


> 用C语言定义的寄存器地址与所有bits,bit fields和寄存器的映射(所有后面这些都可以寻址)

> 所有的片上外设可用功能的程序接口和运行时需要用到的数据结构

> 在基本模板中应用的所有外设的例子


EWARM C/C++Compiler for ARM


外设别名缩写表 Acronyms(略)


  • PPP refers to any peripheral acronym, for example ADC.
  • System and source/header file names are preceded by the prefix ‘stm32f4xx_’.
  • Constants used in one file are defined within this file. A constant used in more than one file is defined in a header file. All constants are written in upper case.
  • Registers are considered as constants. Their names are in upper case. In most cases, the same acronyms as in the STM32F4xx reference manual document are used.
  • Names of peripheral’s functions are preceded by the corresponding peripheral acronym in upper case followed by an underscore. The first letter in each word is in upper case, for example USART_SendData. Only one underscore is allowed in a function name to separate the peripheral acronym from the rest of the function name.
  • Functions used to initialize the PPP peripheral according to parameters specified in PPP_InitTypeDef are named PPP_Init, for example TIM_Init.
  • Functions used to reset the PPP peripheral registers to their default values are named PPP_DeInit, for example TIM_DeInit.
  • Functions used to fill the PPP_InitTypeDef structure with the reset values of each member are named PPP_StructInit, for example USART_StructInit.
  • Functions used to enable or disable the specified PPP peripheral are named PPP_Cmd, for example USART_Cmd.
  • Functions used to enable or disable an interrupt source of the specified PPP peripheral are named PPP_ITConfig, for example RCC_ITConfig.
  • Functions used to enable or disable the DMA interface of the specified PPP peripheral are named PPP_DMAConfig, for example TIM_DMAConfig.
  • Functions used to configure a peripheral function always end with the string ‘Config’, for example GPIO_PinRemapConfig.
  • Functions used to check whether the specified PPP flag is set or reset are named PPP_GetFlagStatus, for example I2C_GetFlagStatus.
  • Functions used to clear a PPP flag are named PPP_ClearFlag, for example I2C_ClearFlag.
  • Functions used to check whether the specified PPP interrupt has occurred or not are named PPP_GetITStatus, for example I2C_GetITStatus.
  • Functions used to clear a PPP interrupt pending bit are named PPP_ClearITPendingBit, for example I2C_ClearITPendingBit.






bit_word_offset = (byte_offset * 32) + (bit_number * 4)
bit_word_addr = bit_band_base + bit_word_offse


/*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */
#define PERIPH_BASE     ((uint32_t)0x40000000)
/*!< Peripheral base address in the bit-band region */
#define PERIPH_BB_BASE  ((uint32_t)0x42000000)
/* ------------ RCC registers bit address in the alias region ----------- */
/* --- CR Register ---*/
/* Alias word address of PLLON bit */
#define CR_OFFSET        (RCC_OFFSET + 0x00)
#define PLLON_BitNumber  0x18
#define CR_PLLON_BB      (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (CR_OFFSET * 32) + (PLLON_BitNumber * 4))
