

  • 前言
  • 一、安装
  • 二、Python 的建模与优化
    • 2-1、MdoModel类
    • 2-2、MdoExprLinear类
    • 2-3、官方案例——营养调配
  • 总结





MindOpt 优化求解器-线上版.

二、Python 的建模与优化




1、model.add_var(): 向模型引入新变量(列)的函数。参数介绍如下,返回值是创建的变量对象。

  • lb(浮点数) – 新变量的下限值。默认值为 。0.0
  • ub(浮点数) – 新变量的上限值。默认值为 。1.E+20
  • obj(浮点数) – 新变量的目标系数。默认值为 。0.0
  • col (MdoCol) – 保存非零元素的列对象。默认值为 。None
  • name (str) – 用于保存列名的字符串对象。默认值为 。“”
  • is_integer (bint) – 一个布尔标志,指定这是否为整数变量。默认值为 。False


  • lhs(浮点型或 MdoTempLinear) – 新约束或临时线性对象的左侧值。下限!
  • rhs(浮点型或 str 型)– 新约束的右侧值,或约束名称的字符串。上限!
  • expr (MdoExprLinear) – 持有新线性约束的表达式。默认值为 。None
  • name (str) – 用于保存列名的字符串对象。默认值为 。“”

3、 model.solve_prob():

4、 model.get_infinity(): 用于检索无穷大值的函数,返回无穷大的值,返回类型是浮点数。

5、 model.set_int_attr(): 用于更改整数值模型属性的值的函数。

6、 model.set_str_param(): 用于更改字符串值参数的值的函数。

  • par (str) – 要访问的字符串值参数。
  • value (int) – 字符串值参数的新值。

7、model.submit_task(): 此函数将优化模型任务提交到远程服务器进行优化。模型任务文件以二进制格式包含问题数据、参数设置和解决方案。

  • 返回:一个字符串,指定已提交作业的 ID。用户可以使用此作业 ID 查询优化结果。(str)

8、model.retrieve_task(): 该函数检查已提交任务的状态,然后检索相应的优化结果(如果可用)。所有可能的状态值为:“Submitted” “Solving” “Canceled” “Finished” “Failed”

  • 参数:
  • job_id (str) – 指定已提交作业的 ID 的字符串。
  • 返回值(四个值):
  • 已提交任务的状态(str)
  • 模型状态(int)
  • 相应代码,优化状态(int)
  • 标志,指定方案的可用性(bool)


  • 参数:
  • 优化状态,model.retrieve_task()得到的返回值。(第三个)
  • 返回:
  • 一个字符串,保存给定求解器状态代码的详细信息。

10、model.explain_status(): 此函数解释求解器状态代码的详细信息。

  • 参数:
  • 模型状态,model.retrieve_task()得到的返回值。(第二个)
  • 返回:
  • 一个字符串,保存给定求解器状态代码的详细信息。

11、model.display_results(): 显示当前求解器结果的函数。

12、model.get_status(): 用于检索求解器状态的函数。

  • 返回值:
  • 状态码(int)
  • 状态信息(str)


  • 参数
  • 要访问的属性(str)
  • 返回
  • 实值模型属性的当前值。


MdoExprLinear: 此对象实现数据结构以保存线性约束表达式对象,该对象由一组系数-变量对组成。使用该类的步骤如下:

1、通过使用 model.add_var() 创建一系列变量对象。


MdoVar x1 = model.add_var()
MdoVar x3 = model.add_var()
expr1 = 1 * x1
expr1 = expr1 + x2
MdoVar x3 = model.add_var()
expr2 = expr1 + x3


 *  example_2_py1.py
 *  Description 
 *  -----------
 *  Linear optimization (diet problem).
 *  The goal is to select foods that satisfy daily nutritional requirements while minimizing the total cost. 
 *  The constraints in this problem limit the number of calories, the volume of good consumed, and the amount of 
 *  vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, and iron in the diet.
 *  Note
 *  ----
 *  The model below will be inputted in a row-wise order.
 *  Formulation
 *  -----------
 * Minimize
 * Obj:        1.840000000 Cheeseburger + 2.190000000 HamSandwich + 1.840000000 Hamburger + 1.440000000 FishSandwich +
 *             2.290000000 ChickenSandwich + 0.770000000 Fries + 1.290000000 SausageBiscuit + 0.600000000 LowfatMilk + 
 *             0.720000000 OrangeJuice
 * Subject To
 * Cal:        510 Cheeseburger + 370 HamSandwich + 500 Hamburger + 370 FishSandwich +
 *             400 ChickenSandwich + 220 Fries + 345 SausageBiscuit + 110 LowfatMilk + 80 OrangeJuice >= 2000
 * Carbo:      34 Cheeseburger + 35 HamSandwich + 42 Hamburger + 38 FishSandwich + 42 ChickenSandwich + 
 *             26 Fries + 27 SausageBiscuit + 12 LowfatMilk + 20 OrangeJuice <= 375
 * Carbo_low:  34 Cheeseburger + 35 HamSandwich + 42 Hamburger + 38 FishSandwich + 42 ChickenSandwich + 
 *             26 Fries + 27 SausageBiscuit + 12 LowfatMilk + 20 OrangeJuice >= 350
 * Protein:    28 Cheeseburger + 24 HamSandwich + 25 Hamburger + 14 FishSandwich + 31 ChickenSandwich + 
 *             3 Fries + 15 SausageBiscuit + 9 LowfatMilk + OrangeJuice >= 55
 * VitA:       15 Cheeseburger + 15 HamSandwich + 6 Hamburger + 2 FishSandwich + 8 ChickenSandwich + 
 *             4 SausageBiscuit + 10 LowfatMilk + 2 OrangeJuice >= 100
 * VitC:       6 Cheeseburger + 10 HamSandwich + 2 Hamburger + 15 ChickenSandwich + 
 *             15 Fries + 4 LowfatMilk + 120 OrangeJuice >= 100
 * Calc:       30 Cheeseburger + 20 HamSandwich + 25 Hamburger + 15 FishSandwich + 
 *             15 ChickenSandwich + 20 SausageBiscuit + 30 LowfatMilk + 2 OrangeJuice >= 100
 * Iron:       20 Cheeseburger + 20 HamSandwich + 20 Hamburger + 10 FishSandwich + 
 *             8 ChickenSandwich + 2 Fries + 15 SausageBiscuit + 2 OrangeJuice >= 100
 * Volume:     4 Cheeseburger + 7.500000000 HamSandwich + 3.500000000 Hamburger + 5 FishSandwich + 
 *             7.300000000 ChickenSandwich + 2.600000000 Fries + 4.100000000 SausageBiscuit + 8 LowfatMilk + 12 OrangeJuice <= 75
 * Bounds
 * End
from mindoptpy import *

if __name__ == "__main__":

    MDO_INFINITY = MdoModel.get_infinity()
    token = "**********"
    server = "mindopt.tianchi.aliyun.com"
    desc = "tianchi example2 MdoRemotLdDiet PY1"
    filepath = "./tmp/"

    req = \
        # requirement: ( lower bound,   upper bound)
        "Cal"        : (         2000, MDO_INFINITY), 
        "Carbo"      : (          350,          375),
        "Protein"    : (           55, MDO_INFINITY), 
        "VitA"       : (          100, MDO_INFINITY),
        "VitC"       : (          100, MDO_INFINITY),
        "Calc"       : (          100, MDO_INFINITY), 
        "Iron"       : (          100, MDO_INFINITY), 
        "Volume"     : (-MDO_INFINITY,           75)

    food = \
        # food            : ( lower bound,  upper bound, cost)
        "Cheeseburger"    : (           0, MDO_INFINITY, 1.84),
        "HamSandwich"     : (           0, MDO_INFINITY, 2.19),
        "Hamburger"       : (           0, MDO_INFINITY, 1.84),
        "FishSandwich"    : (           0, MDO_INFINITY, 1.44),
        "ChickenSandwich" : (           0, MDO_INFINITY, 2.29),
        "Fries"           : (           0, MDO_INFINITY, 0.77),
        "SausageBiscuit"  : (           0, MDO_INFINITY, 1.29),
        "LowfatMilk"      : (           0, MDO_INFINITY, 0.60),
        "OrangeJuice"     : (           0, MDO_INFINITY, 0.72)

    req_value = \
        # (requirement, food              ) : value
        ( "Cal",        "Cheeseburger"    ) : 510,
        ( "Cal",        "HamSandwich"     ) : 370,
        ( "Cal",        "Hamburger"       ) : 500,
        ( "Cal",        "FishSandwich"    ) : 370,
        ( "Cal",        "ChickenSandwich" ) : 400,
        ( "Cal",        "Fries"           ) : 220,
        ( "Cal",        "SausageBiscuit"  ) : 345,
        ( "Cal",        "LowfatMilk"      ) : 110,
        ( "Cal",        "OrangeJuice"     ) : 80,

        ( "Carbo",      "Cheeseburger"    ) : 34,
        ( "Carbo",      "HamSandwich"     ) : 35,
        ( "Carbo",      "Hamburger"       ) : 42,
        ( "Carbo",      "FishSandwich"    ) : 38,
        ( "Carbo",      "ChickenSandwich" ) : 42,
        ( "Carbo",      "Fries"           ) : 26,
        ( "Carbo",      "SausageBiscuit"  ) : 27,
        ( "Carbo",      "LowfatMilk"      ) : 12,
        ( "Carbo",      "OrangeJuice"     ) : 20,

        ( "Protein",    "Cheeseburger"    ) : 28,
        ( "Protein",    "HamSandwich"     ) : 24,
        ( "Protein",    "Hamburger"       ) : 25,
        ( "Protein",    "FishSandwich"    ) : 14,
        ( "Protein",    "ChickenSandwich" ) : 31,
        ( "Protein",    "Fries"           ) : 3,
        ( "Protein",    "SausageBiscuit"  ) : 15,
        ( "Protein",    "LowfatMilk"      ) : 9,
        ( "Protein",    "OrangeJuice"     ) : 1,

        ( "VitA",       "Cheeseburger"    ) : 15,
        ( "VitA",       "HamSandwich"     ) : 15,
        ( "VitA",       "Hamburger"       ) : 6,
        ( "VitA",       "FishSandwich"    ) : 2,
        ( "VitA",       "ChickenSandwich" ) : 8,
        ( "VitA",       "Fries"           ) : 0,
        ( "VitA",       "SausageBiscuit"  ) : 4,
        ( "VitA",       "LowfatMilk"      ) : 10,
        ( "VitA",       "OrangeJuice"     ) : 2,

        ( "VitC",       "Cheeseburger"    ) : 6,
        ( "VitC",       "HamSandwich"     ) : 10,
        ( "VitC",       "Hamburger"       ) : 2,
        ( "VitC",       "FishSandwich"    ) : 0,
        ( "VitC",       "ChickenSandwich" ) : 15,
        ( "VitC",       "Fries"           ) : 15,
        ( "VitC",       "SausageBiscuit"  ) : 0,
        ( "VitC",       "OrangeJuice"     ) : 4,
        ( "VitC",       "LowfatMilk"      ) : 120,

        ( "Calc",       "Cheeseburger"    ) : 30,
        ( "Calc",       "HamSandwich"     ) : 20,
        ( "Calc",       "Hamburger"       ) : 25,
        ( "Calc",       "FishSandwich"    ) : 15,
        ( "Calc",       "ChickenSandwich" ) : 15,
        ( "Calc",       "Fries"           ) : 0,
        ( "Calc",       "SausageBiscuit"  ) : 20,
        ( "Calc",       "LowfatMilk"      ) : 30,
        ( "Calc",       "OrangeJuice"     ) : 2,

        ( "Iron",       "Cheeseburger"    ) : 20,
        ( "Iron",       "HamSandwich"     ) : 20,
        ( "Iron",       "Hamburger"       ) : 20,
        ( "Iron",       "FishSandwich"    ) : 10,
        ( "Iron",       "ChickenSandwich" ) : 8,
        ( "Iron",       "Fries"           ) : 2,
        ( "Iron",       "SausageBiscuit"  ) : 15,
        ( "Iron",       "LowfatMilk"      ) : 0,
        ( "Iron",       "OrangeJuice"     ) : 2,

        ( "Volume",     "Cheeseburger"    ) : 4,
        ( "Volume",     "HamSandwich"     ) : 7.5,
        ( "Volume",     "Hamburger"       ) : 3.5,
        ( "Volume",     "FishSandwich"    ) : 5,
        ( "Volume",     "ChickenSandwich" ) : 7.3,
        ( "Volume",     "Fries"           ) : 2.6,
        ( "Volume",     "SausageBiscuit"  ) : 4.1,
        ( "Volume",     "LowfatMilk"      ) : 8,
        ( "Volume",     "OrangeJuice"     ) : 12

    # Step 1. Create a model and change the parameters.
    model = MdoModel()

        # Step 2. Input model.
        # Change to minimization problem.
        model.set_int_attr("MinSense", 1)

        # Add variables.
        var = {}
        for food_name, food_data in food.items():
            var[food_name] = model.add_var(food_data[0], food_data[1], food_data[2], None, food_name, False)

        # Add constraints.
        for req_name, req_data in req.items():
            expr = MdoExprLinear()
            for food_name in food.keys():
                expr += req_value[req_name, food_name] * var[food_name]
            model.add_cons(req_data[0], req_data[1], expr, req_name)

        # Step 3. Input parameters related to the remote computing server.
        model.set_str_param("Remote/Token", token)
        model.set_str_param("Remote/Desc", desc)
        model.set_str_param("Remote/Server", server)
        model.set_str_param("Remote/File/Path", filepath)

        # Step 4. Upload the serialized model and parameters to server, and then optimize the model.   
        job_id = model.submit_task()
        if job_id == "":
            print("ERROR: Empty job ID.")
            raise MdoError(-1)
            print("Job was submitted to server successfully.")
            print("User may query the optimization result with the following job ID: {}".format(job_id))

        # Step 5. Check the solution status periodically, and             
        #         download the its upon availability.       
        status = "Submitted"
        while status == 'Submitted' or status == 'Solving': 
            status, model_status, result, has_soln = model.retrieve_task(job_id)

            # Sleep for 10 seconds.

        model_status_details = model.explain_status(model_status)
        result_details = model.explain_result(result)

        print(" - Job status             : {}".format(status)) 
        print(" - Model status           : {0} ({1})".format(model_status_details, model_status))
        print(" - Optimization status    : {0} ({1})".format(result_details, result))
        print(" - Solution availability  : {0}".format("available" if has_soln else "not available"))

        if has_soln:
            print("\nPopulating solution.")

            status_code, status_msg = model.get_status()
            if status_msg == "OPTIMAL":
                print("Optimizer terminated with an OPTIMAL status (code {0}).".format(status_code))
                print("Daily cost           : ${0}".format(round(model.get_real_attr("PrimalObjVal"), 2)))
                for food_name, food_var in var.items():
                    val = round(food_var.get_real_attr("PrimalSoln"), 2)
                    if val > 0.01:
                        print(f" - {food_name: <17} : {val}")
                print("Optimizer terminated with a(n) {0} status (code {1}).".format(status_msg, status_code))

    except MdoError as e:
        print("Received Mindopt exception.")
        print(" - Code          : {}".format(e.code))
        print(" - Reason        : {}".format(e.message))
    except Exception as e:
        print("Received exception.")
        print(" - Reason        : {}".format(e))

MindOpt 优化求解器-线上版.
MindOpt 官方文档.


