Odoo 14 手册 库存管理 盘点 到按成本 先进先出 追溯 批次 序列号 自动化路线

盘点所有最终结果操作所承诺的每家公司的各个方面。公司的最终结果是发生在公司库存中的产品移动和存储。此外,这是一个所有高级、复杂和简单的策略管理操作亭应该一起工作以达到预期效果的区域。 Odoo 软件认识到需要一个有效、高效和可靠的库存管理系统,这为库存模型及其附加属性的开发铺平了道路。

Odoo 库存模块与公司运营的各个方面相互关联,例如销售、采购、销售点、维修、制造以及 Odoo 公司运营中的更多方面。这使得 Odoo 平台能够高效运行,并提高公司的生产力和盈利能力。

Odoo 库存模块具有多种功能,使其在竞争对手中脱颖而出,其中包括:


反过来,Odoo 平台在执行操作时的处理时间最短。基于复式记账的 Odoo 库存及其处理时间是其他 ERP 中最好的




Odoo 库存允许用户选择各种移除策略,例如 FIFO 和 LIFO,可以在销售和制造的产品移除操作中配置。操作作品在Odoo平台的溯源操作方面


Odoo 库存允许其用户允许批号和序列号,这反过来又允许用户在产品销售操作的内部可追溯性和外部跟踪方面。


Odoo 库存中的产品移动基于所描述的路线,没有提出任何问题并坚持下去。可以在各种库存操作实例中自定义和解释这些路线。


该平台允许用户实施高级路由选项,例如交叉对接和下落转移。这将允许用户在 Odoo 平台中制定各种产品移动方面的策略。


Odoo 中的路由操作是根据操作中设置的规则执行的。主要是描述购买和销售时产品运动的推拉规则。这些基于规则的操作可以根据用户要求进行配置。




Odoo 平台将允许用户通过重新排序操作规则的自动选项来补充库存。产品描述中设置的最低库存要求将触发操作的重新订购方面。


库存存储可以根据 Odoo 中的产品类型描述进行描述和分类。产品可分为消耗品、存储、服务和数字产品。




这是 Odoo 库存操作的另一个术语,它允许用户对可用产品进行分类。产品可以分为可定制的变体,也可以分类为多级变体。


Odoo 库存和仓库管理允许用户从集中控制管理多个公司仓库的操作。


具有外部设备交互能力优势的 Odoo 平台将允许用户在库存操作中对条形码进行编码。

  1. Product configuration(产品配置)

The product management feature of the Odoo inventory will, allow the users to deal with all aspects of the product being described on the platform. The new products can be added with ease and can be operated upon.(Odoo 库存的产品管理功能将允许用户处理平台上描述的产品的所有方面。 新产品可以轻松添加和操作。)

5.1.1 Product creation(产品创新)

The products in the Odoo platform can be created in the product menu where the user can view all the products and their descriptions being defined in the platform. The products in the dashboard can be viewed both kanban and list view. In addition, at the instance of a search the user can sort out and filter the list of data by various filtering and grouping options available. To create a new product the user can access the create window by selecting the create option.(Odoo 平台中的产品可以在产品菜单中创建,用户可以在其中查看平台中定义的所有产品及其描述。仪表板中的产品可以看板和列表视图查看。此外,在搜索时,用户可以通过各种可用的过滤和分组选项来整理和过滤数据列表。要创建新产品,用户可以通过选择创建选项访问创建窗口。)

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In the creation window the user can describe product details such as name of the product, product type, product category, internal reference, barcode, sales force, customer taxes, cost and the company under which the product is being sold.(在创建窗口中,用户可以描述产品详细信息,例如产品名称、产品类型、产品类别、内部参考、条形码、销售人员、客户税、成本和销售产品的公司。)

In addition the products can be described as the ones which can be sold, purchased or expensed. There are toggle options in the window from which the user can access the on hand quantity menu, forecasting menu, product moves, reordering rules described, units sold, bill of materials if it's to be manufactured and many more aspects on the product.(此外,产品可以被描述为可以出售、购买或支出的产品。窗口中有切换选项,用户可以从中访问现有数量菜单、预测菜单、产品移动、描述的重新订购规则、销售单位、材料清单(如果要制造)以及产品的更多方面。)

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The product variants under the respective product can be described in the variants tab available in the product creation menu/. The user can select the add a slime option and describe the product variant based on the various attributes available such as colour, size, material and many more.(可以在产品创建菜单中的变体选项卡中描述相应产品下的产品变体。用户可以选择添加粘液选项并根据各种可用属性(例如颜色、尺寸、材料等)描述产品变体。)

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Under the scales tab the user can define the invoicing policy of operation of the product and the reinvoicing invoice expenses associated with the product from the default options available. Additionally, the optional product can be described for the ecommerce websites and a custom made sales description can be provided.(在秤选项卡下,用户可以从可用的默认选项中定义产品运营的开票策略和与产品相关的再开票发票费用。此外,可以为电子商务网站描述可选产品,并且可以提供定制的销售描述。)

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Point of sale or retail sale is an aspect which is inevitable in business. The product Odoo can be enabled for the POS under the point of sale menu. The descriptions on the instances of point of sale such as product category weight with scale can be mentioned in the window.(销售点或零售点是商业中不可避免的一个方面。可以在销售点菜单下为 POS 启用产品 Odoo。窗口中可以提及对销售点实例的描述,例如产品类别重量与规模。)

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The ecommerce website description on the product can be described in the ecommerce menu under the product description. The description on the category, availability, alternative and accessory products can be described in this window. Moreover, the media addition can also be allocated with the product the e commerce website can be described over here.(电子商务网站对产品的描述可以在产品描述下的电子商务菜单中进行描述。可以在此窗口中描述类别、可用性、替代和附件产品的描述。此外,媒体添加也可以分配给电子商务网站可以在这里描述的产品。)

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The purchase details on the product can be described in the purchase menu. The vendors can be described: multiple ones can be described under a product. In addition, the vendor bills, taxes involved and control policy can be described. Moreover, the product description can be provided based on the needs and the vendor details.(产品的购买详情可在购买菜单中描述。可以描述供应商:一个产品下可以描述多个供应商。此外,还可以描述供应商账单、涉及的税收和控制政策。此外,可以根据需求和供应商详细信息提供产品说明。)

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The inventory operations on the product can be described in the inventory menu of the respective product. The routes of operation can be defined, the tacking factors based on the series and lot number operations can be defined. The logistic aspects such as weight, height, dimensions, manufacturing lead times, custom lead times and the responsible person for the logistics can be assigned.(对产品的盘点操作可以在相应产品的盘点菜单中进行描述。可以定义操作路线,可以定义基于系列和批号操作的跟踪因子。可以分配物流方面,例如重量、高度、尺寸、制造提前期、定制提前期和物流负责人。)

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The financial aspects of the product can be described under the accounting menu. The receivable and payable accounts can be configured for the products financial operations.(产品的财务方面可以在会计菜单下描述。可以为产品财务操作配置应收账款和应付账款。)

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  1. Product variants(产品变量)

The product variant option can be enabled in the settings mThe product variants are the descriptions which can be described under which the various products can be described. This factor will allow the users to describe variants of the same product in different enu. While in the settings menu the user can scroll down to the products description and enable the product variant option available.(可以在设置中启用产品变体选项。产品变体是可以描述的描述,在这些描述下可以描述各种产品。这个因素将允许用户在不同的enu中描述相同产品的变体。在设置菜单中,用户可以向下滚动到产品描述并启用可用的产品变体选项。)

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The attributes on the product variants can be accessed from the settings menu itself and also from the configuration tab. The attributes menu describe all the able attributes described in the platform which will allow the user to describe the and distinguish the products.(产品变体的属性可以从设置菜单本身访问,也可以从配置选项卡访问。属性菜单描述了平台中所有能够描述的属性,可以让用户对产品进行描述和区分)

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To create a new attribute the user can access the creation menu by selecting the create option available. In the creation menu the user can define the attribute name, display type, variant creation mode and the attribute values.(要创建新属性,用户可以通过选择可用的创建选项来访问创建菜单。在创建菜单中,用户可以定义属性名称、显示类型、变量创建方式和属性值)

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  1. Units of measure(计量单位)

The units of measure terminology in Odoo will describe the users on the qualifying unit in which a product can be measured. These units vary from product to product. For example, liquids are always measured in liters or ounces, whereas solids in kilogram, numbers, pounds etc. The Odoo platform enables the users to create and manage various units of measure in the platform. Moreover, multiple units of measure can be assigned to a product to describe the units of measure.(Odoo 中的度量单位术语将描述可以度量产品的合格单位上的用户。这些单位因产品而异。例如,液体总是以升或盎司计量,而固体以千克、数字、磅等为单位。Odoo 平台使用户能够在平台中创建和管理各种计量单位。此外,可以将多个度量单位分配给产品以描述度量单位。)

In Order to use the units of measure terminology into the platform user should initially enable the units of measure option in the settings menu. From the settings menu itself the user can navigate to the units of measure menu.(为了在平台中使用度量单位术语,用户应首先启用设置菜单中的度量单位选项。从设置菜单本身,用户可以导航到度量单位菜单。)

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The units of measure menu can be filtered and sorted out using the various attributes available by default and the customization options available. The unit of measure is also a localization aspect of the Odoo platform allowing the users to measure the quantities based on the localization rules of the business operation.(可以使用默认情况下可用的各种属性和可用的自定义选项过滤和整理度量单位菜单。计量单位也是 Odoo 平台的本地化方面,允许用户根据业务运营的本地化规则来衡量数量。)

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The new unit of measure can be created using the creation menu available. The unit of measure can be described, category of operation, type, localization taxation rules and the rounding precision can also be allocated.(可以使用可用的创建菜单创建新的度量单位。可以描述度量单位,还可以分配操作类别、类型、本地化税收规则和舍入精度。)

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5.3.1 Assigning units of measure to a product(为产品分配计量单位)

The units of product can be assigned to a product on which the operation can be configured. Under the product description tab of each product the user can assign the respective unit of measure from the ones described in the platform. The purchase units of measure can be different that of the company described one which can be straightened out upon replenishing.(可以将产品单位分配给可以配置操作的产品。 在每个产品的产品描述选项卡下,用户可以从平台中描述的单位中分配相应的度量单位。采购计量单位可以与公司描述的不同,可以在补货时理顺。)

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5.3.2 Unit of measure transfer from one unit to another(计量单位从一个单位转移到另一个单位)

The purchased products unit of measure will not be the same as that of the company described or scaled ones. This difference will create an issue in the inventory operation. But the Odoo platforms replenish options available will tackle the issue. To illustrate the auto replenishment option available in Odoo for the unit of measure aspect a purchase quotation can be created. Under the purchase module a new RFQ is created for a product with a different unit of measure than the one described in the platform. To further illustrate the unit of measure for the white board pen as per the platform description is in Units. While the RFQ is described based on dozens. The quotation is used to the vendor and the order is confirmed.(采购的产品计量单位将与公司描述或标定的计量单位不同。这种差异将在库存操作中产生问题。但 Odoo 平台补充可用的选项将解决这个问题。为了说明 Odoo 中用于计量单位方面的自动补货选项,可以创建采购报价单。在采购模块下,将为具有与平台中描述的计量单位不同的计量单位的产品创建新的 RFQ。为了进一步说明白板笔的测量单位,根据平台描述以单位为单位。虽然 RFQ 是基于几十个描述的。报价单用于供应商并确认订单。)

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Upon confirming the order the products are received in the receipt window upon verification. The product quantity is validated and the units of measure under the product description are changed into the corresponding units based on the ones described in the RFQ description.(确认订单后,产品将在收货窗口中通过验证收到。验证产品数量,并将产品描述下的计量单位更改为基于 RFQ 描述中描述的相应单位。)

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  1. Product packing(产品包装)

Product packing is the physical aspect of the sales product being packed in groups as well as the packing limits. The Odoo platform recognizes the news of a standardized packaging aspects and rules of operation allowing the users of the Odoo platform to describe the product packing of the company.(产品包装是成组包装的销售产品的物理方面以及包装限制。 Odoo 平台认可标准化包装方面的消息和操作规则,允许 Odoo 平台的用户描述公司的产品包装。)

In order to enable the product packing aspects of company operation the Odoo platform requires the user to initially enable the product packing option available in the settings menu of the inventory module of the Odoo platform(为了启用公司运营的产品包装方面,Odoo 平台要求用户最初启用 Odoo 平台库存模块设置菜单中可用的产品包装选项)

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Upon selecting the product packaging option available in the settings menu under the product packing, the user can navigate to the product packaging menu where the various packaging aspects can be created for the operation on the platform. In the packing creation window the user can provide a packaging name, product description, contained quantity, barcode description if any and assign the company if the platform manages the operation of multiple companies.(在产品包装下的设置菜单中选择可用的产品包装选项后,用户可以导航到产品包装菜单,在该菜单中可以为平台上的操作创建各种包装方面。在包装创建窗口中,用户可以提供包装名称、产品描述、包含数量、条形码描述(如果有的话),如果平台管理多个公司的运营,则用户可以指定公司。)

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As the product packages are created the user is able to perform the sales quotations as well as the internal product transfer in packages. While created in a sales quotation in the sales module the user will be depicted with the package information at the instance of the respective product being described. The product package can be chosen from the package window.(创建产品包后,用户可以执行销售报价以及包中的内部产品传输。当在销售模块中的销售报价单中创建时,用户将在所描述的相应产品的实例中使用包装信息进行描述。可以从包装窗口中选择产品包装。)

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  1. Product traceability(产品溯源)

The Odoo platform finds the need of the tracking and traceability needed for the both in house as well as the outhouse operations of the company. The Odoo software allows the users to assign serial as well as lot numbers in the aspects of traceability into the products being purchased in the platform. The serial as well as the lot number can be assigned based on the customized descriptions and the Odoo platform has provisions to automate the operations. The traceability factor of the Odoo platform also enables the removal factors of the products in the company.(Odoo 平台发现了公司内部和外部运营所需的跟踪和可追溯性需求。 Odoo 软件允许用户在可追溯性方面为平台中购买的产品分配序列号和批号。可以根据自定义描述分配序列号和批号,并且 Odoo 平台具有自动化操作的规定。 Odoo 平台的溯源因素也使公司产品的去除因素成为可能。)

The serial and lot number can be used in the platform after enabling the lots and serial number option available in the settings menu of the inventory module.(启用库存模块设置菜单中的批次和序列号选项后,可以在平台中使用序列号和批次号。)

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As the lots and serial number options are enabled the us can now assign them on the purchase orders created. To demonstrate a purchase order is created and confirmed and when the user is set to validate the delivery he/ she has the option to assign the lots and serial numbers beside the down quantities of the products.(由于启用了批次和序列号选项,我们现在可以在创建的采购订单上分配它们。为了证明已创建和确认采购订单,并且当用户设置为验证交货时,他/她可以选择在产品的减少数量旁边分配批次和序列号。)

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The serial numbers and the lot numbers can be assigned directly from the window, by selecting add a line in the pop up menu and describing the serial number or the lost number in the description.(序列号和批号可以直接从窗口分配,通过在弹出菜单中选择添加一行并在描述中描述序列号或丢失的编号。)

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5.5.1 Operational Types(操作类型)

The operational types of the Odoo platform described will determine the operation of the lots and serial numbers in the platform. The operational types menu can be accessed from the configuration menu of the inventory module. The existing operational types can be edited and worked on.(所描述的 Odoo 平台的操作类型将决定平台中批次和序列号的操作。可从库存模块的配置菜单访问操作类型菜单。 可以编辑和处理现有的操作类型。)

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The user also has the option to create a new operational type based on the company operational terminologies. Under the traceability in each of the operational types the functions such as provision to create a new serial and lot number or use existing serial or lot number can be enabled.(用户还可以选择根据公司运营术语创建新的运营类型。在每个操作类型的可追溯性下,可以启用诸如创建新序列号和批号或使用现有序列号或批号等功能。)

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5.5.2 Tracking and traceability based on lot and serial numbers(基于批次和序列号的跟踪和可追溯性)

The Odoo platform allows the users to track the products on their movements, their usage in the company documents, the financial aspects regarding it and many more using the serial and lot numbers available in the product description.(Odoo 平台允许用户使用产品描述中提供的序列号和批号跟踪产品的移动、它们在公司文件中的使用情况、与其相关的财务方面等。)

The lost and serial number menu can be accessed from the inventory module under the products tab. In the lots and serial numbers menu the user can view all the allocations in the platform.(可以从产品选项卡下的库存模块访问丢失和序列号菜单。在批次和序列号菜单中,用户可以查看平台中的所有分配。)

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On selecting one the user can view how the serial number has been defined in the company and the operations allocated and done with it.(选择一个后,用户可以查看公司中如何定义序列号以及分配和完成的操作。)

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The traceability report of the respective serial number can be generated by selecting the traceability menu icon available in the serial number window.(通过选择序列号窗口中可用的追溯菜单图标,可以生成相应序列号的追溯报告。)

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In case the user needs to know the exact location of the product the user can select the location menu available form the serial number window. Here it will describe the track of the locations where all the product has been moved on based on the operations.(如果用户需要知道产品的确切位置,用户可以从序列号窗口中选择可用的位置菜单。这里将描述基于操作的所有产品移动位置的轨迹。)

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5.5.3 Product Expiry(产品有效期)

The consumable or the storable product will have an expiry date after which they become useless, damaged or perishable. So is the necessity of every company to manage the products based on the expiry dates since they should initiate any losses. The Odoo platform recognizes the need of this where the user will be able to set up the expiry dates on the purchase of the products.(消耗品或可储存产品将有一个失效日期,到期后它们将变得无用、损坏或易腐烂。每家公司都必须根据到期日来管理产品,因为它们应该会引发任何损失。 Odoo 平台认识到这一需求,用户可以在购买产品时设置到期日期。)

The expiry date management in Odoo is done based on the operation of the lots and serial number based operations. To enable the expiration date onto the products available the user has to initially enable the settings for the same in the settings window of the inventory module.(Odoo 中的有效期管理是基于批次和序列号的操作来完成的。要在可用产品上启用到期日期,用户必须首先在库存模块的设置窗口中启用相同的设置。)

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In the product description window under the inventory menu the user now has the provision to set the expiration date . The option is enabled only if the tracking for the product is either made by the lot or serial numbers. Enable the expiration date icon and the user can view all the expiration date parameters available such as expiration time, best before, removal time and alert time all in dates after the purchase of the products.(在库存菜单下的产品描述窗口中,用户现在可以设置到期日期。仅当通过批次或序列号对产品进行跟踪时才启用该选项。启用到期日期图标,用户可以查看所有可用的到期日期参数,例如购买产品后的所有日期中的到期时间、最佳使用时间、移除时间和提醒时间。)

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The expiration alerts can be viewed in the lots and serial numbers menu which can be filtered for the expiration alert option available thus the user can view all the expiring products in the short duration. In addition, this is an indication tool for the company's inventory which deals with perishable products.(可以在批次和序列号菜单中查看过期警报,可以过滤可用的过期警报选项,因此用户可以在短时间内查看所有过期产品。此外,这是处理易腐烂产品的公司库存的指示工具。)

  1. Inventory operations(库存操作)

Odoo 平台允许用户进行各种库存操作,这将有助于公司的有效库存管理,从而提高生产力并消除公司内部资源和利润方面的不必要损失。

5.6.1 Transfer(转化)

The transfers in the inventory management is a model of internal operations which deals with the product movement aspects of the company within the company warehouses its inventory. The inventory overview window will indicate the various operations of the company.(库存管理中的转移是一种内部操作模型,它处理公司仓库内公司的产品移动方面。 库存概览窗口将显示公司的各种运营情况。)

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The transfer window can be accessed by selecting the internal transfer icon available which will direct the user to the internal transfer of the company warehouse. If there are multiple warehouses operating under the company the user can view that based on the filtering and group by operations available. The status of each of the transfer operations can be viewed from here and the respective transfer operation can be conducted by selecting the ones available.(可以通过选择可用的内部转移图标来访问转移窗口,该图标会将用户引导至公司仓库的内部转移。 如果公司下有多个仓库运营,用户可以根据可用的过滤和分组进行查看。 可以从这里查看每个传输操作的状态,并且可以通过选择可用的来进行相应的传输操作。)

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5.6.2 Batch Transfer(批量传输)

The group of transferring options which are grouped together to undertake the operations in a single instance. The Odoo platform group transfer will enable the user in effective time management solutions and the processing time of the operations will be reduced. The user or the company manager of the company can bring down or group the various individual transfers and trigger the validation options with respect to the company operations.(组合在一起以在单个实例中进行操作的一组传输选项。 Odoo 平台群组传输将为用户提供有效的时间管理解决方案,并减少操作的处理时间。公司的用户或公司经理可以取消或分组各种单独的传输并触发关于公司运营的验证选项。)

The batch transfer window can be viewed under the operations tab of the inventory module. On selecting the menu the user will be listed out with he bath transfer occurred and the menu of all batch transfer operations(批量传输窗口可以在库存模块的操作选项卡下查看。在选择菜单时,用户将被列出发生浴转移和所有批量转移操作的菜单)

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The status of the batch transfer operations can be viewed in the window and the user can create new batch transfers by accessing the create icon available. In the creation window the user can assign the responsible person, operation type, company and the scheduled date. In addition the user can add the transfers to the batch by selecting the add a line option available in the window.(可以在窗口中查看批量传输操作的状态,用户可以通过访问可用的创建图标来创建新的批量传输。在创建窗口中,用户可以指定负责人、操作类型、公司和预定日期。此外,用户可以通过选择窗口中可用的添加行选项将传输添加到批次中。)

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5.6.3 Incoming transfer(转入)

This transfer option will allow the user to receive the products in the inventory stocks of the company. The transfer will trigger the operation of receiving the products which have been purchased waiting for the receipt confirmation. This methodology will allow the users to confirm the receipt based on the quality assurance before adding it to the inventory.(此转移选项将允许用户接收公司库存中的产品。转账会触发收货操作,等待收货确认。这种方法将允许用户在将收货添加到库存之前根据质量保证确认收货。)

This inventory operation can be conducted in the storable product so initially the product description should indicate its a storable one before the receipt operation is triggered.(此库存操作可以在可存储产品中进行,因此在触发收货操作之前,最初产品描述应指明其可存储。)

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Back in the inventory overview menu the user can view the delivery orders icon where on the side menu there are options to create immediate transfer as well as planned transfer. These are the two delivery option transfers available in Odoo platform which allows its users to manage the operation of the product transfers in the menu.(返回库存概览菜单,用户可以查看交货订单图标,其中侧面菜单上有创建立即转移和计划转移的选项。 这是 Odoo 平台中可用的两种交付选项传输,允许其用户在菜单中管理产品传输的操作。)

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5.6.4 Immediate transfer(即时转账)

In case of the immediate transfer the user can select the icon available and will be directed to a transfer creation window where the user can create the immediate transfers. The delivery address can be provided along with the scheduled date and the source document if it exists. The products along with the quantity can be described by selecting the add a line operation in the description. Upon verifying the transfer order can be validated, now the order will be initiated for transfer in the platform.(在立即转移的情况下,用户可以选择可用的图标并且将被引导到转移创建窗口,用户可以在其中创建立即转移。交货地址可以与预定日期和源文件(如果存在)一起提供。可以通过选择描述中的添加行操作来描述产品和数量。确认转账订单可以生效后,现在将在平台发起转账订单。)

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5.6.5 Planned transfer(计划转移)

The inventory management aspects of Odoo allows the user to plan the delivery transfers too. On selecting to create a planned transfer form the inventory overview window the user will be depicted with a menu where the transfer planning attributes can be described. The schedule date, the delivery address and the product allocation can be done to the transfer window. As the user saves the transfer there is an option to mark as to do which would indicate that the transfer can be scheduled to a precise date.(Odoo 的库存管理方面也允许用户计划交货转移。在选择创建计划转移表格时,库存概览窗口将向用户显示一个菜单,其中可以描述转移计划属性。调度日期、交货地址和产品分配可以在转移窗口中完成。当用户保存传输时,有一个选项可以标记为已完成,这表明可以将传输安排到精确的日期。)

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  1. Inventory adjustments(存货调整)

一家公司的库存运营可能并不总是在正确的轨道上; 对操作设定的描述和规则在理论上可能是有效可行的,但在实时操作中,这些规则和操作原则可能需要改变,以便在某些情况下具有高效和富有成效的操作方法。 Odoo 中的库存调整将允许用户在与公司仓库中存在的物理数据相对应的特定位置中提及正确数量的单位。

5.7.1 Update quantity(更新产量)

Updating the quantity option can be seen in all the products which are stable and this advanced feature will allow the users to update the number of units or product quantity straight from the product window.(在所有稳定的产品中都可以看到更新数量选项,此高级功能将允许用户直接从产品窗口更新单位或产品数量。)

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On selecting to update the quantity the user will be depicted with the menu where he/she can modify the number of units available with respect to the actual physical stock. In the quantity updation menu the user can select the warehouse, owner, the on hand quantity, available units and the value associated with it.(在选择更新数量时,用户将看到一个菜单,他/她可以在其中修改与实际库存相关的可用单位数量。在数量更新菜单中,用户可以选择仓库、所有者、现有数量、可用单位和与之相关的价值。)

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On updating the quantity the product on hand stock in the product menu is changed to the respective value which has been updated.(在更新数量时,产品菜单中的现有产品库存将更改为已更新的相应值。)

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Inventory adjustments for multiple products.(多种产品的库存调整)

The platform also provides provision to the users to manage and create the inventory adjustment operations with respect to multiple products based on the warehouse or the stock rack of the company. This smart tool helps the users to update the qualities and do direct modification operations on the products available. The inventory adjustments menu can be accessed from the operations tab of the inventory module. In the menu the user can view all the inventory adjustment operations which have been initiated.(该平台还为用户提供了基于公司仓库或库存货架管理和创建多个产品的库存调整操作。这个智能工具可以帮助用户更新质量并对可用产品进行直接修改操作。可以从库存模块的操作选项卡访问库存调整菜单。在菜单中,用户可以查看所有已启动的库存调整操作。)

A new inventory adjustment operation can be created by selecting the create option available. In the creation menu the user can provide the inventory reference name, locations from the list of inventory locations specified in the platform, products which should be allocated in the inventory operations, accounting date and the counter quantities operation.(可以通过选择可用的创建选项来创建新的库存调整操作。在创建菜单中,用户可以提供库存参考名称、平台中指定的库存位置列表中的位置、应在库存操作中分配的产品、会计日期和计数器数量操作。)

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If the verification and the user's decision to start the inventory adjustment operations the star inventory option can be selected. On which the user will be directed to the inventory lines menu as specified in the inventory adjustment. In case there is a new product or adjustment required not as specified by the user the Odoo platform will add the respective inventory line. The inventory adjustment can be validated by clicking the validate inventory option available.(如果验证和用户决定开始库存调整操作,则可以选择星级库存选项。用户将被定向到库存调整中指定的库存行菜单。如果有用户未指定的新产品或调整要求,Odoo平台将添加相应的库存行。可以通过单击可用的验证库存选项来验证库存调整。)

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If there is a misalliance with the on hand quantity and the updated quantity the Odoo platform will highlight the inventory line in red colour which will be clarified upon the inventory validation.(如果现有数量和更新的数量不一致,Odoo 平台将以红色突出显示库存线,这将在库存验证时予以澄清。)

  1. Scrap management(废料管理)

The chances of generation of scarps in the company inventory are high due to the physical wear and tear occurred during the various product movement operations or the perishable ones due to certain unforeseeable situations. The Odoo platform has an effective scrap management system which will help the user to deal with these aspects of inventory scraps of waste generated.(由于各种产品移动操作中发生的物理磨损或由于某些不可预见的情况而易腐烂的产品,公司库存中产生稀缺的可能性很高。 Odoo 平台有一个有效的废料管理系统,将帮助用户处理这些方面的库存废料产生的废料。)

The scraps in Odoo are stored in a separate location which could act only for the respective purpose. To initiate a scrap location the user should enable the multi storage locations options in the settings menu of the inventory module. In the settings menu under the warehouse menu enable the storage locations option available.(Odoo 中的废料存储在单独的位置,只能用于各自的目的。 要启动废料位置,用户应在库存模块的设置菜单中启用多存储位置选项。 在仓库菜单下的设置菜单中启用可用的存储位置选项。)

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A new location can be set in the locations menu which can be directly accessed from the settings menu or form the configuration tab.(可以在位置菜单中设置新位置,该菜单可以直接从设置菜单或从配置选项卡访问。)

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A new location can be created using the create option available in the menu which can be associated for the scrap products.(可以使用菜单中可用的创建选项创建新位置,该选项可以与报废产品相关联。)

In the creation menu the user can provide the name of the location, allocate the parent location, mention the location type and the company allocated. If the respective location is a scrap one the user can enable the option available. The removal strategies for the location can be mentioned from the default options available in the logistics menu.(在创建菜单中,用户可以提供位置名称、分配父位置、提及位置类型和分配的公司。 如果相应位置是废料,则用户可以启用该选项。 可以从物流菜单中可用的默认选项中提及该位置的移除策略。)

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5.8.1 Scrap the products or operations(报废产品或操作)

As the scrap locations in the options to scrap are available, the option to scrap can be viewed under each operation on the inventory such as internal transfers, receipts, delivery orders, manufacturing, POS orders and many more aspects. The option to scrap can be seen in the respective window along with the other options such as unreserved, unlock cancel and print. These options are available in the top of the window and are easily accessible.(由于报废选项中的报废位置可用,因此可以在库存的每个操作下查看报废选项,例如内部转移、收货、交货订单、制造、POS 订单等。 可以在相应的窗口中看到报废选项以及其他选项,例如未保留、解锁取消和打印。 这些选项位于窗口顶部并且很容易访问。)

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Upon selecting to scrap the user will be depicted with the scrap window where the product can be mentioned, along with the quantity with respect to the order. Additionally, if these are serial numbers for the respective products in the operation. The scarp and the source location are auto indicated and in which the scrap location can be changed as per the user's needs.(选择报废后,用户将看到报废窗口,其中可以提及产品,以及与订单相关的数量。 此外,如果这些是操作中相应产品的序列号。 废料和源位置是自动指示的,其中废料位置可以根据用户的需要进行更改。)

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  1. Landed cost(到岸成本)

The landed cost terminology will allow the users to deduce the amount of the product shipment, insurance, allocated service charges and many more. These would be especially beneficial if the shipment and the delivery charges on the product are much higher. These prices will be included in the product price and will provide the user to charge the customer upon the purchase of the product.(到岸成本术语将允许用户推断产品装运、保险、分配的服务费等的金额。如果产品的运费和运费要高得多,这些将特别有益。这些价格将包含在产品价格中,并将让用户在购买产品时向客户收费。)

The landed costs are calculated as per the company and the terminologies of the company operation. The landed cost option can be activated in Odoo platform by enabling the landed cost option available in the settings menu.(到岸成本根据公司和公司运营术语计算。通过启用设置菜单中可用的到岸成本选项,可以在 Odoo 平台中激活到岸成本选项。)

In the settings menu under the valuation tab the user can activate the option landed cost on which he/she will be able to charge the customers based on these.(在估价选项卡下的设置菜单中,用户可以激活到岸成本选项,他/她将能够根据这些选项向客户收费。)

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As the landed costs are enabled in the Odoo platform the user can now define the various landed costs in the landed costs menu available in the operations tab of the inventory module. To create a new landed cost the user can access the create menu available. In the creation menu the user can apply the landed cost on transfer or manufacturing orders, the vendor bill along with the respective journal where the entry should be made can be selected. The respective manufacturing orders or the transfers can be selected for which the landed cost should apply on.(由于在Odoo 平台中启用了到岸成本,用户现在可以在库存模块的操作选项卡中可用的到岸成本菜单中定义各种到岸成本。要创建新的到岸成本,用户可以访问可用的创建菜单。在创建菜单中,用户可以在转移或制造订单上应用到岸成本,可以选择供应商帐单以及应在其中进行输入的相应日记帐。可以选择相应的制造订单或转移,以应用到岸成本。)

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The split mentored of landed cost in Odoo can be configured based on the following attributes:(可以根据以下属性配置 Odoo 中着陆成本的拆分指导:)

  • Equal: Selecting the option enables to equally divide the landed cost.(相等:选择该选项可以平均分配到岸成本。)

  • By Quantity: cost division based product quantity.(按数量:基于产品数量的成本划分。)

  • By Current Cost: costs will be allocated based on the product's current cost.(按当前成本:将根据产品的当前成本分配成本。)

  • By Weight: costs will be divided depending on the product’s weight.(按重量:成本将根据产品的重量进行分配)

  • By Volume: costs will be divided depending on the product’s volume.(按数量:成本将根据产品的数量进行分配。)

  1. Scheduler(调度器)

The scheduler in Odoo platform will allow the user to configure the operations based on the rules, removal methods, reordering rules and the various operational aspects being described in the platform. The run scheduler option will configure the triggering of the operations based on these rules and attributes being described. The scheduling options can be done both manually or automatically based on the interval aspects described by the company(Odoo 平台中的调度器将允许用户根据平台中描述的规则、删除方法、重新排序规则和各种操作方面来配置操作。运行调度程序选项将根据所描述的这些规则和属性配置操作的触发。调度选项可以根据公司描述的间隔方面手动或自动完成)

The scheduling operations can be done in the debug mode, as the operations would tangle with the company operations, the Odoo platform provides provision to the developer to enable the and run the scheduling operations manually. The auto scheduling takes place with the help of specified time intervals available which is described by the developer.(调度操作可以在调试模式下完成,因为这些操作会与公司的运营纠缠不清,Odoo 平台为开发人员提供了手动启用和运行调度操作的功能。自动调度是在开发者描述的指定时间间隔的帮助下发生的。)

The scheduling operations can be done in the debug mode, as the operations would tangle with the company operations, the Odoo platform provides provision to the developer to enable the and run the scheduling operations manually. The auto scheduling takes place with the help of specified time intervals available which is described by the developer.(调度操作可以在调试模式下完成,因为这些操作会与公司的运营纠缠不清,Odoo 平台为开发人员提供了手动启用和运行调度操作的功能。自动调度是在开发者描述的指定时间间隔的帮助下发生的。)

The manual scheduling operations can be conducted in the Odoo platform, by selecting the run scheduler window available in the operations dashboard and the user will be depicted with a run scheduler window.(在Odoo平台中可以进行手动调度操作,通过选择操作仪表板中可用的运行调度器窗口,用户将被描述为一个运行调度器窗口。)

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  1. Warehouse management(仓库管理)

The warehouses are the places where the inventory stocks are being stored. These are physically available which are located distance apart or on the same premises but functioning as separate ones. The Odoo platform along with the inventory management operations will perform all the warehouse management operations of the ones listed out. The warehouse operations of the Odoo platform can be initiated from the settings menu of the inventory module.(仓库是存储库存的地方。这些在物理上可用,它们位于相距较远的地方或位于同一处所,但作为单独的处所发挥作用。 Odoo 平台连同库存管理操作将执行列出的所有仓库管理操作。 Odoo 平台的仓库操作可以从库存模块的设置菜单中启动。)

The storage locations and multistep routes operation can be enabled in the settings menu under the warehouse tab.(可以在仓库选项卡下的设置菜单中启用存储位置和多步路线操作。)

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The warehouse menu can be viewed from the configuration tab of the inventory module. In the warehouse menu the user can view all the warehouses listed out in the platform and create a new one by accessing the create menu.(可以从库存模块的配置选项卡中查看仓库菜单。在仓库菜单中,用户可以查看平台中列出的所有仓库,并通过访问创建菜单创建一个新仓库。)

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In the creation menu the user can assign a warehouse name, company allocated, address of the warehouse, purchase and sale journal information. In the warehouse configuration menu the shipping rule of the incoming as well as the outgoing shipments can be selected from the default options available. The resupply info about manufacturing can also be indicated along with the operation aspects of how the process is done. The routes of warehouse operation can also be configured form the menu by selecting the smart button available.(在创建菜单中,用户可以指定仓库名称、分配的公司、仓库地址、采购和销售日记帐信息。在仓库配置菜单中,可以从可用的默认选项中选择传入和传出货物的运输规则。关于制造的再供应信息也可以与过程如何完成的操作方面一起指示。也可以通过选择可用的智能按钮从菜单中配置仓库操作的路线。)

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  1. Locations(地点)

The locations aspect in Odoo will describe the accurate locations of the products in the warehouse. A warehouse in Odoo can have multiple locations and the operations here will be configured based on the warehouse operations and description available. The location menu in Odoo can be accessed from the settings page as well as from the configuration tab of the inventory module. A new location can be created using the create option available.(Odoo 中的位置方面将描述产品在仓库中的准确位置。 Odoo 中的仓库可以有多个位置,此处的操作将根据可用的仓库操作和描述进行配置。 可以从设置页面以及库存模块的配置选项卡访问 Odoo 中的位置菜单。 可以使用可用的创建选项创建新位置。)

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In the creation window the user can assign the location name, parent location, location type and the company to which the location is associated. The location can be assigned as scrap location or a return location. The removal strategies of the respective location can be allocated based on the default options available in the window.(在创建窗口中,用户可以分配位置名称、父位置、位置类型和位置关联的公司。 该位置可以指定为报废位置或退货位置。 可以根据窗口中可用的默认选项分配相应位置的删除策略。)

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  1. Rules and Routes(规则和路线)

The product movement of the Odoo platform is configured based on the routes of operations which have been specified. The products are moved from its respective storage locations or to it based on the orders applicable, these movements are set based on the route of operation which is strictly followed and monitored in the Odoo platform.(Odoo 平台的产品运动是根据已指定的操作路线配置的。 产品从其各自的存储位置移动或根据适用的订单移动到它,这些移动是根据在 Odoo 平台中严格遵循和监控的操作路线设置的。)

The routes are defined based on the rule of product movement set. The product movement based on the push and pull rules will determine the operation. The push and pull rile are specified for each route and the locations of the product movements which would certify for the efficient product removal and movement in the company inventory.(路线是根据产品移动设置的规则定义的。 基于推拉规则的产品移动将决定操作。 为每条路线和产品移动的位置指定推拉规则,这将证明有效的产品移除和公司库存中的移动。)

The routes in the Odoo platform can be configured after the multi-step routes operation is being enabled in the settings menu of the inventory module.(在库存模块的设置菜单中启用多步路线操作后,可以配置Odoo平台中的路线。)

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5.13.1 Rules(规则)

The rules can be defined in the rules menu which can be accessed from the configuration tab of the inventory module. New rules can be created in the creation tab and the existing ones can be edited by selecting the respective ones available.(规则可以在规则菜单中定义,该菜单可以从清单模块的配置选项卡访问。 可以在创建选项卡中创建新规则,并且可以通过选择相应的可用规则来编辑现有规则。)

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In the creation window the user can provide the rule name, action, operation type, source location, destination location, supply method, applicable route and the lead times for the operation.(在创建窗口中,用户可以提供规则名称、操作、操作类型、源位置、目标位置、供应方法、适用路线和操作的提前期。)

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5.13.2 Routes(路线)

Routes of product movement are described in the product menu under the inventory tab. The route of operations are described during the product creation or are edited as per the operational terminologies of the company.(库存选项卡下的产品菜单中描述了产品移动路线。运营路线在产品创建期间进行描述或根据公司的运营术语进行编辑。)

Below are the most commonly used routes of operation:(以下是最常用的操作路线:)

Drop-shipping: Deliver to customers straight from your vendor(代发货:直接从您的供应商处交付给客户)

Cross-Docking: Unload incoming material and directly transfer to the customers without moving to the respective inventory locations(交叉对接:卸载进料并直接转移给客户,无需移动到相应的库存位置)

Pick - Pack - Ship: Deliver to customers in one step (delivery order) or multiple steps: picking, packing, shipping.(拣货 - 包装 - 发货:通过一步(交货单)或多个步骤交付给客户:拣货、包装、发货。)

Push & Pull Routes: Design your own product routes to automate transfer orders between warehouses or locations.(推拉路线:设计您自己的产品路线以在仓库或地点之间自动转移订单。)

The Odoo product routes can be configured in the routes menu available in the configuration tab of the inventory module. The existing routes and their operations can be modified in the menu as well as new routes of operation could be created in the creation tab available.(Odoo 产品路线可以在库存模块的配置选项卡中可用的路线菜单中进行配置。可以在菜单中修改现有路线及其操作,也可以在可用的创建选项卡中创建新的操作路线。)

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In the creation tab the user can assign a new route name and company if operating with multiple companies. The rout applicability can be assigned to the products, product categories, warehouses and sales order lines. The rules of product movement can be assigned in the rules menu available by selecting to add a line option available.(在创建选项卡中,如果与多个公司合作,用户可以分配新的路线名称和公司。路由适用性可以分配给产品、产品类别、仓库和销售订单行。通过选择添加可用的行选项,可以在可用的规则菜单中分配产品移动规则。)

On selecting to add rules to the respective route operation the User is depicted with a pop up window as shown below. The user should provide the rule name, allocate action type, operational type, source location, destination location and the supply method.(在选择向相应路线操作添加规则时,用户将显示一个弹出窗口,如下所示。用户应提供规则名称、分配操作类型、操作类型、源位置、目标位置和供应方法。)

The user can assign more than one rule to the route and it can be done in the same manner by selecting the add a line option available and defining the rule.(用户可以为路线分配多个规则,并且可以通过选择可用的添加线路选项并定义规则以相同的方式完成。)

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The routes of a product operation can be viewed under the respective product description in the inventory menu of the product window. The routes of operation can be chosen from the respective one available based on the warehouse settings configured.(产品操作的路线可以在产品窗口的库存菜单中的相应产品描述下查看。操作路线可以根据配置的仓库设置从相应的可用路线中选择)

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5.13.3 Put away rules(另一种规则)

At certain instances of company inventory operation the product cannot be stored together but they should be put in different aspects of inventory. Certain chemicals and precision components should be stored in containers which will provide artificial environment situations for the product to e remain fresh and not corroded.(在公司库存操作的某些情况下,产品不能存储在一起,但它们应该放在库存的不同方面。 某些化学品和精密部件应储存在容器中,这将为产品提供人工环境条件以保持新鲜和不被腐蚀。)

The put away rule can be configured in the storage locations available and can be described in the put away rule menu available with respect to each warehouse location.(可以在可用的存储位置中配置上架规则,并且可以在针对每个仓库位置可用的上架规则菜单中进行描述。)

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The put away rule can be seen in the menu and new ones can be created by accessing the creation menu. In the creation menu the user can assign the product and the storage location, the source location, product category and the company of operation are auto allocated.(收起规则可以在菜单中看到,并且可以通过访问创建菜单来创建新规则。 在创建菜单中,用户可以分配产品和存储位置,自动分配来源位置、产品类别和运营公司。)

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  1. Removal Strategies(清除策略)

The product removal in the instance of sales order can be configured based on the removal rules described on the operation at the instance of location description in Odoo. Under the logistics menu of the location descriptions the removal strategies of products can be described.(销售订单实例中的产品移除可以根据Odoo中位置描述实例操作中描述的移除规则进行配置。在位置描述的物流菜单下,可以描述产品的移除策略。)

The removal strategies in Odoo is based on the three different rules:(Odoo 中的移除策略基于三个不同的规则:)


First in first out rule which has been employed in queues. The priority is based on the fact that first come first serves in a real world operation. In Odoo this stands for the product removal strategy based on the first orders and the delivery is based on the first order. To elaborate, the initial product lot or serial numbered one entering the company inventory is removed initially at the instance of a customer requirement.(已在队列中使用的先进先出规则。优先级基于先到先服务在现实世界操作中的事实。在Odoo 中,这代表基于第一个订单的产品移除策略和基于第一个订单的交付。详细地说,最初在客户要求的情况下删除进入公司库存的初始产品批次或序列号。)


The exact opposite of the FIFO rule where the product incoming as the last lot is served to the customer immediately. These removal strategies in Odoo are established for certain commodity movements which should be sent out fresh.(与 FIFO 规则完全相反,即作为最后一批进入的产品立即提供给客户。 Odoo 中的这些移除策略是为某些应该新鲜发送的商品移动而建立的。)


First expiry first out based on the aspect that the products have expiration dates. This methodology will allow the users to send out the initially expiable products out first then randomly sending the products from the stock.(先过期先出根据产品有有效期的方面。这种方法将允许用户首先发送最初可过期的产品,然后从库存中随机发送产品。)

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  1. Delivery(交货)

The delivery of the product being purchased by the customers are configured based on the various shipping methods being described in the platform. The delivery aspects of the company can be well managed by the Odoo platform with the help of various tools and additional support functions available.(客户购买的产品的交付根据平台中描述的各种运输方式进行配置。 借助各种工具和可用的附加支持功能,Odoo 平台可以很好地管理公司的交付方面。)

5.15.1 Shipping Methods(运送方式)

The Odoo platform allows the delivery of the products based on the various shipping methods available. The platform supports various shipping methods from which the operations can be configured and can be easily managed and monitored(Odoo 平台允许根据可用的各种运输方式交付产品。平台支持多种运输方式,操作可配置,易于管理和监控)

The shipping methods in Odoo platform can be enabled by enabling the shipping method option available in the settings menu of the inventor module.(Odoo 平台中的运输方式可以通过启用 Inventor 模块设置菜单中可用的运输方式选项来启用。)

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After enabling the shipping methods option the user can view the shipping method menu in the configuration tab of the inventory module.(启用运输方式选项后,用户可以在库存模块的配置选项卡中查看运输方式菜单。)

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The existing shipping methods are described and can be edited. New shipping methods can be created with the help of the creation window.(描述了现有的运输方式,并且可以对其进行编辑。可以在创建窗口的帮助下创建新的运输方式。)

The name of the shipping method, the provider can be set up based on fixed amounts or rules. In case of the rules the rules can be described in the pricing window. On the contrary, in case of fixed prices it can also be described under the provider tab. Delivery products can be assigned along with the margin rate of the operation. In case the user wishes to offer free delivery over a fixed amount it can also be enlisted over here.(运输方式的名称,供应商可以根据固定金额或规则进行设置。在规则的情况下,可以在定价窗口中描述规则。相反,在固定价格的情况下,也可以在提供商选项卡下进行描述。交货产品可以与操作的保证金率一起分配。如果用户希望提供固定金额的免费送货服务,也可以在这里登记。)

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  1. Integrating third party Shipper into Odoo(将第三方 Shipper 集成到 Odoo 中)

The Odoo with its integration abilities supports the use of third party applications to be run in collaboration with the operations of the platform. In case of the shipping method the Odoo platform allows the integration with shipping connecters. The shipping connections such as:(具有集成能力的 Odoo 支持使用第三方应用程序与平台的操作协同运行。 在运输方式的情况下,Odoo 平台允许与运输连接器集成。航运连接,如:)

  • UPS Connector(UPS 连接器)

  • FedEx Connector(联邦快递连接器)

  • DHL USA Connector(DHL 美国连接器)

  • bpost Connector(bpost 连接器)

  • Easypost Connector(Easypost 连接器)

  • USPS Connector(USPS 连接器)

In addition the Odoo platform will allow the connecters base on the Odoo applications developed by the Odoo community to be supportive in the shipping aspects of the company.(此外,Odoo 平台将允许基于Odoo 社区开发的 Odoo 应用程序的连接器在公司的运输方面提供支持。)

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  1. Deliver packages(递送包裹)

The Odoo platform allows the users to send out the products based on the delivery packages. These packages can be sent out based on the volume and the weight of the packages being described.(Odoo 平台允许用户根据交付包裹发送产品。这些包裹可以根据所描述的包裹的体积和重量发送出去。)

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The deliver packets can be assigned in the each delivery order now on as the package options have been enabled in the Odoo platform.(由于 Odoo 平台中已启用包裹选项,因此现在可以在每个交付订单中分配交付数据包。)

In the delivery order the user now has the option of the destination packages in the product description menu, which can be provided by the user. In addition the option to put the products in a pack is also available, on selecting it all the products of the delivery order will be put in a packet.(在交付订单中,用户现在可以在产品描述菜单中选择目的地包裹,这可以由用户提供。此外,还可以选择将产品放入包装中,选择它后,交货订单的所有产品都将放入一个包装中。)

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On validating the order the user can now view the package in the packages menu available with respect to the order in the menu in the form of a smart button. This will lead the user to all the packages allocated menu of the order menu. On selecting the respective product the user can view the descriptions and detail of the same and there is option for the user to unpack the package.(在验证订单时,用户现在可以以智能按钮的形式查看与菜单中的订单相关的可用包菜单中的包。这将引导用户到所有包分配菜单的订单菜单。在选择相应产品时,用户可以查看相同产品的描述和详细信息,并且用户可以选择打开包装。)

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  1. Email confirmation on delivery(交货时的电子邮件确认)

The Odoo platform allows the users to send out emails on the confirmed delivery of product via emails. These emails are auto generated and the user additionally has the provision to edit the emails at the same time. The email confirmation options can be enabled in the Odoo platform under the shipping tab of the settings module.(Odoo 平台允许用户通过电子邮件发送确认产品交付的电子邮件。这些电子邮件是自动生成的,用户还可以同时编辑这些电子邮件。可以在 Odoo 平台的设置模块的发货选项卡下启用电子邮件确认选项。)

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In a delivery order when the delivery is done after the verification being completed an email message is triggered to the customer based on the details provided in the customer description window.(在完成验证后交付的交付订单中,会根据客户描述窗口中提供的详细信息向客户触发电子邮件消息。)

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The below image shows the email details being sent. The emails can be viewed in the log of the respective delivery order while scrolling down the order to the log notes.(下图显示了正在发送的电子邮件详细信息。向下滚动订单到日志注释时,可以在相应交付订单的日志中查看电子邮件。)

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  1. SMS confirmation at delivery(发货时短信确认)

The Odoo not only allows the email confirmation but also auto generated the text messages on the delivery of the products to the customer. This will allow the company and the users to have far more reach to the customer, which doesn't need to employ internet services in the operation.(Odoo 不仅允许电子邮件确认,而且在产品交付给客户时自动生成文本消息。这将使公司和用户能够更广泛地接触客户,而无需在运营中使用互联网服务。)

The SMS message settings can be configured in the settings menu of the inventory module(短信设置可在库存模块的设置菜单中进行配置)

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Upon order confirmation the and the customer delivery is completed a text message is sent to the customer indicating the delivery. The text message is based on the template chosen in the settings menu. New templates can be creed from the settings menu and the allocations can also be done from the same.(在订单确认和客户交付完成后,将向客户发送一条指示交付的文本消息。文本消息基于在设置菜单中选择的模板。可以从设置菜单创建新模板,也可以从相同的菜单中完成分配。)

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  1. Scheduling times(安排时间)

The Odoo platform provides the user with extra nudge which would be helpful in the company operations on the inventory aspects. The scheduling times option will ensure that the user has sufficient time in the product planning activities . The scheduling times in Odoo can be enabled in the settings menu of the inventory module under the advanced scheduling options available.(Odoo 平台为用户提供了额外的推动,这将有助于公司在库存方面的运营。计划时间选项将确保用户有足够的时间进行产品计划活动。Odoo 中的调度时间可以在可用的高级调度选项下的库存模块的设置菜单中启用。)

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5.20.1 Scheduling lead times for sales(销售提前期安排)

This option in Odoo allows the users to move up the scheduling delivery date to avoid the delays caused. The number of days the delivery should be moved up can be mentioned in the settings.(Odoo 中的此选项允许用户提前安排交货日期以避免造成延迟。 交货期上移天数可在设置中提及。)

5.20.2 Days of purchase(购买天数)

The time required for the purchase order to be confirmed by the vendor as well as the time required in completion of the successful delivery can be pre estimated and planned accordingly. The Purchase order validation duration can be specified in days from which it will be done after the purchase order creation.(供应商确认采购订单所需的时间以及完成成功交付所需的时间可以相应地预先估计和计划。采购订单验证持续时间可以指定在采购订单创建后生效的天数)

5.20.3 Security lead time for the purchase(采购安全提前期)

This led time settings by the Odoo inventory will allow the user to set up the days for the purchase orders to be pre delivered with respect to the actual date which will allow the removal of delays caused in purchase.(Odoo 库存的这种提前期设置将允许用户设置采购订单预交付的天数相对于实际日期,这将消除采购中造成的延迟。)

  1. Warnings(警告)

The Odoo platform allows the users to generate automated warning messages at the instance of various operations in the inventory. The warning messages can only be triggered if it's been enabled in the inventory settings menu of the Odoo platform. This blocking information can be viewed on dealing with the various partners of the company.(Odoo 平台允许用户在清单中的各种操作实例中生成自动警告消息。 只有在 Odoo 平台的库存设置菜单中启用了警告消息才能触发。可以在与公司的各个合作伙伴打交道时查看此阻止信息。)

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  1. Reporting(报告)

One of the main features of the Odoo platform is the reporting functionalities it brings into a company. The platform allows the users to create various analytical, graphical and descriptive reports on various aspects of the company operation. So as in the case of the Odoo inventory module where the various reports can be generated based on default as well as customizable sorting functionalities available in each reporting functions.(Odoo 平台的主要功能之一是它为公司带来的报告功能。 该平台允许用户创建关于公司运营各个方面的各种分析、图形和描述性报告。 就像在 Odoo 库存模块的情况下,可以根据每个报告功能中可用的默认和可定制的排序功能生成各种报告。)

5.22.1 Warehouse analysis(仓库分析)

The warehouse analysis reports allows the user to generate the analytical data in the form of charts and graphs. The reports can be viewed in pie charts, line graphs and bar graphs. These are various customizable and default filtering and group by options available.(仓库分析报告允许用户以图表和图形的形式生成分析数据。可以在饼图、折线图和条形图中查看报告。这些是各种可定制的和默认的过滤和分组选项可用。)

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The kanban view of the warehouse report can be viewed by scrolling the analytical reporting page down. Which is equipped with all the filtering as well as group by functionalities.(可以通过向下滚动分析报告页面来查看仓库报告的看板视图。其中配备了所有过滤以及按功能分组)

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5.22.2 Inventory reports(库存报告)

The inventory reports of the Odoo platform will provide information on all the inventory products available. The product moves, the financial aspects and many more. The reports can be viewed in list, pivot and kanban view. The pivot view as depicted below will provide an analytical data which can be exported to other mediums via excel file. The filtering as well as the group by functionalities allow the user to measure the report operation based on the company perspectives.(Odoo 平台的库存报告将提供有关所有可用库存产品的信息。产品移动、财务方面等等。可以在列表、透视和看板视图中查看报告。如下所示的透视图将提供分析数据,可以通过 excel 文件将其导出到其他媒体。过滤和分组功能允许用户根据公司的角度来衡量报表操作。)

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5.22.3 Forecasting reports(预测报告)

The Odoo platform, another advanced feature, is based on the forecasting capabilities which will allow the users to determine and predict the product operations. The Odoo also generates forecasting reports which will be based on the various forecasting operations conducted in the inventory, sales, purchase and manufacturing operations of the company. Like any other reports of Odoo the various sorting , filtering and group by functionalities are available which will be of greater use to the company operations.(Odoo 平台是另一项高级功能,它基于预测功能,允许用户确定和预测产品操作。 Odoo 还生成预测报告,该报告将基于公司库存、销售、采购和制造业务中进行的各种预测操作。像 Odoo 的任何其他报告一样,可以使用各种排序、过滤和分组功能,这将对公司运营有更大的用处。)

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5.22.4 Inventory valuation(库存计价)

The Odoo platform allows the users to conduct the various inventory valuation of the company warehouses and inventory operations. In addition, the platform allows the user to generate the valuation report for the reference and recording purposes for the future as well as the percentage in a company operation. The all advanced features of Odoo reporting are available in this inventory valuation report generation.(Odoo 平台允许用户对公司仓库和库存操作进行各种库存评估。此外,该平台允许用户生成估值报告,以供日后参考和记录以及公司运营中的百分比。 Odoo 报告的所有高级功能均可在此库存估价报告生成中使用。)

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5.22.5 Product moves(产品移动)

The Odoo platform analyses and records all the product movement operations not only the ones which are completed but also the initiated ones. The report generation capabilities of Odoo allows the users to generate the reports based on these product moves operations. The Odoo report generation advanced functionalities are available and wheel will be helpful in the data deduction aspects of the company form the reports on product moves conducted with in out house operations with respect to the company.(Odoo 平台分析和记录所有产品移动操作,不仅包括已完成的操作,还包括已启动的操作。 Odoo 的报表生成功能允许用户根据这些产品移动操作生成报表。 Odoo 报告生成高级功能可用,wheel 将有助于公司的数据扣除方面形成与公司有关的内部业务进行的产品移动报告)

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