[分布式控制浅述] (4) 刚性图论基础和仿射编队

[分布式控制浅述] (4) 刚性图论基础和仿射编队

  • [分布式控制浅述] (4) 刚性图论基础和仿射编队
    • 0 概念
    • 1 几何的(Generic)
    • 2 等价与全等(Equivalent and Congruent)
    • 3 刚性(Rigid)
      • 3.1 最小刚性(Minimally Rigid)
      • 3.2 全局刚性(Global Rigid)
      • 3.3 通用刚性(Universally Rigid)
    • 4 仿射生成(Affinely Span)
    • 5 应力矩阵(Stress Matrix)
    • 6 参考文献

[分布式控制浅述] (4) 刚性图论基础和仿射编队


0 概念

G G G:图
V V V:顶点集
E E E:边集

1 几何的(Generic)

Generic [1]: “We say a configuration q q q is generic if the entries of q q q are algebraically independent over the rational numbers, namely, there is no non-zero polynomial with rational coefficients that vanishes at the entries of q q q.”


2 等价与全等(Equivalent and Congruent)

Equivalent [2]: Given a framework ( G , q ) \left( G,q \right) (G,q) in R d {{\mathbb{R}}^{d}} Rd , if there exists another framework [\left( G,p \right)] in R d {{\mathbb{R}}^{d}} Rd such that ∥ p i − p j ∥ = ∥ q i − q j ∥ \left\| {{p}_{i}}-{{p}_{j}} \right\|=\left\| {{q}_{i}}-{{q}_{j}} \right\| pipj=qiqj , ∀ ( i , j ) ∈ E \forall \left( i,j \right)\in E (i,j)E, then we say that (G,p) is equivalent to (G,q).
Congruent [2]: if ∥ p i − p j ∥ = ∥ q i − q j ∥ \left\| {{p}_{i}}-{{p}_{j}} \right\|=\left\| {{q}_{i}}-{{q}_{j}} \right\| pipj=qiqj, ∀ ( i , j ) ∈ V \forall \left( i,j \right)\in V (i,j)V .


C o n g r u e n t > E q u i v a l e n t Congruent>Equivalent Congruent>Equivalent

3 刚性(Rigid)

Rigid [3]: “Roughly speaking, a formation is rigid if its only smooth motions are those corresponding to translation or rotation of the whole formation.”


3.1 最小刚性(Minimally Rigid)

Minimally Rigid [3] : "A formation is minimally rigid if it is rigid and if no single interagent distance constraint can be removed without causing the formation to lose rigidity. "

最小刚性:构成的刚性图使用的边是最少的,二维边数量为 2 ∗ V − 3 2*V-3 2V3条。

3.2 全局刚性(Global Rigid)

Globally Rigid [2]: “if all the frameworks ( G , p ) \left( G,p \right) (G,p) in R d {{\mathbb{R}}^{d}} Rd equivalent to ( G , q ) \left( G,q \right) (G,q) are congruent to ( G , q ) \left( G,q \right) (G,q) .”
Globally Rigid [3]: “globally rigid if and only if any two formations corresponding to the distance data differ by a combination of translation, rotation, and reflection.”

[分布式控制浅述] (4) 刚性图论基础和仿射编队_第1张图片
翻 转 歧 义 [ 3 ] 翻转歧义[3] [3]

3.3 通用刚性(Universally Rigid)

Universally rigid [2]: “if all the frameworks ( G , p ) \left( G,p \right) (G,p) in any R D ⊃ R d {{\mathbb{R}}^{D}}\supset {{\mathbb{R}}^{d}} RDRd equivalent to ( G , q ) \left( G,q \right) (G,q) are congruent to ( G , q ) \left( G,q \right) (G,q).”

通用刚性:简单来说,一个图是通用刚性表示其不但在 d d d维空间中是全局刚性的,且在任意更高维的的 D > d D>d D>d维空间中仍然是全局刚性的。

4 仿射生成(Affinely Span)

Affinely Span [4]: The dimension of A ( γ ) A\left( \gamma \right) A(γ) equals d 2 + d {{d}^{2}}+d d2+d if and only if { r i } i = 1 , … , n {{\left\{ {{r}_{i}} \right\}}_{i=1,\ldots ,n}} {ri}i=1,,n affinely span R d {{\mathbb{R}}^{d}} Rd .

仿射生成:点集 V V V经过 d 2 + d {{d}^{2}}+d d2+d维空间的仿射变换后,其像张成的空间是 d d d维的。

5 应力矩阵(Stress Matrix)

Ω = ω i j ∑ j = 1 n ω i j ( q i ∗ − q j ∗ ) i = 1 , … , n \begin{aligned} & \Omega ={{\omega }_{ij}} \\ & \begin{matrix} \sum\limits_{j=1}^{n}{{{\omega }_{ij}}\left( q_{i}^{*}-q_{j}^{*} \right)} & i=1,\ldots ,n \\ \end{matrix} \\ \end{aligned} Ω=ωijj=1nωij(qiqj)i=1,,n有一些性质:

  1. [2] 图 ( G , q ) \left( G,q \right) (G,q)仿射生成 R d {{\mathbb{R}}^{d}} Rd,且是通用刚性的,那么应力矩阵半正定,且 R a n k ( Ω ) = n − d − 1 Rank(\Omega)=n-d-1 Rank(Ω)=nd1

6 参考文献

[1] Q. Yang, Z. Sun, M. Cao, H. Fang, J. Chen. “Stress-matrix-based formation scaling control” Automatica, 2019.
[2] Q. Yang, M. Cao, H. Fang, J. Chen. “Constructing Universally Rigid Tensegrity Frameworks With Application in Multiagent Formation Control” IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 2019.
[3] B. D. O. Anderson, B. F. C. Yu, and J. M. Hendrickx, “Rigid graph control architectures for autonomous formations,” IEEE Control System Magazine, 2008.
[4] S. Zhao, “Affine Formation Maneuver Control of Multiagent Systems,” IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 2018.
