
        交友盲盒程序是通过手机操作的约会应用程序。通过访问智能手机的 GPS 位置以及轻松访问数字照片库和移动钱包,它通常会升级约会的传统性质。它不仅简化了,而且还加快了选择潜在合作伙伴的过程。通过这些应用程序,年轻人变得更加浪漫。这些应用程序变得如此流行,以至于人们可以轻松完成诸如人际关系之类的大任务。



  package com.example.morseconverter;
  import android.os.Bundle;
  import android.view.View;
  import android.widget.Button;
  import android.widget.EditText;
  import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
  public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
  // initialize variables
  EditText etinput,
  Button btnEncode,
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  // Assign variables
  etinput = findViewById(R.id.etinput);
  etoutput = findViewById(R.id.etoutput);
  btnDecode = findViewById(R.id.btndecode);
  btnEncode = findViewById(R.id.btnencode);
  btnclear = findViewById(R.id.btnclear);
  // initializing string arrays
  final String[] AlphaNumeric = new String[37];
  // string array for storing alphabets and numbers
  final String[] AlphaNumeric1 = new String[37];
  // string array for storing corresponding morse code
  // assigning alphabets to the string array Alphanumeric[]
  AlphaNumeric[0] = "A";
  AlphaNumeric[1] = "B";
  AlphaNumeric[2] = "C";
  AlphaNumeric[3] = "D";
  AlphaNumeric[4] = "E";
  AlphaNumeric[5] = "F";
  AlphaNumeric[6] = "G";
  AlphaNumeric[7] = "H";
  AlphaNumeric[8] = "I";
  AlphaNumeric[9] = "J";
  AlphaNumeric[10] = "K";
  AlphaNumeric[11] = "L";
  AlphaNumeric[12] = "M";
  AlphaNumeric[13] = "N";
  AlphaNumeric[14] = "O";
  AlphaNumeric[15] = "P";
  AlphaNumeric[16] = "Q";
  AlphaNumeric[17] = "R";
  AlphaNumeric[18] = "S";
  AlphaNumeric[19] = "T";
  AlphaNumeric[20] = "U";
  AlphaNumeric[21] = "V";
  AlphaNumeric[22] = "W";
  AlphaNumeric[23] = "X";
  AlphaNumeric[24] = "Y";
  AlphaNumeric[25] = "Z";
  AlphaNumeric[26] = "0";
  AlphaNumeric[27] = "1";
  AlphaNumeric[28] = "2";
  AlphaNumeric[29] = "3";
  AlphaNumeric[30] = "4";
  AlphaNumeric[31] = "5";
  AlphaNumeric[32] = "6";
  AlphaNumeric[33] = "7";
  AlphaNumeric[34] = "8";
  AlphaNumeric[35] = "9";
  AlphaNumeric[36] = " ";
  // assigning the corresponding morse code
  // for each letter and number to
  // Alphanumeric1[] array
  AlphaNumeric1[0] = ".-";
  AlphaNumeric1[1] = "-...";
  AlphaNumeric1[2] = "-.-.";
  AlphaNumeric1[3] = "-..";
  AlphaNumeric1[4] = ".";
  AlphaNumeric1[5] = "..-.";
  AlphaNumeric1[6] = "--.";
  AlphaNumeric1[7] = "....";
  AlphaNumeric1[8] = "..";
  AlphaNumeric1[9] = ".---";
  AlphaNumeric1[10] = "-.-";
  AlphaNumeric1[11] = ".-..";
  AlphaNumeric1[12] = "--";
  AlphaNumeric1[13] = "-.";
  AlphaNumeric1[14] = "---";
  AlphaNumeric1[15] = ".--.";
  AlphaNumeric1[16] = "--.-";
  AlphaNumeric1[17] = ".-.";
  AlphaNumeric1[18] = "...";
  AlphaNumeric1[19] = "-";
  AlphaNumeric1[20] = "..-";
  AlphaNumeric1[21] = "...-";
  AlphaNumeric1[22] = ".--";
  AlphaNumeric1[23] = "-..-";
  AlphaNumeric1[24] = "-.--";
  AlphaNumeric1[25] = "--..";
  AlphaNumeric1[26] = "-----";
  AlphaNumeric1[27] = ".----";
  AlphaNumeric1[28] = "..---";
  AlphaNumeric1[29] = "...--";
  AlphaNumeric1[30] = "....-";
  AlphaNumeric1[31] = ".....";
  AlphaNumeric1[32] = "-....";
  AlphaNumeric1[33] = "--...";
  AlphaNumeric1[34] = "---..";
  AlphaNumeric1[35] = "----.";
  AlphaNumeric1[36] = "/";
  btnEncode.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {@Override
  public void onClick(View v) {
  // When button encode is clicked then the
  // following lines inside this curly
  // braces will be executed
  // to get the input as string which the user wants to encode
  String input = etinput.getText().toString();
  String output = "";
  // variable used to compute the output
  // to get the length of the input string
  int l = input.length();
  // variables used in loops
  int i, j;
  for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
  // to extract each Token of the string at a time
  String ch = input.substring(i, i + 1);
  // the loop to check the extracted token with
  // each letter and store the morse code in
  // the output variable accordingly
  for (j = 0; j < 37; j++) {
  if (ch.equalsIgnoreCase(AlphaNumeric[j])) {
  // concat space is used to separate
  // the morse code of each token
  output = output.concat(AlphaNumeric1[j]).concat(" ");
  // to display the output
  btnclear.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {@Override
  public void onClick(View v) {
  // When button clear is clicked then the
  // following lines inside this curly
  // braces will be executed
  // to clear the etinput
  // to clear etoutput
  btnDecode.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {@Override
  public void onClick(View v) {
  // When button decode is clicked then the
  // following lines inside this curly
  // braces will be executed
  // to get the input given by the user as string
  String input1 = etinput.getText().toString();
  // to add space to the end of the string
  // because of the logic used in decoding
  String input = input1.concat(" ");
  // to get the length of the input string
  int l = input.length();
  // i and j are integer variables used in loops.
  // Variable p is used as the end index of
  // substring() function
  int i, j, p = 0;
  // variable used as a starting
  // index of substring() function
  int pos = 0;
  // to store the extracted morse code
  // for each Alphabet,number or space
  String letter = "";
  // a to store the output in it
  String output = "";
  for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
  // a variable used to trigger the j loop only
  // when the complete morse code of a letter
  // or number is extracted
  int flag = 0;
  // to extract each token at a time
  String ch = input.substring(i, i + 1);
  // if the extracted token is a space
  if (ch.equalsIgnoreCase(" ")) {
  // to store the value of i in p
  p = i;
  // to extract the morse code for each letter or number
  letter = input.substring(pos, p);
  // to update the value of pos so that next
  // time the morse code for the next letter
  // or digit is extracted
  pos = p + 1;
  flag = 1;
  String letter1 = letter.trim();
  // to delete extra whitespaces at
  // both ends in case there are any
  if (flag == 1) {
  for (j = 0; j <= 36; j++) {
  if (letter1.equalsIgnoreCase(AlphaNumeric1[j])) {
  output = output.concat(AlphaNumeric[j]);
  // to display the output

  盲人的头版盒子,通常包括广告标语的位置,盲人的主要推动盒applet IP分类的商品,盲盒新技术专栏,盲盒流行列推进房间,特殊活动列盲盒促销,所有盲盒项目的列表。
  三、 盲盒使命
