




智能优化算法  神经网络预测 雷达通信  无线传感器

信号处理 图像处理 路径规划 元胞自动机 无人机

⛄ 内容介绍


⛄ 部分代码​

% RUNDEMO Illustrates the use of BFILTER2 and CARTOON.

%    This demo shows typical usage for the bilateral 

%    filter implemented by BFILTER2. The application

%    of bilateral filtering to image abstraction is

%    demonstrated by the CARTOON function.


% Load test images.

% Note: Must be double precision in the interval [0,1].

img1 = double(imread('einstein.jpg'))/255;

img2 = double(imread('mandrill.jpg'))/255;

img3 = double(imread('academy.jpg'))/255;

% Introduce AWGN into test images.

% Note: This will show the benefit of bilateral filtering.

img1 = img1+0.03*randn(size(img1));

img2 = img2+0.03*randn(size(img2));

img1(img1<0) = 0; img1(img1>1) = 1;

img2(img2<0) = 0; img2(img2>1) = 1;

% Set bilateral filter parameters.

w     = 5;       % bilateral filter half-width

sigma = [3 0.1]; % bilateral filter standard deviations

% Apply bilateral filter to each image.

bflt_img1 = bfilter2(img1,w,sigma);

bflt_img2 = bfilter2(img2,w,sigma);

% Display grayscale input image and filtered output.

figure(1); clf;

set(gcf,'Name','Grayscale Bilateral Filtering Results');

subplot(1,2,1); imagesc(img1);

axis image; colormap gray;

title('Input Image');

subplot(1,2,2); imagesc(bflt_img1);

axis image; colormap gray;

title('Result of Bilateral Filtering');

% Display color input image and filtered output.

figure(2); clf;

set(gcf,'Name','Color Bilateral Filtering Results');

subplot(1,2,1); imagesc(img2);

axis image; colormap gray;

title('Input Image');

subplot(1,2,2); imagesc(bflt_img2);

axis image; title('Result of Bilateral Filtering');


% Apply bilateral filter for a "cartoon" effect.

cartoon_img3 = cartoon(img3);

% Display color input image and abstracted output.

figure(3); clf;

set(gcf,'Name','Image Abstraction Input');

imagesc(img3); axis image;

title('Input Image');

figure(4); clf;

set(gcf,'Name','Result of Image Abstraction');

imagesc(cartoon_img3); axis image;

title('Abstracted Image');

⛄ 运行结果




⛄ 参考文献

[1]王晓红, 王禹琛. 基于双边滤波的自适应彩色图像去噪研究[J]. 包装工程, 2017, 38(15):5.

[2]王惠琴, 吕佳芸, 张伟. 基于双边滤波-BM3D算法的GPR图像去噪[J]. 兰州理工大学学报, 2022(048-001).

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