
1        2021.12.1


  1.  Located at No.76,Xingye Road,Shanghai, the site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China is a typical Shanghai-style residence which was built in the autumn of 1920.
  2. On July 23th,1921, the first National Congress of the CPC was held here. At the congress, the first programme and first resolution were passed, the leading body was selecting, and the birth of CPC was announced.
  3. In September 1952, the site of the first Congress of the CPC was restored and became a memorial hall which was open to the public. 
  4. Besides the introduction of the representatives who attended the first congress, the memorial hall also introduced the historic development of CPC, making it a patriotism educational base for understanding the history of the CPC and cherishing the memory of revolutionary martyrs now.



  1. Located in the north of Shanxi province and the middle reaches of the Yellow River, Yanan is the sacred place of China's revolution.
  2. Mao Zedong and the other older-generation revolutionaries lived and fought here for 13 years, leading the Anti-Japanese War and the War of Liberty, cultivalting the Yanan Spirit and making tremendous contributions for China's revolution.
  3. The revolutionary sites of Yanan are of the largest number, the widest distribution and the highest rank all over the country.
  4. Yanan is also the national education base for patriotism, revolutionary traditions and the Yanan Spirit.
  5. Yanan has 9 memorial halls with a great collection of important legacies left by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the veteran revolutionaries during the Yanan period, thus gaining the reputation of "The Museum City of China's revolution".



  1.  Located at the boundry of Hunan and Jiangxi provinces, Jinggangshan is hailed as"the Red Cradle of China's revolution" for its glorious revolutionary history.
  2. In October 1927, Mao Zedong、Zhude and the older-generation revolutionaries led the Chinese Worker and Peasant  Red Army here. They fought laboriously to bulid up the first rural revolution base, igniting the spark of China's revolution, blazing the chinese-featured path of "besieging cities from the countryside, seizing the state power by army force"  .It was from here that China's revolution march towards victory.
  3. Jinggangshan, which has more than 100 revolutionary sites nowadays , has become "a revolutionsry museum without walls" and an important educational base for patriotism and revolutionary traditions.
