这半个月的业余时间研究了机器人逆运动学的解析解法和迭代数值解法,并用程序实现。由于解析法只适合于特定结构的机器人,不具有通用性,因此这里不讨论解析解,只讨论迭代数值解法。本文相关的程序及研究素材都可以从github下载–链接 。
对于一个给定的可微函数g:R→Rg:\mathbb R\to \mathbb Rg:R→R, 假设θ0\theta_0θ0是一个猜测的初值,求方程g(θ)=0g(\theta)=0g(θ)=0的数值解。对g(θ)=0g(\theta)=0g(θ)=0在θ0\theta_0θ0处进行一阶截断,其泰勒展开式为
g(θ)=g(θ0)+∂g∂θ(θ0)(θ−θ0)+higher-order termsg(\theta)=g(\theta_0)+\frac{\partial g}{\partial \theta}(\theta_0)(\theta-\theta_0)+\text{higher-order terms}g(θ)=g(θ0)+∂θ∂g(θ0)(θ−θ0)+higher-order terms
θ=θ0−(∂g∂θ(θ0))−1g(θ0)\theta=\theta_0-\left( \frac{\partial g}{\partial \theta}(\theta ^0)\right)^{-1}g(\theta^0)θ=θ0−(∂θ∂g(θ0))−1g(θ0)
θk+1=θk−(∂g∂θ(θk))−1g(θ0).\theta^{k+1}=\theta^k-\left( \frac{\partial g}{\partial \theta}(\theta^k) \right)^{-1}g(\theta^0).θk+1=θk−(∂θ∂g(θk))−1g(θ0).
重复上式的迭代直到某些判断满足,例如对于用户预先设定的值ϵ\epsilonϵ,满足$ g(\thetak)-g(\theta{k+1}|/|g(\theta^{k}|\le \epsilon$。
当ggg是多维的时候,也使用同样的公式。例如g:Rn→Rng: \mathbb R^n\to \mathbb R^ng:Rn→Rn,
∂θ∂θ(θ)=[∂g1∂θ1(θ)…∂g1∂θn(θ)⋮⋱⋮∂gn∂θ1(θ)…∂gn∂θn(θ)]∈Rn×n\frac{\partial \theta}{\partial \theta}(\theta)=\left[ \begin{matrix}
\frac{\partial g_1}{\partial \theta_1 }(\theta)&\ldots&\frac{\partial g_1}{\partial \theta_n }(\theta)\\
\vdots &\ddots \vdots \\
\frac{\partial g_n}{\partial \theta_1 }(\theta)&\ldots&\frac{\partial g_n}{\partial \theta_n }(\theta)\\
\end{matrix}\right]\in \mathbb R^{n\times n}∂θ∂θ(θ)=⎣⎢⎡∂θ1∂g1(θ)⋮∂θ1∂gn(θ)…⋱⋮…∂θn∂g1(θ)∂θn∂gn(θ)⎦⎥⎤∈Rn×n
假设我们用一个坐标向量xxx表示末端坐标系,由正运动学x=f(θ)x=f(\theta)x=f(θ)控制, 这是一个非线性向量方程,映射了nnn个关节坐标到mmm个末端坐标。假设f:Rn→Rmf: \mathbb R^n\to \mathbb R^mf:Rn→Rm可导,设xdx_dxd是期望的末端坐标。那么g(θ)g(\theta)g(θ)的牛顿拉普森方法定义为g(θ)=xd−f(θ)g(\theta)=x_d-f(\theta)g(θ)=xd−f(θ), 目标是寻找关节坐标θ\thetaθ使得
给定初始值θ0\theta_0θ0 “接近”于一个解θd\theta_dθd, 所谓“接近”只是认为其接近,不一定是接近,但在迭代过程中会逐渐接近,如图所示。运动学方程可写成泰勒展开式
(6.3)xd=f(θd)=f(θ0)+∂f∂θ∣θ0⎵J(θ0)(θd−θ0)⎵Δθ+h.o.tx_d=f(\theta_d)=f(\theta^0)+\underbrace{\frac{\partial f}{\partial \theta}|\theta^0}_{J(\theta^0)}\underbrace{(\theta_d-\theta^0)}_{\Delta\theta}+\text{h.o.t}\tag{6.3}xd=f(θd)=f(θ0)+J(θ0)∂θ∂f∣θ0Δθ(θd−θ0)+h.o.t(6.3)
这里J(θ0)∈Rm×nJ(\theta^0)\in \mathbb R^{m\times n}J(θ0)∈Rm×n是在θ0\theta^0θ0处的雅可比坐标。一阶截断泰勒展开式,我们得到上式的近似方程
如果正运动学方程是关于θ\thetaθ的线性方程,那么方程(6.3)的高阶项是0,新的猜测值θ1=θ0+Δθ\theta^1=\theta^0+\Delta\thetaθ1=θ0+Δθ确实满足xd=f(θ1)x_d=f(\theta^1)xd=f(θ1). 如果正运动学不是关于θ\thetaθ是线性的,这是常见的情形,这性的猜测值θ1\theta^1θ1仍然是比θ0\theta^0θ0更接近真实解的,这个过程不断重复,就会产生一个序列{θ0,θ1,θ2,… }\{ \theta^0,\theta^1,\theta^2,\dots \}{θ0,θ1,θ2,…}收敛于 θd\theta_dθd(如图所示).
**图示说明:**牛顿拉普森法求解非线性方程的根。在第一步,斜率−∂f∂θ-\frac{\partial f}{\partial \theta}−∂θ∂f在点(θ0,xd−f(θ0)\theta^0,x_d-f(\theta^0)θ0,xd−f(θ0))计算得到。第二步,斜率在(θ1,xd−f(θ1)\theta^1,x_d-f(\theta^1)θ1,xd−f(θ1))处计算得到,最后这样的过程会收敛于θd\theta_dθd。 注意到,初始值在函数xd−f(θ)x_d-f(\theta)xd−f(θ)的极点左边时,很可能导致收敛于另外一个根,如果初始值在极点或靠近极点时,会导致Δθ\Delta\thetaΔθ的初始值很大,迭代过程可能根本不收敛。
实际应用中,由于计算效率的原因,求解方程(6.4)通常不直接计算逆矩阵J−1(θ0)J^{-1}(\theta^0)J−1(θ0)。 有更高效的方法求解线性方程组Ax=bAx=bAx=b的方法。例如,对于可逆矩阵AAA, 进行LU分解来求解xxx计算量更少。例如在MATLAB里,下面命令
如果由于不是方阵或奇异,JJJ不可逆,那么方程(6.5)的J−1J^{-1}J−1不存在。通过使用广义逆(Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse) J†J^{\dagger}J†替换方程(6.5)的J−1J^{-1}J−1, 方程(6.4)仍然可以求解Δθ\Delta\thetaΔθ(或者说求近似解)。对于形式为Jy=zJy=zJy=z的方程,J∈Rm×n,y∈Rn,z∈RmJ\in \mathbb R^{m\times n}, y\in \mathbb R^n, z\in \mathbb R^mJ∈Rm×n,y∈Rn,z∈Rm ,它的解为
该解y∗y*y∗确实满足Jy∗=zJy*=zJy∗=z, 并且任意解yyy满足Jy=zJy=zJy=z,并且∣∣y∗∣∣≤∣∣y∣∣||y*||\le||y||∣∣y∗∣∣≤∣∣y∣∣。 也就是说,在所有的解中,y∗y*y∗的2范数最小。机器人的关节数n大于末端坐标m时,Jy=zJy=zJy=z有无穷多个解,这时称JJJ是“胖”的。
如果没有yyy满足Jy=zJy=zJy=z, 那么y∗y*y∗是误差的2范数最小的解,即对于任意y∈Rn,∣∣Jy∗−z∣∣≤∣∣Jy−z∣∣y\in \mathbb R^n ,||Jy*-z||\le ||Jy-z||y∈Rn,∣∣Jy∗−z∣∣≤∣∣Jy−z∣∣ . 这种情形对应于rank J≤mJ\le mJ≤m。例如机器人的关节数小于末端坐标数m("瘦"的雅可比JJJ)或者出现奇异。
当JJJ是满秩(rank mmm,n>mn>mn>m 或秩 rank nnn, n J†=JT(JJT)−1J^{\dagger}=J^T(JJ^T)^{-1}J†=JT(JJT)−1 如果JJJ是胖的, n>mn>mn>m (称为右逆,因为JJ†=IJJ^{\dagger}=IJJ†=I) J†=(JTJ)−1JJ^{\dagger}=(J^TJ)^{-1}JJ†=(JTJ)−1J 如果JJJ是瘦的,n 使用伪逆计算雅可比的逆,方程(6.5)可以写成 (6.6)Δθ=J†(θ0)(xd−f(θ0)).\Delta \theta=J^{\dagger}(\theta^0)(x_d-f(\theta^0)).\tag{6.6}Δθ=J†(θ0)(xd−f(θ0)).(6.6) 如果rank(J) 在牛顿-拉普森迭代算法中应用方程(6.6)求解θd\theta_dθd分为两步 (1) 初始化:给定xd∈Rmx_d\in \mathbb R^mxd∈Rm 以及初始θ0∈Rn\theta^0\in \mathbb R^nθ0∈Rn, 令i=0i=0i=0。 (2)设 e=xd−f(θi)e=x_d-f(\theta^i)e=xd−f(θi). 当对于某个较小的ϵ\epsilonϵ,当∣∣e∣∣>ϵ||e||>\epsilon∣∣e∣∣>ϵ: 设置 θi+1=θi+J†(θI)e\theta^{i+1}=\theta^i+J^{\dagger}(\theta^I)eθi+1=θi+J†(θI)e 增加 iii. 适当修改该算法,就可以处理机器人逆运动学问题。机器人末端构型用Tsd∈SE(3)T_{sd}\in SE(3)Tsd∈SE(3)表示, 替换坐标矢量xdx_dxd, 坐标雅可比JJJ用末端的物体雅可比Jb∈R6×nJ_b\in \mathbb R^{6\times n}Jb∈R6×n替换. 但是,向量e=xd−f(θi)e=x_d-f(\theta^i)e=xd−f(θi), 表示当前猜测值到末端期望构型的方向(通过正运动学计算),不能简单地用Tsd−Tsb(θi)T_{sd}-T_{sb}(\theta^i)Tsd−Tsb(θi)代替。JbJ_bJb的伪逆需要对在物体坐标系表示的旋量Vb∈R6\mathcal V_b\in \mathbb R^6Vb∈R6进行变换. 为了正确类比,我们把e=xd−f(θi)e=x_d-f(\theta^i)e=xd−f(θi)看成是一个速度矢量,如果经过一个单位时间,将会产生从f(θi)f(\theta^i)f(θi)向xdx_dxd的运动。相似地,我们应该寻找一个物体坐标系旋量Vb\mathcal V_bVb, 经过单位时间,将会产生一个从Tsb(θi)T_{sb}(\theta^i)Tsb(θi)向期望构型TsdT_{sd}Tsd的运动。 为了寻找这个Vb\mathcal V_bVb, 我们首先计算期望构型在当前物体坐标系的表达 Tbd(θi)=Tsb−1(θi)Tsd=Tbs(θi)Tsd.T_{bd}(\theta^i)=T_{sb}^{-1}(\theta^i)T_{sd}=T_{bs}(\theta^i)T_{sd}.Tbd(θi)=Tsb−1(θi)Tsd=Tbs(θi)Tsd. 然后Vb\mathcal V_bVb通过矩阵对数计算 [Vb]=logTbd(θi)[\mathcal V_b]=\text {log}T_{bd}(\theta^i)[Vb]=logTbd(θi) 这样可以得到以下的逆运动学算法,类似于前面的坐标向量算法: (1)初始化:给定TsdT_{sd}Tsd 和初始值θ0∈Rn\theta^0\in \mathbb R^nθ0∈Rn, 设置i=0i=0i=0. (2)设置[Vb]=log(Tsb−1(θi))[\mathcal V_b]=\text{log}(T_{sb}^{-1}(\theta^i))[Vb]=log(Tsb−1(θi)), 对给定的误差ϵw,ϵv\epsilon_w ,\epsilon_vϵw,ϵv, 当$||\omega_b||>\epsilon_{\omega} $ 或者∣∣vb∣∣>ϵv||v_b||>\epsilon_{v}∣∣vb∣∣>ϵv: 设置 θi+1=θi+Jb†(θi)Vb\theta^{i+1}=\theta^i+J_b^{\dagger}(\theta^i)\mathcal V_bθi+1=θi+Jb†(θi)Vb. 增加 iii. 应用空间雅可比Js(θ)J_s(\theta)Js(θ)和空间旋量Vs=[AdTsb]Vb\mathcal V_s=[\text{Ad}_{T_{sb}}]\mathcal V_bVs=[AdTsb]Vb, 可以推导在固定坐标系的等效形式。 为了数值逆运动学方法收敛,初始值θ0\theta^0θ0需要高效地收敛于θd\theta_dθd. 从机器人初始构型开始,就可以满足条件。在初始位置末端的真实构型以及关节角度都是已知的,同时保证末端位置TsdT_{sd}Tsd在逆运动学计算过程中是缓慢变化的。 补充 : 以上的分析或许有人觉得有点难理解,例如TbdT_{bd}Tbd的物理意义是啥?是在哪两个坐标系或矢量的变换?下面结合这个图分析一下,或许有助于理解。 我们知道,一个齐次矩阵,在不同场合可以有三种不同的含义,(1)它是坐标系的描述,或者说构型,例如TsdT_{sd}Tsd表示坐标系{bd}\{b_d\}{bd}在坐标系{s}\{s\}{s}中的描述,或者说坐标系{bd}\{b_d\}{bd}的构型。(2)它是变换映射。例如TsdT_{sd}Tsd可以看成是把在坐标系{bd}\{b_d\}{bd}表示的物理量映射到在坐标系{s}\{s\}{s}中表示。(3)它是一个变换算子,或者说刚体运动。例如TsdT_{sd}Tsd可以看成是把坐标系{s}\{s\}{s}变换的坐标系{bd}\{b_d\}{bd}的变换算子,或者说{s}\{s\}{s}运动到{bd}\{b_d\}{bd}所做的刚体运动。在我们的以上的迭代算法中,我们应该把M,Tsb(θi),TsdM, T_{sb}(\theta^i), T_{sd}M,Tsb(θi),Tsd理解为第一种含义,即坐标系的描述(或构型),把TbdT_{bd}Tbd理解为第三种含义,即变换算子(或者说刚体运动)。因此,机器人末端{b}\{b\}{b}的位姿(构型)初始状态在{b0}\{b_0\}{b0}处,MMM表示机器人末端在坐标系{s}\{s\}{s}中的描述,在任意迭代步中,机器人末端{b}\{b\}{b}运动到 {bi}\{b_i\}{bi}, Tsb(θi)T_{sb}(\theta^i)Tsb(θi)表示此时机器人末端{bi}\{b_i\}{bi}在坐标系{s}\{s\}{s}中的描述,这时末端当前位姿(构型)Tsb(θi)T_{sb}(\theta^i)Tsb(θi)与期望位姿(构型)TsdT_{sd}Tsd存在一个"差值" , 与xd−f(θi)x_d-f(\theta^i)xd−f(θi)类比. 这个“差值”TbdT_{bd}Tbd与向量(或者标量)xd−f(θi)x_d-f(\theta^i)xd−f(θi)不同,该"差值"是一个变换算子,即刚体运动,表示末端从当前位姿Tsb(θi)T_{sb}(\theta^i)Tsb(θi) (变换)运动到期望位姿TsdT_{sd}Tsd所需做的(变换算子)刚体运动。那么这个关系可以表示为 TbdTsb(θi)=TsdT_{bd}{}T_{sb}(\theta^i)=T_{sd}TbdTsb(θi)=Tsd 因此有 Tbd=Tbd(θi)=Tsb(θi)−1TsdT_{bd}=T_{bd}(\theta^i)=T_{sb}(\theta^i)^{-1}T_{sd}Tbd=Tbd(θi)=Tsb(θi)−1Tsd 那么这个刚体运动是一个螺旋运动, 指数坐标为VbV_bVb,它是TbdT_{bd}Tbd的对数。如图所示,当然TbdT_{bd}Tbd也可以理解为前面所说的,期望构型在当前物体坐标系的表达。里面包含两个分量,角度位移wbw_bwb和线位移vbv_bvb 。若对给定的误差ϵw,ϵv\epsilon_w ,\epsilon_vϵw,ϵv, 当$||\omega_b||\le \epsilon_{\omega} $ 且∣∣vb∣∣≤ϵv||v_b||\le \epsilon_{v}∣∣vb∣∣≤ϵv,那说明当前位姿与期望位姿非常接近,所需做的刚体运动非常小了。当小于给定误差,这时迭代停止,对应的θi\theta^iθi即为所需的解。因此有前面的逆运动学算法。 奇异值(SVD)分解算法 前面提到的J†=JT(JJT)−1J^{\dagger}=J^T(JJ^T)^{-1}J†=JT(JJT)−1 或J†=(JTJ)−1JJ^{\dagger}=(J^TJ)^{-1}JJ†=(JTJ)−1J 计算伪逆,都是要求解逆矩阵的。这里介绍一种应用广泛的方法–奇异值分解(SVD, Singular Value Decomposition ) ,求伪逆矩阵。 在许多情况下,高斯消去法和LU分解法都不能给出满意的结果。有一套非常有用的技术,用来该处理不论是奇异还是数值上非常接近奇异的方程组或矩阵。该方法称为奇异值值分解(SVD)。该方法会精确地告诉我们什么情况属于该类问题。某些情况下,SVD不仅可以判断该问题,还可以求解它,提供一个有用的数值解,尽管这个解不一定是我们想要的。SVD也可以用来求解多数的最小二乘问题。 SVD技术基于下面的线性代数定理。任意M×NM\times NM×N的矩阵AAA, 其行数MMM大于或等于列数NNN, 可以写成一个M×NM\times NM×N的列正交矩阵UUU, 一个N×NN\times NN×N的元素均为正数或零(奇异值)的对角阵WWW, 以及一个N×NN\times NN×N正交阵VVV的转置矩阵的乘积形式,如下所示 (1.1)(A)=(U)(w0w1……wN−1)(VT)\left( \mathbf A\right )=\left (\mathbf U \right ) \left( \begin{matrix} w_0 & & & \\ &w_1 & & \\ & & \dots & \\ & &\dots & \\ & & &w_{N-1} \end{matrix}\right) \left( \mathbf V^T \right)\tag{1.1}(A)=(U)⎝⎜⎜⎜⎜⎛w0w1……wN−1⎠⎟⎟⎟⎟⎞(VT)(1.1) 矩阵U\mathbf UU 和V\mathbf VV都是正交的,他们的列是正交标准化的 (1.2)∑i=0M−1UikUin=δkn,0≤k≤N−1,0≤n≤N−1\sum_{i=0}^{M-1}U_{ik}U_{in}=\delta _{kn} , 0\le k\le N-1, 0\le n\le N-1 \tag{1.2}i=0∑M−1UikUin=δkn,0≤k≤N−1,0≤n≤N−1(1.2) (1.3)∑j=0N−1VikVjn=δkn,0≤k≤N−1,0≤n≤N−1\sum_{j=0}^{N-1}V_{ik}V_{jn}=\delta _{kn} , 0\le k\le N-1, 0\le n\le N-1 \tag{1.3}j=0∑N−1VikVjn=δkn,0≤k≤N−1,0≤n≤N−1(1.3) 或者表示成 (1.4)(UT)(U)=(VT)(V)=(1)(\mathbf U^ T)(\mathbf U)=(\mathbf V^T)(\mathbf V)=(\mathbf 1) \tag{1.4}(UT)(U)=(VT)(V)=(1)(1.4) 由于V\mathbf VV是方阵,所以它也是行正交标准化的,V⋅VT=1\mathbf V \cdot \mathbf V^T=1V⋅VT=1. 当M 不管矩阵是否奇异,(1.1)式的分解总是可以完成的,而且这个分解几乎是唯一的。也就是说,其分解形式唯一到:(i)对U\mathbf UU的列,W\mathbf WW的元素和V\mathbf VV的列能进行相同的置换;(ii)形成U\mathbf UU和V\mathbf VV的任意列的线性组合, 其在W\mathbf WW中对应的元素查号完全相同。对于M SVD分解完成之后,我们利用正交矩阵U,V\mathbf U,VU,V的逆是其转置矩阵,对角阵的逆是其非零元素取倒数。那么可以计算得到矩阵A的伪逆为 (1.5)A†=V⋅W−1UT\mathbf A^{\dagger}=\mathbf V\cdot \mathbf W^{-1}\mathbf U^T\tag{1.5}A†=V⋅W−1UT(1.5) 关于SVD理论在很多参考书及文献有广泛而深入的探讨,这里不再累赘。 ##基于SVD分解计算伪逆矩阵(C语言) 下面给出对任意矩阵进行SVD分解以及求伪逆的C程序,SVD分解算法参考《Numerical recipes ,The Art of Scientific Computing, Third Edition 》。主要包括以下几个函数 void MatrixMult(const double *a, int m, int n, const double *b, int l, double *c);计算任意阶矩阵乘法。 void MatrixT(double *a, int m, int n, double *b);计算任意阶矩阵的转置。 int svdcmp(double *a, int m, int n,double tol, double *w, double *v);计算任意阶矩阵SVD分解。 int MatrixPinv(const double *a, int m, int n, double tol, double *b);基于SVD分解计算任意阶矩阵的伪逆。 下面给出这几个函数的c语言实现代码,代码不断更新迭代,完整的最新源码参见github–链接 头文件声明 /** * @briefDescription: Algorithm module of robotics, according to the *book[modern robotics : mechanics, planning, and control]. * @file:RobotAlgorithmModule.h * @author:LiBing * @date:2019/03/01 12:50 * Copyright(c) 2019 LiBing. All rights reserved. *https://blog.csdn.net/libing403 * Contact [email protected] * @note: * @warning: */ #ifndef SVDPINV_H_ #define SVDPINV_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** *@briefComputes Matrix transpose. *@param[in]aa matrix. *@param[in]mrows of matrix a. *@param[in]ncolumns of matrix a. *@param[out]btranspose of matrix a. *@note: *@waring: */ void MatrixT(double *a, int m, int n, double *b); /** *@briefComputes matrix multiply. *@param[in]aFirst matrix. *@param[in]mrows of matrix a. *@param[in]ncolumns of matrix b. *@param[in]bSecond matrix. *@param[in]lcolumns of matrix b. *@param[out]cresult of a*b. *@note: *@waring: */ void MatrixMult(const double *a, int m, int n, const double *b, int l, double *c); /** *@briefGiven the matrix a,this routine computes its singular value decomposition. *@param[in/out]ainput matrix a or output matrix u. *@param[in]mnumber of rows of matrix a. *@param[in]nnumber of columns of matrix a. *@param[in]tolanysingular values less than a tolerance are treated as zero. *@param[out]woutput vector w. *@param[out]voutput matrix v. *@return No return value. *@note:input a must be a m rows and n columns matrix,w is n-vector,v is a n rows and n columns matrix. *@waring: */ int svdcmp(double *a, int m, int n,double tol, double *w, double *v); /** *@briefComputes Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse by Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) algorithm. *@param[in]aan arbitrary order matrix. *@param[in]mrows. *@param[in]ncolumns. *@param[in]tolanysingular values less than a tolerance are treated as zero. *@param[out]bMoore-Penrose pseudoinverse of matrix a. *@return 0:success,Nonzero:failure. *@retval0success. *@retval1failure when use malloc to allocate memory. *@note: *@waring: */ int MatrixPinv(const double *a, int m, int n, double tol, double *b); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif//SVDPINV_H_ 实现文件 /** * @briefDescription: Algorithm module of robotics, according to the *book[modern robotics : mechanics, planning, and control]. * @file:RobotAlgorithmModule.c * @author:LiBing * @date:2019/03/01 12:23 * Copyright(c) 2019 LiBing. All rights reserved. *https://blog.csdn.net/libing403 * Contact [email protected] * @note: * @warning: */ #include "RobotAlgorithmModule.h" #include #include #include #include #define SIGN(a,b) ((b) >= 0.0 ? fabs(a) : -fabs(a)) #define MAX(a,b) (a>b?a:b) #define MIN(a,b) (a /** *@briefComputes (a^2+b^2)^(1/2), *@param[in]a *@param[in]b *@note: *@waring: */ double pythag(const double a, const double b) { double absa, absb; absa = fabs(a); absb = fabs(b); if (absa > absb) return absa*sqrt(1.0 + (absb / absa)*(absb / absa)); else return (absb == 0.0 ? 0.0 : absb*sqrt(1.0 + (absa / absb)*(absa / absb))); } /** *@briefGiven the matrix a,this routine computes its singular value decomposition. *@param[in/out]ainput matrix a or output matrix u. *@param[in]mnumber of rows of matrix a. *@param[in]nnumber of columns of matrix a. *@param[in]tolanysingular values less than a tolerance are treated as zero. *@param[out]woutput vector w. *@param[out]voutput matrix v. *@return No return value. *@note:input a must be a m rows and n columns matrix,w is n-vector,v is a n rows and n columns matrix. *@waring: */ int svdcmp(double *a, int m, int n, double tol, double *w, double *v) { int flag, i, its, j, jj, k, l, nm; double anorm, c, f, g, h, s, scale, x, y, z; double *rv1 = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double)); if (rv1==NULL) { return 1; } g = scale = anorm = 0.0; for (i=0;i { l = i + 2; rv1[i] = scale*g; g = s = scale = 0.0; if (i { for (k = i; k < m; k++)scale += fabs(a[k*n + i]); if (scale!=0.0) { for (k = i; k < m;k++) { a[k*n + i] /= scale; s += a[k*n + i] * a[k*n + i]; } f = a[i*n + i]; g = -SIGN(sqrt(s), f); h = f*g - s; a[i*n + i] = f - g; for (j=l-1;j { for (s = 0.0, k = i; k < m;k++) { s += a[k*n + i] * a[k*n + j]; } f = s / h; for (k = i; k < m;k++) { a[k*n + j] += f*a[k*n + i]; } } for (k = i; k < m;k++) { a[k*n + i] *= scale; } } } w[i] = scale*g; g = s = scale = 0.0; if (i+1 <= m && (i+1)!=n) { for (k=l-1;k { scale += fabs(a[i*n + k]); } if (scale!=0.0) { for (k=l-1;k { a[i*n + k] /= scale; s += a[i*n + k] * a[i*n + k]; } f = a[i*n + l - 1]; g = -SIGN(sqrt(s), f); h = f*g - s; a[i*n + l - 1] = f - g; for (k=l-1;k { rv1[k] = a[i*n + k] / h; } for (j = l - 1; j < m; j++) { for (s = 0.0, k = l - 1; k < n; k++) { s += a[j*n + k] * a[i*n + k]; } for (k = l - 1; k < n; k++) { a[j*n + k] += s*rv1[k]; } } for (k=l-1;k { a[i*n + k] *= scale; } } } anorm = MAX(anorm, (fabs(w[i]) + fabs(rv1[i]))); } for (i=n-1;i>=0;i--)//Accumulation of right-hand transformations. { if (i { if (g!=0.0) { for (j = l;j { v[j*n + i] = (a[i*n + j] / a[i*n + l]) / g; } for (j = l;j { for (s = 0.0, k = l;k { s += a[i*n + k] * v[k*n + j]; } for (k = l;k { v[k*n + j] += s*v[k*n + i]; } } } for (j = l;j { v[i*n + j] = v[j*n + i] = 0.0; } } v[i*n + i] = 1.0; g = rv1[i]; l = i; } for (i=MIN(m,n)-1;i>=0;i--)//Accumulation of left-hand transformations. { l = i + 1; g = w[i]; for (j = l;j { a[i*n + j] = 0.0; } if (g!=0.0) { g = 1.0 / g; for (j = l;j { for (s = 0.0, k = l; k < m;k++) { s += a[k*n + i] * a[k*n + j]; } f = (s / a[i*n + i])*g; for (k = i; k < m;k++) { a[k*n + j] += f*a[k*n + i]; } } for (j = i; j < m;j++) { a[j*n + i] *= g; } } else { for (j = i; j < m;j++) { a[j*n + i] = 0.0; } } ++a[i*n + i]; } for (k=n-1;k>=0;k--) { /* Diagonalization of the bidiagonal form: Loop over singular values, and over allowed iterations. */ for (its=0;its<30;its++) { flag = 1; for (l = k;l>=0;l--)//Test for splitting. { nm = l - 1; if (l==0 || fabs(rv1[l])<= tol*anorm) { flag = 0; break; } if (fabs(w[nm]) <=tol*anorm)break; } if (flag)//Cancellation of rv1[l], if l > 0. { c = 0.0; s = 1.0; for (i=l;i { f = s*rv1[i]; rv1[i] = c*rv1[i]; if (fabs(f) <= tol*anorm)break; g = w[i]; h = pythag(f, g); w[i] = h; h = 1.0 / h; c = g*h; s = -f*h; for (j = 0; j < m;j++) { y = a[j*n + nm]; z = a[j*n + i]; a[j*n + nm] = y*c + z*s; a[j*n + i] = z*c - y*s; } } } z = w[k]; if (l==k)//Convergence { if (z<0.0)//Singular value is made nonnegative.. { w[k] = -z; for (j=0;j { v[j*n + k] = -v[j*n + k]; } } break; } //if (its==29) //{ //printf("no convergence in 30 svdcmp iterations\n"); //} x = w[l]; //Shift from bottom 2-by-2 minor. nm = k - 1; y = w[nm]; g = rv1[nm]; h = rv1[k]; f = ((y - z)*(y + z) + (g - h)*(g + h)) / (2.0*h*y); g = pythag(f, 1.0); f = ((x - z)*(x + z) + h*((y / (f + SIGN(g, f))) - h)) / x; c = s = 1.0; for (j = l;j<=nm;j++)//Next QR transformation: { i = j + 1; g = rv1[i]; y = w[i]; h = s*g; g = c*g; z = pythag(f, h); rv1[j] = z; c = f / z; s = h / z; f = x*c + g*s; g = g*c - x*s; h = y*s; y *= c; for (jj=0;jj { x = v[jj*n + j]; z = v[jj*n + i]; v[jj*n + j] = x*c + z*s; v[jj*n + i] = z*c - x*s; } z = pythag(f, h); w[j] = z; if (z)//Rotation can be arbitrary if z = 0. { z = 1.0 / z; c = f*z; s = h*z; } f = c*g + s*y; x = c*y - s*g; for (jj = 0; jj < m;jj++) { y = a[jj*n + j]; z = a[jj*n + i]; a[jj*n + j] = y*c + z*s; a[jj*n + i] = z*c - y*s; } } rv1[l] = 0.0; rv1[k] = f; w[k] = x; } } free(rv1); return 0; } /** *@briefComputes Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse by Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) algorithm. *@param[in]aan arbitrary order matrix. *@param[in]mrows. *@param[in]ncolumns. *@param[in]tolanysingular values less than a tolerance are treated as zero. *@param[out]bMoore-Penrose pseudoinverse of matrix a. *@return 0:success,Nonzero:failure. *@retval0success. *@retval1failure when use malloc to allocate memory. *@note: *@waring: */ int MatrixPinv(const double *a, int m, int n, double tol, double *b) { int i, j; double *u = (double *)malloc(m*n * sizeof(double)); if (u == NULL ) { return 1; } double *w = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double)); if (w == NULL) { free(u); return 1; } double *v = (double *)malloc(n*n * sizeof(double)); if (v == NULL) { free(u); free(w); return 1; } double *vw = (double *)malloc(m*n * sizeof(double)); if (vw == NULL) { free(u); free(w); free(v); return 1; } double *uT = (double *)malloc(n*n * sizeof(double)); if (uT == NULL) { free(u); free(w); free(v); free(vw); return 1; } memcpy(u, a, m*n * sizeof(double)); svdcmp(u, m, n, tol,w, v); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (w[i] <= tol) { w[i] = 0; } else { w[i] = 1.0 / w[i]; } } for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { vw[i*n + j] = v[i*n + j] * w[j]; } } MatrixT(u, n, n, uT); MatrixMult(vw, m, n, uT, n, b); free(u); free(w); free(v); free(vw); free(uT); return 0; } 计算伪逆算法的测试验证 验证SVD分解,只需把分解后的结果u,w,v\mathbf u,\mathbf w,\mathbf vu,w,v,再进行相乘u∗w∗vT\mathbf u*\mathbf w*\mathbf v^Tu∗w∗vT,若得到原来的矩阵A,则分解正确。 下面是对应的测试例程TestDemo.c /** * @briefDescription: Test Demos for robot algorithm modules. * @file:TestDemo.c * @author:LiBing * @date:2019/03/01 12:20 * Copyright(c) 2019 LiBing. All rights reserved. *https://blog.csdn.net/libing403 * Contact [email protected] * @note: * @warning: */ #include #include #include "RobotAlgorithmModule.h" void test_svdcmp(); void test_MatrixPinv(); int main() { //void test_svdcmp(); test_MatrixPinv(); return 0; } void test_svdcmp() { double a[4][4] = { 1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12, 13,14,15,16 }; double w[4], v[4][4]; double tol = 2.2e-15; svdcmp((double *)a, 4, 4, tol,w, (double *)v); int i, j,k; printf("svdcmp,u:\n"); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { printf("%lf ", a[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } printf("w:\n"); for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { printf("%lf ", w[j]); } printf("\n"); } printf("v:\n"); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { printf("%lf ", v[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } double vT[4][4]; //验证分解是否正确 MatrixT((double *)v, 4, 4, (double *)vT); double tmp[4][4]; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { for (j=0;j<4;j++) { tmp[i][j]=0; for (k=0;k<4;k++) { tmp[i][j] = tmp[i][j] +w[k] *a[i][k] * vT[k][j]; } } } printf("uwvT:\n"); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { printf("%lf ", tmp[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } return; } void test_MatrixPinv() { double a[4][4] = { 1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12, 13,14,15,16 }; double b[4][4]; double tol = 2.22e-15; MatrixPinv((double *)a, 4, 4, tol,(double *)b); printf("MatrixPinv(a):\n"); int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { printf("%lf ", b[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } return; } 若给定矩阵 A=[1,2,3,4; 5,6,7,8; 9,10,11,12; 13,14,15,16 ]; 本文C语言程序SVD分解计算结果如下, 可以发现u∗w∗vT\mathbf u*\mathbf w*\mathbf v^Tu∗w∗vT与矩阵A相等,所以分解正确。 本文C语言程序计算A的伪逆结果如下 验证伪逆计算,可以与Matlab的pinv运算的结果对比一下,若一致则说明伪逆计算正确。matlab计算指令计算伪逆如下,与C程序计算的相同。 A=[1,2,3,4; 5,6,7,8; 9,10,11,12; 13,14,15,16 ]; pinv(A) ans = -0.2850 -0.1450 -0.0050 0.1350 -0.1075 -0.0525 0.0025 0.0575 0.0700 0.0400 0.0100 -0.0200 0.2475 0.1325 0.0175 -0.0975 一般机器人逆运动学数值解法实现 有了前面实现的计算伪逆的算法,那么接下来就可以基于旋量理论和牛顿拉普算法,实现一般机器人逆运动学数值解法。基于前面数值逆运动算法的分析,下面使用C语言实现,主要有两个函数,其中的依赖函数可以在以前的博客找到。代码不断更新迭代,完整的最新源码参见github–链接 。 IKinBodyNR(JointNum, (double *)Blist, M, T, thetalist0, eomg, ev, maxiter, thetalist); IKinSpaceNR(JointNum, (double *)Slist, M, T, thetalist0, eomg, ev, maxiter, thetalist); 这两个函数的参数区别在于输入的螺旋轴单位矢量Blist是在末端物体坐标系下的表达,Slist是在固定坐标系下表达,其他参数含义相同。内部实现的区别在于IKinBodyNR内部使用物体坐标系下的雅可比,IKinSpaceNR内部使用固定坐标系下的雅可比. 函数声明 /** * @briefDescription: Algorithm module of robotics, according to the *book[modern robotics : mechanics, planning, and control]. * @file:RobotAlgorithmModule.h * @author:LiBing * @date:2019/03/01 12:50 * Copyright(c) 2019 LiBing. All rights reserved. *https://blog.csdn.net/libing403 * @note: * @warning: */ #ifndef RobotALGORITHMMODULE_H_ #define RobotALGORITHMMODULE_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #defineDEBUGMODE1//打印调试信息 #definePI3.14159265358979323846 //if the norm of vector is near zero(< 1.0E-6),regard as zero. #defineZERO_VALUE1.0E-6 /** *@brief Description:use an iterative Newton-Raphson root-finding method. *@param[in]JointNumNumber of joints. *@param[in]BlistThe joint screw axes in the Body frame when the manipulator *is at the home position, in the format of a matrix with the *screw axes as the columns. *@param[in]MThe home configuration of the end-effector. *@param[in]TThe desired end-effector configuration Tsd. *@param[in]thetalist0An initial guess of joint angles that are close to satisfying Tsd. *@param[in]eomgA small positive tolerance on the end-effector orientation error. *The returned joint angles must give an end-effector orientation error less than eomg. *@param[in]evA small positive tolerance on the end-effector linear position error. The returned *joint angles must give an end-effector position error less than ev. *@param[in]maxiterThe maximum number of iterations before the algorithm is terminated. *@param[out]thetalistJoint angles that achieve T within the specified tolerances. *@return0:success,Nonzero:failure *@retval0success. *@retval1The maximum number of iterations reach before the algorithm is terminated. *@retval2failure to allocate memory for Jacobian matrix. *@note: *@waring: */ int IKinBodyNR(int JointNum, double *Blist, double M[4][4], double T[4][4], double *thetalist0, double eomg, double ev, int maxiter, double *thetalist); /** *@brief Description:use an iterative Newton-Raphson root-finding method. *@param[in]JointNumNumber of joints. *@param[in]SlistThe joint screw axes in the space frame when the manipulator *is at the home position, in the format of a matrix with the *screw axes as the columns. *@param[in]MThe home configuration of the end-effector. *@param[in]TThe desired end-effector configuration Tsd. *@param[in]thetalist0An initial guess of joint angles that are close to satisfying Tsd. *@param[in]eomgA small positive tolerance on the end-effector orientation error. *The returned joint angles must give an end-effector orientation error less than eomg. *@param[in]evA small positive tolerance on the end-effector linear position error. The returned *joint angles must give an end-effector position error less than ev. *@param[in]maxiterThe maximum number of iterations before the algorithm is terminated. *@param[out]thetalistJoint angles that achieve T within the specified tolerances. *@return0:success,Nonzero:failure *@retval0 *@note: *@waring: */ int IKinSpaceNR(int JointNum, double *Slist, double M[4][4], double T[4][4], double *thetalist0, double eomg, double ev, int maxiter, double *thetalist); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif//RobotALGORITHMMODULE_H_ 实现代码如下 /** * @briefDescription: Algorithm module of robotics, according to the *book[modern robotics : mechanics, planning, and control]. * @file:RobotAlgorithmModule.c * @author:LiBing * @date:2019/03/01 12:23 * Copyright(c) 2019 LiBing. All rights reserved. *https://blog.csdn.net/libing403 * Contact [email protected] * @note: * @warning: */ #include "RobotAlgorithmModule.h" #include #include #include #include /** *@brief Description:use an iterative Newton-Raphson root-finding method. *@param[in]JointNumNumber of joints. *@param[in]BlistThe joint screw axes in the Body frame when the manipulator *is at the home position, in the format of a matrix with the *screw axes as the columns. *@param[in]MThe home configuration of the end-effector. *@param[in]TThe desired end-effector configuration Tsd. *@param[in]thetalist0An initial guess of joint angles that are close to satisfying Tsd. *@param[in]eomgA small positive tolerance on the end-effector orientation error. *The returned joint angles must give an end-effector orientation error less than eomg. *@param[in]evA small positive tolerance on the end-effector linear position error. The returned *joint angles must give an end-effector position error less than ev. *@param[in]maxiterThe maximum number of iterations before the algorithm is terminated. *@param[out]thetalistJoint angles that achieve T within the specified tolerances. *@return0:success,Nonzero:failure *@retval0success. *@retval1The maximum number of iterations reach before the algorithm is terminated. *@retval2failure to allocate memory for Jacobian matrix. *@note: *@waring: */ int IKinBodyNR(int JointNum, double *Blist, double M[4][4], double T[4][4], double *thetalist0, double eomg, double ev, int maxiter, double *thetalist) { int i, j; double Tsb[4][4]; double iTsb[4][4]; double Tbd[4][4]; double se3Mat[4][4]; double Vb[6]; int ErrFlag; double *Jb = (double *)malloc(JointNum * 6 * sizeof(double)); if (Jb == NULL) { return 2; } double *pJb = (double *)malloc(JointNum * 6 * sizeof(double)); if (pJb == NULL) { free(Jb); return 2; } double *dtheta = (double *)malloc(JointNum * sizeof(double)); if (dtheta == NULL) { free(Jb); free(pJb); return 2; } MatrixCopy(thetalist0, JointNum, 1, thetalist); FKinBody(M, JointNum, Blist, thetalist, Tsb); TransInv(Tsb, iTsb); Matrix4Mult(iTsb,T,Tbd); MatrixLog6(Tbd, se3Mat); se3ToVec(se3Mat, Vb); ErrFlag = VecNorm2(3, &Vb[0]) > eomg || VecNorm2(3, &Vb[3]) > ev; i = 0; #if(DEBUGMODE) ///Debug/// printf("iteration:%4d thetalist: ", i); int k; for (k = 0; k < JointNum; k++) { printf("%4.6lf\t", thetalist[k]); } printf("\n"); #endif while (ErrFlag && i { JacobianBody(JointNum, Blist, thetalist, Jb); MatrixPinv(Jb, 6, JointNum, 2.2E-15, pJb); MatrixMult(pJb, JointNum,6 , Vb, 1, dtheta); for (j=0;j { thetalist[j] = thetalist[j] + dtheta[j]; } i++; FKinBody(M, JointNum, Blist, thetalist, Tsb); TransInv(Tsb, iTsb); Matrix4Mult(iTsb, T, Tbd); MatrixLog6(Tbd, se3Mat); se3ToVec(se3Mat, Vb); ErrFlag = VecNorm2(3, &Vb[0]) > eomg || VecNorm2(3, &Vb[3]) > ev; #if (DEBUGMODE) ///DEBUG/// printf("iteration:%4d thetalist: ", i); for (k = 0; k < JointNum; k++) { printf("%4.6lf\t", thetalist[k]); } printf("\n"); // #endif } free(Jb); free(pJb); free(dtheta); return ErrFlag; } /** *@brief Description:use an iterative Newton-Raphson root-finding method. *@param[in]JointNumNumber of joints. *@param[in]SlistThe joint screw axes in the space frame when the manipulator *is at the home position, in the format of a matrix with the *screw axes as the columns. *@param[in]MThe home configuration of the end-effector. *@param[in]TThe desired end-effector configuration Tsd. *@param[in]thetalist0An initial guess of joint angles that are close to satisfying Tsd. *@param[in]eomgA small positive tolerance on the end-effector orientation error. *The returned joint angles must give an end-effector orientation error less than eomg. *@param[in]evA small positive tolerance on the end-effector linear position error. The returned *joint angles must give an end-effector position error less than ev. *@param[in]maxiterThe maximum number of iterations before the algorithm is terminated. *@param[out]thetalistJoint angles that achieve T within the specified tolerances. *@return0:success,Nonzero:failure *@retval0 *@note: *@waring: */ int IKinSpaceNR(int JointNum, double *Slist, double M[4][4], double T[4][4], double *thetalist0, double eomg, double ev, int maxiter,double *thetalist) { int i, j; double Tsb[4][4]; double iTsb[4][4]; double Tbd[4][4]; double AdT[6][6]; double se3Mat[4][4]; double Vb[6]; double Vs[6]; int ErrFlag; double *Js = (double *)malloc(JointNum * 6 * sizeof(double)); if (Js == NULL) { return 2; } double *pJs = (double *)malloc(JointNum * 6 * sizeof(double)); if (pJs == NULL) { free(Js); return 2; } double *dtheta = (double *)malloc(JointNum * sizeof(double)); if (dtheta == NULL) { free(Js); free(pJs); return 2; } MatrixCopy(thetalist0, JointNum, 1, thetalist); FKinSpace(M, JointNum, Slist, thetalist, Tsb); TransInv(Tsb, iTsb); Matrix4Mult(iTsb, T, Tbd); MatrixLog6(Tbd, se3Mat); se3ToVec(se3Mat, Vb); Adjoint(Tsb, AdT); MatrixMult((double *)AdT, 6, 6, Vb, 1, Vs); ErrFlag = VecNorm2(3, &Vs[0]) > eomg || VecNorm2(3, &Vs[3]) > ev; i = 0; #if(DEBUGMODE) ///Debug/// printf("iteration:%4d thetalist: ", i); int k; for (k = 0; k < JointNum; k++) { printf("%4.6lf\t", thetalist[k]); } printf("\n"); #endif while (ErrFlag && i < maxiter) { JacobianSpace(JointNum, Slist, thetalist, Js); MatrixPinv(Js, 6, JointNum, 2.2E-15, pJs); MatrixMult(pJs, JointNum, 6, Vs, 1, dtheta); for (j = 0; j < JointNum; j++) { thetalist[j] = thetalist[j] + dtheta[j]; } i++; FKinSpace(M, JointNum, Slist, thetalist, Tsb); TransInv(Tsb, iTsb); Matrix4Mult(iTsb, T, Tbd); MatrixLog6(Tbd, se3Mat); se3ToVec(se3Mat, Vb); Adjoint(Tsb, AdT); MatrixMult((double *)AdT, 6, 6, Vb, 1, Vs); ErrFlag = VecNorm2(3, &Vs[0]) > eomg || VecNorm2(3, &Vs[3]) > ev; #if (DEBUGMODE) ///DEBUG/// printf("iteration:%4d thetalist: ", i); for (k = 0; k < JointNum; k++) { printf("%4.6lf\t", thetalist[k]); } printf("\n"); // #endif } free(Js); free(pJs); free(dtheta); return ErrFlag; } Example1: 2R机械臂逆解 下面通过一个简单2R机构验证上面数值逆解算法的正确性。如图所示两个连杆的长度都是1,期望位置是θ1=30∘,θ2=90∘\theta_1=30^\circ, \theta_2=90^\circθ1=30∘,θ2=90∘时对应的位置,很容易手工算出此时末端的位置为(0.366,1.366,0),姿态为末端绕z轴旋转了120∘120^\circ120∘. 根据条件,我们首先得到逆解算法函数需要输入的参数如下 JointsNum: 2,关节数 B1\mathcal B_1B1 :[001020]T\left[ \begin{matrix} 0&0&1&0&2&0\end{matrix}\right]^T[001020]T,螺旋轴(旋转轴)1在末端坐标系{b}的表达。 B2\mathcal B_2B2 :[001010]T\left[ \begin{matrix} 0&0&1&0&1&0\end{matrix}\right]^T[001010]T, 螺旋轴(旋转轴)2在末端坐标系{b}的表达。 MMM:[1002010000100001]\left[ \begin{matrix} 1 & 0 &0 &2\\ 0&1&0 &0\\ 0 &0 &1 & 0\\ 0&0&0&1\end{matrix}\right]⎣⎢⎢⎡1000010000102001⎦⎥⎥⎤ ,初始位置和姿态,在固定坐标系下表达。 TTT: [−0.5−0.86600.3660.866−0.501.36600100001]\left[ \begin{matrix} -0.5 & -0.866 &0 &0.366\\ 0.866&-0.5&0 &1.366\\ 0 &0 &1 & 0\\ 0&0&0&1\end{matrix}\right]⎣⎢⎢⎡−0.50.86600−0.866−0.50000100.3661.36601⎦⎥⎥⎤, 期望位置和姿态,在固定坐标系下的表达。 thetalist0: [0,0] ,迭代的初始关节变量,不唯一。 eomg: 0.001,期望位姿的允许误差。 ev : 0.0001 ,期望位置的允许误差。 maxiter: 20 ,最大迭代步数。 注意螺旋轴单位矢量Bi=[ωb,−ωb×qb]T\mathcal B_i=[\omega_b, \ -\omega_b\times q_b]^TBi=[ωb, −ωb×qb]T,具体计算参考以前的博客刚体运动的矩阵表示和指数坐标表示 该例子调用数值逆解算法IKinBodyNR求解的程序如下 /** * @briefDescription: Test Demos for robot algorithm modules. * @file:TestDemo.c * @author:LiBing * @date:2019/03/01 12:20 * Copyright(c) 2019 LiBing. All rights reserved. *https://blog.csdn.net/libing403 * Contact [email protected] * @note: * @warning: */ #include #include #include "RobotAlgorithmModule.h" void test_IKinBodyNR(); int main() { test_IKinBodyNR(); return 0; } void test_IKinBodyNR() { int JointNum = 2; double Blist[6][2] = { 0,0, 0,0, 1,1, 0,0, 2,1, 0,0, }; double M[4][4] = { 1,0,0,2, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1 }; double T[4][4] = { -0.5,-0.866,0,0.366, 0.866,-0.5,0,1.366, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1 }; double thetalist0[2] = { 0,0.5 }; double eomg = 0.001; double ev = 0.0001; double thetalist[2] = { 0 }; int maxiter = 20; int ret=IKinBodyNR(JointNum, (double *)Blist, M, T, thetalist0, eomg, ev, maxiter, thetalist); if (ret) { printf("IKinBody error %d\n", ret); return; } printf("solution thetalist:\n"); int i; for (i=0;i { printf("%lf ", thetalist[i]); } printf("\n"); return; } 结果输出如下图,经过4次迭代就可以求得期望位姿(构型)对应的关节角度分别为0.523589rad(30度),1.570829rad(90度)。这与手工计算的值也是一致的。 ##Example2: UR3机械臂逆解 如图所示是UR3机械臂的自由度分布和尺寸。 UR3尺寸示意图: 下面把前面实现的算法应用在六轴UR3机械臂的逆解。我们分为以下几步来做 首先是在测量机械臂在初始状态时各个轴线在基座坐标系的表达, 其次是建立任务坐标系,工具坐标系等,确定运动轨迹的描述, 然后把轨迹的数据输入到逆解算法,计算出各个关节的位置, 根据逆解的关节数据进行运动仿真,看末端是否走出了期望的轨迹。 (1)初始状态螺旋轴表示 如下图所示,是UR3机械臂的连杆参数。假设图示构型为机械臂的初始状态,每个轴线上的一点qiq_iqi如下图所示。 在基座坐标系{s}下各轴的方向向量为和选定的qiq_iqi为 ω1=[0,0,1]T,ω2=[0,1,0]T,ω3=[0,1,0]T,ω4=[0,1,0]T,ω5=[0,0,1]T,ω6=[0,1,0]T\omega_1=[0,0,1]^T, \omega_2=[0,1,0]^T, \omega_3=[0,1,0]^T, \omega_4=[0,1,0]^T, \omega_5=[0,0,1]^T,\omega_6=[0,1,0]^Tω1=[0,0,1]T,ω2=[0,1,0]T,ω3=[0,1,0]T,ω4=[0,1,0]T,ω5=[0,0,1]T,ω6=[0,1,0]T. q1=[0,0,0]T,q2=[0,0,151.900],q3=[0,0,395.550]T,q4=[213,0,395.55]T,q5=q6=[213,110.4,478.95]Tq_1=[0,0,0]^T,q_2=[0,0,151.900],q_3=[0,0,395.550]^T,q_4=[213,0,395.55]^T,q_5=q_6=[213,110.4,478.95]^Tq1=[0,0,0]T,q2=[0,0,151.900],q3=[0,0,395.550]T,q4=[213,0,395.55]T,q5=q6=[213,110.4,478.95]T. 这里6个轴都是纯转动轴,根据旋量理论,各个轴的规范化螺旋轴矢量为 Si=[ωi,−ωi×qi]TS_i=[\omega_i,-\omega_i\times q_i]^TSi=[ωi,−ωi×qi]T 末端初始构型为 M=[1000010332.800001691.9500001]M=\left[\begin{matrix} 1&0&0&0\\ 0&1&0&332.800\\ 0&0&1&691.950\\ 0&0&0&1 \end{matrix}\right]M=⎣⎢⎢⎡1000010000100332.800691.9501⎦⎥⎥⎤ (2)轨迹点描述 UR3初始状态示意图: 我们设定机器人的初始状态如上图所示。我们对机器人进行任务规划时,其末端运动轨迹一般不会在机器人基坐标系{s}里表示,通常会在任务坐标系{w}里表示,这两个坐标系的变换为 Tsw=[100−750003000011000001]T_{sw}=\left[\begin{matrix} 1&0&0&-75\\ 0&0&0&300\\ 0&0&1&100\\ 0&0&0&1 \end{matrix}\right]Tsw=⎣⎢⎢⎡100000000010−753001001⎦⎥⎥⎤ 我们要做实验是,让机器人末端从设定的初始状态运动到A(125,75,60), B(85,75,100), C(65,75,100)的位置,并且刀具轴线垂直于这些点所在的平面。这里我们先不考虑速规划和姿态插补,我们只考虑我们逆解的关节位置能否使机械臂末端从初始状态到达指定这3个点,要求是末端刀轴垂直于轨迹点所在平面。期望位姿(构型)用齐次矩阵表示,在任务坐标系下可表示为, TwA=[cos(π/2)−sin(π/2)0125sin(π/2)cos(π/2)075001600001],TwB=[100850cos(−π/2)−sin(−π/2)750sin(−π/2)cos(−π/2)1000001]TwC=[100650cos(−π/2)−sin(−π/2)750sin(−π/2)cos(−π/2)1000001],T_{wA}=\left[\begin{matrix} cos(\pi/2)&-sin(\pi/2)&0&125\\ sin(\pi/2)&cos(\pi/2)&0&75\\ 0&0&1&60\\ 0&0&0&1 \end{matrix}\right],\\ T_{wB}=\left[\begin{matrix} 1 & 0& 0& 85\\ 0&cos(-\pi/2)&-sin(-\pi/2)&75\\ 0&sin(-\pi/2)&cos(-\pi/2)&100\\ 0&0&0&1 \end{matrix}\right]\\ T_{wC}=\left[\begin{matrix} 1 & 0& 0& 65\\ 0&cos(-\pi/2)&-sin(-\pi/2)&75\\ 0&sin(-\pi/2)&cos(-\pi/2)&100\\ 0&0&0&1 \end{matrix}\right],TwA=⎣⎢⎢⎡cos(π/2)sin(π/2)00−sin(π/2)cos(π/2)00001012575601⎦⎥⎥⎤,TwB=⎣⎢⎢⎡10000cos(−π/2)sin(−π/2)00−sin(−π/2)cos(−π/2)085751001⎦⎥⎥⎤TwC=⎣⎢⎢⎡10000cos(−π/2)sin(−π/2)00−sin(−π/2)cos(−π/2)065751001⎦⎥⎥⎤, (3)逆解关节位置 我们调用IKinSpaceNR()函数来逆解关节,还需要把上面的参数和坐标转换一下,使得与逆解函数接受的参数含义一致。 用matlab处理一下, clc clear %Slist w1=[0;0;1]; w2=[0;1;0]; w3=[0;1;0]; w4=[0;1;0]; w5=[0;0;1]; w6=[0;1;0]; q1=[0;0;0]; q2=[0;0;151.900]; q3=[0;0;395.55]; q4=[213;0;395.55]; q5=[213;110.4;478.95]; q6=[213;110.4;478.95]; S1=[w1;cross(-w1,q1)]; S2=[w2;cross(-w2,q2)]; S3=[w3;cross(-w3,q3)]; S4=[w4;cross(-w4,q4)]; S5=[w5;cross(-w5,q5)]; S6=[w6;cross(-w6,q6)]; Slist=[S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6]; %初始构型 M=[1,0 , 0 ,213; 0 ,1 ,0 ,267.8; 0,0,1,478.95; 0,0,0,1]; % M=[1,0 , 0 ,327.5853; % 0 ,1 ,0 ,332.8; % 0,0,1,364.9; % 0,0,0,1]; %期望构型 TwA=[cos(pi/2),-sin(pi/2),0,125; sin(pi/2),cos(pi/2),0,75; 0,0,1,60; 0,0,0,1]; TwB=[1,0,0,85; 0,cos(-pi/2),-sin(-pi/2),75; 0,sin(-pi/2),cos(-pi/2),100; 0,0,0,1]; TwC=[1,0,0,65; 0,cos(-pi/2),-sin(-pi/2),75; 0,sin(-pi/2),cos(-pi/2),100; 0,0,0,1]; %基坐标系{s}到任务坐标系{w}的变换 Tsw=[1,0,0,-75; 0,1,0,300; 0,0,1,100; 0,0,0,1]; TsA= Tsw*TwA; TsB=Tsw*TwB; TsC=Tsw*TwC; %参数结果 display(Slist); display(M); display(TsA); display(TsB); display(TsC); 各参数结果如下 Slist = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 1.0000 0 0 -151.9000 -395.5500 -395.5500 110.4000 -478.9500 0 0 0 0 -213.0000 0 0 0 0 213.0000 0 213.0000 M = 1.0000 0 0 213.0000 0 1.0000 0 267.8000 0 0 1.0000 478.9500 0 0 0 1.0000 TsA = 0.0000 -1.0000 0 50.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0 375.0000 0 0 1.0000 160.0000 0 0 0 1.0000 TsB = 1.0000 0 0 10.0000 0 0.0000 1.0000 375.0000 0 -1.0000 0.0000 200.0000 0 0 0 1.0000 TsC = 1.0000 0 0 -10.0000 0 0.0000 1.0000 375.0000 0 -1.0000 0.0000 200.0000 0 0 0 1.0000 设置误差 姿态误差eomg = 1.0E-4,位置误差 ev = 1.0E-3,调用逆解函数,计算得到ABCD这4点对应的4组关节变量如下 A点对应的关节量迭代过程及结果 B点对应的关节量迭代过程及结果 C点对应的关节量迭代过程及结果 (4)运动仿真 使用3D模型进行运动仿真(这里使用的是UG),从初始位置运动到A点 从初始位置运动到B点 从初始位置运动到C点 小结 当逆运动学的解析解不存在时使用数值迭代法,求解逆运动学方程的步骤与牛顿-拉普森相似,都需要一组关节变量的初始值。存在多解的时候,迭代的效率很大程度上依赖于初始值,迭代法可以求得最靠近初始值的解。每次迭代的形式如下 θi+1=θi+J†(θi)V,\theta^{i+1}=\theta^i+J^{\dagger}(\theta^i)\mathcal V,θi+1=θi+J†(θi)V, 这里J†J^{\dagger}J†是雅可比J(θ)J(\theta)J(θ)的伪逆矩阵,V\mathcal VV是运动旋量,表示末端单位时间内从构型T(θi)T(\theta^i)T(θi)向构型TsdT_{sd}Tsd的运动。 为了使逆运动学的数值迭代法收敛,初始值与解应该足够靠近。当从机器人初始位置开始是可以满足条件的,该位置的末端构型和关节量都已知,同时要保证末端期望TsdT_{sd}Tsd缓慢变化,这与逆运动学计算的频率有关。实际应用中从一个位置到另一个位置是进行位置和姿态插补的,这很容易保证每次计算逆运动学末端期望TsdT_{sd}Tsd缓慢变化。机器人运动过程中,前一时间步(插补周期)计算出的解θd\theta_dθd作为下一个时间步计算新的TsdT_sdTsd的迭代初值。 值得注意的是,前面的UR3的例子中,如果直接从下图的构型作为初始状态,A点作为期望位置且刀轴垂直A所在平面,迭代是不收敛的,无法求得正确解,因为,期望位置和初始位置相差太远了。接下来我们再研究机器人末端的位置和姿态插补,就可以让机器人末端走连续的轨迹了。 参考文献 Kenvin M. Lynch , Frank C. Park, Modern Robotics Mechanics,Planning , and Control. May 3, 2017 标签:之逆,int,double,SVD,param,amp,theta,机器人学,matrix