├── training <-- training data
| ├── image_2
| ├── label_2
| ├── velodyne
| └── calib
└── testing <--- testing data
| ├── image_2
| ├── velodyne
| └── calib
Van 0.63 0 -0.90 0.00 58.65 320.90 374.00 2.46 2.03 5.35 -5.18 1.69 7.24 -1.51
Cyclist 0.00 0 -1.58 684.31 165.66 710.23 242.31 1.82 0.59 1.89 2.13 1.66 18.06 -1.47
Pedestrian 0.00 0 0.84 359.32 182.26 400.32 285.85 1.57 0.52 0.62 -3.63 1.72 11.35 0.54
Car 0.00 2 -2.46 19.88 179.87 206.64 238.00 1.44 1.62 3.91 -13.04 1.64 18.98 -3.05
DontCare -1 -1 -10 650.19 158.35 666.90 192.77 -1 -1 -1 -1000 -1000 -1000 -10
class Object3d(object):
""" 3d object label """
def __init__(self, label_file_line):
data = label_file_line.split(" ")
data[1:] = [float(x) for x in data[1:]]
# extract label, truncation, occlusion
self.type = data[0] # 'Car', 'Pedestrian', ...
self.truncation = data[1] # truncated pixel ratio [0..1]
self.occlusion = int(data[2]) # 0=visible, 1=partly occluded, 2=fully occluded, 3=unknown
self.alpha = data[3] # object observation angle [-pi..pi]
# extract 2d bounding box in 0-based coordinates
self.xmin = data[4] # left
self.ymin = data[5] # top
self.xmax = data[6] # right
self.ymax = data[7] # bottom
self.box2d = np.array([self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax])
# extract 3d bounding box information
self.h = data[8] # box height
self.w = data[9] # box width
self.l = data[10] # box length (in meters)
self.t = (data[11], data[12], data[13]) # location (x,y,z) in camera coord.
self.ry = data[14] # yaw angle (around Y-axis in camera coordinates) [-pi..pi]
# 估算困难等级
def estimate_diffculty(self):
""" Function that estimate difficulty to detect the object as defined in kitti website"""
# height of the bounding box
bb_height = np.abs(self.xmax - self.xmin)
if bb_height >= 40 and self.occlusion == 0 and self.truncation <= 0.15:
return "Easy"
elif bb_height >= 25 and self.occlusion in [0, 1] and self.truncation <= 0.30:
return "Moderate"
elif bb_height >= 25 and self.occlusion in [0, 1, 2] and self.truncation <= 0.50:
return "Hard"
return "Unknown"
# 打印当前标注对象的相关信息
def print_object(self):
print('Type, truncation, occlusion, alpha: %s, %d, %d, %f' % \
(self.type, self.truncation, self.occlusion, self.alpha))
print('2d bbox (x0,y0,x1,y1): %f, %f, %f, %f' % \
(self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax))
print('3d bbox h,w,l: %f, %f, %f' % \
(self.h, self.w, self.l))
print('3d bbox location, ry: (%f, %f, %f), %f' % \
P0: 7.070493000000e+02 0.000000000000e+00 6.040814000000e+02 0.000000000000e+00 0.000000000000e+00 7.070493000000e+02 1.805066000000e+02 0.000000000000e+00 0.000000000000e+00 0.000000000000e+00 1.000000000000e+00 0.000000000000e+00
P1: 7.070493000000e+02 0.000000000000e+00 6.040814000000e+02 -3.797842000000e+02 0.000000000000e+00 7.070493000000e+02 1.805066000000e+02 0.000000000000e+00 0.000000000000e+00 0.000000000000e+00 1.000000000000e+00 0.000000000000e+00
P2: 7.070493000000e+02 0.000000000000e+00 6.040814000000e+02 4.575831000000e+01 0.000000000000e+00 7.070493000000e+02 1.805066000000e+02 -3.454157000000e-01 0.000000000000e+00 0.000000000000e+00 1.000000000000e+00 4.981016000000e-03
P3: 7.070493000000e+02 0.000000000000e+00 6.040814000000e+02 -3.341081000000e+02 0.000000000000e+00 7.070493000000e+02 1.805066000000e+02 2.330660000000e+00 0.000000000000e+00 0.000000000000e+00 1.000000000000e+00 3.201153000000e-03
R0_rect: 9.999128000000e-01 1.009263000000e-02 -8.511932000000e-03 -1.012729000000e-02 9.999406000000e-01 -4.037671000000e-03 8.470675000000e-03 4.123522000000e-03 9.999556000000e-01
Tr_velo_to_cam: 6.927964000000e-03 -9.999722000000e-01 -2.757829000000e-03 -2.457729000000e-02 -1.162982000000e-03 2.749836000000e-03 -9.999955000000e-01 -6.127237000000e-02 9.999753000000e-01 6.931141000000e-03 -1.143899000000e-03 -3.321029000000e-01
Tr_imu_to_velo: 9.999976000000e-01 7.553071000000e-04 -2.035826000000e-03 -8.086759000000e-01 -7.854027000000e-04 9.998898000000e-01 -1.482298000000e-02 3.195559000000e-01 2.024406000000e-03 1.482454000000e-02 9.998881000000e-01 -7.997231000000e-01
P0-P3分别表示4个相机的内参矩阵,或投影矩阵, 大小为 3x4。相机内参矩阵是为了计算点云空间位置坐标在相机坐标系下的坐标,即把点云坐标投影到相机坐标系。将相机的内参矩阵乘以点云在世界坐标系中的坐标即可得到点云在相机坐标系中的坐标。
点云位置坐标投影到相机坐标系前,需要转换到世界坐标系下,对应的矩阵为外参矩阵。外参矩阵为Tr_velo_to_cam ,大小为3x4,包含了旋转矩阵 R 和 平移向量 T。将相机的外参矩阵乘以点云坐标即可得到点云在世界坐标系中的坐标。
R0_rect 为0号相机的修正矩阵,大小为3x3,目的是为了使4个相机成像达到共面的效果,保证4个相机光心在同一个xoy平面上。在进行外参矩阵变化之后,需要于R0_rect相乘得到相机坐标系下的坐标。
综上所述,点云坐标在相机坐标系中的坐标等于:内参矩阵 * R0校准矩阵 * 外参矩阵 * 点云坐标
即:P * R0_rect *Tr_velo_to_cam * x
y = P2 * R0_rect *Tr_velo_to_cam * x
当计算出z<0的时候表明该点在相机的后面 。按照上述过程得到的结果是点云在相机坐标系中的坐标,如果需要将点云坐标投影到像平面还需要除以Z。
class Calibration(object):
def __init__(self, calib_filepath, from_video=False):
if from_video:
calibs = self.read_calib_from_video(calib_filepath)
calibs = self.read_calib_file(calib_filepath)
# Projection matrix from rect camera coord to image2 coord
self.P = calibs["P2"]
self.P = np.reshape(self.P, [3, 4])
# Rigid transform from Velodyne coord to reference camera coord
self.V2C = calibs["Tr_velo_to_cam"]
self.V2C = np.reshape(self.V2C, [3, 4])
self.C2V = inverse_rigid_trans(self.V2C)
# Rotation from reference camera coord to rect camera coord
self.R0 = calibs["R0_rect"]
self.R0 = np.reshape(self.R0, [3, 3])
# Camera intrinsics and extrinsics
self.c_u = self.P[0, 2]
self.c_v = self.P[1, 2]
self.f_u = self.P[0, 0]
self.f_v = self.P[1, 1]
self.b_x = self.P[0, 3] / (-self.f_u) # relative
self.b_y = self.P[1, 3] / (-self.f_v)
def cart2hom(self, pts_3d):
""" Input: nx3 points in Cartesian
Oupput: nx4 points in Homogeneous by pending 1
n = pts_3d.shape[0]
pts_3d_hom = np.hstack((pts_3d, np.ones((n, 1))))
return pts_3d_hom
# ===========================
# ------- 3d to 3d ----------
# ===========================
def project_velo_to_ref(self, pts_3d_velo):
pts_3d_velo = self.cart2hom(pts_3d_velo) # nx4
return np.dot(pts_3d_velo, np.transpose(self.V2C))
def project_ref_to_velo(self, pts_3d_ref):
pts_3d_ref = self.cart2hom(pts_3d_ref) # nx4
return np.dot(pts_3d_ref, np.transpose(self.C2V))
def project_rect_to_ref(self, pts_3d_rect):
""" Input and Output are nx3 points """
return np.transpose(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(self.R0), np.transpose(pts_3d_rect)))
def project_ref_to_rect(self, pts_3d_ref):
""" Input and Output are nx3 points """
return np.transpose(np.dot(self.R0, np.transpose(pts_3d_ref)))
def project_rect_to_velo(self, pts_3d_rect):
""" Input: nx3 points in rect camera coord.
Output: nx3 points in velodyne coord.
pts_3d_ref = self.project_rect_to_ref(pts_3d_rect)
return self.project_ref_to_velo(pts_3d_ref)
def project_velo_to_rect(self, pts_3d_velo):
pts_3d_ref = self.project_velo_to_ref(pts_3d_velo)
return self.project_ref_to_rect(pts_3d_ref)
# ===========================
# ------- 3d to 2d ----------
# ===========================
def project_rect_to_image(self, pts_3d_rect):
""" Input: nx3 points in rect camera coord.
Output: nx2 points in image2 coord.
pts_3d_rect = self.cart2hom(pts_3d_rect) # 增加第四列(全为1)
pts_2d = np.dot(pts_3d_rect, np.transpose(self.P)) # nx3
pts_2d[:, 0] /= pts_2d[:, 2] # 如果需要将点云坐标投影到像平面还需要除以Z
pts_2d[:, 1] /= pts_2d[:, 2]
return pts_2d[:, 0:2]
def project_velo_to_image(self, pts_3d_velo):
""" Input: nx3 points in velodyne coord.
Output: nx2 points in image2 coord.
pts_3d_rect = self.project_velo_to_rect(pts_3d_velo)
return self.project_rect_to_image(pts_3d_rect)
# ===========================
# ------- 2d to 3d ----------
# ===========================
def project_image_to_rect(self, uv_depth):
""" Input: nx3 first two channels are uv, 3rd channel
is depth in rect camera coord.
Output: nx3 points in rect camera coord.
n = uv_depth.shape[0]
x = ((uv_depth[:, 0] - self.c_u) * uv_depth[:, 2]) / self.f_u + self.b_x
y = ((uv_depth[:, 1] - self.c_v) * uv_depth[:, 2]) / self.f_v + self.b_y
pts_3d_rect = np.zeros((n, 3))
pts_3d_rect[:, 0] = x
pts_3d_rect[:, 1] = y
pts_3d_rect[:, 2] = uv_depth[:, 2]
return pts_3d_rect
def project_image_to_velo(self, uv_depth):
pts_3d_rect = self.project_image_to_rect(uv_depth)
return self.project_rect_to_velo(pts_3d_rect)
kitti_file = r'E:\Study\Machine Learning\Dataset3d\kitti\training\velodyne\000100.bin'
points = np.fromfile(file=kitti_file, dtype=np.float32, count=-1).reshape([-1, 4])
def viz_mayavi(points, vals="distance"):
x = points[:, 0] # x position of point
y = points[:, 1] # y position of point
z = points[:, 2] # z position of point
fig = mlab.figure(bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), size=(640, 360))
mlab.points3d(x, y, z,
z, # Values used for Color
colormap='spectral', # 'bone', 'copper', 'gnuplot'
# color=(0, 1, 0), # Used a fixed (r,g,b) instead
1. 【KITTI】KITTI数据集简介(二) — 标注数据label_2
2. KITTI】KITTI数据集简介(四) — 标定校准数据calib
3. 处理点云数据(五):坐标系的转换
4. kitti可视化github项目:kitti_object_vis
5. kitti数据集在3D目标检测中的入门
6. Open3d系列 | 1. Open3d实现点云数据读写、点云配准、点云法向量计算