Spatiotemporal Adaptive Gated Graph Convolution Network for Urban Traffic Flow Forecasting

Spatiotemporal Adaptive Gated Graph Convolution Network for Urban Traffic Flow Forecasting



  • 交通数据实时变换,但大多数方法使用预定义图
  • 道路的语义相似性没被考虑到


  • 通过寻找道路节点的空间邻域和语义邻域来构造动态加权图
  • 多头自注意时间卷积网络被用来捕获历史观测中的局部和远程时间依赖关系
  • 提出了一种自适应图门控机制

2. 问题定义

[ X t − T + 1 , ⋯   , X t ; G ] ⟶ f ( ⋅ ) [ X t + 1 , ⋯   , X t + M ] \left[\mathrm{X}^{t-T+1}, \cdots, \mathrm{X}^{t} ; \mathcal{G}\right] \stackrel{f(\cdot)}{\longrightarrow}\left[\mathrm{X}^{t+1}, \cdots, \mathrm{X}^{t+M}\right] [XtT+1,,Xt;G]f()[Xt+1,,Xt+M]


  • Spatial Neighbor Subgraph

A i j s p = { 1 , v i  and  v j  share the same intersection,  0 ,  otherwise  A_{i j}^{s p}= \begin{cases}1, & v_{i} \text { and } v_{j} \text { share the same intersection, } \\ 0, & \text { otherwise }\end{cases} Aijsp={1,0,vi and vj share the same intersection,  otherwise 

  • Semantic Neighbor Subgraph


Spatiotemporal Adaptive Gated Graph Convolution Network for Urban Traffic Flow Forecasting_第1张图片


A i j s e = { 1 , DTW ⁡ ( v i , v j ) > ϵ 0 ,  otherwise  A_{i j}^{s e}= \begin{cases}1, & \operatorname{DTW}\left(v_{i}, v_{j}\right)>\epsilon \\ 0, & \text { otherwise }\end{cases} Aijse={1,0,DTW(vi,vj)>ϵ otherwise 

3. 模型

Spatiotemporal Adaptive Gated Graph Convolution Network for Urban Traffic Flow Forecasting_第2张图片


3.1 Self-Attention TCN

Q = X W Q , K = X W K , V = X W V Q=X W^{Q}, \quad K=X W^{K}, \quad V=X W^{V} Q=XWQ,K=XWK,V=XWV
 Attention  ( Q , K , V ) = softmax ⁡ ( Q K T d k ) V \text { Attention }(Q, K, V)=\operatorname{softmax}\left(\frac{Q K^{T}}{\sqrt{d_{k}}}\right) V  Attention (Q,K,V)=softmax(dk QKT)V
 MultiHead  ( Q , K , V ) =  Concat  (  head  1 , … ,  head  h ) W O  where head  i =  Attention  ( Q i , K i , V i ) \begin{aligned} \text { MultiHead }(Q, K, V) &=\text { Concat }\left(\text { head }_{1}, \ldots, \text { head }_{h}\right) W^{O} \\ \text { where head }_{i} &=\text { Attention }\left(Q_{i}, K_{i}, V_{i}\right) \end{aligned}  MultiHead (Q,K,V) where head i= Concat ( head 1,, head h)WO= Attention (Qi,Ki,Vi)
y i , t , p = ∑ k = 1 K τ ∑ m = 1 M w k , m , p ⋅ x i , t − d ( k − 1 ) , m y_{i, t, p}=\sum_{k=1}^{K_{\tau}} \sum_{m=1}^{M} w_{k, m, p} \cdot x_{i, t-d(k-1), m} yi,t,p=k=1Kτm=1Mwk,m,pxi,td(k1),m
其中d为卷积扩张率, w k , m , p w_{k,m,p} wk,m,p是卷积核的元素。对整个TCN可表示为:
Y t c n = W ∗ d X \mathcal{Y}_{t c n}=\mathcal{W} *_{d} X Ytcn=WdX

3.2 Adaptive Gated Graph Convolution Network (AG-GCN)

Spatiotemporal Adaptive Gated Graph Convolution Network for Urban Traffic Flow Forecasting_第3张图片


  • Multi-head Graph Attention Network

    该模块输入数据为: h = h 1 , h 2 , … , h N ∈ R D h={h_1,h_2,\ldots,h_N}\in R^D h=h1,h2,,hNRD,输出为: h ′ = h 1 ′ , h 2 ′ , … , h N ′ ∈ R M h^{'}={h^{'}_1,h^{'}_2,\ldots,h^{'}_N}\in R^M h=h1,h2,,hNRM

e i j = a ( W h i , W h j ) , j ∈ N i e_{i j}=a\left(W h_{i}, W h_{j}\right), j \in \mathcal{N}_{i} eij=a(Whi,Whj),jNi

α i j = softmax ⁡ j ( e i j ) = exp ⁡ ( e i j ) ∑ k ∈ N i exp ⁡ ( e i k ) \alpha_{i j}=\operatorname{softmax}_{j}\left(e_{i j}\right)=\frac{\exp \left(e_{i j}\right)}{\sum_{k \in N_{i}} \exp \left(e_{i k}\right)} αij=softmaxj(eij)=kNiexp(eik)exp(eij)


  • Adaptive Graph Gating Mechanism

为了防止出现过平滑问题,本文提出了自适应图门控机制,此次使用两个可学习向量 E s , E t E_s,E_t Es,Et,获得自适应邻接矩阵:
A a d p = softmax ⁡ ( ReLU ⁡ ( E s E t T ) ) A_{a d p}=\operatorname{softmax}\left(\operatorname{ReLU}\left(E_{s} E_{t}^{T}\right)\right) Aadp=softmax(ReLU(EsEtT))
然后利用自适应邻接矩阵计算图形卷积的结果,得到门阈值 γ \gamma γ
γ = σ ( A a d p X Θ ) \gamma=\sigma\left(A_{a d p} X \Theta\right) γ=σ(AadpXΘ)
阈值 γ \gamma γ用来控制这一层保留多少信息, 1 − γ 1-\gamma 1γ表示在下一层中忘记该层多少信息,并使用多少上一层的结果
y a g − g c n l = { X , l = 0 , γ l ⊙ g ( Z l ) + ( 1 − γ l ) ⊙ y a g − g c n l − 1 , l = 1 , 2 , … , L y_{a g-g c n}^{l}= \begin{cases}X, & l=0, \\ \gamma^{l} \odot g\left(Z^{l}\right)+\left(1-\gamma^{l}\right) \odot y_{a g-g c n}^{l-1}, & l=1,2, \ldots, L\end{cases} yaggcnl={X,γlg(Zl)+(1γl)yaggcnl1,l=0,l=1,2,,L

3.3 Spatiotemporal Fusion Network


  • Concatenation c o n c a t e n a t e [ h i t p , h i s p , h i d t w ] concatenate[h_{i}^{t p}, h_{i}^{s p}, h_{i}^{d t w}] concatenate[hitp,hisp,hidtw],最直接保留最多原始时空特征
  • Max-pooling: m a x [ h i t p , h i s p , h i d t w ] max[h_{i}^{t p}, h_{i}^{s p}, h_{i}^{d t w}] max[hitp,hisp,hidtw]
  • LSTM-attention


  • auto-regressive prediction method

Spatiotemporal Adaptive Gated Graph Convolution Network for Urban Traffic Flow Forecasting_第4张图片

  • Direct Multi-step Prediction

Spatiotemporal Adaptive Gated Graph Convolution Network for Urban Traffic Flow Forecasting_第5张图片
