Real-Time Rendering——5.4.2 Screen-Based Antialiasing 基于屏幕的抗锯齿

Edges of triangles produce noticeable artifacts if not sampled and filtered well. Shadow boundaries, specular highlights, and other phenomena where the color is changing rapidly can cause similar problems. The algorithms discussed in this section help improve the rendering quality for these cases. They have the common thread that they are screen based, i.e., that they operate only on the output samples of the pipeline.There is no one best antialiasing technique, as each has different advantages in terms of quality, ability to capture sharp details or other phenomena, appearance during movement, memory cost, GPU requirements, and speed.


In the black triangle example in Figure 5.14, one problem is the low sampling rate.A single sample is taken at the center of each pixel’s grid cell, so the most that is known about the cell is whether or not the center is covered by the triangle. By using more samples per screen grid cell and blending these in some fashion, a better pixel color can be computed. This is illustrated in Figure 5.24.


Real-Time Rendering——5.4.2 Screen-Based Antialiasing 基于屏幕的抗锯齿_第1张图片

Figure 5.24. On the left, a red triangle is rendered with one sample at the center of the pixel. Since the triangle does not cover the sample, the pixel will be white, even though a substantial part of the pixel is covered by the red triangle. On the right, four samples are used per pixel, and as can be seen,two of these are covered by the red triangle, which results in a pink pixel color.


The general strategy of screen-based antialiasing schemes is to use a sampling pattern for the screen and then weight and sum the samples to produce a pixel color, p:


Real-Time Rendering——5.4.2 Screen-Based Antialiasing 基于屏幕的抗锯齿_第2张图片

where n is the number of samples taken for a pixel. The function c(i, x, y) is a sample color and wi is a weight, in the range [0, 1], that the sample will contribute to the overall pixel color. The sample position is taken based on which sample it is in the series 1, . . . , n, and the function optionally also uses the integer part of the pixel location (x, y). In other words, where the sample is taken on the screen grid is different for each sample, and optionally the sampling pattern can vary from pixel to pixel. Samples are normally point samples in real-time rendering systems (and most other rendering systems, for that matter). So, the function c can be thought of as two functions. First, a function f (i, n) retrieves the floating point (xf , yf ) location on the screen where a sample is needed. This location on the screen is then sampled, i.e.,the color at that precise point is retrieved. The sampling scheme is chosen and the rendering pipeline configured to compute the samples at particular subpixel locations,typically based on a per-frame (or per-application) setting. 

其中n是对一个像素进行采样的数量。函数c(i,x,y)是样本颜色,wi是权重,在范围[0,1]内,样本将对整体像素颜色有贡献。根据样品在系列1, . . . , n,并且该函数还可选地使用像素位置(x,y)的整数部分。换句话说,对于每个样本,在屏幕网格上获取样本的位置是不同的,并且可选地,采样模式可以因像素而异。在实时渲染系统(以及大多数其他渲染系统)中,采样通常是点采样。所以,函数c可以看作是两个函数。首先,函数f (i,n)检索需要样本的屏幕上的浮点(xf,yf)位置。然后对屏幕上的该位置进行采样,即检索该精确点的颜色。通常基于每帧(或每应用)设置,选择采样方案并配置渲染流水线以计算特定子像素位置处的样本。

The other variable in antialiasing is wi, the weight of each sample. These weights sum to one. Most methods used in real-time rendering systems give a uniform weight to their samples, i.e., wi = 1 n. The default mode for graphics hardware, a single sample at the center of the pixel, is the simplest case of the antialiasing equation above. There is only one term, the weight of this term is one, and the sampling function f always returns the center of the pixel being sampled.

抗锯齿的另一个变量是wi,即每个样本的权重。这些重量加起来等于一。实时渲染系统中使用的大多数方法都为样本赋予统一的权重,即wi = 1/n。图形硬件的默认模式是在像素中心放置一个样本,这是上述抗锯齿等式的最简单情况。只有一项,该项的权重为1,采样函数f总是返回被采样像素的中心。

 Antialiasing algorithms that compute more than one full sample per pixel are called supersampling (or oversampling) methods. Conceptually simplest, full-scene antialiasing (FSAA), also known as “supersampling antialiasing” (SSAA), renders the scene at a higher resolution and then filters neighboring samples to create an image.For example, say an image of 1280 × 1024 pixels is desired. If you render an image of 2560×2048 offscreen and then average each 2×2 pixel area on the screen, the desired image is generated with four samples per pixel, filtered using a box filter. Note that this corresponds to 2 × 2 grid sampling in Figure 5.25. This method is costly, as all subsamples must be fully shaded and filled, with a z-buffer depth per sample. FSAA’s main advantage is simplicity. Other, lower-quality versions of this method sample at twice the rate on only one screen axis, and so are called 1×2 or 2×1 supersampling.Typically, powers-of-two resolution and a box filter are used for simplicity. NVIDIA’s dynamic super resolution feature is a more elaborate form of supersampling, where the scene is rendered at some higher resolution and a 13-sample Gaussian filter is used to generate the displayed image.

每像素计算一个以上完整样本的抗锯齿算法称为超级采样(或过采样)方法。概念上最简单的,全场景抗锯齿(FSAA),也称为“超级采样抗锯齿”(SSAA),以更高的分辨率渲染场景,然后过滤邻近的样本以创建图像。例如,假设需要1280 × 1024像素的图像。如果在屏幕外渲染2560×2048的图像,然后对屏幕上的每个2×2像素区域进行平均,则会生成所需的图像,每个像素有四个样本,并使用箱式过滤器进行过滤。注意,这相当于图5.25中的2 × 2网格采样。这种方法成本很高,因为所有子样本都必须完全遮蔽和填充,每个样本都有一个z缓冲深度。FSAA的主要优势是简单。此方法的其他低质量版本仅在一个屏幕轴上以两倍的速率采样,因此被称为1×2或2×1超级采样。为简单起见,通常使用2的幂分辨率和箱式滤波器。NVIDIA的动态超分辨率功能是一种更复杂的超级采样形式,其中场景以更高的分辨率渲染,13-样本高斯滤波器用于生成显示的图像。

Real-Time Rendering——5.4.2 Screen-Based Antialiasing 基于屏幕的抗锯齿_第3张图片

Figure 5.25. A comparison of some pixel sampling schemes, ranging from least to most samples per pixel. Quincunx shares the corner samples and weights its center sample to be worth half of the pixel’s final color. The 2 × 2 rotated grid captures more gray levels for the nearly horizontal edge than a straight 2×2 grid. Similarly, the 8 rooks pattern captures more gray levels for such lines than a 4 × 4 grid, despite using fewer samples. 

图5.25。一些像素采样方案的比较,范围从每个像素最少到最多采样。梅花共享角点样本,并对其中心样本进行加权,使其值为像素最终颜色的一半。对于接近水平的边缘,2 × 2旋转网格比直的2×2网格捕获更多的灰度级。类似地,8车模式比4 × 4网格捕捉到更多的灰度级,尽管使用了更少的样本。

A sampling method related to supersampling is based on the idea of the accumulation buffer. Instead of one large offscreen buffer, this method uses a buffer that has the same resolution as the desired image, but with more bits of color per channel. To obtain a 2 × 2 sampling of a scene, four images are generated, with the view moved half a pixel in the screen x- or y-direction as needed. Each image generated is based on a different sample position within the grid cell. The additional costs of having to re-render the scene a few times per frame and copy the result to the screen makes this algorithm costly for real-time rendering systems. It is useful for generating higher-quality images when performance is not critical, since any number of samples, placed anywhere, can be used per pixel [1679]. The accumulation buffer used to be a separate piece of hardware. It was supported directly in the OpenGL API, but was deprecated in version 3.0. On modern GPUs the accumulation buffer concept can be implemented in a pixel shader by using a higher-precision color format for the output buffer.

与超级采样相关的采样方法是基于累积缓冲器的思想。这种方法不是使用一个大的屏幕外缓冲区,而是使用一个与所需图像具有相同分辨率的缓冲区,但每个通道有更多的颜色位。为了获得场景的2 × 2采样,生成四幅图像,视图根据需要在屏幕x或y方向上移动半个像素。生成的每个图像都基于网格单元内不同的样本位置。每帧必须重新渲染场景几次并将结果复制到屏幕上的额外成本使得该算法对于实时渲染系统来说成本很高。当性能不重要时,它有助于生成更高质量的图像,因为每个像素可以使用任何数量的样本,放置在任何地方。累积缓冲器曾经是一个独立的硬件。它在OpenGL API中受到直接支持,但在3.0版中被弃用。在现代GPU上,通过为输出缓冲区使用更高精度的颜色格式,可以在像素着色器中实现累积缓冲区概念。

Additional samples are needed when phenomena such as object edges, specular highlights, and sharp shadows cause abrupt color changes. Shadows can often be made softer and highlights smoother to avoid aliasing. Particular object types can be increased in size, such as electrical wires, so that they are guaranteed to cover at least one pixel at each location along their length. Aliasing of object edges still remains as a major sampling problem. It is possible to use analytical methods,where object edges are detected during rendering and their influence is factored in,but these are often more expensive and less robust than simply taking more samples.However, GPU features such as conservative rasterization and rasterizer order views have opened up new possibilities.


Techniques such as supersampling and accumulation buffering work by generating samples that are fully specified with individually computed shades and depths. The overall gains are relatively low and the cost is high, as each sample has to run through a pixel shader.


Multisampling antialiasing (MSAA) lessens the high computational costs by computing the surface’s shade once per pixel and sharing this result among the samples.Pixels may have, say, four (x, y) sample locations per fragment, each with their own color and z-depth, but the pixel shader is evaluated only once for each object fragment applied to the pixel. If all MSAA positional samples are covered by the fragment, the shading sample is evaluated at the center of the pixel. If instead the fragment covers fewer positional samples, the shading sample’s position can be shifted to better represent the positions covered. Doing so avoids shade sampling off the edge of a texture, for example. This position adjustment is called centroid sampling or centroid interpolation and is done automatically by the GPU, if enabled. Centroid sampling avoids off-triangle problems but can cause derivative computations to return incorrect values. See Figure 5.26.


Real-Time Rendering——5.4.2 Screen-Based Antialiasing 基于屏幕的抗锯齿_第4张图片

Figure 5.26. In the middle, a pixel with two objects overlapping it. The red object covers three samples, the blue just one. Pixel shader evaluation locations are shown in green. Since the red triangle covers the center of the pixel, this location is used for shader evaluation. The pixel shader for the blue object is evaluated at the sample’s location. For MSAA, a separate color and depth is stored at all four locations. On the right the 2f4x mode for EQAA is shown. The four samples now have four ID values, which index a table of the two colors and depths stored. 


MSAA is faster than a pure supersampling scheme because the fragment is shaded only once. It focuses effort on sampling the fragment’s pixel coverage at a higher rate and sharing the computed shade. It is possible to save more memory by further decoupling sampling and coverage, which in turn can make antialiasing faster still—the less memory touched, the quicker the render. NVIDIA introduced coverage sampling antialiasing (CSAA) in 2006, and AMD followed suit with enhanced quality antialiasing (EQAA). These techniques work by storing only the coverage for the fragment at a higher sampling rate. For example, EQAA’s “2f4x” mode stores two color and depth values, shared among four sample locations. The colors and depths are no longer stored for particular locations but rather saved in a table. Each of the four samples then needs just one bit to specify which of the two stored values is associated with its location. See Figure 5.26. The coverage samples specify the contribution of each fragment to the final pixel color. If the number of colors stored is exceeded, a stored color is evicted and its samples are marked as unknown. These samples do not contribute to the final color [382, 383]. For most scenes there are relatively few pixels containing three or more visible opaque fragments that are radically different in shade, so this scheme performs well in practice [1405]. However, for highest quality, the game Forza Horizon 2 went with 4× MSAA, though EQAA had a performance benefit.

MSAA比纯粹的超级采样方案更快,因为片段只被着色一次。它致力于以更高的速率对片段的像素覆盖进行采样,并共享计算出的着色。通过进一步分离采样和覆盖,可以节省更多的内存,这反过来又可以使抗锯齿更快-占用的内存越少,渲染越快。NVIDIA在2006年推出了覆盖采样抗锯齿(CSAA),AMD紧随其后推出了增强质量抗锯齿(EQAA)。这些技术通过以较高的采样率仅存储片段的覆盖来工作。例如,EQAA的“2f4x”模式存储两个颜色和深度值,在四个采样位置之间共享。颜色和深度不再存储在特定位置,而是保存在表格中。四个样本中的每一个都只需要一个比特来指定两个存储值中的哪一个与其位置相关联。参见图5.26。覆盖样本指定了每个片段对最终像素颜色的贡献。如果超过存储的颜色数量,存储的颜色将被清除,其样本将被标记为未知。这些样本对最终颜色没有贡献[382,383]。对于大多数场景,包含三个或三个以上明显不同的不透明片段的像素相对较少,因此该方案在实践中表现良好[1405]。然而,为了获得最高质量,游戏Forza Horizon 2采用了4倍MSAA,尽管EQAA有性能优势。

Once all geometry has been rendered to a multiple-sample buffer, a resolve operation is then performed. This procedure averages the sample colors together to determine the color for the pixel. It is worth noting that a problem can arise when using multisampling with high dynamic range color values. In such cases, to avoid artifacts you normally need to tone-map the values before the resolve. This can be expensive, so a simpler approximation to the tone map function or other methods can be used.


By default, MSAA is resolved with a box filter. In 2007 ATI introduced custom filter antialiasing (CFAA), with the capabilities of using narrow and wide tent filters that extend slightly into other pixel cells. This mode has since been supplanted by EQAA support. On modern GPUs pixel or compute shaders can access the MSAA samples and use whatever reconstruction filter is desired, including one that samples from the surrounding pixels’ samples. A wider filter can reduce aliasing, though at the loss of sharp details. Pettineo found that the cubic smoothstep and B-spline filters with a filter width of 2 or 3 pixels gave the best results overall. There is also a performance cost, as even emulating the default box filter resolve will take longer with a custom shader, and a wider filter kernel means increased sample access costs.


NVIDIA’s built-in TXAA support similarly uses a better reconstruction filter over a wider area than a single pixel to give a better result. It and the newer MFAA (multiframe antialiasing) scheme both also use temporal antialiasing (TAA), a general class of techniques that use results from previous frames to improve the image. In part such techniques are made possible due to functionality that lets the programmer set the MSAA sampling pattern per frame. Such techniques can attack aliasing problems such as the spinning wagon wheel and can also improve edge rendering quality.


Imagine performing a sampling pattern “manually” by generating a series of images where each render uses a different location within the pixel for where the sample is taken. This offsetting is done by appending a tiny translation on to the projection matrix.The more images that are generated and averaged together, the better the result. This concept of using multiple offset images is used in temporal antialiasing algorithms.A single image is generated, possibly with MSAA or another method, and the previous images are blended in. Usually just two to four frames are used.Older images may be given exponentially less weight, though this can have the effect of the frame shimmering if the viewer and scene do not move, so often equal weighting of just the last and current frame is done. With each frame’s samples in a different subpixel location, the weighted sum of these samples gives a better coverage estimate of the edge than a single frame does. So, a system using the latest two frames averaged together can give a better result. No additional samples are needed for each frame, which is what makes this type of approach so appealing. It is even possible to use temporal sampling to allow generation of a lower-resolution image that is upscaled to the display’s resolution. In addition, illumination methods or other techniques that require many samples for a good result can instead use fewer samples each frame, since the results will be blended over several frames.


While providing antialiasing for static scenes at no additional sampling cost, this type of algorithm has a few problems when used for temporal antialiasing. If the frames are not weighted equally, objects in a static scene can exhibit a shimmer.Rapidly moving objects or quick camera moves can cause ghosting, i.e., trails left behind the object due to the contributions of previous frames. One solution to ghosting is to perform such antialiasing on only slow-moving objects [1110]. Another important approach is to use reprojection (Section 12.2) to better correlate the previous and current frames’ objects. In such schemes, objects generate motion vectors that are stored in a separate “velocity buffer” (Section 12.5). These vectors are used to correlate the previous frame with the current one, i.e., the vector is subtracted from the current pixel location to find the previous frame’s color pixel for that object’s surface location.Samples unlikely to be part of the surface in the current frame are discarded.Because no extra samples, and so relatively little extra work, are needed for temporal antialiasing, there has been a strong interest and wider adoption of this type of algorithm in recent years. Some of this attention has been because deferred shading techniques (Section 20.1) are not compatible with MSAA and other multisampling support. Approaches vary and, depending on the application’s content and goals, a range of techniques for avoiding artifacts and improving quality have been developed. Wihlidal’s presentation, for example,shows how EQAA, temporal antialiasing, and various filtering techniques applied to a checkerboard sampling pattern can combine to maintain quality while lowering the number of pixel shader invocations. Iglesias-Guitian et al. summarize previous work and present their scheme to use pixel history and prediction to minimize filtering artifacts. Patney et al. extend TAA work by Karis and Lottes on the Unreal Engine 4 implementation for use in virtual reality applications, adding variable-sized sampling along with compensation for eye movement (Section 21.3.2).


Sampling Patterns 采样模式

Effective sampling patterns are a key element in reducing aliasing, temporal and otherwise.Naiman shows that humans are most disturbed by aliasing on nearhorizontal and near-vertical edges. Edges with near 45 degrees slope are next most disturbing. Rotated grid supersampling (RGSS) uses a rotated square pattern to give more vertical and horizontal resolution within the pixel. Figure 5.25 shows an example of this pattern.


The RGSS pattern is a form of Latin hypercube or N-rooks sampling, in which n samples are placed in an n×n grid, with one sample per row and column. With RGSS, the four samples are each in a separate row and column of the 4 × 4 subpixel grid. Such patterns are particularly good for capturing nearly horizontal and vertical edges compared to a regular 2 × 2 sampling pattern, where such edges are likely to cover an even number of samples, so giving fewer effective levels.

RGSS模式是拉丁超立方体或N-rooks采样的一种形式,其中N个样本放置在n×n网格中,每行和每列一个样本。对于RGSS,四个样本分别位于4 × 4子像素网格的独立行和列中。与常规2 × 2采样模式相比,这种模式特别适合捕捉接近水平和垂直的边沿,常规2×2采样模式的边沿可能覆盖偶数个样本,因此有效等级较少。

N-rooks is a start at creating a good sampling pattern, but it is not sufficient. For example, the samples could all be places along the diagonal of a subpixel grid and so give a poor result for edges that are nearly parallel to this diagonal. See Figure 5.27.For better sampling we want to avoid putting two samples near each other. We also want a uniform distribution, spreading samples evenly over the area. To form such patterns, stratified sampling techniques such as Latin hypercube sampling are combined with other methods such as jittering, Halton sequences, and Poisson disk sampling.


Real-Time Rendering——5.4.2 Screen-Based Antialiasing 基于屏幕的抗锯齿_第5张图片

Figure 5.27. N-rooks sampling. On the left is a legal N-rooks pattern, but it performs poorly in capturing triangle edges that are diagonal along its line, as all sample locations will be either inside or outside the triangle as this triangle shifts. On the right is a pattern that will capture this and other edges more effectively. 


In practice GPU manufacturers usually hard-wire such sampling patterns into their hardware for multisampling antialiasing. Figure 5.28 shows some MSAA patterns used in practice. For temporal antialiasing, the coverage pattern is whatever the programmer wants, as the sample locations can be varied frame to frame. For example,Karis [862] finds that a basic Halton sequence works better than any MSAA pattern provided by the GPU. A Halton sequence generates samples in space that appear random but have low discrepancy, that is, they are well distributed over the space and none are clustered.

在实践中,GPU制造商通常将这种采样模式硬连线到他们的硬件中,用于多采样抗锯齿。图5.28显示了实际中使用的一些MSAA模式。对于时间抗锯齿,覆盖模式是程序员想要的,因为采样位置可以逐帧变化。例如,Karis [862]发现基本的Halton序列比GPU提供的任何MSAA模式都更好。Halton序列在空间中生成看似随机但差异很小的样本,也就是说,它们在空间中分布良好,没有一个是聚集的。

Real-Time Rendering——5.4.2 Screen-Based Antialiasing 基于屏幕的抗锯齿_第6张图片

Figure 5.28. MSAA sampling patterns for AMD and NVIDIA graphics accelerators. The green square is the location of the shading sample, and the red squares are the positional samples computed and saved. From left to right: 2×, 4×, 6× (AMD), and 8× (NVIDIA) sampling. (Generated by the D3D FSAA Viewer.) 


While a subpixel grid pattern results in a better approximation of how each triangle covers a grid cell, it is not ideal. A scene can be made of objects that are arbitrarily small on the screen, meaning that no sampling rate can ever perfectly capture them.If these tiny objects or features form a pattern, sampling at constant intervals can result in Moir´e fringes and other interference patterns. The grid pattern used in supersampling is particularly likely to alias.


One solution is to use stochastic sampling, which gives a more randomized pattern.Patterns such as those in Figure 5.28 certainly qualify. Imagine a fine-toothed comb at a distance, with a few teeth covering each pixel. A regular pattern can give severe artifacts as the sampling pattern goes in and out of phase with the tooth frequency.Having a less ordered sampling pattern can break up these patterns. The randomization tends to replace repetitive aliasing effects with noise, to which the human visual system is much more forgiving [1413]. A pattern with less structure helps,but it can still exhibit aliasing when repeated pixel to pixel. One solution is use a different sampling pattern at each pixel, or to change each sampling location over time. Interleaved samplingindexsampling!interleaved, where each pixel of a set has a different sampling pattern, has occasionally been supported in hardware over the past decades. For example, ATI’s SMOOTHVISION allowed up to 16 samples per pixel and up to 16 different user-defined sampling patterns that could be intermingled in a repeating pattern (e.g., in a 4 × 4 pixel tile). Molnar [1234], as well as Keller and Heidrich, found that using interleaved stochastic sampling minimizes the aliasing artifacts formed when using the same pattern for every pixel.

一个解决方案是使用随机抽样,它给出了一个更随机的模式。如图5.28所示的模式当然是合格的。想象一下,远处有一把细齿梳子,几个齿盖住了每个像素。当采样模式与齿频同相或异相时,常规模式会产生严重的伪像。有序度较低的采样模式会破坏这些模式。随机化倾向于用噪声代替重复的锯齿效应,人类视觉系统对此更加宽容[1413]。具有较少结构的图案有所帮助,但是当逐个像素地重复时,它仍然会表现出锯齿。一种解决方案是在每个像素使用不同采样模式,或者随时间改变每个采样位置。交错采样索引采样!在过去几十年中,硬件偶尔会支持隔行扫描,其中一组像素中的每个像素都有不同的采样模式。例如,ATI的SMOOTHVISION允许每像素多达16个样本和多达16种不同的用户定义的采样模式,这些模式可以混合在一个重复的模式中(例如,在一个4 × 4像素的拼贴中)。Molnar [1234]以及Keller和Heidrich发现,当对每个像素使用相同的模式时,使用交错随机采样可以最小化形成的锯齿伪影。

A few other GPU-supported algorithms are worth noting. One real-time antialiasing scheme that lets samples affect more than one pixel is NVIDIA’s older Quincunx method. “Quincunx” means an arrangement of five objects, four in a square and the fifth in the center, such as the pattern of five dots on a six-sided die. Quincunx multisampling antialiasing uses this pattern, putting the four outer samples at the corners of the pixel. See Figure 5.25. Each corner sample value is distributed to its four neighboring pixels. Instead of weighting each sample equally (as most other real-time schemes do), the center sample is given a weight of 1/2 , and each corner sample has a weight of 1/8 . Because of this sharing, an average of only two samples are needed per pixel, and the results are considerably better than two-sample FSAA methods.This pattern approximates a two-dimensional tent filter, which, as discussed in the previous section, is superior to the box filter.


Quincunx sampling can also be applied to temporal antialiasing by using a single sample per pixel. Each frame is offset half a pixel in each axis from the frame before, with the offset direction alternating between frames. The previous frame provides the pixel corner samples, and bilinear interpolation is used to rapidly compute the contribution per pixel. The result is averaged with the current frame.Equal weighting of each frame means there are no shimmer artifacts for a static view.The issue of aligning moving objects is still present, but the scheme itself is simple to code and gives a much better look while using only one sample per pixel per frame.


When used in a single frame, Quincunx has a low cost of only two samples by sharing samples at the pixel boundaries. The RGSS pattern is better at capturing more gradations of nearly horizontal and vertical edges. First developed for mobile graphics, the FLIPQUAD pattern combines both of these desirable features. Its advantages are that the cost is only two samples per pixel, and the quality is similar to RGSS (which costs four samples per pixel). This sampling pattern is shown in Figure 5.29. Other inexpensive sampling patterns that exploit sample sharing are explored by Hasselgren et al.


Real-Time Rendering——5.4.2 Screen-Based Antialiasing 基于屏幕的抗锯齿_第7张图片

Figure 5.29. To the left, the RGSS sampling pattern is shown. This costs four samples per pixel. By moving these locations out to the pixel edges, sample sharing can occur across edges.However, for this to work out, every other pixel must have a reflected sample pattern, as shown on the right. The resulting sample pattern is called FLIPQUAD and costs two samples per pixel. 


Like Quincunx, the two-sample FLIPQUAD pattern can also be used with temporal antialiasing and spread over two frames. Drobot tackles the question of which two-sample pattern is best in his hybrid reconstruction antialiasing (HRAA) work. He explores different sampling patterns for temporal antialiasing, finding the FLIPQUAD pattern to be the best of the five tested. A checkerboard pattern has also seen use with temporal antialiasing. El Mansouri [415] discusses using twosample MSAA to create a checkerboard render to reduce shader costs while addressing aliasing issues. Jimenez uses SMAA, temporal antialiasing, and a variety of other techniques to provide a solution where antialiasing quality can be changed in response to rendering engine load. Carpentier and Ishiyama sample on edges, rotating the sampling grid by 45◦. They combine this temporal antialiasing scheme with FXAA(discussed later) to efficiently render on higher-resolution displays.


Morphological Methods形态学方法

Aliasing often results from edges, such as those formed by geometry, sharp shadows, or bright highlights. The knowledge that aliasing has a structure associated with it can be exploited to give a better antialiased result. In 2009 Reshetov presented an algorithm along these lines, calling it morphological antialiasing (MLAA). “Morphological” means “relating to structure or shape.” Earlier work had been done in this area, as far back as 1983 by Bloomenthal. Reshetov’s paper reinvigorated research into alternatives to multisampling approaches, emphasizing searching for and reconstructing edges.


This form of antialiasing is performed as a post-process. That is, rendering is done in the usual fashion, then the results are fed to a process that generates the antialiased result. A wide range of techniques have been developed since 2009. Those that rely on additional buffers such as depths and normals can provide better results,such as subpixel reconstruction antialiasing (SRAA), but are then applicable for antialiasing only geometric edges. Analytical approaches, such as geometry buffer antialiasing (GBAA) and distance-to-edge antialiasing (DEAA), have the renderer compute additional information about where triangle edges are located, e.g., how far the edge is from the center of the pixel.


The most general schemes need only the color buffer, meaning they can also improve edges from shadows, highlights, or various previously applied post-processing techniques, such as silhouette edge rendering (Section 15.2.3). For example, directionally localized antialiasing (DLAA) is based on the observation that an edge which is nearly vertical should be blurred horizontally, and likewise nearly horizontal edges should be blurred vertically with their neighbors.


More elaborate forms of edge detection attempt to find pixels likely to contain an edge at any angle and determine its coverage. The neighborhoods around potential edges are examined, with the goal of reconstructing as possible where the original edge was located. The edge’s effect on the pixel can then be used to blend in neighboring pixels’ colors. See Figure 5.30 for a conceptual view of the process.


Real-Time Rendering——5.4.2 Screen-Based Antialiasing 基于屏幕的抗锯齿_第8张图片

Figure 5.30. Morphological antialiasing. On the left is the aliased image. The goal is to determine the likely orientation of the edge that formed it. In the middle, the algorithm notes the likelihood of an edge by examining neighbors. Given the samples, two possible edge locations are shown. On the right, a best-guess edge is used to blend neighboring colors into the center pixel in proportion to the estimated coverage. This process is repeated for every pixel in the image. 


Iourcha et al. improve edge-finding by examine the MSAA samples in pixels to compute a better result. Note that edge prediction and blending can give a higherprecision result than sample-based algorithms. For example, a technique that uses four samples per pixel can give only five levels of blending for an object’s edge: no samples covered, one covered, two, three, and four. The estimated edge location can have more locations and so provide better results.


There are several ways image-based algorithms can go astray. First, the edge may not be detected if the color difference between two objects is lower than the algorithm’s threshold. Pixels where there are three or more distinct surfaces overlapping are difficult to interpret. Surfaces with high-contrast or high-frequency elements, where the color is changing rapidly from pixel to pixel, can cause algorithms to miss edges. In particular, text quality usually suffers when morphological antialiasing is applied to it.Object corners can be a challenge, with some algorithms giving them a rounded appearance.Curved lines can also be adversely affected by the assumption that edges are straight. A single pixel change can cause a large shift in how the edge is reconstructed,which can create noticeable artifacts frame to frame. One approach to ameliorate this problem is to use MSAA coverage masks to improve edge determination.


Morphological antialiasing schemes use only the information that is provided. For example, an object thinner than a pixel in width, such as an electrical wire or rope,will have gaps on the screen wherever it does not happen to cover the center location of a pixel. Taking more samples can improve the quality in such situations; image-based antialiasing alone cannot. In addition, execution time can be variable depending on what content is viewed. For example, a view of a field of grass can take three times as long to antialias as a view of the sky.

All this said, image-based methods can provide antialiasing support for modest memory and processing costs, so they are used in many applications. The color-only versions are also decoupled from the rendering pipeline, making them easy to modify or disable, and can even be exposed as GPU driver options. The two most popular algorithms are fast approximate antialiasing (FXAA), and subpixel morphological antialiasing (SMAA), in part because both provide solid (and free) source code implementations for a variety of machines. Both algorithms use color-only input, with SMAA having the advantage of being able to access MSAA samples. Each has its own variety of settings available, trading off between speed and quality. Costs are generally in the range of 1 to 2 milliseconds per frame, mainly because that is what video games are willing to spend. Finally, both algorithms can also take advantage of temporal antialiasing. Jimenez presents an improved SMAA implementation, faster than FXAA, and describes a temporal antialiasing scheme. To conclude, we recommend the reader to the wide-ranging review by Reshetov and Jimenez of morphological techniques and their use in video games.

