Attentional Graph Convolutional Networks for Knowledge Concept Recommendation in MOOCs in a Heter---

Attentional Graph Convolutional Networks for Knowledge Concept Recommendation in MOOCs in a Heterogeneous View


  • Attentional Graph Convolutional Networks for Knowledge Concept Recommendation in MOOCs in a Heterogeneous View
      • 论文十问
      • 疑问
        • 1、HIN(**Heterogeneous information network**)
        • 2、Network schema
        • 3、meta-path
      • 疑难杂句
      • 单词本



Q1 论文试图解决什么问题?

Q2 这是否是一个新的问题?

Q3 这篇文章要验证一个什么科学假设?

Q4 有哪些相关研究?如何归类?谁是这一课题在领域内值得关注的研究员?

Q5 论文中提到的解决方案之关键是什么?

Q6 论文中的实验是如何设计的?

Q7 用于定量评估的数据集是什么?代码有没有开源?

Q8 论文中的实验及结果有没有很好地支持需要验证的科学假设?

Q9 这篇论文到底有什么贡献?

Q10 下一步呢?有什么工作可以继续深入?

Attentional Graph Convolutional Networks for Knowledge Concept Recommendation in MOOCs in a Heter---_第1张图片


1、HIN(Heterogeneous information network

Attentional Graph Convolutional Networks for Knowledge Concept Recommendation in MOOCs in a Heter---_第2张图片

2、Network schema



Attentional Graph Convolutional Networks for Knowledge Concept Recommendation in MOOCs in a Heter---_第3张图片


  1. We generate these relationship to describe the user related interac-
    tions in the heterogeneous information network.

  2. For example, the relation knowledge concept-included by-video
    denotes that a knowledge concept is included in a video,
    表明知识概念包含在一段视频中 and the relation knowledge
    indicates that a knowledge concepts is
    covered in a course. 表示一个知识概念涵盖在一门课程中

  3. This illustrates that different meta-paths indicate different
    relations Further, although the growth of performance is not quite
    obvious, 这说明(不同的元路径表示不同的关系),虽然这种性能的增长不是很明显 we can observe that the
    combination including more meta-paths will exhibit better
    performance, 我们可以观察到(包含了更多元路径)的联合会展示更好的性能(表现) and the best
    performance is achieved by combining all four meta-paths.

  4. Different from previous methods, this study focuses on capture the
    representations of different types of entities on the heterogeneous
    information network and fuses themselves content feature of
    different types of entities and the structure features of entities
    in MOOCs data together for the recommendation task of the knowledge

  5. We propose ACKRec , an end-to-end graph neural network based
    approach that naturally incorporates rich heterogeneous context side
    information into knowledge concept recommendation.

  6. We design an attention-based graph convolutional network to learn
    the representation of different entities via propagate context
    information under the guide of meta-path in an attentional way.


concept n.概念,观念
generalization n.一般化,概括,归纳
generaliza v. 概括,归纳,笼统的讲
semantic adj. 语义的
embed vt. 嵌入,插入
imply v. 意味着,表明,暗示
include v.包含,包括,使~成为一部分
involve vt.涉及,包含,牵涉
conclude v. 断定,推断,得出结论
denote vt. 标志,象征,预示
indicate v.表明,显示,象征
manner n.方法,方式,举止,礼貌,礼仪
utilize vt.使用,运用,利用
depict vt.描绘,描画,描写
correspond vi.相一致,符合,类似于,相当于
proceed vi.继续,接着做,行进,前进
approach n.方法,方式
v. 靠近,接洽
associate v.联合,联想,联系
adj. 非正式的,联合的,有关联的
n. 伙伴,同事,合伙人
composite adj.混合成的,复合的,合成的
composition n.作文,作品。合成物,成分。组合
potential adj.潜在的,可能的
n. 可能性,潜在性,潜力
induced v.劝说,诱导,引起,产生
infinite adj.极大的,无限的,无穷尽的
relevant adj. 相关的,切题的,有意义,有价值的
notation n.符号,记号
summarized v.总结,概括,概述
illustrate vt. 说明
exhibit v. 展览,展出,表现
crucial adj.关键的,至关重要的
recurrent adj. 经常的,反复出现的
broad adj.宽阔的,广阔的
applicability n.适用性,相关性,适用范围
malicious adj.恶意的,恶毒的
investigate v. 侦查,调查,研究
overlook vt.忽略,未注意到
nature n.自然界,大自然
naturally adv.顺理成章的,自然的
incorporate v.合并,包含,包括在内
propagate v.传播,宣传,增殖,繁殖
aggregate adj.总数的,总计的
outperform vt.胜过,超过
