语义分割相关概念可见论文:Zhou, Bolei, Zhao, Hang, Puig, Xavier,etal. Semantic Understanding of Scenes through the ADE20K Dataset[J]. International Journal of Computer Vision, 2016, 127(3):302-321.
相关论文:Long J , Shelhamer E , Darrell T . Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2015, 39(4):640-651.
相关论文:Zhao H , Shi J , Qi X , et al. Pyramid Scene Parsing Network[J]. 2016.
博客讲解:论文笔记:《Pyramid Scene Parsing Network》
相关论文:Chen L C , Papandreou G , Kokkinos I , et al. DeepLab: Semantic Image Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Nets, Atrous Convolution, and Fully Connected CRFs[J]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2018, 40(4):834-848.
相关论文:Xiao T , Liu Y , Zhou B , et al. Unified Perceptual Parsing for Scene Understanding[J]. 2018.
博客讲解:ECCV 2018 | 旷视科技提出统一感知解析网络 UPerNet,优化场景理解
相关论文:Jie, Shen, Samuel,etal. Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks.[J]. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 2019.
博客讲解:Momenta详解ImageNet 2017夺冠架构SENet
相关论文:Li X , Wang W , Hu X , et al. Selective Kernel Networks[C]// 2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). IEEE, 2020.
相关论文:Hu J , Shen L , Albanie S , et al. Gather-Excite: Exploiting Feature Context in Convolutional Neural Networks[J]. 2018.
相关论文:Woo S , Park J , Lee J Y , et al. CBAM: Convolutional Block Attention Module[J]. 2018.
博客讲解:【论文阅读】CBAM:Convolutional Block Attention Module
相关论文:Zhang H, Dana K J, Shi J, et al. Context Encoding for Semantic Segmentation[C]. computer vision and pattern recognition, 2018: 7151-7160.
博客讲解:语义分割–(EncNet)Context Encoding for Semantic Segmentation
相关论文:Jia J . PSANet: Point-wise Spatial Attention Network for Scene Parsing[J]. 2018.
博客讲解:Spatial Attention Network for Scene Parsing
相关论文:Vaswani A, Shazeer N, Parmar N, et al. Attention is All you Need[C]. neural information processing systems, 2017: 5998-6008.
博客讲解:《attention is all you need》解读
相关论文:Wang X , Girshick R , Gupta A , et al. Non-local Neural Networks[J]. 2017.
博客讲解:Non-local neural networks
相关论文:Zhu Z , Xu M , Bai S , et al. Asymmetric Non-Local Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation[J]. 2019.
博客讲解:ANN:Asymmetric Non-local Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation 文章解读
相关论文:Fu J , Liu J , Tian H , et al. Dual Attention Network for Scene Segmentation[C]// 2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). IEEE, 2020.
相关论文:Cao Y, Xu J, Lin S, et al. GCNet: Non-local Networks Meet Squeeze-Excitation Networks and Beyond[J]. arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2019.
相关论文:Huang Z , Wang X , Wei Y , et al. CCNet: Criss-Cross Attention for Semantic Segmentation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2020, PP(99):1-1.
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博客讲解:解耦Non-Local模块,比传统Non-Local提升1.5-3个点 | Disentangled Non-Local Neural Networks
相关论文:Xiangtai Li, Ansheng You et al. Semantic Flow for Fast and Accurate Scene Parsing. ECCV, 2020.
博客讲解:2020语义分割网络语义流:Semantic Flow for Fast and Accurate Scene Parsing
相关论文:Zilong Huang et al. AlignSeg: Feature-Aligned Segmentation Networks. arXiv: 2003.00872.
博客讲解:AlignSeg 语义分割ADE20K数据集SOTA | Feature-Aligned Segmentation
相关论文:Object-Contextual Representations for Semantic Segmentation ECCV 2020
博客讲解:OCRNet: 目标区域上下文信息的特征表达 | ECCV 2020
博客讲解:【语义分割】分层多尺度注意力 Hierarchical multi-scale attention for semantic segmentation