A Generic Camera Model and Calibration Method for Conventional, Wide-Angle, and Fish-Eye Lenses 论文翻译


  • 题目
  • Abstract
  • I. Introduction
    • A. Radially Symmetric Model 径向对称模型
    • B. Full Model
    • C. Backward Model
    • A. Calibration Algorithm
      • Step 1: Initialization of internal parameters
      • Step 2: Back-projection and computation of homographies
      • Step 3: Initialization of external parameters
      • Step 4: Minimization of projection error
    • B. Modification for Circular Control Points 圆形控制点的修改


A Generic Camera Model and Calibration Method for Conventional, Wide-Angle, and Fish-Eye Lenses

下载地址 : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/6899685_A_Generic_Camera_Model_and_Calibration_Method_for_Conventional_Wide-Angle_and_Fish-Eye_Lenses


Fish-eye lenses are convenient in such applications where a very wide angle of view is needed but their use for measurement purposes has been limited by the lack of an accurate, generic, and easy-to-use calibration procedure. We hence propose a generic camera model, which is suitable for fish-eye lens cameras as well as for conventional and wide-angle lens cameras, and a calibration method for estimating the parameters of the model. The achieved level of calibration accuracy is comparable to the previously reported state-of-the-art.

I. Introduction

In this paper, we concentrate on accurate geometric modeling of real cameras. We propose a novel calibration method for fish-eye lenses that requires that the camera observes a planar calibration pattern. The calibration method is based on a generic camera model that will be shown to be suitable for different kind of omnidirectional cameras as well as for conventional cameras. First, in Section II, we present the camera model and, in Section III, theoretically justify it by comparing different projection models. In Section IV, we describe a procedure for estimating the parameters of the camera model, and the experimental results are presented and discussed in Sections V and VI


Since the perspective projection model is not suitable for fish-eye lenses we use a more flexible radially symmetric projection model. This basic model is introduced in Section II-A and then extended with asymmetric distortion terms in Section II-B. Computation of back-projections is described in Section II-C.

A. Radially Symmetric Model 径向对称模型

The perspective projection of a pinhole camera can be described by the following formula
在这里插入图片描述perspective projection : 透视投影

where θ is the angle between the principal axis and the incoming ray, r is the distance between the image point and the principal point and f is the focal length. Fish-eye lenses instead are usually designed to obey one of the following projections:
A Generic Camera Model and Calibration Method for Conventional, Wide-Angle, and Fish-Eye Lenses 论文翻译_第1张图片stereographic projection : 立体投影
equidistance projection : 等距投影
equisolid angle projection : 等角投影
orthogonal projection : 正交投影

Perhaps the most common model is the equidistance projection. The behavior of the different projections is illustrated in Fig. 1(a) and the difference between a pinhole camera and a fish-eye camera is shown in Fig. 1(b)
A Generic Camera Model and Calibration Method for Conventional, Wide-Angle, and Fish-Eye Lenses 论文翻译_第2张图片
The real lenses do not, however, exactly follow the designed projection model. From the view-point of automatic calibration, it would also be useful if we had only one model suitable for different types of lenses. Therefore we consider projections in the general form.
where, without any loss of generality, even powers have been dropped. This is due to the fact that we may extend r onto the negative side as an odd function while the odd powers span the set of continuous odd functions. For computations we need to fix the number of terms in (6). We found that first five terms, up to the ninth power of θ, give enough degrees of freedom for good approximation of different projection curves. Thus, the radially symmetric part of our camera model contains the five parameters, k1, k2, . . . , k5.

Let F be the mapping from the incoming rays to the normalized image coordinates
A Generic Camera Model and Calibration Method for Conventional, Wide-Angle, and Fish-Eye Lenses 论文翻译_第3张图片where r ( θ ) r(θ) r(θ) contains the first five terms of (6) and Φ = ( θ , φ ) T Φ = (θ, φ)^T Φ=(θ,φ)T is the direction of the incoming ray. For real lenses the values of parameters k i k_i ki are such that r ( θ ) r(θ) r(θ) is monotonically increasing on the interval [ 0 , θ m a x ] [0, θ_{max}] [0,θmax], where θmax is the maximum viewing angle. Hence, when computing the inverse of F, we may solve θ by numerically finding the roots of a ninth order polynomial and then choosing the real root between 0 and θmax.
其中 r ( θ ) r(θ) r(θ) 包含(6)的前五项, Φ = ( θ , φ ) T Φ = (θ, φ)^T Φ=(θ,φ)T是入射光线的方向。对于真实透镜,参数 k i k_i ki的值使得 r ( θ ) r(θ) r(θ)在间隔 [ 0 , θ m a x ] [0, θ_{max}] [0,θmax]上单调增加,其中 θ m a x θ_{max} θmax是最大视角。因此,当计算F的逆时,我们可以通过数值计算九阶多项式的根,然后在0和θmax之间选择实根来求解θ。

B. Full Model

Real lenses may deviate from precise radial symmetry and therefore we supplement our model with an asymmetric part. For instance, the lens elements may be inaccurately aligned causing that the projection is not exactly radially symmetric. With conventional lenses this kind of distortion is called decentering distortion [1], [13]. However, there are also other possible sources of imperfections in the optical system and some of them may be difficult to model. For example, the image plane may be tilted with respect to the principal axis or the individual lens elements may not be precisely radially symmetric. Therefore, instead of trying to model all different physical phenomena in the optical system individually, we propose a flexible mathematical distortion model that is just fitted to agree with the observations.

To obtain a widely applicable, flexible model, we propose to use two distortion terms as follows. One distortion term acts in the radial direction
and the other in the tangential direction
where the distortion functions are separable in the variables θ and φ. Because the Fourier series of any 2π-periodic continuous function converges in the L2-norm and any continuous odd function can be represented by a series of odd polynomials we could, in principle, model any kind of continuous distortion by simply adding more terms to (8) and (9), as they both now have seven parameters.

七个参数: l 1 , l 2 , l 3 , i 1 , i 2 , i 3 , i 4 l_1,l_2,l_3,i_1,i_2,i_3,i_4 l1,l2,l3,i1,i2,i3,i4;
m 1 , m 2 , m 3 , j 1 , j 2 , j 3 m_1,m_2,m_3,j_1,j_2,j_3 m1,m2,m3,j1,j2,j3;

By adding the distortion terms to (7), we obtain the distorted coordinates x d = ( x d , y d ) T x_d = (x_d, y_d)^T xd=(xd,yd)T by
通过将畸变项添加到(7),我们通过以下公式获得畸变坐标 x d = ( x d , y d ) T x_d = (x_d, y_d)^T xd=(xd,yd)T


畸变坐标 = ( 7 ) + ( 8 ) μ r ( ψ ) + ( 9 ) μ ψ ( ψ ) (7) + (8)\mu_r(\psi) + (9)\mu_\psi(\psi) (7)+(8)μr(ψ)+(9)μψ(ψ) = 投影坐标 + 径向畸变项 * 径向单位向量 + 切向畸变项 * 切向单位向量

where u r ( φ ) u_r(φ) ur(φ) and u φ ( φ ) u_φ(φ) uφ(φ) are the unit vectors in the radial and tangential directions. To achieve a complete camera model we still need to transform the sensor plane coordinates into the image pixel coordinates. By assuming that the pixel coordinate system is orthogonal we get the pixel coordinates ( u , v ) T (u, v)^T (u,v)T from
其中 u r ( φ ) u_r(φ) ur(φ) u φ ( φ ) u_φ(φ) uφ(φ)是径向和切向上的单位向量。为了实现完整的相机模型,我们仍然需要将传感器平面坐标转换为图像像素坐标。通过假设像素坐标系是正交的,我们可以从中获得像素坐标 ( u , v ) T (u, v)^T (u,v)T
在这里插入图片描述where ( u 0 , v 0 ) T (u_0, v_0)^T (u0,v0)T is the principal point and m u m_u mu and m v m_v mv give the number of pixels per unit distance in horizontal and vertical directions, respectively.
其中 ( u 0 , v 0 ) T (u_0, v_0)^T (u0,v0)T是主点, m u m_u mu m v m_v mv分别给出水平和垂直方向上每单位距离的像素数。

By combining (10) and (11) we have the forward camera model
在这里插入图片描述where m = ( u , v ) T m = (u, v)^T m=(u,v)T. This full camera model contains 23 parameters and it is denoted by p 23 p_{23} p23 in the following. Since the asymmetric part of the model is very flexible, it may sometimes be reasonable to use a reduced camera model in order to avoid over-fitting. This is the case if, for instance, the control points do not cover the whole image area. Leaving out the asymmetric part gives the camera model p 9 p_9 p9 with nine parameters: five in the radially symmetric part (7) and four in the affine transformation (11). We did experiments also with the six-parametric model p 6 p_6 p6 which contains only two parameters in the radially symmetric part.
其中 m = ( u , v ) T m = (u, v)^T m=(u,v)T。该全相机模型包含23个参数,在下面用 p 23 p_{23} p23表示。由于模型的不对称部分非常灵活,因此有时使用缩小的相机模型以避免过度拟合可能是合理的。例如,如果控制点不覆盖整个图像区域,则会出现这种情况。去掉非对称部分,得到了具有九个参数的相机模型 p 9 p_9 p9:五个在径向对称部分(7),四个在仿射变换(11)。我们还使用六参数模型 p 6 p_6 p6进行了实验,该模型在径向对称部分仅包含两个参数。

径向对称投影(公式6,5个参数):k1,k2,k3,k4,k5 ;径向畸变(公式8,7个参数): l 1 , l 2 , l 3 , i 1 , i 2 , i 3 , i 4 l_1,l_2,l_3,i_1,i_2,i_3,i_4 l1,l2,l3,i1,i2,i3,i4;
切向畸变(公式9,7个参数): m 1 , m 2 , m 3 , j 1 , j 2 , j 3 m_1,m_2,m_3,j_1,j_2,j_3 m1,m2,m3,j1,j2,j3; 仿射变换(公式11,4个参数): m u , m v , u 0 , v 0 m_u,m_v,u_0,v_0 mu,mv,u0,v0

C. Backward Model

Above we have described our forward camera model Pc. In practice, one also needs to know the backward model
which is the mapping from the image point m = ( u , v ) T m = (u, v)^T m=(u,v)T to the direction of an incoming light ray, Φ = ( θ , φ ) T Φ = (θ, φ)^T Φ=(θ,φ)T. We write P c P_c Pc as the composite function P c = A ◦ D ◦ F P_c = A ◦ D ◦ F Pc=ADF, where F F F is the transformation (7) from the ray direction Φ Φ Φ to the ideal Cartesian coordinates x = ( x , y ) T x = (x, y)^T x=(x,y)T on the image plane, D D D is the distortion mapping from x to the distorted coordinates x d = ( x d , y d ) T x_d = (x_d, y_d)^T xd=(xd,yd)T, and A is the affine transformation (11). We decompose the projection model in this form because, for the inverse transfrom P c − 1 = F − 1 ◦ D − 1 ◦ A − 1 P^{−1}_c = F^{−1} ◦ D^{−1} ◦ A^{−1} Pc1=F1D1A1, it is straightforward to compute F − 1 F^{−1} F1 and A − 1 A^{−1} A1. The more difficult part is to numerically compute D − 1 D^{−1} D1.

这是从图像点 m = ( u , v ) T m = (u, v)^T m=(u,v)T 到入射光线方向 Φ = ( θ , φ ) T Φ = (θ, φ)^T Φ=(θ,φ)T 的映射。我们将 P c P_c Pc写成复合函数 P c = A ◦ D ◦ F P_c = A ◦ D ◦ F Pc=ADF其中 F F F是从射线方向 Φ Φ Φ到图像平面上理想笛卡尔坐标 x = ( x , y ) T x = (x, y)^T x=(x,y)T的变换(7), D D D是从x到畸变坐标 x d = ( x d , y d ) T x_d = (x_d, y_d)^T xd=(xd,yd)T的畸变映射,A是仿射变换(11)。我们以这种形式分解投影模型,因为对于 P c − 1 = F − 1 ◦ D − 1 ◦ A − 1 P^{−1}_c = F^{−1} ◦ D^{−1} ◦ A^{−1} Pc1=F1D1A1的逆变换,计算 F − 1 F^{−1} F1 A − 1 A^{−1} A1是很简单的。更困难的部分是数值计算 D − 1 D^{−1} D1

Given a point x d x_d xd, finding x = D − 1 ( x d ) x = D^{−1}(x_d) x=D1(xd) is equivalent to computing the shift s into the expression x = x d − s x = x_d − s x=xds, where
给定一个点 x d x_d xd,找到 x = D − 1 ( x d ) x= D^{−1}(x_d) x=D1(xd)相当于将位移s计算为表达式 x = x d − s x=x_d− s x=xds,其中

位移s = 径向畸变项 * 径向单位向量 + 切向畸变项 * 切向单位向量; 同公式(10)的畸变部分

Moreover, we may write S ( Φ ) ≡ ( S ◦ F − 1 ) ( x ) S(Φ) ≡ (S ◦ F^{−1}) (x) S(Φ)(SF1)(x) and approximate the shift by the first order Taylor expansion of S ◦ F − 1 S ◦ F^{−1} SF1 around x d x_d xd that yields
此外,我们可以写 S ( Φ ) ≡ ( S ◦ F − 1 ) ( x ) S(Φ) ≡ (S ◦ F^{−1}) (x) S(Φ)(SF1)(x),并通过 S ◦ F − 1 S ◦ F^{−1} SF1 x d x_d xd周围的一阶泰勒展开来近似转换,从而得出
A Generic Camera Model and Calibration Method for Conventional, Wide-Angle, and Fish-Eye Lenses 论文翻译_第4张图片where Φ d = F − 1 ( x d ) Φ_d = F^{−1}(x_d) Φd=F1(xd) may be numerically evaluated. Hence, we may compute the shift s from
其中可以对 Φ d = F − 1 ( x d ) Φ_d = F^{−1}(x_d) Φd=F1(xd)进行数值评估。因此,我们可以根据下式计算位移偏移s
A Generic Camera Model and Calibration Method for Conventional, Wide-Angle, and Fish-Eye Lenses 论文翻译_第5张图片where the Jacobians ∂ S / ∂ Φ ∂S/∂Φ S/Φ and ∂ F / ∂ Φ ∂F/∂Φ F/Φ may be computed from (14) and (7), respectively. So, finally
其中雅克比 ∂ S / ∂ Φ ∂S/∂Φ S/Φ ∂ F / ∂ Φ ∂F/∂Φ F/Φ可分别由(14)和(7)计算。所以,最后在这里插入图片描述
It seems that the first order approximation for the asymmetric distortion function D is tenable in practice because the backward model error is typically several degrees smaller that the calibration accuracy for the forward model, as will be seen in detail in Section V.


The traditional approach for camera calibration is to take the perspective projection model as a starting point and then supplement it with distortion terms [1], [6], [18]. However, this is not a valid approach for fish-eye lenses because, when θ approaches π/2, the perspective model projects points infinitely far and it is not possible to remove this singularity with the conventional distortion models. Hence, we base our calibration method to the more generic model (6).

We compared the polynomial projection model (6) to the two two-parametric models proposed by Miˇcuˇs ́ık [11] for fish-eye lenses. In Fig. 2 we have plotted the projection curves (1)-(5) and their least-squares approximations with models M1, M2 and P3, where P3 is the polynomial model (6) with the first two terms. Here we used the value f = 200 pixels which is a reasonable value for a real camera. The projections were approximated between 0 and θmax, where the values of θmax were 60◦, 110◦, 110◦, 110◦ and 90◦, respectively. The interval [0, θmax] was discretized using the step of 0.1◦ and the models M1 and M2 were fitted by using the Levenberg-Marquardt method. It can be seen from Fig. 2 that the model M1 is not suitable at all for the perspective and stereographic projections and that the model M2 is not accurate for the orthogonal projection.
我们将多项式投影模型(6)与Miácuásık[11]提出的鱼眼透镜的两个双参数模型进行了比较。在图2中,我们用模型M1、M2和P3绘制了投影曲线(1)-(5)及其最小二乘近似,其中P3是具有前两项的多项式模型(6)。这里我们使用了f=200像素的值,这是真实相机的合理值。投影近似在0和θmax之间,其中θmax的值为60◦, 110◦, 110◦, 110◦ 和90◦, 分别地使用0.1的步长离散区间[0,θmax]◦ 并使用Levenberg-Marquardt方法拟合模型M1和M2。从图2中可以看出,模型M1根本不适用于透视投影和立体投影,模型M2不适用于正交投影。
在这里插入图片描述A Generic Camera Model and Calibration Method for Conventional, Wide-Angle, and Fish-Eye Lenses 论文翻译_第6张图片

In Table I, we have tabulated the maximum approximation errors for each model, i.e., the maximum vertical distances between the desired curve and the approximation in Fig. 2. Here we also have the model P9 which is the polynomial model (6) with the first five terms. It can be seen that the model P3 has the best overall performance from all of the two-parametric models and that the sub-pixel approximation accuracy for all the projection curves requires the five-parametric model P9. These results show that the radially symmetric part of our camera model is well justified.
A Generic Camera Model and Calibration Method for Conventional, Wide-Angle, and Fish-Eye Lenses 论文翻译_第7张图片


Next we describe a procedure for estimating the parameters of the camera model. The calibration method is based on viewing a planar object which contains control points in known positions. The advantage over the previous approaches is that also fish-eye lenses, possibly having a field of view larger than 180◦, can be calibrated by simply viewing a planar pattern. In addition, a good accuracy can be achieved if circular control points are used, as described in Section IV-B.
接下来,我们描述用于估计相机模型的参数的过程。该校准方法基于观察在已知位置包含控制点的平面对象。与之前的方法相比,其优势在于鱼眼透镜的视野可能大于180◦, 可以通过简单地观察平面图案来校准。此外,如第IV-B节所述,如果使用圆形控制点,则可以获得良好的精度。

A. Calibration Algorithm

The calibration procedure consists of four steps that are described below. We assume that M control points are observed in N views. For each view, there is a rotation matrix Rj and a translation vector tj describing the position of the camera with respect to the calibration plane such that
校准程序包括以下四个步骤。我们假设在N个视图中观察到M个控制点。对于每个视图,存在描述相机相对于校准平面的位置的旋转矩阵 R j R_j Rj和平移向量 t j t_j tj,使得
在这里插入图片描述We choose the calibration plane to lie in the XY -plane and denote the coordinates of the control point i with X i = ( X i , Y i , 0 ) T X^i = (X^i, Y^i, 0)^T Xi=(Xi,Yi,0)T. The corresponding homogeneous coordinates in the calibration plane are denoted by x p i = ( X i , Y i , 1 ) T x^i_p = (X^i, Y^i, 1)^T xpi=(Xi,Yi,1)T and the observed coordinates in the view j by m j i = ( u j i , v j i ) T m^i_j = (u^i_j , v^i_j )^T mji=(uji,vji)T. The first three steps of the calibration procedure involve only six internal camera parameters and for these we use the short-hand notation P 6 = ^ ( k 1 , k 2 , m u , m v , u 0 , v 0 ) P_6 \hat=(k_1, k_2, m_u, m_v, u_0, v_0) P6=^(k1,k2,mu,mv,u0,v0). The additional parameters of the full model are inserted only in the final step.
我们选择位于XY平面的校准平面,并用 X i = ( X i , Y i , 0 ) T X^i = (X^i, Y^i, 0)^T Xi=(Xi,Yi,0)T.表示控制点 i i i的坐标。校准平面中的相应齐次坐标用 x p i = ( X i , Y i , 1 ) T x^i_p = (X^i, Y^i, 1)^T xpi=(Xi,Yi,1)T表示,视图 j j j中的观察坐标用 m j i = ( u j i , v j i ) T m^i_j = (u^i_j , v^i_j )^T mji=(uji,vji)T.表示。校准程序的前三个步骤仅涉及六个相机内参,对于这些参数,我们使用符号 P 6 = ^ ( k 1 , k 2 , m u , m v , u 0 , v 0 ) P_6 \hat=(k_1, k_2, m_u, m_v, u_0, v_0) P6=^(k1,k2,mu,mv,u0,v0)表示。完整模型的其他参数仅在最后一个步骤中插入。

Step 1: Initialization of internal parameters

The initial guesses for k 1 k_1 k1 and k 2 k_2 k2 are obtained by fitting the model r = k 1 θ + k 2 θ 3 r = k_1θ + k_2θ^3 r=k1θ+k2θ3 to the desired projection (2)-(4) with the manufacturer’s values for the nominal focal length f and the angle of view θ m a x θ_{max} θmax. Then we also obtain the radius of the image on the sensor plane by r m a x = k 1 θ m a x + k 2 θ m a x 3 r_{max} = k_1θ_{max} + k_2θ^3_{max} rmax=k1θmax+k2θmax3.
k 1 k_1 k1 k 2 k_2 k2的初始猜测是通过将模型 r = k 1 θ + k 2 θ 3 r=k_1θ+k_2θ^3 r=k1θ+k2θ3与制造商的标称焦距f和视角 θ m a x θ_{max} θmax的值拟合到所需投影(2)-(4)来获得的。然后,我们还通过 r m a x = k 1 θ m a x + k 2 θ m a x 3 r_{max} = k_1θ_{max} + k_2θ^3_{max} rmax=k1θmax+k2θmax3.获得传感器平面上图像的半径。

With a circular image fish-eye lens, the actual image fills only a circular area inside the image frames. In pixel coordinates, this circle is an ellipse
在这里插入图片描述whose parameters can be estimated. Consequently, we obtain initial guesses for the remaining unknowns m u , m v , u 0 , m_u, m_v, u_0, mu,mv,u0, and v 0 v_0 v0 in p, where m u = a / r m a x m_u = a/r_{max} mu=a/rmax and m v = b / r m a x m_v = b/r_{max} mv=b/rmax. With a full-frame lens, the best thing is probably to place the principal point to the image center and use the reported values of the pixel dimensions to obtain initial values for m u m_u mu and m v m_v mv.
其参数可以被估计。因此,我们获得了p中剩余未知数 m u 、 m v 、 u 0 、 m_u、m_v、u_0、 mumvu0 v 0 v_0 v0的初始猜测,其中 m u = a / r m a x m_u=a/r_{max} mu=a/rmax m v = b / r m a x m_v=b/r_{max} mv=b/rmax。对于full-frame 镜头,最好的方法可能是将主点放置到图像中心,并使用reported像素尺寸值获得 m u m_u mu m v m_v mv的初始值。

Step 2: Back-projection and computation of homographies

With the internal parameters p6, we may back-project the observed points m j i m^i_j mji onto the unit sphere centered at the camera origin (see Fig. 1(b)). The points on the sphere are denoted by x ~ j i \widetilde x^i_j x ji . Since the mapping between the points on the calibration plane and on the unit sphere is a central projection, there is a planar homography H j H_j Hj so that s x ~ j i = H j x p i s\widetilde x^i_j= H_jx^i_p sx ji=Hjxpi
使用内参p6,我们可以将观察到的点 m j i m^i_j mji反向投影到以相机原点为中心的单位球体上(见图1(b))。球体上的点用 x ~ j i \widetilde x^i_j x ji表示。由于校准平面上的点和单位球面上的点之间的映射是中心投影,因此存在平面单应性 H j H_j Hj,因此 s x ~ j i = H j x p i s\widetilde x^i_j= H_jx^i_p sx ji=Hjxpi

For each view j j j the homography H j H_j Hj is computed as follows:
对于每个视图 j j j,单应性 H j H_j Hj计算如下:

(i) Back-project the control points by first computing the normalized image coordinates
( x j i y j i ) = [ 1 / m u 0 0 1 / m v ] ( u j i − u 0 v j i − v 0 ) , \left(\begin{array}{l} x_j^i \\ y_j^i \end{array}\right)=\left[\begin{array}{cc} 1 / m_u & 0 \\ 0 & 1 / m_v \end{array}\right]\left(\begin{array}{l} u_j^i-u_0 \\ v_j^i-v_0 \end{array}\right), (xjiyji)=[1/mu001/mv](ujiu0vjiv0),
transforming them to the polar coordinates ( r j i , φ j i ) = ^ ( x j i , y j i ) \left(r_j^i, \varphi_j^i\right) \hat{=}\left(x_j^i, y_j^i\right) (rji,φji)=^(xji,yji), and finally solving θ j i \theta_j^i θji from the cubic equation k 2 ( θ j i ) 3 + k 1 θ j i − r j i = 0 k_2\left(\theta_j^i\right)^3+k_1 \theta_j^i-r_j^i=0 k2(θji)3+k1θjirji=0.
将它们转换为极坐标 ( r j i , φ j i ) = ^ ( x j i , y j i ) \left(r_j^i, \varphi_j^i\right) \hat{=}\left(x_j^i, y_j^i\right) (rji,φji)=^(xji,yji),最后从三次方程 k 2 ( θ j i ) 3 + k 1 θ j i − r j i = 0 k_2\left(\theta_j^i\right)^3+k_1 \theta_j^i-r_j^i=0 k2(θji)3+k1θjirji=0 θ j i \theta_j^i θji

(ii) Set x ~ j i = ( sin ⁡ φ j i sin ⁡ θ j i , cos ⁡ φ j i sin ⁡ θ j i , cos ⁡ θ j i ) ⊤ \tilde{\mathbf{x}}_j^i=\left(\sin \varphi_j^i \sin \theta_j^i, \cos \varphi_j^i \sin \theta_j^i, \cos \theta_j^i\right)^{\top} x~ji=(sinφjisinθji,cosφjisinθji,cosθji).

(iii) Compute the initial estimate for H j \mathbf{H}_j Hj from the correspondences x ~ j i ↔ x p i \tilde{\mathbf{x}}_j^i \leftrightarrow \mathbf{x}_{\mathrm{p}}^i x~jixpi by the linear algorithm with data normalization [15]. Define x ^ j i \hat{\mathbf{x}}_j^i x^ji as the exact image of x p i \mathbf{x}_{\mathrm{p}}^i xpi under H j \mathbf{H}_j Hj such that x ^ j i = H j x p i / ∥ H j x p i ∥ \hat{\mathbf{x}}_j^i=\mathbf{H}_j \mathbf{x}_{\mathrm{p}}^i /\left\|\mathbf{H}_j \mathbf{x}_{\mathrm{p}}^i\right\| x^ji=Hjxpi/ Hjxpi .
通过具有数据归一化的线性算法,根据对应 x ~ j i ↔ x p i \tilde{\mathbf{x}}_j^i \leftrightarrow \mathbf{x}_{\mathrm{p}}^i x~jixpi计算 H j \mathbf{H}_j Hj的初始估计[15]。将 x ^ j i \hat{\mathbf{x}}_j^i x^ji定义为 H j \mathbf{H}_j Hj x p i \mathbf{x}_{\mathrm{p}}^i xpi的确切图像,从而使 x ^ j i = H j x p i / ∥ H j x p i ∥ \hat{\mathbf{x}}_j^i=\mathbf{H}_j \mathbf{x}_{\mathrm{p}}^i /\left\|\mathbf{H}_j \mathbf{x}_{\mathrm{p}}^i\right\| x^ji=Hjxpi/ Hjxpi

(iv) Refine the homography H j \mathbf{H}_j Hj by minimizing ∑ i sin ⁡ 2 α j i \sum_i \sin ^2 \alpha_j^i isin2αji, where α j i \alpha_j^i αji is the angle between the unit vectors x ~ j i \tilde{\mathbf{x}}_j^i x~ji and x ^ j i \hat{\mathbf{x}}_j^i x^ji
通过最小化 ∑ i sin ⁡ 2 α j i \sum_i\sin^2\alpha_j^i isin2αji来优化单应矩阵 H j \mathbf H_j Hj,其中 α j i \alpha_j^ i αji是单位向量 x ~ j i \tilde{\mathbf{x}}_j^i x~ji x ^ j i \hat{\mathbf{x}}_j^i x^ji之间的角度

Step 3: Initialization of external parameters

The initial values for the external camera parameters are extracted from the homographies H j H_j Hj . It holds that
相机外参的初始值是从单应图 H j H_j Hj中提取的
A Generic Camera Model and Calibration Method for Conventional, Wide-Angle, and Fish-Eye Lenses 论文翻译_第8张图片
which implies H j = [ r j 1 , r j 2 , t j ] H_j = [r^1_j, r^2_j, t_j ] Hj=[rj1,rj2,tj], up to scale. Furthermore
这意味着 H j = [ r j 1 , r j 2 , t j ] H_j=[r^1_j,r^2_j,t_j] Hj=[rj1rj2tj](按比例)。此外
在这里插入图片描述where λ j = s i g n ( H j 3 , 3 ) / ∣ ∣ h j 1 ∣ ∣ λ_j = sign(H^{3,3}_j )/ ||h^1_j || λj=sign(Hj3,3)/∣∣hj1∣∣. Because of estimation errors, the obtained rotation matrices are not orthogonal. Thus, we use the singular value decomposition to compute the closest orthogonal matrices in the sense of Frobenius norm [4] and use them as initial guess for each R j R_j Rj .
其中 λ j = s i g n ( H j 3 , 3 ) / ∣ ∣ h j 1 ∣ ∣ λ_j = sign(H^{3,3}_j )/ ||h^1_j || λj=sign(Hj3,3)/∣∣hj1∣∣。由于估计误差,所获得的旋转矩阵不正交。因此,我们使用奇异值分解来计算Frobenius范数[4]意义上的最近正交矩阵,并将它们用作每个 R j R_j Rj的初始猜测。

Step 4: Minimization of projection error

If the full model p 23 p_{23} p23 or the model p9 is used the additional camera parameters are initialized to zero at this stage. As we have the estimates for the internal and external camera parameters, we use (17), (7) or (10), and (11) to compute the imaging function P j P_j Pj for each camera, where a control point is projected to m ^ j i = P j ( X i ) \hat m^i_j = P_j (X^i) m^ji=Pj(Xi). The camera parameters are refined by minimizing the sum of squared distances between the measured and modeled control point
如果使用完整模型 p 23 p_{23} p23或模型p9,则在此阶段将附加相机参数初始化为零。由于我们有相机内参和外参的估计,我们使用(17)、(7)或(10)和(11)计算每个相机的成像函数 P j P_j Pj,其中控制点投影到 m ^ j i = P j ( X i ) \hat m^i_j=P_j(X^i) m^ji=PjXi通过使用LM最小化测量控制点和建模控制点之间的平方距离之和来细化相机参数。
using the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm.

B. Modification for Circular Control Points 圆形控制点的修改

In order to achieve an accurate calibration, we used a calibration plane with white circles on black background since the centroids of the projected circles can be detected with a sub-pixel level of accuracy [19]. In this setting, however, the problem is that the centroid of the projected circle is not the image of the center of the original circle. Therefore, since m j i m^i_j mji in(18) is the measured centroid, we should not project the centers as points m ^ j i \hat m^i_j m^ji .
为了实现精确校准,我们使用了黑色背景上带有白色圆圈的校准平面,因为投影圆圈的质心可以以亚像素级别的精度检测[19]。然而,在这种设置中,问题是投影圆的质心不是原始圆中心的图像。因此,由于(18)中的 m j i m^i_j mji是测量的质心,因此我们不应将中心投影为点 m ^ j i \hat m^i_j m^ji

To avoid the problem above, we propose solving the centroids of the projected circles numerically. We parameterize the interior of the circle at ( X 0 , Y 0 ) (X_0, Y_0) (X0,Y0) with radius R by X ( ϱ , α ) = ( X 0 + ϱ s i n α , Y 0 + ϱ c o s α , 0 ) T X(\varrho, α) = (X_0 + \varrho sin α, Y_0 + \varrho cos α, 0)^T X(ϱ,α)=(X0+ϱsinα,Y0+ϱcosα,0)T. Given the camera parameters, we get the centroid m ^ \hat m m^ for the circle by numerically evaluating
为了避免上述问题,我们建议用数值方法求解投影圆的质心。我们通过 X ( ϱ , α ) = ( X 0 + ϱ s i n α , Y 0 + ϱ c o s α , 0 ) T X(\varrho, α) = (X_0 + \varrho sin α, Y_0 + \varrho cos α, 0)^T X(ϱ,α)=(X0+ϱsinα,Y0+ϱcosα,0)T参数化半径为R的圆 ( X 0 , Y 0 ) (X_0, Y_0) (X0,Y0)。给定摄像机参数,我们通过数值计算得到圆的质心在这里插入图片描述where m ^ ( ϱ , α ) = P ( X ( ϱ , α ) ) \hat m(\varrho, α) = P(X(\varrho, α)) m^(ϱ,α)=P(X(ϱ,α)) and J ( ϱ , α ) J(\varrho, α) J(ϱ,α) is the Jacobian of the composite function P ◦ X P ◦ X PX. The analytical solving of the Jacobian is rather a tedious task but it can be computed by mathematical software such as Maple.
其中 m ^ ( ϱ , α ) = P ( X ( ϱ , α ) ) \hat m(\varrho, α) = P(X(\varrho, α)) m^(ϱ,α)=P(X(ϱ,α)) J ( ϱ , α ) J(\varrho, α) J(ϱ,α)是复合函数 P ◦ X P ◦ X PX的雅可比。雅可比矩阵的解析解是一项相当乏味的任务,但它可以通过Maple等数学软件来计算。



We have proposed a novel camera calibration method for fish-eye lens cameras that is based on viewing a planar calibration pattern. The experiments verify that the method is easy-to-use and provides a relatively high level of accuracy with circular control points. The proposed camera model is generic, easily expandable and suitable also for conventional cameras with narrow- or wide-angle lenses. The achieved level of accuracy for fish-eye lenses is better than it has been reported with other approaches and, for narrow-angle lenses, it is comparable to the results in [6]. This is promising considering especially the aim of using fish-eye lenses in measurement purposes.
