python 抽样方法_用python解释概率抽样方法

python 抽样方法


为什么我们需要采样? (Why do we need Sampling?)

Sampling is used when we try to draw a conclusion without knowing the population. Population refers to the complete collection of observations we want to study, and a sample is a subset of the target population. Here’s an example. A Gallup poll¹, conducted between July 15 to 31 last year, found that 42% of Americans approve of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president. The results were based on telephone interviews of a random sample of ~4500 calls (assuming one adult per call. ~4500 adults), aged 18 and older, living in the U.S. The poll was conducted during a period of controversy over Trump’s social media comments. For this survey, the population is ALL the U.S citizens aged 18 and older, and the sample is 4500 adults.

当我们尝试在不知道总体的情况下得出结论时,将使用抽样。 人口是指我们要研究的观测资料的完整集合,样本是目标人口的子集。 这是一个例子。 去年7月15日至31日进行的盖洛普民意调查¹发现,有42%的美国人赞成唐纳德·特朗普处理总统职位的方式。 结果基于电话采访,随机抽样了约4500个电话(假设每个电话约一个成年人。约4500个成年人),他们居住在美国,年龄在18岁及以上。该调查是在特朗普社交媒体评论引起争议的一段时间内进行的。 在本次调查中,人口为18岁及以上的所有美国公民,样本为4500名成人。

If sampling is done wrong, it will lead to biases that affect the accuracy of your research/survey results. To avoid selection biases, we have to carefully choose a subset of a population that can be representative of the group as a whole.

如果采样做错了,将导致偏差,从而影响您的研究/调查结果的准确性。 为了避免选择偏见,我们必须仔细选择总体的一个子集 可以代表整个团体。

概率抽样的类型 (Types of Probability Sampling)

简单随机抽样(Simple Random Sampling)

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Image by Author using Powerpoint 图片作者使用Powerpoint

Simple random sampling means we randomly select samples from the population where every unit has the same probability of being selected.


Pros: there’s no need to divide the population into subgroups or take any other additional steps before selecting members of the population at random.


Cons: the samples might not be representative, and it could be time-consuming for large populations.


Use Case: it’s used when we don’t know too much about the population.


#let's create a dataframe first!
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy.random import randn
# Define total number of customers
number_of_customers = 10
# Create data dictionary
data = {'customer_id':np.arange(1, number_of_customers+1).tolist(),
# Transform dictionary into a data frame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# View data frame
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Created a data frame (Image by Author) 创建了一个数据框(作者提供的图像)
#only using random(), we can generate 4 samples from this dataset
# Obtain simple random samplesimple_random_sample = df.sample(n=4).sort_values(by='customer_id')
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Randomly selected customers (Image by Author) 随机选择的客户(作者提供的图片)

分层抽样 (Stratified Sampling)

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Image by Author using Powerpoint 图片作者使用Powerpoint

For stratified sampling the population is divided into subgroups (called strata), then randomly select samples from each stratum.


Pros: it captures key population characteristics, so the sample is more representative of the population.


Cons: it’s ineffective if subgroups cannot be formed.


Use Case: it’s commonly used in geographic sampling where strata can be states, countries, or ecoregions.


#Let's add subgroup labels to the datasetdf['strata']=[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2]sss = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=5, test_size=0.5, random_state=0)for x, y in sss.split(df, df['strata']):
stratified_random_sample = df.iloc[y].sort_values(by='customer_id')
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Randomly selected customers from each stratum (Image by Author) 从每个阶层中随机选择的客户(作者提供的图片)

整群抽样 (Cluster Sampling)

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Image by Author using Powerpoint 图片作者使用Powerpoint

For clustering sampling, the population is divided into different clusters. Then a fixed number of clusters are randomly sampled and all units within each of the selected clusters are included in the sample.

对于聚类抽样,将总体分为不同的聚类。 然后,对固定数量的聚类进行随机采样,并将每个选定聚类内的所有单元包括在样本中。

Pros: it reduces variability, and it’s easy to conduct.


Cons: it is possible to introduce bias during sampling.


Use Case: it’s used when all individuals in each cluster can be representative of the populations.


#create 4 different clusters based on customers' lift time valuesdf['cluster'] = pd.cut(df['customer_life_time_value'], bins=4, labels=False) +1
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Added “cluster” column (Image by Author) 添加了“群集”列(作者提供的图像)
# predefine which clusters/groups we want to select samples fromn=[2,4]def clustering_sampling(df,n):
for i in range(len(n)):
final_df=pd.concat(df_list, ignore_index=True)

return final_dfclustering_sampling(df,n)
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Selected all customers from cluster 2 and 4 in the sample (Image by Author) 从样本中的集群2和集群4中选择了所有客户(作者提供的图像)

系统采样 (Systematic Sampling)

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Select every other person from the population (Image by Author using Powerpoint) 从人口中选择其他所有人(作者使用Powerpoint拍摄)

A systematic sample is drawn by selecting units systematically from a sample frame. (i.e every other unit is included in the sample)

通过从样本框架中系统选择单位来绘制系统样本。 (即样本中包含其他所有单位)

Pros: it can eliminate clustered selection, and it’s simple to execute.


Cons: we need to predetermine the estimated population size. It doesn’t work well if the population has a type of standardized pattern.

缺点:我们需要预先确定估计的人口规模。 如果总体具有某种标准化模式,则效果不佳。

Use Case: it’s used when the relevant data does not exhibit patterns.


def systematic_sampling(df, step):

indexes = np.arange(0,len(df),step=step)
systematic_sample = df.iloc[indexes]
return systematic_sample

systematic_sampling(df, 1)
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Every other customer_id is included in the sample (Image by Author) 示例中还包含其他所有customer_id(作者提供的图片)


python 抽样方法
