
P Losses (I^2*R) - 0.29 MW @ line 2-6
Q Losses (I^2*X) - 2.10 MVAr @ line 12-13
| Bus Data |
Bus Voltage Generation Load
# Mag(pu) Ang(deg) P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr)
----- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 1.000 0.000* 25.97 -1.00 - -
2 1.000 -0.415 60.97 32.00 21.70 12.70
3 0.983 -1.522 - - 2.40 1.20
4 0.980 -1.795 - - 7.60 1.60
5 0.982 -1.864 - - - -
6 0.973 -2.267 - - - -
7 0.967 -2.652 - - 22.80 10.90
8 0.961 -2.726 - - 30.00 30.00
9 0.981 -2.997 - - - -
10 0.984 -3.375 - - 5.80 2.00
11 0.981 -2.997 - - - -
12 0.985 -1.537 - - 11.20 7.50
13 1.000 1.476 37.00 11.35 - -
14 0.977 -2.308 - - 6.20 1.60
15 0.980 -2.312 - - 8.20 2.50
16 0.977 -2.644 - - 3.50 1.80
17 0.977 -3.392 - - 9.00 5.80
18 0.968 -3.478 - - 3.20 0.90
19 0.965 -3.958 - - 9.50 3.40
20 0.969 -3.871 - - 2.20 0.70
21 0.993 -3.488 - - 17.50 11.20
22 1.000 -3.393 21.59 39.57 - -
23 1.000 -1.589 19.20 7.95 3.20 1.60
24 0.989 -2.631 - - 8.70 6.70
25 0.990 -1.690 - - - -
26 0.972 -2.139 - - 3.50 2.30
27 1.000 -0.828 26.91 10.54 - -
28 0.975 -2.266 - - - -
29 0.980 -2.128 - - 2.40 0.90
30 0.968 -3.042 - - 10.60 1.90
-------- -------- -------- --------
Total: 191.64 100.41 189.20 107.20
| Branch Data |
Brnch From To From Bus Injection To Bus Injection Loss (I^2 * Z)
# Bus Bus P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr)
----- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
0 1 2 10.89 -5.09 -10.86 2.17 0.026 0.08
1 1 3 15.08 4.09 -14.96 -5.57 0.127 0.48
2 2 4 16.07 5.21 -15.89 -6.66 0.178 0.50
3 3 4 12.56 4.37 -12.54 -4.30 0.018 0.07
4 2 5 13.79 4.51 -13.68 -6.03 0.110 0.44
5 2 6 20.28 7.42 -19.99 -8.50 0.289 0.87
6 4 6 22.50 11.38 -22.43 -11.12 0.066 0.26
7 5 7 13.68 6.21 -13.56 -6.88 0.120 0.29
8 6 7 9.27 3.17 -9.24 -4.02 0.031 0.08
9 6 8 24.82 24.43 -24.69 -23.92 0.128 0.51
10 6 9 5.79 -3.36 -5.79 3.46 -0.000 0.10
11 6 10 3.31 -1.92 -3.31 2.00 -0.000 0.09
12 9 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.000 0.00
13 9 10 5.79 -3.46 -5.79 3.51 -0.000 0.05
14 4 12 -1.67 -2.02 1.67 2.04 -0.000 0.02
15 12 13 -37.00 -9.26 37.00 11.35 -0.000 2.10
16 12 14 5.39 0.88 -5.35 -0.80 0.037 0.08
17 12 15 9.48 -1.06 -9.41 1.19 0.066 0.12
18 12 16 9.26 -0.10 -9.18 0.28 0.080 0.18
19 14 15 -0.85 -0.80 0.85 0.80 0.003 0.00
20 16 17 5.68 -2.08 -5.65 2.15 0.031 0.07
21 15 18 9.16 0.76 -9.07 -0.57 0.097 0.19
22 18 19 5.87 -0.33 -5.85 0.38 0.022 0.05
23 19 20 -3.65 -3.78 3.66 3.80 0.009 0.02
24 10 20 5.92 4.62 -5.86 -4.50 0.052 0.12
25 10 17 3.37 8.01 -3.35 -7.95 0.023 0.06
26 10 21 -2.23 -11.67 2.28 11.77 0.044 0.10
27 10 22 -3.75 -8.48 3.82 8.62 0.062 0.13
28 21 22 -19.78 -22.97 19.87 23.16 0.093 0.19
29 15 23 -8.81 -5.25 8.91 5.47 0.109 0.22
30 22 24 -2.10 7.80 2.18 -7.68 0.078 0.12
31 23 24 7.09 0.88 -7.02 -0.75 0.066 0.14
32 24 25 -3.86 1.77 3.89 -1.71 0.035 0.06
33 25 26 3.55 2.37 -3.50 -2.30 0.046 0.07
34 25 27 -7.44 -0.66 7.50 0.78 0.063 0.12
35 28 27 -6.11 -6.08 6.11 6.40 -0.000 0.31
36 27 29 6.17 1.68 -6.08 -1.51 0.090 0.17
37 27 30 7.12 1.67 -6.95 -1.35 0.171 0.32
38 29 30 3.68 0.61 -3.65 -0.55 0.035 0.07
39 8 28 -5.31 -6.08 5.34 4.33 0.036 0.12
40 6 28 -0.77 -2.70 0.77 1.75 0.001 0.00
-------- --------
Total: 2.444 8.99
mpc = loadcase('case30')
mpc =
包含以下字段的 struct:
version: '2'
baseMVA: 100
bus: [30×13 double]
gen: [6×21 double]
branch: [41×13 double]
gencost: [6×7 double]
MATPOWER Version 7.1, 08-Oct-2020 -- AC Optimal Power Flow
AC OPF formulation: polar voltages, power balance eqns
MATPOWER Interior Point Solver -- MIPS, Version 1.4, 08-Oct-2020
(using built-in linear solver)
Converged in 0.25 seconds
Objective Function Value = 576.89 $/hr
| System Summary |
How many? How much? P (MW) Q (MVAr)
--------------------- ------------------- ------------- -----------------
Buses 30 Total Gen Capacity 355.0 -95.0 to 405.9
Generators 6 On-line Capacity 355.0 -95.0 to 405.9
Committed Gens 6 Generation (actual) 192.1 105.1
Loads 20 Load 189.2 107.2
Fixed 20 Fixed 189.2 107.2
Dispatchable 0 Dispatchable -0.0 of -0.0 -0.0
Shunts 2 Shunt (inj) -0.0 0.2
Branches 41 Losses (I^2 * Z) 2.86 13.33
Transformers 0 Branch Charging (inj) - 15.2
Inter-ties 7 Total Inter-tie Flow 51.0 58.1
Areas 3
Minimum Maximum
------------------------- --------------------------------
Voltage Magnitude 0.961 p.u. @ bus 8 1.069 p.u. @ bus 27
Voltage Angle -5.69 deg @ bus 19 0.00 deg @ bus 1
P Losses (I^2*R) - 0.30 MW @ line 2-6
Q Losses (I^2*X) - 2.39 MVAr @ line 28-27
Lambda P 3.66 $/MWh @ bus 1 5.38 $/MWh @ bus 8
Lambda Q -0.06 $/MWh @ bus 29 1.40 $/MWh @ bus 8
| Bus Data |
Bus Voltage Generation Load Lambda($/MVA-hr)
# Mag(pu) Ang(deg) P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr) P Q
----- ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -------
1 0.982 0.000* 41.54 -5.44 - - 3.662 -
2 0.979 -0.763 55.40 1.67 21.70 12.70 3.689 -
3 0.977 -2.390 - - 2.40 1.20 3.754 -0.016
4 0.976 -2.839 - - 7.60 1.60 3.771 -0.021
5 0.971 -2.486 - - - - 3.744 -0.001
6 0.972 -3.229 - - - - 3.779 -0.020
7 0.962 -3.491 - - 22.80 10.90 3.801 0.003
8 0.961 -3.682 - - 30.00 30.00 5.383 1.405
9 0.990 -4.137 - - - - 3.823 0.020
10 1.000 -4.600 - - 5.80 2.00 3.846 0.039
11 0.990 -4.137 - - - - 3.823 0.020
12 1.017 -4.498 - - 11.20 7.50 3.810 -
13 1.064 -3.298 16.20 35.93 - - 3.810 -
14 1.007 -5.040 - - 6.20 1.60 3.868 0.018
15 1.009 -4.814 - - 8.20 2.50 3.856 0.018
16 1.003 -4.839 - - 3.50 1.80 3.849 0.031
17 0.995 -4.887 - - 9.00 5.80 3.862 0.047
18 0.993 -5.484 - - 3.20 0.90 3.911 0.047
19 0.987 -5.688 - - 9.50 3.40 3.926 0.058
20 0.990 -5.472 - - 2.20 0.70 3.910 0.055
21 1.009 -4.621 - - 17.50 11.20 3.854 0.017
22 1.016 -4.503 22.74 34.20 - - 3.843 -
23 1.026 -3.756 16.27 6.96 3.20 1.60 3.813 -
24 1.017 -3.885 - - 8.70 6.70 3.884 0.028
25 1.044 -2.072 - - - - 3.932 0.022
26 1.027 -2.476 - - 3.50 2.30 3.999 0.067
27 1.069 -0.715 39.91 31.75 - - 3.916 -
28 0.982 -3.215 - - - - 4.106 0.250
29 1.050 -1.849 - - 2.40 0.90 3.966 -0.059
30 1.039 -2.643 - - 10.60 1.90 4.051 -0.012
-------- -------- -------- --------
Total: 192.06 105.08 189.20 107.20
| Branch Data |
Brnch From To From Bus Injection To Bus Injection Loss (I^2 * Z)
# Bus Bus P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr) P (MW) Q (MVAr)
----- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 1 2 21.04 -2.34 -20.95 -0.27 0.092 0.28
2 1 3 20.50 -3.10 -20.28 2.02 0.220 0.84
3 2 4 18.63 -5.85 -18.40 4.60 0.232 0.66
4 3 4 17.88 -3.22 -17.84 3.36 0.035 0.14
5 2 5 14.36 -0.69 -14.25 -0.78 0.108 0.43
6 2 6 21.66 -4.21 -21.36 3.21 0.300 0.90
7 4 6 17.58 5.68 -17.54 -5.54 0.036 0.14
8 5 7 14.25 0.96 -14.15 -1.64 0.109 0.26
9 6 7 8.70 8.46 -8.65 -9.26 0.049 0.13
10 6 8 23.82 21.37 -23.71 -20.93 0.108 0.43
11 6 9 7.27 -8.27 -7.27 8.54 0.000 0.27
12 6 10 4.15 -4.73 -4.15 4.96 0.000 0.23
13 9 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00
14 9 10 7.27 -8.54 -7.27 8.68 0.000 0.14
15 4 12 11.06 -15.24 -11.06 16.21 0.000 0.97
16 12 13 -16.20 -34.01 16.20 35.93 0.000 1.92
17 12 14 4.68 2.08 -4.65 -2.01 0.030 0.07
18 12 15 6.07 3.18 -6.04 -3.12 0.032 0.06
19 12 16 5.31 5.04 -5.26 -4.94 0.047 0.10
20 14 15 -1.55 0.41 1.55 -0.41 0.006 0.01
21 16 17 1.76 3.14 -1.75 -3.12 0.010 0.02
22 15 18 7.20 3.75 -7.13 -3.60 0.071 0.14
23 18 19 3.93 2.70 -3.92 -2.67 0.014 0.03
24 19 20 -5.58 -0.73 5.59 0.75 0.010 0.02
25 10 20 7.85 1.58 -7.79 -1.45 0.058 0.13
26 10 17 7.27 2.73 -7.25 -2.68 0.018 0.05
27 10 21 -4.43 -11.57 4.47 11.67 0.046 0.11
28 10 22 -5.06 -8.39 5.13 8.54 0.067 0.14
29 21 22 -21.97 -22.87 22.07 23.07 0.099 0.20
30 15 23 -10.92 -2.72 11.04 2.97 0.124 0.25
31 22 24 -4.46 2.59 4.49 -2.54 0.031 0.05
32 23 24 2.03 2.39 -2.01 -2.37 0.012 0.03
33 24 25 -11.18 -1.75 11.41 2.16 0.235 0.41
34 25 26 3.54 2.36 -3.50 -2.30 0.042 0.06
35 25 27 -14.96 -4.52 15.20 4.99 0.246 0.47
36 28 27 -11.45 -21.09 11.45 23.48 0.000 2.39
37 27 29 6.16 1.65 -6.08 -1.50 0.078 0.15
38 27 30 7.10 1.63 -6.95 -1.36 0.149 0.28
39 29 30 3.68 0.60 -3.65 -0.54 0.030 0.06
40 8 28 -6.29 -9.07 6.36 7.41 0.069 0.23
41 6 28 -5.05 -14.50 5.09 13.68 0.047 0.14
-------- --------
Total: 2.860 13.33
| Voltage Constraints |
Bus # Vmin mu Vmin |V| Vmax Vmax mu
----- -------- ----- ----- ----- --------
29 - 0.950 1.050 1.050 29.810
| Branch Flow Constraints (S in MVA) |
Brnch From "From" End Limit "To" End To
# Bus |Sf| mu |Sf| |Smax| |St| |St| mu Bus
----- ----- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -----
10 6 2.387 32.00 32.00 31.63 - 8
35 25 - 15.62 16.00 16.00 0.024 27
from pypower.api import case30, runpf, loadcase
import numpy as np
data = case30()
result = runpf(data)
line_num = 41
linecapacity = 200 * np.ones((line_num)) #不知道线路载流量是多少,这里先给一个较大的值,不会对结果判断有影响
#Special_line = np.array([30]) #不知都重点线路有多少
#linecapacity[Special_line] = 10
def Gen_vector(genmaxP, genP):
gennum = len(genP)
#vector_11 = (1 - (-1)) * np.random.random(size=gennum) + (-1) #产生一个(-1, 1)的随机数
vector01 = np.random.random(size=gennum) #产生一个0-1的随机数
gen_vector = vector01 * (genmaxP - genP) + genP #保证加扰动后的发电机出力不会超过最大值
return gen_vector
def read_results():
BusV = result[0]['bus'][:,7]
# 读取交流线结果数据
AClineP = result[0]['branch'][:, 13]
AClineQ = result[0]['branch'][:, 14]
# 读取发电机结果数据
GenP = result[0]['gen'][:,1]
GenQ = result[0]['gen'][:,2]
return BusV, AClineP, AClineQ, GenP
# 进行潮流计算结果异常与否的判定
def normalcheck(line_cap):
Bus_nums = 30
ACline_nums = 41 # TODO:更灵活和自适应的设备定义形式
Balance_Gen_id = [0, 1] # 平衡机标号 TODO:后续应该按照名称进行记录以保证稳定性
Balance_Gen_limit = 80 # 平衡机出力上限
BusV, AClineP, AClineQ, GenP = read_results() # 当前仅考虑电压越限
ob_current = list(BusV) + list(AClineP) + list(AClineQ)
done = False
r = 0
if any(BusV > 1.15) or any(BusV < 0.9):
done = True
elif len(ob_current) != (Bus_nums + ACline_nums * 2):
done = True
Linetranspower = np.array(ob_current[Bus_nums:(Bus_nums + ACline_nums)])
line_rho = abs(Linetranspower) / line_cap #abs返回数字的绝对值,也就是AClineP部分的绝对值
b_gen_rho = GenP[Balance_Gen_id] / Balance_Gen_limit
if any(line_rho >= 1) or any(b_gen_rho > 1):
done = True
done = False
return done
GenScenarioNum = 100
AvaScene = [] # 可用于训练的非正常场景
NormalScene = [] # 正常场景
for i in range(GenScenarioNum):
print("current step:", i)
# 设定场景初始配置
genmaxP = result[0]['gen'][:, 8]
genP = result[0]['gen'][:, 1]
genP_modif = Gen_vector(genmaxP, genP)
mpc = case30() #打开case30
mpc['gen'][:, 1] = genP_modif #修改发电机出力
# 进行潮流结果的判定并差异化存储
done = normalcheck(linecapacity)
if done:
#np.save("AvaS", AvaScene)
#np.save("NormalS", NormalScene)