Android 系统服务 - Input 事件的分发过程


1. Android Framework - 学习启动篇
2. Android FrameWork - 开机启动 SystemServer 进程




1. 梳理概述

对于 Android 上层事件分发的过程,大家应该都是比较熟悉的,因为这是自定义 View 的一个知识点,也是前几年面试常问的一个问题。但只是知道上层的事件分发过程可能还不够,因为很多高级功能开发需要依赖底层的一些知识。我们应该都知道事件一般会传递到 activity 根布局 view 的 dispatchTouchEvent 方法,那么我们有没有思考过事件的源头在哪里?这个事件最初到底是从哪里发出来的?

这里我们先梳理做一个整体的总结,手机点击屏幕首先从硬件传递到驱动,我们之前提到过在 linux 内核系统中一切皆文件,因此我们只需要监听 /dev/input 驱动文件的变化就能读取到事件;所以在 Android 系统中会有一个 InputReader 专门来负责读取 Input 事件,还有一个 InputDispatcher 专门把读取到的 Input 事件分发出来。

2. IMS 的启动过程

  * Starts a miscellaneous grab bag of stuff that has yet to be refactored
  * and organized.
  private void startOtherServices() {
    final Context context = mSystemContext;
    // 创建 InputManagerService
    InputManagerService  inputManager = new InputManagerService(context);

    // 创建 WindowManagerService
    wm = WindowManagerService.main(context, inputManager,
                mFactoryTestMode != FactoryTest.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL,
                !mFirstBoot, mOnlyCore);
    // 注册系统服务
    ServiceManager.addService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE, wm);
    ServiceManager.addService(Context.INPUT_SERVICE, inputManager);
    // 设置管理的 callback

  public InputManagerService(Context context) {
    this.mContext = context;
    // 创建 InputManagerHandler
    this.mHandler = new InputManagerHandler(DisplayThread.get().getLooper());
    // native 层初始化,这里会用到 handler 的 looper 的底层通信机制,handler 也是可以跨进程通信的
    mPtr = nativeInit(this, mContext, mHandler.getLooper().getQueue());

  static jlong nativeInit(JNIEnv* env, jclass /* clazz */,
        jobject serviceObj, jobject contextObj, jobject messageQueueObj) {
    // 拿到 native 层的 MessageQueue 对象
    sp messageQueue = android_os_MessageQueue_getMessageQueue(env, messageQueueObj);
    if (messageQueue == NULL) {
        jniThrowRuntimeException(env, "MessageQueue is not initialized.");
        return 0;
    // 创建 native 层的 NativeInputManager
    NativeInputManager* im = new NativeInputManager(contextObj, serviceObj,

    return reinterpret_cast(im);

  NativeInputManager::NativeInputManager(jobject contextObj,
        jobject serviceObj, const sp& looper) :
        mLooper(looper), mInteractive(true) {
    // 创建 EventHub 与 InputManager
    sp eventHub = new EventHub();
    mInputManager = new InputManager(eventHub, this, this);

        const sp& eventHub,
        const sp& readerPolicy,
        const sp& dispatcherPolicy) {
    // 创建 InputDispatcher 与 InputReader 
    mDispatcher = new InputDispatcher(dispatcherPolicy);
    mReader = new InputReader(eventHub, readerPolicy, mDispatcher);

  void InputManager::initialize() {
    // 创建 InputDispatcher 与 InputReader 线程
    mReaderThread = new InputReaderThread(mReader);
    mDispatcherThread = new InputDispatcherThread(mDispatcher);

  status_t InputManager::start() {
    // 分别启动 InputDispatcher 与 InputReader 线程
    status_t result = mDispatcherThread->run("InputDispatcher", PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY);
    result = mReaderThread->run("InputReader", PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY);
    return OK;

IMS 的启动入口在 SystemServer 进程中,InputManagerService 在构建对象的时候会创建 native 层的 NativeInputManager 对象,NativeInputManager 中又会构建 EventHub 与 InputManager 对象,最后 InputManager 会分别创建和启动 InputDispatcher 与 InputReader 线程。

2. Input 事件读取

  EventHub::EventHub(void) :
        mBuiltInKeyboardId(NO_BUILT_IN_KEYBOARD), mNextDeviceId(1), mControllerNumbers(),
        mOpeningDevices(0), mClosingDevices(0),
        mNeedToReopenDevices(false), mNeedToScanDevices(true),
        mPendingEventCount(0), mPendingEventIndex(0), mPendingINotify(false) {
    acquire_wake_lock(PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, WAKE_LOCK_ID);
    // 创建 epoll
    mEpollFd = epoll_create(EPOLL_SIZE_HINT);

    mINotifyFd = inotify_init();
    // 此处 DEVICE_PATH 为"/dev/input",监听该设备路径,这个代码在驱动层,感兴趣大家自己跟一下
    int result = inotify_add_watch(mINotifyFd, DEVICE_PATH, IN_DELETE | IN_CREATE);

    struct epoll_event eventItem;
    memset(&eventItem, 0, sizeof(eventItem)); = EPOLLIN; = EPOLL_ID_INOTIFY;
    // 添加 INotify 到 epoll 实例
    result = epoll_ctl(mEpollFd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, mINotifyFd, &eventItem);

    int wakeFds[2];
    result = pipe(wakeFds); // 创建管道

    mWakeReadPipeFd = wakeFds[0];
    mWakeWritePipeFd = wakeFds[1];

    // 将 pipe 的读和写都设置为非阻塞方式
    result = fcntl(mWakeReadPipeFd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
    result = fcntl(mWakeWritePipeFd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); = EPOLL_ID_WAKE;
    // 添加管道的读端到 epoll 实例
    result = epoll_ctl(mEpollFd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, mWakeReadPipeFd, &eventItem);

  InputReader::InputReader(const sp& eventHub,
        const sp& policy,
        const sp& listener) :
        mContext(this), mEventHub(eventHub), mPolicy(policy),
        mGlobalMetaState(0), mGeneration(1),
        mDisableVirtualKeysTimeout(LLONG_MIN), mNextTimeout(LLONG_MAX),
        mConfigurationChangesToRefresh(0) {
    // 创建输入监听对象 QueuedInputListener 就是 InputDispatcher 
    mQueuedListener = new QueuedInputListener(listener);

  void InputReader::loopOnce() {
    int32_t oldGeneration;
    int32_t timeoutMillis;
    // 从 mEventHub 中获取 Events 事件 ,EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE = 256
    size_t count = mEventHub->getEvents(timeoutMillis, mEventBuffer, EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE);

    { // acquire lock
        AutoMutex _l(mLock);
        // 处理事件
        if (count) {
            processEventsLocked(mEventBuffer, count);
    } // release lock

    // 发送事件到 InputDispatcher

  size_t EventHub::getEvents(int timeoutMillis, RawEvent* buffer, size_t bufferSize) {
    struct input_event readBuffer[bufferSize];
    // 原始事件
    RawEvent* event = buffer;
    // 容量大小
    size_t capacity = bufferSize;
    for (;;) {
        nsecs_t now = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
        if (mNeedToScanDevices) {
            mNeedToScanDevices = false;
            // 扫描设备
            mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = true;

        // Grab the next input event.
        bool deviceChanged = false;
        while (mPendingEventIndex < mPendingEventCount) {
            const struct epoll_event& eventItem = mPendingEventItems[mPendingEventIndex++];
            // 从设备不断读取事件,放入到 readBuffer
            // 获取 readBuffer 的数据, 将 input_event 信息, 封装成 RawEvent
        // 等待input事件的到来
        int pollResult = epoll_wait(mEpollFd, mPendingEventItems, EPOLL_MAX_EVENTS, timeoutMillis);

    // 返回所读取的事件个数
    return event - buffer;

  void InputReader::processEventsLocked(const RawEvent* rawEvents, size_t count) {
    for (const RawEvent* rawEvent = rawEvents; count;) {
        int32_t type = rawEvent->type;
        size_t batchSize = 1;
        if (type < EventHubInterface::FIRST_SYNTHETIC_EVENT) {
            int32_t deviceId = rawEvent->deviceId;
            while (batchSize < count) {
                if (rawEvent[batchSize].type >= EventHubInterface::FIRST_SYNTHETIC_EVENT
                        || rawEvent[batchSize].deviceId != deviceId) {
                batchSize += 1;
            // 真正分发事件
            processEventsForDeviceLocked(deviceId, rawEvent, batchSize);
        } else {
            // 添加设备类型有:获取键盘源类型,键盘类设备类型, 鼠标类设备类型,触摸屏设备类型
            switch (rawEvent->type) {
            case EventHubInterface::DEVICE_ADDED:
                addDeviceLocked(rawEvent->when, rawEvent->deviceId);
        count -= batchSize;
        rawEvent += batchSize;

  void InputReader::processEventsForDeviceLocked(int32_t deviceId,
        const RawEvent* rawEvents, size_t count) {
    // 这里主要分析触摸事件
    ssize_t deviceIndex = mDevices.indexOfKey(deviceId);
    InputDevice* device = mDevices.valueAt(deviceIndex);
    device->process(rawEvents, count);

  void TouchInputMapper::dispatchMotion(nsecs_t when, uint32_t policyFlags, uint32_t source,
        int32_t action, int32_t actionButton, int32_t flags,
        int32_t metaState, int32_t buttonState, int32_t edgeFlags,
        const PointerProperties* properties, const PointerCoords* coords,
        const uint32_t* idToIndex, BitSet32 idBits, int32_t changedId,
        float xPrecision, float yPrecision, nsecs_t downTime) {
    // 封装成 NotifyMotionArgs 通知给 InputDispatcher
    NotifyMotionArgs args(when, getDeviceId(), source, policyFlags,
            action, actionButton, flags, metaState, buttonState, edgeFlags,
            mViewport.displayId, pointerCount, pointerProperties, pointerCoords,
            xPrecision, yPrecision, downTime);

InputReader 线程启动后会不断的通过 EventHub 去读取事件信息,然后再把事件信息解析封装成不同的对象,最后再通过回掉的方式通知 InputDispatcher 。其中添加设备类型有:键盘类设备类型, 鼠标类设备类型,触摸屏设备类型等。

3. Input 事件分发

  InputDispatcher::InputDispatcher(const sp& policy) :
    mPendingEvent(NULL), mLastDropReason(DROP_REASON_NOT_DROPPED),
    mAppSwitchSawKeyDown(false), mAppSwitchDueTime(LONG_LONG_MAX),
    mDispatchEnabled(false), mDispatchFrozen(false), mInputFilterEnabled(false),
    mInputTargetWaitCause(INPUT_TARGET_WAIT_CAUSE_NONE) {
    // 创建 Looper 对象
    mLooper = new Looper(false);
    // 获取分发超时参数

  void InputDispatcher::dispatchOnce() {
    nsecs_t nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MAX;
        AutoMutex _l(mLock);
        // 唤醒等待线程,monitor() 用于监控 dispatcher 是否发生死锁

        if (!haveCommandsLocked()) {
            // 当 mCommandQueue 不为空时处理

        if (runCommandsLockedInterruptible()) {
            nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MIN;

    nsecs_t currentTime = now();
    int timeoutMillis = toMillisecondTimeoutDelay(currentTime, nextWakeupTime);
    // 进入等待,需要调用 mLooper.wake 方法来唤醒

  void InputDispatcher::dispatchOnceInnerLocked(nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) {
    if (! mPendingEvent) {
        if (mInboundQueue.isEmpty()) {
            // Nothing to do if there is no pending event.
            if (!mPendingEvent) {
                // 没有事件需要处理直接返回
        } else {
            // Inbound queue has at least one entry.
            mPendingEvent = mInboundQueue.dequeueAtHead();
    switch (mPendingEvent->type) {
      case EventEntry::TYPE_KEY: {
          // 分发 key 事件
          done = dispatchKeyLocked(currentTime, typedEntry, &dropReason, nextWakeupTime);

      case EventEntry::TYPE_MOTION: {
        // 分发触摸事件
        done = dispatchMotionLocked(currentTime, typedEntry,
                &dropReason, nextWakeupTime);

  bool InputDispatcher::dispatchMotionLocked(
        nsecs_t currentTime, MotionEntry* entry, DropReason* dropReason, nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) {
    if (isPointerEvent) {
        // Pointer event.  (eg. touchscreen)
        injectionResult = findTouchedWindowTargetsLocked(currentTime,
                entry, inputTargets, nextWakeupTime, &conflictingPointerActions);
    } else {
        // Non touch event.  (eg. trackball)
        injectionResult = findFocusedWindowTargetsLocked(currentTime,
                entry, inputTargets, nextWakeupTime);
    if (injectionResult == INPUT_EVENT_INJECTION_PENDING) {
        return false;

    // 最后开始分发
    dispatchEventLocked(currentTime, entry, inputTargets);
    return true;

  int32_t InputDispatcher::findTouchedWindowTargetsLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
        const MotionEntry* entry, Vector& inputTargets, nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime,
        bool* outConflictingPointerActions) {

    if (newGesture || (isSplit && maskedAction == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN)) {
        // 遍历所有的 mWindowHandles
        size_t numWindows = mWindowHandles.size();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < numWindows; i++) {
            sp windowHandle = mWindowHandles.itemAt(i);
            const InputWindowInfo* windowInfo = windowHandle->getInfo();
            if (windowInfo->displayId != displayId) {
                continue; // wrong display
            int32_t flags = windowInfo->layoutParamsFlags;
            if (windowInfo->visible) {
                // 可见,并且 flags 属性不是 InputWindowInfo::FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE
                if (! (flags & InputWindowInfo::FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE)) {
                    isTouchModal = (flags & (InputWindowInfo::FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE
                            | InputWindowInfo::FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL)) == 0;
                    // 点击的是不是当前 window 的覆盖
                    if (isTouchModal || windowInfo->touchableRegionContainsPoint(x, y)) {
                        // found touched window, exit window loop
                        // 找到了当前触摸的 window 
                        newTouchedWindowHandle = windowHandle;
        mTempTouchState.addOrUpdateWindow(newTouchedWindowHandle, targetFlags, pointerIds);
    } else {
    // 再把 mTempTouchState 收集到的 windows 添加到 inputTargets 中
    for (size_t i = 0; i <; i++) {
        const TouchedWindow& touchedWindow =;
        addWindowTargetLocked(touchedWindow.windowHandle, touchedWindow.targetFlags,
                touchedWindow.pointerIds, inputTargets);
    return injectionResult;

  void InputDispatcher::dispatchEventLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
        EventEntry* eventEntry, const Vector& inputTargets) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < inputTargets.size(); i++) {
        const InputTarget& inputTarget = inputTargets.itemAt(i);
        // 根据 inputChannel 的 fd 从 mConnectionsByFd 队列中查询目标 connection.
        ssize_t connectionIndex = getConnectionIndexLocked(inputTarget.inputChannel);
        if (connectionIndex >= 0) {
            // 找到目标连接
            sp connection = mConnectionsByFd.valueAt(connectionIndex);
            // 准备分发事件出去了
            prepareDispatchCycleLocked(currentTime, connection, eventEntry, &inputTarget);
        } else {

  void InputDispatcher::enqueueDispatchEntriesLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
        const sp& connection, EventEntry* eventEntry, const InputTarget* inputTarget) {
    bool wasEmpty = connection->outboundQueue.isEmpty();

    // Enqueue dispatch entries for the requested modes.
    enqueueDispatchEntryLocked(connection, eventEntry, inputTarget,
    enqueueDispatchEntryLocked(connection, eventEntry, inputTarget,
    enqueueDispatchEntryLocked(connection, eventEntry, inputTarget,
    enqueueDispatchEntryLocked(connection, eventEntry, inputTarget,
    enqueueDispatchEntryLocked(connection, eventEntry, inputTarget,
    enqueueDispatchEntryLocked(connection, eventEntry, inputTarget,

    // If the outbound queue was previously empty, start the dispatch cycle going.
    if (wasEmpty && !connection->outboundQueue.isEmpty()) {
        startDispatchCycleLocked(currentTime, connection);

  void InputDispatcher::startDispatchCycleLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
        const sp& connection) {

    while (connection->status == Connection::STATUS_NORMAL
            && !connection->outboundQueue.isEmpty()) {
        switch (eventEntry->type) {
        case EventEntry::TYPE_KEY: {

        case EventEntry::TYPE_MOTION: {
            MotionEntry* motionEntry = static_cast(eventEntry);
            // 通过 connection 的 inputPublisher 发布出去了
            // Publish the motion event.
            status = connection->inputPublisher.publishMotionEvent(dispatchEntry->seq,
                    motionEntry->deviceId, motionEntry->source,
                    dispatchEntry->resolvedAction, motionEntry->actionButton,
                    dispatchEntry->resolvedFlags, motionEntry->edgeFlags,
                    motionEntry->metaState, motionEntry->buttonState,
                    xOffset, yOffset, motionEntry->xPrecision, motionEntry->yPrecision,
                    motionEntry->downTime, motionEntry->eventTime,
                    motionEntry->pointerCount, motionEntry->pointerProperties,

InputDispatcher 采用的是 Looper 的唤醒与等待,这个跟之前分析 Handler 的底层原理是一样的。收到事件后首先会找到分发的目标窗口信息,然后通过 inputTarget 的 inputChannel 找到通信连接,最后再把事件通过 connection 发布出来,至于发到哪里去了?我们需要熟悉后面的 WindowManagerService 的源码。

