python index out of bounds_python 提示IndexError: index 10 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 10...


y = np.array([0,0,0])啊,也就是说len(y) = 3,所以说后面train这个函数里面for k in range(4)明显出界32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333433616261,所以会在k=3的时候报错,因为y根本没有y[3],最大就是y[2],改成for k in range(3)就好。

You try to index outside the range:

for s in range(0, M+1):

t[s] = t_min + k*s

Change to:

for s in range(M):

t[s] = t_min + k*s

And it works。

You create t with length of M:

t = np.linspace(t_min, t_max, M)

So you can only access M elements in t。

Python always starts indexing with zero. Therefore:

for s in range(M):

will do M loops, while:

for s in range(0, M+1):

will do M+1 loops。

python index out of bounds_python 提示IndexError: index 10 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 10..._第1张图片



