

df = DataFrame(data = np.random.randint(0,150,size = (200,4)),
               columns = ['python','english','math','chinese'])

for i in range(30):
    index = np.random.randint(0,200,size = 1)[0]
    column = np.random.randint(0,4,size = 1)[0]
    df.iloc[index,column] = np.NaN

     python  english   math  chinese
0     104.0     27.0   86.0    113.0
1     138.0      NaN  132.0    126.0
2       3.0    113.0   37.0     64.0
3      47.0    110.0   32.0    100.0
4      87.0     29.0  126.0    144.0
..      ...      ...    ...      ...
195    63.0     98.0  147.0     18.0
196    26.0      9.0   97.0     10.0
197    57.0    141.0    NaN     37.0
198    52.0     78.0   26.0    143.0
199    79.0     46.0  134.0     86.0

cond = df.isnull().any(axis = 1)

     python  english   math  chinese
1     138.0      NaN  132.0    126.0
5     136.0     21.0  146.0      NaN
12     83.0    108.0    NaN     49.0
17      6.0      NaN   87.0     88.0
20    110.0      NaN   18.0    145.0
21     36.0      NaN  130.0     66.0
36     23.0      NaN   74.0     46.0
37      NaN     29.0   18.0     34.0
38    137.0      NaN   67.0     34.0
40     15.0     85.0   82.0      NaN
46     71.0    147.0   69.0      NaN
65    105.0    105.0   12.0      NaN
78      NaN     56.0    3.0     23.0
83     89.0    101.0  133.0      NaN
94     55.0      3.0    NaN    149.0
99     92.0      NaN  121.0     23.0
105    43.0     36.0  110.0      NaN
108    75.0     91.0    NaN     40.0
110    80.0     36.0   40.0      NaN
119    36.0      NaN   59.0     23.0
120    35.0     80.0    NaN    121.0
128    34.0     18.0   24.0      NaN
130   116.0     12.0    NaN     28.0
142    93.0      2.0    NaN     75.0
156    95.0      0.0    NaN     36.0
170     NaN      8.0   38.0    122.0
173     3.0      NaN   28.0     59.0
175     NaN     70.0   92.0     39.0
182   135.0     59.0  102.0      NaN
197    57.0    141.0    NaN     37.0

cond = df.notnull().all(axis = 1)


df.drop(labels = ['english'],axis = 1)#删除一列

cond = df.isnull().any(axis = 1)#删除有空数据的行
index = df[cond].index
df.drop(labels = index)

cond = (df<60).any(axis = 1)
index = df[cond].index
df.drop(labels = index)


cond1 = df.mean(axis = 1)<60
cond2 = df.mean(axis = 1)>110
cond3 = cond1|cond2#进行或运算,&是与运算


df.fillna(value = df.mean())#用平均值填充
df.fillna(method = 'backfill')
method : {'backfill', 'bfill', 'pad', 'ffill', None}, default None
        Method to use for filling holes in reindexed Series
        pad / ffill: propagate last valid observation forward to next valid
        backfill / bfill: use next valid observation to fill gap.
