Put this code in MainForm->ExtEvents->OnBeforerender :
window.onbeforeunload =function(){ ajaxRequest(sender,'SessionClosed',[]); alert("Session Closed");// You can remove this line. only for test };
And put this code on MainForm->OnAjaxEvent :
IfSameText(EventName,'SessionClosed')Then Begin UniSession.Terminate(); UniSession.UniApplication.Terminate(); End;
Work on FF, Chrome, IE
Hi, All
It's work just when MainFormDisplayMode = mfWindow !!!
it's not work with MainFormDisplayMode = mfPage !!!
How can I implement it on MainFormDisplayMode = mfPage ?
No problem,
Put this code in :
IMHO, it is better to place this code in MainForm.Script. It works in both cases (mfPage, mfWindow)
for example:
function bunload(){
dontleave="Are you sure? The program will be closed!";
return dontleave;
function ounload(){
ajaxRequest(MainForm.window, 'SessionClosed', [] );
onbeforeunload = bunload;
for me, it works on FF, IE, Chrome. But Opera doesn't support both events (((.