Hello, World!

Hello, World! This is "Take It And Go" Team Blog for Software Engineering class. Welcome to the land of TakeItAndGo, a place full of exciting ideas and inspiring invations! After your first glance at this fantastic name, can you figure out what it actually implies? It spirits from a joke about how zero was invented, which satirizes Indian's cheapness:

Long ago, one Indian guy looked at the numberic system,
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.". 
He went, "No~~~, none of those amount is what I want to pay!".

Now, his Indian friend came to him and drew a circle on the ground.

"What's it?", he asked.

"Nothing.", his friend.

"What's inside it?"


"What's its value?"


"Huh, it's beautiful. ", he started to sob.

His friend explained with a heavily Indian accent,

"I call it ZERO. "

"You just take it and go. Take it ~~~ and go~".

Just take a look at a video here: http://goo.gl/x6tG4 which records a comedy show acted by a Indian Canadian Russell Peters. We believe once you scan through 23minutes to 26 minutes, you’re guaranteed to burst into a big laugh.

That's our spirit.

Now you may be curious about what indeed these funny guys look like, and what special characteristics they own. Let’s take a close look at them:

Hello, World!

Hi, I’m Zhengdong Zhang from J70. I enjoy Vision, Graphics and listening to some music, simply due to their close relation with ANIMES. Anyone interested in this, let’s have a wonderful talk!

Hello, World!

This is Botao HU coming from J70, a geek who is interested in any awesome, novel, and strange stuff.

Hello, World!

Hello! Hello! This is Zhouyue Su calling! This is Zhouyue Su calling! Anybody hearing? When u see strange in-code comments signed as askzy, that's me! Got a problem? askzy please

Hello, World!

Hi, I am Dong Wang from J70. I like coding by myself, because it will be more able to contol.

Hello, World!

Hi, I am Yuchen Zhang from J70. I enjoy being a coder.

Hello, World!

Hello, this is Zhaoquan Gu from J70, who likes sports and balalalalalalala...

Hello, World!

Hello! I'm GaoYihan,  working as a coder~

Hello, World!

I'm ZuoBin from J90, a child who like swimming in the sea of knowledge, O(∩_∩)O~

Hello, World!

Hi,this is Li Keqian,like working, running and singing, and happy to be in this course!

If you find anybody sharing similar hobbies or life attitude with you, then please leave a comment us to build further friendships. If unfortunately there’s no one like you, wow, congratulations, you’re a normal guy.

After all, as you have seen,  we start this blog with ‘hello world!’, a fancy line that all coders must print on the screen when they take the first try of a new programming language. So let’s end the very first tip of this blog with our name: We take it, and go.

Authors: Zhengdong Zhang, and Botao Hu.
