通过将特征x和权重W标准化,得到 cos(θ) 。通过计算 arccos(θ),得到特征x和权重w之间的角度θ。然后在角度θ (groundtrouth)上加上一个额外的角度m得到 θ+m (m为加的惩罚项),接着计算cos函数得到 cos(θ+m),再将所有的log乘以特征尺度s,进行re-scale 得到 s*cos(θ+m),然后将log送到softmax函数中。再用Ground Truth和One Hot Vector一起算出交叉熵损失。
class ArcMarginProduct(nn.Module):
r"""Implement of large margin arc distance: :
in_features: size of each input sample
out_features: size of each output sample
s: norm of input feature
m: margin
cos(theta + m)
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, s=30.0, m=0.50, easy_margin=False):
super(ArcMarginProduct, self).__init__()
self.in_features = in_features #输入特征维度
self.out_features = out_features #输出特征维度
self.s = s #re-scale
self.m = m #角度惩罚项
self.weight = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(out_features, in_features)) #权重矩阵
nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.weight) #权重矩阵初始化
self.easy_margin = easy_margin
self.cos_m = math.cos(m)
self.sin_m = math.sin(m)
self.th = math.cos(math.pi - m)
self.mm = math.sin(math.pi - m) * m
def forward(self, input, label):
# --------------------------- cos(theta) & phi(theta) ---------------------------
# 对应伪代码中的1、2、3行:输入x标准化、输入W标准化和它们之间进行FC层得到cos(theta)
cosine = F.linear(F.normalize(input), F.normalize(self.weight))
# 计算sin(theta)
sine = torch.sqrt((1.0 - torch.pow(cosine, 2)).clamp(0, 1))
# 对应伪代码中的5、6行:计算cos(theta+m) = cos(theta)cos(m) - sin(theta)sin(m)
phi = cosine * self.cos_m - sine * self.sin_m
if self.easy_margin:
phi = torch.where(cosine > 0, phi, cosine)
# 当cos(theta)>cos(pi-m)时,phi=cos(theta)-sin(pi-m)*m
phi = torch.where(cosine > self.th, phi, cosine - self.mm)
# --------------------------- convert label to one-hot ---------------------------
# 对应伪代码中的7行:对label形式进行转换,假设batch为2、有3类的话,即将label从[1,2]转换成[[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]
one_hot = torch.zeros(cosine.size(), device='cuda')
one_hot.scatter_(1, label.view(-1, 1).long(), 1)
# 对应伪代码中的8行:计算公式(6)
# -------------torch.where(out_i = {x_i if condition_i else y_i) -------------
output = (one_hot * phi) + ((1.0 - one_hot) * cosine) # you can use torch.where if your torch.__version__ is 0.4
# 对应伪代码中的9行,进行re-scale
output *= self.s
return output
# Copied from https://www.kaggle.com/parthdhameliya77/shopee-pytorch-eca-nfnet-l0-image-training
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn
import math
class ArcMarginProduct(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, scale=30.0, margin=0.50, easy_margin=False, ls_eps=0.0):
super(ArcMarginProduct, self).__init__()
self.in_features = in_features
self.out_features = out_features
self.scale = scale
self.margin = margin
self.ls_eps = ls_eps # label smoothing
self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(out_features, in_features))
self.easy_margin = easy_margin
self.cos_m = math.cos(margin)
self.sin_m = math.sin(margin)
# self.th <=> -self.cos_m
self.th = math.cos(math.pi - margin)
# self.mm <=> self.sin_m * margin
self.mm = math.sin(math.pi - margin) * margin
def forward(self, input, label):
# --------------------------- cos(theta) & phi(theta) ---------------------------
cosine = F.linear(F.normalize(input), F.normalize(self.weight))
sine = torch.sqrt(1.0 - torch.pow(cosine, 2))
# cos(theta+m)
phi = cosine * self.cos_m - sine * self.sin_m
if self.easy_margin:
phi = torch.where(cosine > 0, phi, cosine)
phi = torch.where(cosine > self.th, phi, cosine - self.mm)
# --------------------------- convert label to one-hot ---------------------------
# one_hot = torch.zeros(cosine.size(), requires_grad=True, device='cuda')
one_hot = torch.zeros(cosine.size(), device='cuda')
one_hot.scatter_(1, label.view(-1, 1).long(), 1)
if self.ls_eps > 0:
one_hot = (1 - self.ls_eps) * one_hot + self.ls_eps / self.out_features
# -------------torch.where(out_i = {x_i if condition_i else y_i) -------------
output = (one_hot * phi) + ((1.0 - one_hot) * cosine)
output *= self.scale
return output, nn.CrossEntropyLoss()(output,label)