#论文阅读&CTG The Use of Convolutional Neural Networks in Biomedical Data Processing

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-64265-9_9
所属期刊 ITBAM 2017
论文发表时间 2017年07月26日
记录时间 2023年01月03日
记录人 Troye Jcan

The Use of Convolutional Neural Networks in Biomedical Data Processing



二、Data Processing

  使用FHR和UC的后14400个信号作为输入,使用w0分别为{4, 8}的Morlet小波(或称Gabor小波)进行连续小波变换,将得到的二维灰度图重新采样为小尺寸(2496)和大尺寸(48192),因此,每个样本中都可以获得四个两种不同分辨率的二维灰度图。

三、Model Framework

网络层 / 超参数 参数设置
Conv1 filters=5,kernel=(16, 8)
Conv2 filters=10, kernel=(8, 4)
Conv3 filters=20, kernel=(8, 4)
Dense units=200
activation relu
learning_rate 0.003
learning_rate decay 0.95
Optimizer Adam


  In the paper we are applying continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to the UC and FHR signals with different levels of time/frequency detail parameter and in two different resolutions. The output 2D structures are fed to convolutional neural network (we are using Tensorflow framework) and we are using the cross entropy function as a criterion to be minimized during the learning process.






  On the testing dataset (with pH threshold at 7.15) we have achieved the accuracy of 94.1% which is a promising result that needs to be further studied.

