

  • 1. 数据表的基本操作
    • 1.1 添加字段
    • 1.2 修改字段数据类型、添加或修改字段默认值
    • 1.3 添加或修改字段备注
    • 1.4 删除字段
    • 1.5 重命名或移动数据表
    • 1.6 清空数据表
    • 1.7 insert数据
  • 2. 数据分区partition的基本操作
    • 2.1 查询数据表partition相关信息
    • 2.2 删除partition
    • 2.3 复制partition
    • 2.4 将partition中某一列的数据变为默认值
    • 2.5 partition的卸载和装载

1. 数据表的基本操作


1.1 添加字段

clickhouse1 :)
clickhouse1 :) create table alter_table_test(
:-] id UInt32,
:-] name String,
:-] city String
:-] ) engine = MergeTree()
:-] order by id;
clickhouse1 :) 
clickhouse1 :) alter table alter_table_test add column if not exists score Float32 default 8.8 after city;
clickhouse1 :) 

1.2 修改字段数据类型、添加或修改字段默认值

clickhouse1 :) 
clickhouse1 :) alter table alter_table_test modify column if exists score Float64 default 0.0;
clickhouse1 :) 
  • 修改前后的字段数据类型需要兼容

1.3 添加或修改字段备注

clickhouse1 :) 
clickhouse1 :) alter table alter_table_test comment column if exists score '分数';
clickhouse1 :)

1.4 删除字段

clickhouse1 :) 
clickhouse1 :) alter table alter_table_test drop column if exists score;
clickhouse1 :) 

1.5 重命名或移动数据表

clickhouse1 :) 
clickhouse1 :) rename table default.alter_table_test to default.alter_table_rename_test;
clickhouse1 :) 
  • 多个db.tb to db.tb用逗号分隔
  • 如果源表与目标表数据库不一样,则表示移动数据表, 但数据表的移动只能在同一服务器
  • 支持on cluster cluster_name操作

1.6 清空数据表

clickhouse1 :) 
clickhouse1 :) truncate table if exists default.alter_table_rename_test;
clickhouse1 :) 
  • 支持on cluster cluster_name操作

1.7 insert数据

2. 数据分区partition的基本操作


clickhouse1 :) 
clickhouse1 :) create table partition_table_test(
:-] id UInt32,
:-] name String,
:-] city String
:-] ) engine = MergeTree()
:-] order by id
:-] partition by city;
clickhouse1 :) 
clickhouse1 :) insert into partition_table_test(id, name, city) values(1, 'name1', 'Beijing');
clickhouse1 :) insert into partition_table_test(id, name, city) values(2, 'name2', 'Shanghai');
clickhouse1 :) 
clickhouse1 :) create table partition_table_test2(
:-] id UInt32,
:-] name String,
:-] city String
:-] ) engine = ReplacingMergeTree()
:-] order by id
:-] partition by city;
clickhouse1 :) 

2.1 查询数据表partition相关信息

clickhouse1 :) 
clickhouse1 :) select database, table, partition, partition_id, name, path from where database = 'default' and table = 'partition_table_test';
│ default  │ partition_table_test │ Shanghai  │ 6a9748c898bf80cb661db240706867aa │ 6a9748c898bf80cb661db240706867aa_2_2_0 │ /root/clickhouse/store/9eb/9ebd4336-b065-48ac-9ebd-4336b06588ac/6a9748c898bf80cb661db240706867aa_2_2_0/ │
│ default  │ partition_table_test │ Beijing   │ 8d2db6c332407299b732139fd8a261c0 │ 8d2db6c332407299b732139fd8a261c0_1_1_0 │ /root/clickhouse/store/9eb/9ebd4336-b065-48ac-9ebd-4336b06588ac/8d2db6c332407299b732139fd8a261c0_1_1_0/ │
clickhouse1 :) 
  • 一个partition_id下面存在多个name

2.2 删除partition

clickhouse1 :) 
clickhouse1 :) alter table partition_table_test drop partition 'Beijing'
:-] ;
clickhouse1 :) 
clickhouse1 :) select * from partition_table_test;
│  2 │ name2 │ Shanghai │
clickhouse1 :)
  • 上面我们删除了城市为Beijing的partition,然后再通过insert插入新的数据,就间接实现了数据更新

2.3 复制partition

clickhouse1 :) 
clickhouse1 :) alter table partition_table_test2 replace partition 'Shanghai' from partition_table_test;
clickhouse1 :) 
clickhouse1 :) select * from partition_table_test2;
│  2 │ name2 │ Shanghai │
clickhouse1 :) 
  • 将A表的数据partition,复制到B表的条件:
    1. 两张表字段结构完全相同
    2. 两张表partition by、order by一样
  • 会删除目标表partition_table_test2原来的城市Shanghai partition

2.4 将partition中某一列的数据变为默认值

clickhouse1 :)
clickhouse1 :) alter table partition_table_test clear column name in partition 'Shanghai';
clickhouse1 :)
clickhouse1 :) select * from partition_table_test;
│  2 │      │ Shanghai │
clickhouse1 :) 
  • 变更字段不能为primary key、order by、partition by定义的字段
  • 如果该字段未声明默认值,则以字段数据类型的默认值为准

2.5 partition的卸载和装载

clickhouse1 :)
clickhouse1 :) alter table partition_table_test detach partition 'Shanghai';
clickhouse1 :) 
clickhouse1 :) select * from partition_table_test;

FROM partition_table_test

Query id: 45460933-7b2e-4389-a056-85d3d75184a8


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.005 sec. 
clickhouse1 :) 
clickhouse1 :) alter table partition_table_test attach partition 'Shanghai';
clickhouse1 :) 
clickhouse1 :) select * from partition_table_test;
│  2 │      │ Shanghai │
clickhouse1 :) 
  • detach后,该分区目录被移动到数据表目录的detached目录下
  • clickhouse除了能对detached目录下的分区目录执行attach命令, 不能执行其它操作
  • attach则将detached目录下的分区目录重新移回去
